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A grateful boy, giving himself to his dad's generous friend.
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Everyone in this fictional story is over 18

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After two hours of driving, my dad finally parked in front of this massive two-story house with a well-kept yard.

"Look, we're fortunate that Harry agreed to this. You've always been a good kid, don't stop now, yeah?" Dad said, his tone firm.

"Just because you're 18 doesn't mean you can do whatever you want. Don't take advantage of his generosity, okay? Promise me, you'll be good." He added.

"I promise, dad. I'll be good. Scouts honor." I replied, smiling.

I promptly got out of the car and unloaded my stuff. I decided to pack as lightly as possible, bringing only a couple of suitcases. My dad helped with the other and we walked up to the porch and knocked on the door.

After a minute, this giant of a man opened the door. This is my first time meeting Harry and I can't help but notice how different he is from my dad. Harry's well-built frame contrasted with my dad's thin and slim stature. He's about as wide as the door he opened and just as tall. He's probably 6'5, easy. My head barely reached his bearded chin.

He shook my dad's hands, talked for a bit, and looked at me.

"It's good to finally meet you, Luke." He said, smiling.

"Hello Harry, Thank you so much for letting me stay at your place," I replied.

I meet his dark brown eyes and shook his hands. His huge hands fully covered mine.

Harry invited us in and gave both my dad and me a tour of his house. I couldn't believe my luck. University housing was ridiculously expensive and my family couldn't afford it on top of the pricy tuition. Harry heard about our troubles and volunteered his spare room for me to use while I was in school. All I needed to do was help with housekeeping and I could stay there for as long as I needed to while following his house rules, of course.

Harry showed me to my room and he smiled when he saw the surprise on my face.

My room was huge. Three times the size of my old room back home.

"I hope you don't mind. I took the liberty of furnishing your room. I think I got everything a student would need but if-" Harry began to say.

I cut him off with a hug. This is crazy. I saved a little bit of money from my summer job to buy myself a desk and maybe a cheap folding bed but Harry took care of everything. My room had a queen size bed, and a wooden writing desk with everything I needed on top of it. A huge tv on the wall and there's even a small bookcase with a couple of fantasy books I recognize.

"This is way too much, Harry." I heard my dad say, a mix of surprise and gratitude in his voice.

Harry pats me on the back and I let go of the hug.

"Look, man. You've always been a good friend to me all these years. Don't worry about it, okay?" Harry said, his face gentle.

I heard about Harry's generosity from my dad but this was on a whole other level. I was in awe.

My dad and I said our thanks and we headed back to the living room. Harry offered my dad a drink but he declined. He said he has a long drive home and that he needed to get going and couldn't stay.

I said my goodbyes to my dad and he was off. I was left alone with Harry and my mind was racing with how I could show my appreciation for all that he's done for us.

Thinking I'll probably get lost in his place, Harry escorted me back to my room.

"Do you need help unpacking, Luke?" He asked.

"No, I'm good, thank you," I said, he's already helped enough.

I hugged him again, tightly this time. Hoping he would feel how much I appreciated what he's done for me. He hugs me back, blanketing me with his warmth.

"Really, thank you," I whisper, still locked in our embrace.

"Say 'thank you' one more time and there's no dinner for you." I hear the smile in his voice as he said it.

I look up at him smiling, getting lost in his eyes, noting his kind features. I could have stayed in his arms forever but after a minute, as I was starting to feel something stir from him, he lets me go.

He clears his throat, and says "I'll let you know when the food is ready, okay?"

I nod, and he walks away, and if I remember right, headed in the direction of his room.

I unpacked the few clothes I brought with me. I thought about how a benefit of not having a lot of clothes made moving easy. "There's still plenty of time before dinner," I think to myself, glancing at the wall clock that Harry thoughtfully bought for my room.

I decide to take a quick shower before dinner. After getting lost for a bit, I finally found a bathroom that was complete with fancy toiletries. Harry thought of everything. I stripped and immediately got myself clean.

Stepping out of the shower, I began to dry myself. I saw my naked reflection in the mirror and thought about finding the time to use the gym Harry has in his basement. My hairless body is lean from the little bit of athletics I used to do back home and I wanted to keep it that way. The only part of my body that I thought I was blessed with was my butt. Firm, round, and the object of desire by a couple of guys I met back at my old school.

While admiring myself in front of the mirror, lost in my thoughts, the door sprang open.

Harry, naked, his towel on his shoulder, was standing there, surprise on his face.

I took his whole body in, from head to toe, I saw everything.

From his hairy chest, broad shoulders, and massive arms to his well-defined abs, following the trail down to his massive dick.

Everything about him was perfect but my eyes stayed there the longest. The dark brown bush. The thick shaft with the prominent veins. The visible pink head with its perfect shape. Taking in every detail, its length and girth were impressive even while soft. Which was soon changing from what I was seeing.

His eyes, firmly locked into my bubble butt, I noticed how his dick was slowly waking up and that seemed to bring Harry out of his trance. He quickly covered himself up with his towel and apologized while closing the door.

I wrap my slim waist with my towel and made my way back to my room. I changed into my usual sleeping clothes, a tank top, and short shorts.

Lying on my new bed, looking up at the ceiling, my mind was still fixed on what happened earlier when I heard a knock on the door.

Harry walked in, his perfect body still a little damp, his towel properly wrapped around his waist, this time. Not meeting my eyes, he began to talk.

"I'm sorry about what happened earlier. I didn't know you were using the bathroom and that was my fault for not checking." He started.

Sitting up, I raise my hand, stopping him, "Harry, it's my fault for not locking the door. I was preoccupied with everything thats happening and it totally slipped my mind, and honestly, it's fine. It happens." I replied, smiling at him.

He sighed with relief. He was genuinely worried about what happened it seemed. His giant body did a good job hiding his sweet personality, I thought. He finally met my eyes and smiled.

I pat the side of the bed. He took my invitation, walked in, and sat right beside me.

I inched closer to him and placed my hand on top of his. I looked up at him and said "Don't worry about it, okay?"

He nodded, smiling.

"And besides, its not like I didn't like what I saw." I say, nudging him. He barely moved.

He raised his eyebrows at that. "Are you serious?" He said.

"Of course." I said, getting on my feet.

I face him, with him sitting down, I grabbed both of his hands, urging him to stand up. He complies.

With my hands still holding his, I gently guide him to hold onto my waist as I walk closer to him. We lock ourselves into another embrace.

My head on his bare chest, I whisper "And I thought that maybe you liked what you saw as well."

"I was hoping you wouldn't notice." He muttered.

I look up at him, "How could I not? You're massive." I say, a little bit of disbelief in my voice. "It was all I could see." I added, blushing.

"And this was all I could see." He said chuckling, grabbing my butt, to my surprise.

My tiny shorts barely covered half of my bottom and this gave him almost unrestricted access to my ass.

While his hands were groping and massaging my butt, I decided that it was time for me to show him how much I appreciated everything he's done for me.

I slowly reached for his towel. Running my hands along his waist, I gently undid the knot on the sole piece of covering he had. I stepped back, breaking free from him, I needed to see him naked again.

His towel fell to the ground, revealing the monster it was hiding. I couldn't take my eyes off of it. Even while semi-erect, I was completely absorbed at the sight of it.

He reaches for the hem of my tanktop, raising it a bit before stopping to ask, "Are you sure about this, Luke?" Hesitance in his voice.

His concern only increased my resolve. I looked into his eyes as I nodded.

With my top completely gone and thrown aside, my smooth body was in front of him. His hands ran across my chest, lightly grazing my nipples, forcing a moan out of me. He then went back to my waist and he pushed his thumbs between the waistband of my shorts and bare skin. The feeling of his fingers gliding across my skin was electrifying. Knowing what he wanted, I slowly turned my back to him, wanting to give him a perfect view.

He slowly pushed my shorts down, kneeling as he did so. As soon as they reached the floor, I immediately step out of my shorts. He then ran his hands up my hairless legs, eager to go back to groping my now bare ass.

I smile as I feel his breath at my lower back.

"Face me." He commanded.

Eager to please, I followed his order.

He started kissing my flat belly, his hands exploring the rest. His right thumb, rubbing my right nipple, his left hand, massaging my butt, his mouth, peppering my body with kisses. My knees were getting weak, I was in ecstasy.

He was slowly making his way to my own erection when I placed my hand on his cheek. This made him stop and look up at me.

"Let me take care of you." I pleaded.

Saying nothing, he stood up. With his hands on my shoulder, gently pushed me down on my knees, I knew what my job was going to be.

Face to face with his rock hard cock, my hands started fondling his massive balls. While I kept my hands busy, I started slowly licking the base of his shaft, burying my nose in his bush. I slowly make my way up to the tip, licking the little bit of pre-cum leaking from it. Licking from under the head to the slit, making sure I got every drop. His moans of approval kept me going.

With my mouth open wide, I started putting the head of his dick in my mouth, while my right hand held his thick shaft. Making sure no teeth were involved, I gently pushed my head forward, my small mouth barely going past the head. I got almost a third of his dick in when it started hitting my throat. I couldn't believe how big it was.

"That's a good boy." I hear him say. While my tongue was tracing the veins of his cock.

He placed his hands at the back of my head and I fully gave up control. I was his to use. Even with a tight mouth at his dick, he was gentle. His warm hands, pushing and pulling me forward on his dick. I only wanted to please this man and his moans were pure music to my ears.

He fucked my mouth slowly while I matched his rhythm with my left hand, jerking his thick shaft, and my right, exploring his hairy body.

"You're amazing." He whispered.

I tried my best to give him the best blowjob he ever received with my sloppy mouth. His precum and my spit, making everything slick.

"Damn, I'm so close!" He grunted, as he pulled me away from his dick.

Stepping back away from me, I was hit by a pang of loss, missing his dick in my mouth. I still wanted to give him more.

After a minute of the both of us catching our breaths, he pulled me up to my feet with his massive arms. Looking up at him, locking eyes, he leaned forward and gave me the sweetest kiss I ever got. His rough hands running along my smooth back, hugging me tighter while our lips were locked. I was in heaven.

"I need you." He whispered.

"Use me then." I replied, smiling.

Squeezing me tight, he took a step back towards the bed, taking me with him. We laid together with him, lying on his back and me on top. We spent a good minute kissing, our hands exploring each others body. Our dicks, sliding against each other, slick with both of our juices.

"I need to prepare you first, okay?" He said.

Drowning in pleasure, I can only nod.

He slid under me and with me on all fours, he positioned himself behind me.

With my ass presented to him, he began massaging my round cheeks.

"Such a great ass." He murmured. His fingers grazing my tight hole.

I hear him, lick his fingers and I gasp as I felt his index finger pushing inside me.

"Easy, baby. I got you." He said, trying to calm me down.

He finger fucked my hole bit by bit. This was already too much for me to handle. I almost blew my load then and there.

My gasps and moans were uncontrollable a he loosened me up. I couldn't help myself, my hips fucking his fingers back, matching his pace.

He pulls out and gently pushes two fingers in.

"I'm sorry if this hurts, Luke, but we have to start it out like this." He said.

I whimper as he continued pushing his fingers in. Instead of me taking care of him, he was still taking care of me.

"I think you're ready, baby." He said, pulling his finger out of me.

I laid down my back as soon as he said it. Eager for whats coming next.

The sight of this beast of a man, with his rock hard erection, between my legs was something I'll never forget.

He grabbed a pillow and placed it under my lower back to better angle himself. He positioned his massive dick in front of my tight hole and little by little, started pushing it in.

As soon as he got the head in, he gave me a moment to rest. To catch my breath.

"You're so tight, Luke." He says in between breaths.

I was drunk in his essence. I couldn't form proper thoughts and all I was only running on pure instinct. I needed him in me.

I reach for his lower back and began pulling him in. I was determined to get everything in. He oblidged.

He slowly made his way in me, stopping every now and then to get my hole a moment to rest.

After what seemed like a long time, he was in, completely. His massive cock, warming me up from the inside.

"Oh fuck, your ass is amazing!" He blurted out.

I was able to get his entirety in me and I couldn't stop smiling. I wrapped my legs around him, locking him in place. I wasn't going to let this man get away without blessing me with his load. Pride and greed, evident on my face.

Carefully, he pulls out a little bit, and gently pushes back in. Our moans only grew in volume as his pace increased.

He was fucking me in earnest now, his stiff dick, going in and out of my tight hole. The scent of his sweat was intoxicating and the sound of his grunts were addicting. He was someone I couldn't live without.

Living with a man like him, this was bound to happen I thought. The first sight of him and I knew in the back of my mind that this was something I wanted. I couldn't believe my luck that he wanted me too.

He slid his muscled arms under my back and placed his hands under my shoulders, gripping them tight, holding me in place. I saw ferocity in his eyes as he increased his speed.

"Oh, fuck!" I squealed. He was unstoppable. Not that I would ever want this to stop. I was his to use, afterall.

"I'm so close, baby,' He tells me. "But I don't want this to end yet." He added.

He stops, takes a brief moment to rest, and stands up, lifting me up easily with him with his massive arms. My petite body probably weighed like nothing to him. Gravity pushed his dick in me further than I thought it could get.

His feet steady on the ground, he leaned back a bit, fully holding my weight, he placed his huge hands on my slender waist. He used his strong grip to fuck my tight hole even more. I wrapped my arms around him as he sped up. Holding on to him as tight as I could.

I was like a toy next to him. A toy with one purpose, to be loaded with his cum.

"Oh, baby, I can't hold it in anymore!" He shouts.

"Cum in me, please!" I beg.

He fucks me faster and I feel his cock swell. His grunting grew louder and I felt an explosion of cum inside me. His warm cum, going in waves with each throb of his dick. This pushed me over the edge and I came with him. My body shaking as my dick blew its load.

Looking into each others eyes as we catch our breaths, still connected. He slowly lifts me up, pulling his cock out of me. I couldn't help feeling wasteful as I felt his cum dripping out of hole and running down my legs.

He gently places me back down on my feet, my knees barely keeping me steady without his help.

He leans forward and kisses me on the cheek, then on the lips. He looks deep into my eyes and whispers his appreciation.

I was elated that I was able to be of service to this powerful man. I was his to use for as long as he needed and I was only eager to be used.

"It seems like we need to get cleaned up again." He said, chuckling.

Still drunk from pleasure, I only managed a nod.

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Super hot. I’d love to see this turn into a total free use scenario between them.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Would of like to hear the boy fucking him after he got fucked

PG564EPG564Eover 1 year ago

Luke is an extremely lucky boy. Your sensuous writing made me wish I was Luke. More!

ericrodman101ericrodman101over 1 year ago

Loved it. Bear fucks twink on first night. More please.

bamaguy326bamaguy326over 1 year ago


More Please !

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This was a great read! Nice concept and execution. I love the voice you gave them both. Really well done.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Can't wait to read the next part, a great erotic story! Hope the two engage in more fun with some additional help from Harry's wife.

CorjixCorjixover 1 year ago

New reader here. You have a nice way with words and pacing. Just enough description to allow for a reader to form a 'minds eye' picture of the action. I hope we get more of these two. Follow Author/"5"/Favorite Story. Corjix

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great story! I would love to see their relationship develop more! It seems like they both need each other!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great stand-alone story but would be even better as the beginning of a series. MLF

woodseaveswoodseavesover 1 year ago

Another lovely story, very expressively written.

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