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Click here4 weekends a year: An Indecent Proposal
My wife, Julie, is a forensic accountant. She specifically is an FBI special agent. I, Tom Johnson, am a junior college professor of mathematics. We are perfectly matched in that we are both cold bloodedly analytical. I was not a virgin when we met, but thxat she took advantage of the sexual education opportunities of college was well known, if not legendary. When we started dating, she continued this education with myself as well as others. Julie was delighted when I asked for an exclusive relationship, and for the next year and one half I had no doubt of her faithfulness.
Physical descriptions: Julie is five foot five inches tall one hundred and thirty pounds, and on the hot scale, eight out of ten. I am five foot ten inches and one hundred eighty pounds, solidly built. My problem is my penis, depending from where you measure, is five inches and thin. You can say low normal or the high side of small.
When I asked Julie for her hand in marriage, I got the icy hard analysis that I expected.
"There is no one that I know that I want to spend a life with, and have children with, more than you. If I had to have sex with only one person for the rest of my life, it would be you. But I have had sex with men who have given me different pleasures than you. Rather than give up those pleasures for the rest of my life, I would give up marriage. I will accept your proposal on the following basis. I will not forsake all others. Once a season, four times a year, I will have a weekend where I will be free to have sex, not romance, with other men. I will never have the same man twice. You, of course, can have the equivalent. Safer sex is a requirement for both of us. You understand that this means that by our silver anniversary, I will have cuckholded you with one hundred different men. My advice to you: Laugh in my face. Tell me I am crazy. You know that, contrary to popular conception, there is a plentiful number of virgins in this city that desire nothing more than to have sex with one man only for their whole lives. Marry one and have a contented life."
"While your advice is excellent, if obvious, tell me in a little more detail how our marriage would work, if I was crazy enough to accept your plan."
"We will start with finances. We are both well paid civil servants with health plans, insurance, and retirement. If our spending is reasonably sane, we should have no money problems. We will have a joint checking account to which we will equally contribute for household expenses and an emergency fund. We will have a joint stock account to which we will equally contribute for savings. What is left over will go into individual accounts for our hobbies, including sex. I realize that sex is much more easily available for women. To even up, you will probably have to pay for it. On the positive side, I expect professional sex is on average better. I will not have our marriage dissolve, because what seems tolerable in theory, is a mess in practice. My first weekend will be this one. The barista at Dunkin Doughnuts has been hitting on me. Unless he uses a codpiece, he is well equipped. I will hire a moderately priced hotel room, and both you and I will have an experience. Mine will likely be more pleasant."
"You will pay for the hotel? Why would you have sex with someone who can't afford a hotel. You can go to any bar in the city and find somebody who would be glad to pay."
"Because I am looking for an experience, not a relationship. Remember it is important for our marriage that I have no man twice. The easiest way to find different experiences would be to go to bars near colleges. Graduate students are notoriously horny and broke."
Julie and I had been living together for about ten months. I emphasized that we are both practical, thus the proposals for both the wedding and the weekend came before the lease was due to be renewed. She did not dress for her fling in front of me, but she made sure I saw how sexy, but proper she looked when she left, Friday evening. She came back Sunday around two in the afternoon. Checkout was at twelve. They had lunch at the Olive Garden.
"I am not going to make this easy on you. I need to know that you can tolerate your cuckholding. My weekend was a complete success. We had intercourse at least ten times, and I had at least one orgasm each time. Also, I am quite happy to never see him again. I will switch to Starbucks. Starbucks is so expensive, so that is my last sex with a barista. You learn something from each sexual experience. I am fully bathed and douched. Let us go to the bedroom and see if you can get some compensation for my weekend."
Was I able to have sex with her after she 'cheated?' on me at least ten times. It was not the best sex, we ever had. It was good sex, but my cuckholding in no way improved our sex life. We both agreed that one weekend was not enough of a test to commit to marriage, but it was enough to renew the lease.
Two weeks later, I took no chances. I hired an escort for the weekend. On Sunday afternoon Julie was not happy, but after being assured that I showered, she dragged me into the bedroom. It seems that reclaiming is not an exclusively male thing. I was surprised how easily I got it up. I don't know about her, but I thought it was great sex.
The next season was autumn. She had a conference in which she met an acceptable lover. The FBI paid for the hotel this time. She gave few details when she came back this time. Knowing that my weekend was available, seemed for me to take some of the burn off her unfaithfulness. The question of course was whether I was better off with an unfaithful Julie, or another woman. After another night for me with an escort, and her winter liaison, we knew we had to make a decision.
Julie led off.
"I want to marry you, but only under our joint cheating conditions. It is up to you. Can you accept an occasional unfaithful wife."
"Julie, will you marry me under your conditions?"
"I would love to, but one last chance. I know three virgins that I can set you up with. At least one would agree to an acceptable conventional marriage with you."
"I would rather be your cuckhold husband than have three virgins."
"I didn't mean all at once."
25 years later:
Our oldest, Susan, is in her last year of law school. Our other child, Jim is a cyber security major in his junior year. We expect both to be gainfully employed within two years with their schooling fully paid off. Julie has had her one hundred weekends and I have been cuckholded with one hundred different men. Julie can afford weekends, because she usually doesn't have to pay. The FBI pays for her convention flings, and she most often finds men who are delighted to pay for dinners and the hotel. I have had about thirty different women. I have received several federal grants that expect me to describe my results at conventions. If I can pick up a woman at the convention, the hotel is on the government. When I use escorts, I find one night stands is the best use of my sex money. We regularly discuss the future, and Julie has never wavered from her position that faithfulness is not an option. With the kids' schooling out of the way, my discretionary funds will increase, so weekends will become an option for me. Do I suggest our marriage as a model for others? No. I would prefer a conventional marriage, but I would rather have Julie. Am I happy? Yes.
: By your last sentence I'm going to assume you're a woman, because that's the only way I can excuse the sheer ignorance of the male biology, psychology, and the pure stupid you just wrote.
As for the story itself, it's like reading about an industrial robot. Except the industrial robot is more emotive than this author's characters.
I have no problem. She laid out the rules of what the marriage would be, tested him while still engaged, and he accepted. He was not blindsided. There was no humiliation or crap like that. Not all men could put their insecurities aside for a relationship like that.
She should've paid for and helped find him equal number of women as she had.