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Friend Tells a Sexy Story

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Over wine, friend tells a sexy story of her younger days.
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Well, looking back, it had to be the wine.

I mean my friend Sherry and I were sitting in my apartment, talking about this and that, when the conversation turned to men. Sherry, who carries her gym shaped body well and looks must younger than her 45 years, had recently divorced for the second time.

"Maybe the third time will be the charm," said the woman with an infectious smile. We laughed about that a bit. I've never been married, but have been engaged twice and lived with several guys over the years. I'd been "with" my former boss -- married of course -- for years, and we still fool around from time to time.

Sherry thought that was awesome and awful at the same time. So wrong, yet do right.

In any event, we were drinking and talking and talking and drinking and soon the wine got the best of our inhibitions as we started talking about the relationships we'd had, the pros and the cons, and crossed the line over to sexual innuendo and then real stories. It was quite free talking about intimate details of things, and arousing as well.

Along the way we got into a truth or dare situation, where Sherry gave the truth about giving a blow job outside a bar to a guy, she met that night. I gave the truth story about Lin and I having sex along a riverbank only to be caught in the act by a couple fishermen. Embarrassing!

Along the way our conversation turned to our high school years and our preliminary playing with guys. Before full blown sex, worrying about pregnancy and being branded sluts and all that. It was a different time and a different place, and in our drunken state we related all kinds of intimate details of our lines without threat of repercussions that would embarrass us in polite society.

Sherry was a high school cheerleader, and as she tells it, she and her senior buddies (all 18 years of age) were still virgins. They were the Brat Pack of the school, pushing the envelope numerous ways imaginable.

"Remember, it was a time when naughty girls who got knocked up were sent away. Birth control was coming into its own, and our parents "protected" us to the nth degree," said my friend with a laugh. "Prior to every date mom would tell me to behave, keep my legs close together (!!) and not to anything stupid."

And the story continued.

"The Brat Pack girls had similar parents, and we all made out with guys but insisted on remaining careful and pure. Looking back, all that changed in college, but in our senior year of high school we were still absolutely terrified of being knocked up.

"We were talking after practice about how our guys were complaining about blue balls and not getting sex and that Carol and Anne would put out for guys, and that put us in a predicament. We talked about what we could do, and looking back it was ingenious.

"Courtney said guys jerk off a lot, and wouldn't it be an incentive for them to jerk off on a girl's ass. Seriously, she actually said it that way. Not that we should jerk off the guys -- none of us had done that at that point -- but allow them to whack off and cum on our asses. That's when she threw in the shocker, she said anonymously have them jerk off on one of our asses."

Gasping, I asked what happened.

"We thought of this and that, but in the end, we wanted something really sexy. Something the guys would enjoy and remember, but would keep our virginity intact. Something we should be honest to a point with our moms about, yet satisfy the guys."

She hemmed and hawed and finally came out with it.

"We drew straws, and I was the wicked first draft pick. The idea was to get the guys off, or have them get off actually, without knowing which of their dates was the recipient. So, I had a sweater over my head and upper body, bent over a couch. The guys would enter the room, I'd drop my panties and move around, wiggling, and the guys in turn would do their thing and shoot their sticky stuff on my ass. One after another.

"It was a gang jerk, so to speak. They were not allowed to touch our asses, and if they did, they'd be immediately cut off from the fun. They were to enjoy the ass, and we were told later they'd inspect the ass and check out what they could between our legs, never touching but eyeing.

"On that first night I was actually shaking being the chosen one. Of course, it got easier as we did this for a number of weeks, but that first night I was embarrassed nervous, shaking you name it. The guys were in the kitchen while us girls went into the living room. Me, being first, got prepared. I was wearing blue panties, a crop top, and little else other than the sweater to disguise who I was.

"Leaning on the couch, the girls left the room except for one who put an envelope into kitchen."

No touching

Just cum on this ass.

"The guys entered, they shuffled into the room, and gasp. Various words were exchanged by them, from look at that ass to who is it to let's fuck it. But they were talking. Apparently, they'd selected their order, and I could hear the stroking of a cock behind me and then heavy breathing of the voyeuring guys. Later, I'd admitted I became quite aroused, but at the time I was just worried one of them would break the rules and try and fuck me.

"That's luckily did not happen. But the stroking continued, and the talking helped spark things as well."

She related the guys spoke about me wiggling my ass for them, that they bet my pussy was socking wet (it was), that it was a great ass, and speculating which of their girlfriends was the lucky target. It didn't take long for several volleys of cum to hit my ass, and it was so very exciting for me to feel it. But immediately another guy was working his cock, slapping it and getting it harder and firing cum onto my ass, adding to the puddles.

"One after another the remaining three guys did their thing. I could only imagine how they were doing it, but later Missy who was observing from the next room gave a stroke by stroke description. Mike, Glenn and Tony all followed by cumming on my ass, leaving it full of sticky boy sauce.

"Per instructions, the boys left the room after they'd shot their cum on my ass, and went back to the kitchen. My girlfriends quietly came into the room, with Courtney rubbing the cum onto my ass and ultimately pulling up my panties. I was so very embarrassed, but took it all with a smile. I had done it!"

Over the next several weeks each girl took their turn over the couch and the guys drenched her with their cum. The girls remained virgins...until the summer when Sherry slobbered on a cock and got so hot, she let her boyfriend break her cherry.

"But it was a different time, and we were growing up fast."

We laughed and laughed at the story, remembering with fondness how naughty we could be.

The next day at the coffee shop my friend said she'd used a carrot on her pussy to help get off thinking about the activities over the couch. I laughed and said my fingers were enough to do the trick.

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black75black75over 3 years ago

That was really hot. You should indicate whether/or how much your stories reflect reality ;-)

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