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Forbidden Fruit Pt. 02

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The produce guy faces struggles, but receives some help.
10.6k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 04/08/2018
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Note: I chose not to include the pandemic in this story. I did touch on it in X-Change: Lockdown, but that story managed to find some humor in the situation. The experience of the employees working at grocery stores was some of the most heinous shit that you could imagine. People are animals and they only get worse when they get scared, desperate, and confused. This touches on some of the problems that were faced and are still faced today. I was going to put it all in there, and then realized that I wanted to character to have a good time eventually. Anyway, all of the characters in this story are over the age of eighteen. It does not represent any people or groups. It is a fantasy. Any errors or omissions are my own. Please look at the story rosa-blanca.ru. If you don't like those things then maybe you shouldn't be reading this. As this is part two you should have some idea of what kind of stuff to expect. Enjoy.


My wonderful time with Amber and Crystal had become one of the true highlights of my life. Far from a perfect life, mind you, but I'd been learning to make the most of what I could get. I had no idea what to do in regards to both women. I wanted both of them. My official relationship was only with Amber, but Crystal... She said that she wanted to share, and she definitely had shared something else with me. Actually, being on the receiving end of a cock wasn't something I'd planned on doing, but at the time I felt like jumping off that cliff. Still, I wanted both of them and they wanted the same as near as I could tell. Life just wouldn't let me be though.

The consequences of politics, economic, and social upheaval can be on full display at the grocery store. Most people would laugh at that idea and repeat some stupid bullshit about how the bullshit version of the News that they watch is better than the bullshit that everyone else watches. They all claim this--that they have their finger on the pulse of the nation, but that finger is really up their ass, and they're totally going to smell it when they pull it out. Suffice it to say: things took a downward decline in terms of the supply chain. That spells the end of the vaguely tolerable shitty job in grocery. On my level: half of what we were ordering wasn't coming in. The condition of the "wet-rack" is a great way to tell the condition of a store. You know: the big coolers holding the vegetables on the wall that you will hopefully put in the crisper of your refrigerator. It's called the "wet rack" because its spayed automatically or by as associate to keep the vegetables "fresher". People really appreciate the look of the damn thing, but it's a pain in the ass to keep it looking good. I tried though. I did what I could to make the desperate situation look tolerable. I should've known that the writing was on the wall. It began simply. My schedule failed to pop up on the phone app that the company wanted us to use for everything. It's a really stupid idea. Yes, I got the app, and I mostly get it, but try explaining that shit to some of the old timers who work the produce. My friend Hector has been working with produce for different companies for forty-five years! He can do the work of three younger men, but he decided long ago that he didn't like computers or fancy phones. What does that guy do? Anyway, I start texting people and eventually I get the News: "You're getting meat training. Congratulations!"

You ever have those days?

I wanted to quit right there. I wanted to rage and say all manner of heinous shit. Working with the public will try to remake you as some sort of maladjusted sociopath. You don't want that to happen, but it will. I tried to be good though. I thought about Amber. She had such a high opinion of me. We were going to take some time off so she could meet my family. They liked to go camping every so often and after they first learned about Amber, they wanted me to invite her.

I had to be strong.

So, I went along with it. What was the worst that would happen?

I hadn't been seeing as much of Amber as I would've liked. Perhaps it was unrelated to her relationship with me, but she began to get out of the house more. She even began taking courses in graphic design and was trying to get into an internship. All great things for my girlfriend. I needed to be happy for her, and I needed to keep working. I still had my own classes to worry about anyway.

I invited her onto the camping trip--terrified that she would say no, but I was delighted that she was excited by the prospect, but there was other News. She said, "I can go over the weekend, but after that I have to go up north."


"My mom...well, my other mom wants me to come for a visit. It's been planned and paid for a while now, so I can't get out of it. Besides, I need to see her. It's been too long."

"Okay. That's a good thing that you're seeing her then."

"Don't worry. It's only for a week."

"A week?"

"I said don't worry. We'll have the weekend, then I'll go and then I'll be back. It's going to be okay. We barely saw each other the past week anyway, right?"

That wasn't the point, but I couldn't really say that to her. She had plans involving family and I was just trying to exploit as much time with her as possible to take my mind off how terrible work had been. She meant so much to me though, that I had to hold on. So, I told her that I was going to be fine.

Work would be work as it always was. It wasn't called "Super happy fun time". Work was often going to be shit, and as a man you had to endure it. That one of this inexplicable man things that you're supposed to learn from your father. It's pointless to complain because everyone else does too. I desperately looked forward to my time with Amber. That was going to make everything worth it. I believed that to my core.

There is this peculiar nervousness that strikes you when you begin something new. I totally understood that I shouldn't feel that way, but I did. Meat began early, which I was used to. It was all going fine until the chicken...

People have a great penchant for our roasted chickens. They're rather large for chickens and the finished product does smell good--if you're not smelling it all the time. I spent so much of my days up to my elbows in chicken blood. If handling raw chicken is a problem for you, you will be in a whole new place after undergoing that training. I won't horrify you with the revelations that occurred to me as I learned the secrets of the cooking process and the grease that it leaves behind. That vile liquid was something out of Hell. Its existence should make you shudder.

The days were bleak and I was ready to abandon my ill-defined job, but somehow, I endured it. I thought about Amber and I held on. Finally, the day of salvation arrived. I cast off my chicken-stained apron into an abandoned locker, and I went off to find my girl.

Amber was all big green eyes and smiles to see me. She was excited about meeting my family, as frightening as that was. While she did suspect that work had been rough on me, I managed to keep changing the focus of attention onto her and her day. Those were much more pleasant things for me talk about. We didn't have much time to spent together before the day arrived.

The morning that we were getting ready to leave, my mom found a quiet moment to approach me. She said, "Are you okay, honey?"

I smiled and involuntarily shook off any non-verbal clues that may have been there. "Yeah," I said. "Just work. The usual bullshit."

"You don't have to go this time. Your dad will understand."

I doubt that. Of course, I didn't say that. That's not how it works in our family.

"I'm fine, mom. Really."

She smiled and I could tell she was full of concern about me as always. I was the oldest of her three children and that usual stuff. She held on to her usual confidence though. Her dark brown hair was pulled back in an all business pony-tail, and she had on one of her outdoorsy LL Bean outfit ensembles that let you know that she was a camper. It always stood in stark contrast to what my father wore, which was always old military surplus gear or any of his old legitimate gear that he had leftover from his time in the army. These were my parents. Fairly typical people that you could find throughout the United States or Canada.

Crystal dropped off Amber at my parent's house, and took a moment to meet them. My dad made note of how nice and expensive her car was. This was one of those ways that my parents' generation evaluated the character or social-standing of others. Fortunately, it all went well. I successfully managed to introduce Amber and Crystal to Steve and Rochelle Robbins, also known as my parents. Turned out that they were not do different that they could not be amenable. My father assured Amber that they have all the experience and gear to take care of her daughter over the weekend. After all it was safe enough that they were also taking along my younger siblings.

Crystal seemed assured by that. She found a little moment to grabbed me back the arm. "I'm glad that you come from such good people," she said. "I've always found meetings like this to normally be quite awkward."

"Yeah. That's what I was thinking too. Still not easy for me."

She laughed. "Don't be so nervous. We're all just people here. Even as messed up as the modern day is. Besides, your parents would probably be surprised that I probably vote like them even if I don't admit it."

"Please, no politics," I begged.

She smiled. "Why would I ruin your little weekend?"

And that was that. We all said our "goodbyes" and headed off towards the late at the edge of the national forest. The drive was uneventful. It was delightful to see Amber light up at the sight of well "nature" I suppose. Camping wasn't something that either of her parents had every been into. Crystal's work could still be demanding of her time despite her success, and so it was just easier to always remain within or near the city.

The beautiful young red heard stared out at the picturesque lake partially bordered by a forest and mountains in the background. "How far does this go?" she asked.

"I don't know exactly. I think eventually the forest gives way to scrub and then high dessert or something. But that might be a ways off. Our state is weird that way."

"Maybe I'll try to look around more when I'm up in Nor Cal."

"Don't talk about you leaving."

"Oh, stop it," she said. "Don't be clingy."

Amber's first camping experience would be the easier one. There were cabins near the north side of the lake. They even had bathrooms that were new back in the 70s. My father was going to make it a "real" camping experience at first, by my mother convinced him to go easy as we had a guest. We set up tents outside the cabin for any who wanted it. The first night went by rather quickly. Most of it was spent trying to keep my younger siblings from crowding around Amber too much, but she appeared to be having a great time. That night we talked about what to do the next day.

"Maybe you could show me more of the lake," she said. Then quietly: "We could leave early, so we could have some time alone." She offered an amusing wink. The message was received. I set an alarm on my phone, and the next morning we rose and got dressed before the sun had fully risen. I wore am outfit that was not much different from my father's. Amber wore a pair of cargo pants that hugged her butt lovingly, and a sweater that was a little too tight for her breasts. My father was already up tending a fire to make breakfast on. I mentioned that we were going for quick hike, and that was that. We walked for around the lake for an hour to find a nice place with some privacy.

It was beautiful outside. The coming morning was already chasing away the fog even though the sun hadn't quite made it over the horizon. Its glow was being born just over the mountain beyond the lake. Amber and I stopped walking. Our hands still held. While she anxiously looked off to where the sun would emerge, I embraced her from behind and just held her--feeling all that luxuriant warmth and softness. Her plump ass pressed against my crotch. Despite my rather constrictive clothing my cock was stirring to life with the coming sun. I leaned over to kiss her cheek. We stood there--warming up.

"This has been great," she said. "I see why your family comes out here."

"I'm sorry for some of their weirdness."

"They're not bad. Trust me: you should see how my mom's family gets."

"It's much nicer with you here," I said.

"Yeah, yeah, butter me up."

"I would, but I don't have any butter."

"Oooh. There's an idea."

I turned Amber around to look at me. She was so cute and mischievous with her delicate features. Those bright green eyes and that hair kissed by fire. I'd do anything for her and she knew it.

She said, "I have an idea, and I hope that you'll help make it happen."

"Anything that I can do for my girl."

Amber arched an eyebrow. "That willingness to please is going to get you in trouble. My mom's been teaching me all kinds of things."

"I can only imagine."

She smiled. "You won't need to imagine, but right now I want something in particular. You're going to fuck me while we watch the sunrise. It's like sweet and symbolic."

I looked around at the supposed glory of nature surrounding us. "You sure? People might see us. This is a popular place for people to come to."

"I honestly doubt it. Everyone that we saw was staying up late to watch the stars and stuff. Those people are going to love the idea of sleeping in on their weekend off. This is the perfect time and place."

She was probably correct. It was an isolated place even if it was popular. My family had been coming to this campground for years to escape all the tribulations of the modern day, but there was no escaping the drive to want to get off. Not even Dr. Phil had a ranch designed for that--and if he did, I wouldn't want to go while I had an opportunity to fuck my girl's plump ass and bask in the glory of nature. I imagined that Thoreau would approve.

I kissed Amber and she responded in kind. The tranquil beauty around us went into a blur as we focused on each other's bodies. I was grateful when her small deft hands undid my belt and opened my hiking pants. They were great for protecting against the perils of stinging plants and scrapes, but not comfortable--especially if you were starting to develop am intense erection, which I was. Then my polo shirt was off in a heartbeat leaving me still trying to pull off my shoes.

Amber stripped while I struggled. Her clothes came off smooth and quickly leaving her in her underwear. Her tight bra held back those perky milk white breasts that I'd so desperately wanted to touch again. All the time with my family had been an agony without being able to touch her.

"I really thought it would feel colder," she said. "It's nice out here."

"I used to go swimming in the lake as kid," I said. "You need to if you don't want to be miserable in August."


"None of us ever did, but I guess you could."

"I'll keep that in mind."

I finished undressing while Amber undid her bra and let it slip off. She kicked her clothes into a little pile near my own. Even though she said it wasn't cold her pink nipples were hard once exposed to me. Her milky breasts hung beautifully from her--not overly large but generous. There's a difficult balance to find. Normal women have a hard-enough time with it, but Amber and her mom were lucky, but it did help that she and her mom kept strict control over their diets and exercise. I remembered how many times I'd seen Amber avoid certain foods. She wasn't doing it for my sake.

I looked around our little private kingdom in the middle of nature. There was no one visible. Many of the fishermen around the lake would want to start early, but people stood out in the middle of nature like they didn't belong. Especially now since the internet made the idea of people disappearing in the "wilderness" a critical phenomenon. Lots of people visiting the lake wore bright orange or neon yellow. The people in the boats usually had those as the colors of their life preservers. And hunters wore much the same. They stood out like strange benign growths on the natural landscape. Yet I didn't see a one.

Amber was smiling nervously at me. "Well?" she said. "What do you think? Go for it? I'm with your either way, big guy."

I thought about all those times in my life when I'd been controlled by fear. That guy would've never done this. He would've been too scared to do so.

I kissed my wonderful girl again. She made me want to be greater than I was. "Thank you," I told her. "For everything."

She smiled. "I didn't do anything yet."

"Yes. You did. You do it all the time."

Amber took my hand. She said, "I'm a little sweaty from the hike. Want to rinse off?"

"You mean...in the lake?"

"Yeah. I don't see any showers around here. There aren't monster fish in the lake, right?"

I did think about that for moment. The fish variety out in California lakes is pretty tame compared to some places, but the thought of a disagreeable catfish latching onto my cock didn't sound like a good day. I remembered my dad using turkey franks to catch catfish. Still though: I wanted to live, and I wanted to do that living with Amber.

"Sure," I said. "I'm sure the I'm water is cold, but the lake is protected so it's at least clean."

Amber was bouncing up and down with excitement. There was no way that I could back out of it now. We walked hand in hand down to the edge of the lake. The entire time I was expecting a couple of old fishermen to spot us or worse: some family trying to have a wholesome time by the lake, but it was early. That had to count for something.

We entered the water, and oh yeah--it was cold. Cold enough to send a shock through my body. My potential hard-on was a thing of the past. Amber was laughing though. We waded out farther into the water. The muddy bottom of the lake was oddly squishy between my toes, and even threatened to hold on to me. I still feared encountering something sharp, but I tried to relax. Amber was so happy, and it was infectious.

We were neck deep in the green-tinted water when she said, "Thank you for doing this. It means a lot."

"Being with you means a lot to me."

Amber put her arms around me--squeezing her lithe body up against my flesh. She said, "Thank you for taking me out here. This place is special to you."

"Kind of. I guess."

"It is. Don't play it down. I've spoken to your mom now, so I'm learning all of it."

"Yes, ma'am."

She put her mouth to my ear. Her hot breath tickling my neck. She said, "You wanna fuck me, big guy?"

I smiled, and planted kisses all over her neck. "More than anything."

"Oh, that sounds promising. This water is pretty cold. You going to be, okay?"

I nodded. "It is. But, it's my responsibility as your guy."

Amber laughed. "That pressure must be intense. Do you have like a mentor to help you with that?"

"Am I supposed to?"

Amber cracked up at my jokes. That's very appealing to a guy. I felt her little hand pulling at my cock in the water. For second I thought about a fish doing it, but fish don't have fingers. She plucked at it beneath the water and despite the cold she was getting some response.

I reached down to feel at her cock.

She laughed. "Yeah, the water is cold," she said. "Let's head back."

We splashed out of the muddy lake towards our packs and clothes. Amber surprised me by pulling a towel out of her back pack. She'd been planning on getting us in the water and she's succeeded. We stood there naked in the rising sun as we shared the towel and dried each other. I brushed at her deep hair with my fingers--just admiring everything about her.

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