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Frankie with a Roommate Ch. 03

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Frankie ready to come clean. Robert interferes.
4.3k words

Part 3 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 04/29/2021
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When I arrived home from my salad meal at the Pizza shop, I found the driveway empty. I was hoping that my roommate would catch me dressed as I walked into the house just so we could get it over with. No luck yet, but it's barely 9 pm. So, I checked out the new shorts I bought today to wear during a walk in the Park.

They are nice shorts, a little modest, but they are designer shorts. I didn't think about this at the store, but these are not the type of shorts one would wear tights under. However, I'll keep them. I think I can wear them when it's dark outside and get away with hiding my secret. Plus, they are my reminder that when I bought them, I had a really nice hard cock right in front of me, until I blew it. And no, I don't mean I sucked it. I would have, but my constant talking took care of that. It's OK, Ryan will remember and find me.

Before I go on, I wanted to let you guys know that it's OK if you leave crazy comments on my Chang page and I won't clap back. I'm an idiot and I deserve it. I had a great chance for a on the spot sex date and I chatted my way right out of it. Maybe that's why Lizzie called me dizzy last night.

LOL, I had to block you Anon1928 because nobody can do that. And Anon1287, send me a French Maid outfit and I might be available to serve drinks at your card games. The locator feature puts us close by and I know of a store in Hillsdale that just might have one in my size.

Alright, I put my new designer shorts on and realized that I look like a middle-aged housewife getting ready for the local garden party. I quickly became frustrated and decided to start over and I took my time. I think I was selecting another pair of shorts to avoid my nosey neighbor who is just waiting for me to step outside.

While I was reviewing my choices, I slipped on my red and blue beach shorts and a crop top. There is no way I step outside wearing this, but I like the look. And just in case I snap off some selfies, I threw on a red head band. The head bands really jazz up my hair and it never hurts to be ready for a selfie at any time. After a quick review in the mirror, I decided it was time to upgrade my breast inserts. The gray push-up bra I'm currently wearing could easily handle the next size up. Looking in the mirror also caused me to ask myself why I don't get hit on more often. My legs alone should draw more guys in. I mean, I have been blessed with these legs.

Anyway, I'm wasting time, but decided that this outfit would be my sleep wear for the night. I started to lay out a pair of warm up shorts for my walk of shame into the Park when I heard a loud rumbling of a vehicle. I peeked out my bedroom window and discovered my roommate's friend's Motor Home in the driveway. Shoot, what the hell are they doing home so early and why now when I'm in this state of undress? It figures they would show up when all I'm wearing is a thin pair of shorts and a crop top.

I kept watching and soon discovered what was going on. Robert was struggling to get my roommate James out of the vehicle. James obviously had a few too many beers at the game and walking was not his thing right now. My mind raced to being the good roommate, so I headed for the front door to help Robert get James up the driveway. That's what a good roommate would do. What an idiot roommate would do is head out the front door in beach shorts, bare legs and a stuffed bra.

In my bare feet and I ran to the two of them and wrapped my arms around James to steady him. It took Robert 3 seconds to realize it was me.

"Robert, what the hell happened at the game? Whoa, hold him steady. We don't need to let him hit the concrete."

"It's along story, but we had to leave early. It's alright though, the game was a blow out. And just why are you wearing all of that? Are those girl's shorts? OMG, you have boobs?"

"Don't worry about me right now Robert. Damn it, Robert, hold James up, not me. Come on James, I promise you there is solid ground under your feet. See? Now lift your other foot and step forward. Robert, grab his waist and not my ass. Whoa James, one foot at a time. That's better. Robert, cut it out. We're almost to the front door. James, pick your head up. You're not going to get sick, are you? WTF Robert, you better have a good explanation for this and you better hold his back and not mine. And then you need to learn the difference between the small of the back and the beginning of the butt."

"James will be fine. He just drank to much and needs to sleep it off. He said something was bothering him and he kept slamming beers. Now, let's get back to why you have boobs?"

"I told you to forget about me. We need to get James on the couch. Watch the steps or we will all be on the ground. Robert, let go of me and hold him under his shoulders. Damn it Robert, you're going to ruined my bra."

Well, hell, just what I needed. Now I have more explaining to do. But first we still need to get James up the front porch steps and to the couch. And as if this situation wasn't bad enough, we had another concerned neighbor come to the rescue. It was Mr. Campbell's voice.

"Hey Frankie, do you need some help? It looks like the two of you have quite a handful there?"

"Robert, hold James' steady. I'll go get rid of our nosey neighbor. No Robert, that's not holding James, that's my waist band and these shorts can pull down easily. Just give me a minute. Ugh."

I trotted bare footed to meet Mr. Campbell before he could get to close to the house. I pleaded with him to go home and let Robert and I handle the situation. I kept promising that we could talk another day and he kept mumbling something about how he would be my sugar daddy if I would be his number one. Unfortunately, I had no time to understand anything he was saying, so I rubbed his crotch and sent him home. By the time I got back to the front porch, Robert managed to get James mostly into the house. I gently pushed them through the front door and closed it. And locked it. And sighed a breath of relief. And then I looked at the mess I had in front of me.

"Hold up Robert. Let me grab his left side and watch that throw rug. We don't need any accidents. Whoa, easy now. Robert, have you been drinking too? You said you wouldn't drink and drive."

"No, I haven't. You know me better than that. But apparently, I have something to learn about you Jeff."

"Frankie. Call me Frankie and you weren't supposed to catch me like this. I expected to be home alone until at least midnight. OMG, stop staring. They're silicone and they will never produce milk. Come on, we almost have him to the couch. Stop Robert, this is an expensive bra. Well, thanks, I bought the best. I plan on upgrading to the next size soon. OK, I have him, go get a beer and let me take care of him."

I started to spin him around so I could gently plop him down on the couch. Easier said then done, but I didn't give up. Robert returned and placed three beers on the coffee table and grabbed James by the shoulders. We looked at each other and decided the only way to safely do this was to let him go. Again, easier said than done. James had enough wits about him to realize he was falling and he reached out and grabbed at our arms. Of the three of us, James was the only one who landed where they were supposed to. Robert landed on the couch next to James and I landed on James' lap sideways.

Luckily for me, I had a soft landing. Luckily for Robert, my legs landed across his chest and above his shoulder. This where I knew he wasn't lying to me about drinking because his reflexes were lightning quick. His hands were on my legs in a flash. This might be a bad time to admit this, but this is one of the reasons I became a cross dresser. To entice guys to want to touch me. I decided to let him do what he wanted to do for as long as I could hold my breath.

"Robert, stop that and help me up. I need to get James' shoes and hoodie off. OMG Robert, that is not what I call helping me up, that is only going to get you up."

Robert, being a good friend, did help me up, kind of. He spun me up and onto his lap. For some reason I continued the move and sat on his lap in reverse. My knees were on both sides of his body and we were face to face. With a distance, of course. I'm not kissing anyone, but I was in a perfect position to do that.

"Sorry Robert, I should get up now and you should have your beer. Can you help me get James into his bed after I pull his shoes off? OMG, that's a boner Robert. Stop that right this instance. Oh, I forgot to ask you, where are the rest of the guys? Are they asleep in the Motor Home?"

"No, this was my last stop. And my boner might go down if you stop grinding on my crotch. Hand me another beer please."

"Here, but don't drink so fast. I still need your help to carry James. So, you have had your fun feeling me up tonight, but you haven't really said anything. Is there anything you want to say or ask? I'm not pressuring you, but I'm willing to address your issues or concerns."

"Well, I'm pretty confused right now, so maybe we'll talk another day. But I think I may have figured out what was bothering James before he started pounding beer. He has been mumbling for two days about some girl issues, but he never completed a sentence. Did he maybe catch you in drag without you knowing it, Frankie?"

"Robert, I dress, drag queens are a whole other ball game. And you might be half right. He may have found some of my selfies. I've been worried about it for a few days and I planned on getting it out in open tonight. That's why you caught me like this. OMG, is that your third beer? Are you going to call me out to all of our friends? I only meant to address my situation with James."

"Again, I'm confused right now, but I have no interest in trashing your life. However, you haven't said anything about my hands on your legs in a few minutes, does that mean I can kiss you?"

"Oh, no Robert. I don't kiss, but this would be a great position to do that. Look, I'll get you a few more beers, but you may have to sleep here tonight. Ahh, ah, before you say anything else, you have a Motor Home right outside and I know there are three beds in there. OK Robert, I'm going to get up now."

"Alright, but moving back and forth like that isn't exactly what I call getting up."

"Sorry Robert, but other than stupid practice stuff with my friend Lizzie, you're the first real guy who has touched me and it feels really nice. Plus, there may be a spot or two that you forgot to grope and I don't want you complaining later. Here, you can hold a beer in one hand and fell this spot with your other hand for a few moments."

"I have very little to complain about right now except I'm about to explode from my first lap dance."

I pushed myself up, right up his chest. Damn, this is a great position to tongue tango. I'm not going to do it, but I'll remember it. I was also into a good position to use his lap as a push off point. I put my hands on his legs, looked down to verify his boner, and lifted myself off. I gave him a moment to check me out and went to the refrigerator. This is how a good girlfriend should act. A good lap dance and beer from the frig. What more could you guys ask for?

"Here, it seems like you like things in three's, so here are three beers. Just relax while I get his shoes and hoodie off. Well?"

"Well, what?"

"OMG, do you like the way I look in my PJ shorts? I know my feet are not the best, but my legs look nice, right?"

"LOL, I didn't have hard dick before you landed on my lap and then I did."

"Ugh, again with the lingo Robert, I have a girly dick and you have a man cock. And a nice cock from what I could tell when I accidently fell on your crotch. However, I don't want to start a back and forth, but your cock was hard before we made to the front door. About the same time as when you tried to grab James' belt and accidently grabbed my ass. Ahh, ah, don't speak. I'll put the empty cans away while you go pee."

"Good idea, but line me up a couple of more. Like you said, I don't need to drive."

"I'll get him undressed. Don't dribble."

I grabbed two more beers and put the empties away near the sink. When I looked down, I realized I have a problem. As cute as these beach shorts are, they do nothing to hide my own boner. I figure Robert noticed it, but I needed to cover up. I quickly ran into my bedroom and threw on a pair of PJ bottoms and tied them. When Robert came out of the bathroom, I was on my knees pulling James' tennis shoes off. I swear, James is the only person in the world who actually ties up his high tops. Zero fashion sense.

Robert took advantage of the situation and slide his hand under my PJ's and had his way with my ass cheeks for a minute.

"Robert, stop that. Help me. I have his shoes off and I need you to lean him forward so I can wrestle his hoodie off. Ready? Pull."

I'm a big fan of hoodies, but this method of removal is ridiculous when the drunk guy does nothing to help. Once I had it off to the arms, I just pulled it off.

"There. Come on, help me get him on his bed."

"Oh, well now, look who's talking. You just grabbed my cock."

"Sorry, it was by accident. I don't want James to face plant on the floor."

"You know Frankie, you seem to take good care of your roommate. Are you sure you're not his girlfriend?"

"LOL, no way. Like I said, tonight was going to be the night I came out to him as his cross-dressing roommate, but not his girlfriend. Besides, I need him around to change light bulbs and things. OK James, here we go, one step at a time. There, that's good James. Robert, now is not the time for that."

Getting James into his bedroom was easier than getting him in the house. I had Robert hold him up while I turned the covers down and then we let him plop down on the left side of the bed.

"Thanks Robert, I'll take it from here. You can go have another beer. By the way, if those blue jeans are uncomfortable, you can remove them, but nothing else. I'll be out in a minute."

OMG, James is going on a diet. My attempts to roll him around and get him covered up was difficult. And no, I did not remove his pants. He's safe in bed and that's good enough for tonight. Four quick selfies to proof that he had a hot tramp putting him to bed when he was drunk and I left the room.

"OK, that's done. Thanks for your help Robert. Ready for one last beer?"

"Bring two and lose those PJ bottoms please. I liked the way you looked before. And are you really going to make me sleep in the Motor Home?"

"Well, I don't think it would be wise of us to let James wake up first and find you in my bed."

"Agreed. So, you and I hit the hay in the driveway?"

"Finish your beer. I'll be back in a minute."

Well, leave it me to work myself into another jam. I managed to get Robert drunk and horny. Good news for a cross dresser, because that horny thing is what we're all about. Bad news when you still have to go back to the living room and deal with a drunk guy who wants to empty his balls. But then it came to me, per my previous stories, I'm an idiot so this is what is to be expected of me. If I wasn't in a stupid situation, I wasn't awake.

I dropped my PJ bottoms, sprayed a fresh splash of body spray and bit my lip. Right or wrong, here I go.

"Wow, you drank all those beers? I'll get you another. You can watch ESPN and see how the game ended. And thanks for leaving your boxer briefs on. I was worried that I might be more surprised when I came out."

I grabbed three more beers and spread them out on the coffee table. I don't know why I did it, but I laid on the couch and rested my head on his lap. His lap that is only covered with thin cotton that did nothing to hold back his raging hard on. I slid my head back as far as I could and took a selfie. You guys know I need that proof of purchase.

"My beach shorts are a little uncomfortable. Would you mind if I pull them off? Thanks. Now watch your sports program. Hey, I'm trying to get comfortable down here, stop moving your hips so much."

"Those panties are cute, but they look tight. Maybe we should take them off?"

"Ooh, I love the way they feel on me, but they were expensive. And if that is the way you're going to treat them while you grope me, maybe I should slip them off. I'll lift my hips for you."

"What about your shirt? It can't be very comfortable either."

"I'll leave that to you Robert. But, as you can guess, if I lose the bra, I lose the boobs. Listen, I'm afraid James is going to wake up to pee. Maybe we should take this to my bedroom. But just for a little while and then you have to go. Neither us need James catching us in bed together or asking too many questions."

I'm thrilled about this situation, but I'm not ready to let Robert screw me in the butt. And I have this boy fired up. So, my best plan of attack is to suck his nut before we get into the bed and then maybe suck another one out if I have too. I lifted my head and gently peeled his boxer briefs down a little and held a very nice hard cock. He is so ready that he is throbbing in my hand and releasing a little pre cum. This is a first for me. I've tasted myself before, but never thought to lick up the beginning drops. Another selfie and a fine Chang update moment for later.

And I was so surprised to find a neatly trimmed man in front of my face. Not fully shaved, but nicely trimmed with a perfectly shaped cock right in the middle. I was smiling from ear to ear because my rookie status at sucking cock is about to be a thing of the past. I lowered my head down and took him in as deep as I could. I knew I was doing alright by his groans and his hands. He was all over my body with his hands and gave me extra squeezes when I found a sweet spot. And best of all, I was actually sucking his cock. He was barely fucking my mouth. This one was all me.

Robert, like all guys, made it pretty clear when he was about to blow his load. His hips starting vibrating and his balls became very tight. And Robert had a lot to leave behind. I didn't think his cum was ever going to stop squirting out. But I was a trooper and swallowed every last drop. He did wreck my jaws at the end with his powerful thrusts, but I took it all.

Check my Chang account tomorrow. Nobody sucks cock in Middleton like Frankie does. Nobody can fuck Frankie because she doesn't leave anything behind. My Kinder value is going up.

"Catch your breath, Robert. I'm going to get cleaned up a little. Want another beer? OK babe, I'll get it for you."

"Frankie, that was the best blow job ever. Are you going to be my girlfriend now?"

"LOL, slow it down Robert, but you can tell me how good I am as often as you want and don't be afraid to post a few things. Here, two more beers and that's all. I'll just be a minute."

I certainly needed to rinse my mouth and look in the mirror for a moment. I would like to see the reflection of the fastest learning cock sucking cross dresser ever and then I needed to remind myself that I'm still an idiot. I just sucked a belly full of hot seed out of a very handsome guy and it's not on video. And Chang followers are picky. They demand proof of stuff. So, my next plan of attack is to do that again and get it recorded.

"Alright Robert, finish that beer and go pee again. I don't want any accidents in my bed and I'm not into that golden shower thing. Just come to our room when you're done."

"Our room? So, you are going to be my girlfriend."

"LOL, a simple slip of the tongue. Go and I'll finish putting the rest of the beer cans away. Should I bring more beers into our bedroom?"

"Hah, you're hot for me and you can't wait to get me in your bed."

"Never mind that. Am I leaving my boobs on or taking them off?"

"Two beers and leave them on. They are really perky. So, do you have some lube or something in our bedroom?"


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