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From Fantasy to Reality in the Naked City Ch. 04

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Edward opens the door for Susan to explore her sexuality.
12.3k words

Part 4 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 02/20/2022
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From Fantasy to Reality in The Naked City -- Part 4

Edward opens the door for Susan to explore her sexuality

NOTICE: Copyright © 2022 - This is an original work by EdwardKalb and is protected under copyright by U.S. copyright law. It is only submitted at Literotica.com and the Author has not authorized any submission to any other site.

Author's Note: This is the continuation of the journey of a mature couple attempting to preserve the passion in their marriage. This 11-part series records our 3-day holiday at Cap d'Agde, France (a.k.a. The Naked City) as this couple continues its 'sexploration' of new erotic adventures to see where the journey takes them. This story contains real-life experiences and re-counts actual events of our life. The writer enhanced the story with certain (small) details.

(Chronologically, the following took place approximately one year after 'Greece,' a little more than two years after 'Punta Cana,' and about three years after 'Reawakening')

WARNING: This story is long as it tries to capture the conflicting emotions of a mature wife shedding her inhibitions; a husband both enamored, as well as struggling, with his emotions and expectations; and both dealing with real-life consequences. If you are looking for a quick fuck-and-suck story, this is not for you. But if you enjoy it, please vote and leave a comment.


They were silent other than the 'click-clack-click' of a woman's heels upon the floor of the hotel. As Edward and Susan walked out through the hotel lobby and down the sidewalk, other couples streamed in a similar direction in front of, and behind them, towards the areas called Port Ambonne and Port Nature.

Susan could feel all eyes following her as she walked down the street. Men and even some women smiled and their heads turned as she walked past, perhaps in affirmation of how she was wearing this dress. She was feeling good about herself and she gave her walk a little extra hip all the way down the street.

She would never have entertained wearing a dress like this in public before. She had not purchased this dress. Like most of the sexiest items in her wardrobe her husband had purchased it. Wearing a garment like this at home, where people may recognize her, with its short length, figure hugging fit, and low cut front and back, would be scandalous. But here, particularly seeing what other people were wearing, gave her a shot of confidence and allowed her the freedom to explore more of her naughty side. After all, no one knows her here so, what could it hurt?

And wearing essentially no underwear made her feel wickedly seductive. With a slight sea breeze blowing straight up her dress, playing with the hem, and breathing softly on her pussy, she knew her naked butt was only inches away from being exposed to anyone who had the right angle. Just thinking about it was increasing her aroused. And she could feel herself getting damp, getting her hotter by the minute just thinking about how close she was to showing everything.

She noticed the couple directly in front of them, who were acting particularly playful. The woman wore a sheer white micro mini-dress, thigh-high white stockings, and very high heels. The sheer dress could not hide her nipples and barely covered her ass, and her white thong was in clear view. Her man had his arm around her trying to help her navigate the sidewalk in impossibly high heels, while openly fondling her ass cheeks as they walked. His actions, perhaps intentional, pulled the dress up even further.

The man turned back to Susan and Edward and stopped. "Would you mind taking a photo?" he asked.

"Sure, no problem," Edward said, stepping forward and taking the man's cell phone.

The couple posed and Edward now was able to take in the full frontal sight of the woman. The woman's areolae were clearly front and center on display, her nipples proudly protruding forward suggesting the woman's unyielding sensuality. She looked impossibly confident in such a scandalously sexy outfit. He snapped a few photos as the woman posed seductively with her man, then she turned pulling up her dress on one side to show her ass.

"Nice! You guys look great!" Edward said as he handed the phone back. "You can check them if you want."

"Nah, I'm sure they're fine. How about you guys?" the man asked.

"What?" asked Susan surprisingly?

"How about I take some photos of you guys...you know...memories! Unless you wear that hot outfit at home!" the man teased looking directly at Susan.

"Let's do it, sweetheart," Edward said handing his phone to the man before Susan could object.

Realizing another person was focusing on her, and her chosen outfit, Susan was ashamed to admit her heart sped up as much from fear as from anticipation. She suppressed an inherent urge to run as the man looked her up and down, as if she was a piece of meat and nervously posed at her husband's side for a few photos.

"You both look great, you are a lucky man, sir!" the man said smiling. He returned the phone to Edward and gave them a wink and a smile. "Perhaps we'll see you later!?"

Meanwhile, the woman walked up to Susan, kissed her on the cheek, and whispered, "You look really hot! Dressed like that, I know you are going to have a memorable night!"

The couple turned and walked arm in arm down the sidewalk.

Susan stood stunned. What did she mean by memorable night? Ironically, the woman's words actually helped her overcome her anxiety, it being replaced by a thrill deep within her body at the sudden affirmation from a younger woman.

"Let me see," Susan demanded, curiously smiling as she viewed herself.

"Here let me take a few more," Edward suggested. Emboldened, he wanted a few solo shots of his hot wife in her sexy new outfit.

"Here we go now!" Edward was not allowing 'no' for a response, and surprisingly, Susan agreed! She struck some seductive poses as best she could, trying to mimic the woman before.

Edward beamed with pride seeing his wife outside their hotel room, as the public would see her. The black dress really showcased her blonde hair and tanned skin, and highlighted her curves to perfection. And between the short length of the dress and her heels, her legs looked phenomenal. He kept snapping photos and made it known he appreciated his wife's sexy attitude.

"Now how about turning around, look over your shoulder," commanded Edward.

Susan was stammering to find the words, "Um...well...I don't...think..." Yet, Susan complied, turning, pushing her ass out, and even bending over slightly while pulling the side hem of her dress up, just like the woman.

Edward took more shots before showing them to his wife. Susan was shocked at each image she viewed, particularly the last couple. Bent over, the dress crept up past her lace stocking tops to the cleft where her upper thigh met her butt cheeks. It was a lewd and obscene photo, but she didn't delete them. Instead she laughed dismissively and warned Edward never to show those to anyone.

They continued walking and Susan soon found herself distracted by another unexpected issue. With every step she took, she could feel the string of pearls carving further between her vulva. Surprisingly although deeply uncomfortable initially, the smooth, rigid pearls served to titillate her clitoris. The subtle vibration became more stimulating as the pearls warmed and she became wetter. It was an incredible dichotomy of senses that became increasingly more intense with every step.

They soon came upon a sidewalk café and bar called La Pilouterie. The place was buzzing with people - a place not only to sit and have a drink to enjoy the atmosphere, but also a place to be seen. Edward suggested having a quick drink before venturing out to look for a restaurant. With the pearl thong wedging further between her pussy, Susan welcomed the opportunity to stop.

They were lucky to find a table with a great view out to the harbor to watch the setting sun. But more importantly, at this place of 'see and be seen' the table offered a near front-row seat to the biggest sporting event in Cap d'Agde - people watching.

Susan realized as she got up on the stool of the high-top table, all modesty went out the window. She looked down. Her short dress had ridden obscenely higher - the creamy white of her thighs above her lace-top stockings visible and she wondered if, or how much of, her pussy she had exposed to the crowd. Susan reactively tugged the dress to cover as much as possible, but it proved pointless.

She looked around as she attempted her adjustments and, as expected, she found eyes glued to her, and more specifically her legs, trying to peer up her dress. She noticed one man in particular, two tables over, watching her. The guy was younger, good-looking, smartly dressed, and in shape. The way he was smoking a cigarette revealed confidence. He looked very French.

He smiled and nodded towards her. The realizations of flashing her goods while being nearly bare underneath her dress made her smile mischievously back to him.

Curiously, a warm feeling overcame her initial reticence. She had always been too shy to want to be singled out. But here was this man, openly staring, uncaring if he was detected and rebuked. And dressed as she was, she found it surprisingly thrilling! This was all new to her, and therefore exciting.

The server came and they ordered drinks.

As she looked around, Susan observed an interesting disparity. The men were dressed in a similar way - typically nice jean or slacks and a button down shirt. In other words, appropriately dressed for a typical dinner out or a nice party - anywhere.

But the attire worn by the women was totally contrasting. The scene before her was something one would see at the adult video awards. Women in the sexiest outfits; one sluttier than the next, seemed to be the norm -- see-thru, sheer, and mesh dresses or blouses, the shortest of mini-skirts, lingerie and even body paint! The women wore things more suitable for fantasy play in the bedroom, than a night on the town.

And the shoes!!! Susan wondered how those woman could walk in some of the highest, sluttiest "stripper shoes" she had ever seen. Clearly, with the focus of the evenings in Cap d'Agde on the women -- the women obliged - and everything was on display.

Just a few minutes earlier, Susan thought her outfit was edging toward slutty. Now she realized, here in Cap d'Agde, her outfit was conservative in comparison.

The drinks arrived. Edward and Susan toasted and turned their attention to the evening parade of scantily dressed women pass by. Susan actually enjoyed having a glass of wine while watching the incredible sunset.

"You cannot show those photos to anyone, understand!" she warned.

Edward smiled. "Of course! They will be in the vault, for only my viewing pleasure!" he assured his wife. "But you saw how hot you look in that dress, with those stockings and heels, right?"

She seductively looked back to her husband. "Maybe I'll wear this dress to a bar or club when we are back home. I know I won't be able to wear a bra, and I may not even bother with panties next time!" Susan teased.

Edward swallowed hard at that possibility, while knowing it was highly unlikely. He knew his wife was simply teasing. She knew she would never, ever consider it in reality. But just her little tease sent his heartbeat into overdrive.

"So now that you had some time to reflect, what did you think of the beach today?" Edward asked cautiously. He knew Susan was upset with the guy jerking off above her head earlier, but he still wanted to address the subject.

"Edward, we should probably talk that," Susan said rather sternly. "I certainly wasn't prepared for that guy jerking off on top of me. He was disgusting!" she said more sternly. "I mean, what if he ejaculated on me? I would have been so outraged and appalled, and I believe you should have been also!"

"I agree. It was improper for him to be that close," Edward said trying to reassure his wife. "I will not let that happen next time."

Edward nervously took another sip of his drink not knowing where this conversation was heading. He wanted to assuage her concerns, but also complement his wife for her daring and boldness to strip naked on a very crowded public beach.

"But, I mean...I don't blame him. The guy saw an incredibly beautiful and sexy woman and felt the need to pleasure himself. Honey, you know...you can also take it as a compliment..."

"I just...I needed to get out of there!" Susan snapped. "The whole beach experience was just...so overwhelming, and was not what I expected!"

Although she directed her anger at her husband, even as perverted as he was, she could not be mad at him. She was, after all, dealing with her own thoughts and emotions. Whether it was the attention she had gotten from her voyeur at the beach or the appreciative looks she got from the maintenance man, she re-discovered that exhibitionist side of her that she kept repressed, and her mind was in a tailspin.

Susan took a long sip of her drink and looked out at the setting sun. "As much as I tried to prepare myself, I really didn't expect to see what I saw on the beach today. It turned into such a sexual playground," she said still staring at the sunset. "And I needed some time to reflect...or otherwise I might have participated myself."

"Wait...'Participated?' What did she mean by that?" Edward wondered.

Just as he was about to explore those words further, a couple passed by that diverted their attention. The woman wore a completely see-thru beige dress. Susan and Edward paused their conversation as they watched the couple stop near them to review the posted offerings. The woman's large enhanced tits and larger-than-silver-dollar sized nipples strained beneath the exceptionally thin fabric, her tiny beige lace thong barely discernable from her skin color. And her beige strappy high heels gave the impression she was naked. The couple moved on. Her stride oozed sexiness and her look was that of a supremely confident woman.

Then behind them, two women -- one in a plunging latex mini-dress and the other in a white corset, white thong, garter and matching stockings, and white heels passed holding hands. Their outfits would be appropriate only in the bedroom back home. But here, it passed as typical dinner wear.

Seeing the parade of scantily-dressed women, Susan felt both envious of their confidence and overdressed all of a sudden. And her emotions pulled her in two directions. She could not deny that her impulsive moment with the maintenance man sent jolts of electricity through her body. But she was still a relatively conservative woman in real life. She needed to work through the cocktail of emotions mixing through her mind. Because through it all, she certainly did not want to do anything she would later regret.

Edward took a sip of his cocktail and tried to placate his wife's fears when answering her question, "If you want to, tomorrow that is, we can always find a quieter, more secluded area back a little against the dunes," he said, offering a way to allow his wife to feel more comfortable.

But the reality was, he wanted to be in the middle of the 'action' in the swinger section of the beach. The atmosphere on the beach was unlike any other beach they had experienced - so full of sex and libertine thinking. He wanted to experience more in the short time they had; and he believed it might nudge his wife to fulfilling another of his fantasies; his perverted and selfish thoughts focused solely on the illusion of fucking his wife on a public beach in front of others.

Susan did not say a word, as she appeared to be in deep thought.

Edward perceived his wife was struggling with an internal debate. Wanting to mollify her fears, apprehension, and anxiety, "Let me ask you this...Do you regret what happened back in the room with the maintenance man?"

She played with her cocktail napkin as she spoke softly, "Well, I - I don't know if that was appropriate. What if he reported me and we were thrown out of the Hotel?"

Edward smiled, "But he didn't!"

Attempting to reassure her, Edward continued. "Sweetheart, you have nothing to be concerned about. I saw how he reacted. It was clear to me the man enjoyed it!"

Edward took a sip of his drink and added, "And you were so nonchalant about your state of undress. You were assured, enticing, and that confidence you exuded was so damned sexy! For those few moments, you were an entirely different woman! And I loved it!" He said as he tried to assure her that it was okay to behave, as she did.

"Were you as turned on as I was?" he asked excitedly. "I mean, it really seemed you enjoyed teasing him!"

Edward's words caused Susan to blush, "Well...I...I guess it was fun." she finally stammered her cheeks reddening but with a faint shy smile finally coming across her face.

"Well sweetheart, it was the hottest thing I had ever seen!" Edward proclaimed. "No porn scene in the world could come close to the pleasure I received from watching my wife act so naughty!"

Susan grinned proudly.

"And at the beach, I loved watching you tease that guy -- opening and closing your legs..." Edward turned the discussion to the guy she teased on the beach.

"Oh, shit!" Susan blushed, embarrassed by the realization that her husband watched her lewd and sinful action.

"That man obviously appreciated your body. You gotta know it. So let me ask you, did you enjoy showing?"

Perhaps it was the effects of the alcohol, or the sexy atmosphere they were in. Whatever it was, she was feeling more relaxed and better about everything. But could she really admit to her husband that her actions had stimulated her in ways she never thought possible? She would be a hypocrite, right?

"Did The Game excite you?" Edward asked his flustered wife after some uncomfortable silence.

Reluctant to admit it to him, after a long pause Susan sheepishly answered, "Yes, I enjoyed playing your little game."

"Did you enjoy showing him your pussy?" Edward inquired this time more sternly.

Susan laughed nervously. "I need to start having honest discussions with my husband. If I can tell him what turns me off, I need to be able to talk about what turns me on," she thought.

She took another sip from her glass of chilled white wine and crossed her legs. She barely took notice that, sitting upon the tall stool, the hem on her black dress again rode up her thigh, easily exposing the laced tops of her black stockings. She was deep in deliberation and both unaware and unconcerned about any 'wardrobe malfunction.'

After an even longer pause, Susan bashfully spoke in a soft voice, "Well...to be honest...I did kinda enjoy it, the teasing that is," she admitted.

Edward smiled at his wife. His wife was experiencing a sexual re-awakening and he wanted to assure her that he was more than okay with everything. "I am so happy to hear you say that! I was hoping that you would allow yourself to let go and lose some of the psycho-emotional hang-ups you had with your body and sex. Once you are able to do that, your body and your mind will be free to enjoy...sex!"

Susan slapped her husband's arm playfully.

He leaned in for a kiss. "Keep playing The Game, please!"

Susan took another sip of her drink and looked over "Well, I will consider it," she softly replied.

"I love you so much!!!"

Although the conversation was disquieting, Susan actually felt more at ease now. With her husband giving her that warm feeling of closeness, that rare feeling you get when you are not only attracted to, but also connected with, your lover, she was relieved to finally be able to admit to her developing appetite to explore her sexuality further.

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