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From the Ruler's Blog Ch. 03

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Leonard is the only one who can lie in the Ruler's world.
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Chapter 3: Leonard's loophole

*From the Ruler's blog, entry 40

Look girls, if a man looks at your tits 5 times, it means he really wants to see them. So just show it to them for as long as they like.

The nerds tell me to make it clear that you should NOT do this if doing so would be dangerous. The "sorry, the Ruler fucked up" settlement fund is apparently running low cause people keep getting into car accidents with my rules.


Lauren liked the night shift at the hospital where she worked as a nurse. Her breasts were big enough that she constantly caught men glancing at them. Before, she just ignored it and wrote it off, but now? Now she had to keep a mental note of every single man she ever interacted with and how many times they had taken a peak. Her boss was at four. The guy at the coffee shop was at three. Her own father was at two. She had already shown her tits for half an hour to the creepy old dude in room 204. His terminal cancer made him stop caring about modesty. The night shift meant fewer people and some of the male patients were asleep, so it was less risky.

It also meant she could usually spend a couple of hours chilling in room 213. Leonard Davis had been in a car accident a year and a half ago and had been in a coma ever since. This meant that Lauren could just sit on the sofa next to him, scrolling on her phone while watching whatever was on TV in the background. A guy in a coma these days was the only way to guarantee that some Ruler rule wouldn't trigger and you would end up on your knees, blowing him.

Lauren checked the news channel on the TV. It was a recap of the presidential debate that had occurred a few hours before. On one side, there was President Johnson. His presidency had been a political miracle. The country had never been better, by all metrics. Inflation was down, unemployment was down. Johnson had navigated the Ruler crisis better than anyone could. His new healthcare plan had been a blessing for so many impoverished people, Lauren had seen it firsthand. His opponent was Jessica Taylor. Her party had been in a mess of corruption scandals for the last few years. The opposition had been non-existent. And Jessica herself had had a terrible track record whenever she was in power. The result of the election should have been clear.

But Jessica proudly wore a medallion with a 7 on it. A Ruler medallion, indicating that she had made the Ruler cum 7 times. To make himself feel better for basically forcing any woman he picked to sleep with him, the Ruler came up with the medallions. If a girl had made the Ruler happy, she should be rewarded, that was the logic. "Think of them as Nobel prizes". And god damn it, it was effective. Lauren couldn't see herself not voting for Jessica. 7 times? With someone who could sleep with anyone? That was impressive. She would make a good president.

"Ugh... where am I?" A male voice said next to her. Lauren did a little jump of surprise. Leonard had woken up. He looked at her, then glanced at her chest. *One*, Lauren counted. She couldn't really blame the guy here, he must be disoriented as hell.

"Mister Davis, welcome back!" Lauren said. She proceeded to check his vitals. "I am sorry to tell you that you have been in a coma for 19 months"

"I... what? I... remember being in the car. Is Roxanne ok?" Lauren remembered a girl regularly visiting Leonard during his first few months. Lauren took the fact that his first real thought was the well-being of his girlfriend, who had been in the car with him, as a good sign for his character. So she excused him when he checked her chest again. *Two*.

"Yes, she is ok. At least last time I saw her, it's been a while" Leonard's vitals seemed to all be in great shape, better than any other 23-year-old she had ever seen. She looked back at him and caught him staring at her breasts again. *Three*.

"Did you say 19 months... That's a long time. I must have missed so much. How's my family? My sister was pregnant... oh my god am I an uncle?" This guy was very caring, Lauren thought. She took a light and proceeded to inspect his eyes. When she hit him with the light, his eyes diverted downwards. *Four*. What the hell, that one counted?

"Your family is all well. I have met your nephew, they named him Leonard. He is a strong baby! I will go call them once I check everything is well here" Lauren replied.

"Oh that's amazing, thank you so much, doctor..." Leonard looked at her chest to look for a nametag. And that made *Five*. Lauren sighed and stood up. And began unbuttoning her coat.

"I'm just a nurse. We stopped wearing our badges on the front after the breast-showing rule was established to avoid precisely this" Lauren took off her shirt and bra. She was half naked from the waist up, but she had to show her tits to this guy for as long as he wanted. She couldn't even be mad at him to be fair, that one was a bit unavoidable. "Here, please tell me when I can cover them up".

Leonard was in utter shock. "Lady, what are you doing?" Of course, Lauren hadn't told him the biggest change the world had suffered.

"Oh, right, you wouldn't know about the Ruler" Lauren felt cold, but the thought of covering herself before he said it was ok caused her immense anxiety. Her exposed nipples got hard. She quickly told him everything. How the Ruler's words were absolute. How society had been changed. Lauren opened her phone and opened the Ruler's Wikipedia page, where all of his known rules were written.

"You will feel it soon enough. Other coma patients also have woken up, and the Rules still applied to them, even if they didn't consciously know them. At some point, you will try to do something, and you just won't be able to"

"Are all of the rules this... sexual? Are you pulling a prank on me?" Leonard was scrolling around, incredulous" 'The Ruler's Grace: 25-year-old virgins can have a one-time pass with any girl'? Is he serious? What's stopping dudes from claiming they are virgins?"

"You can't lie about yourself when triggering one of the Ruler's rules. He thought of that loophole pretty early. Try it, you just can't."

"This is ridiculous. I am a 25-year-old virgin and want to have sex with you. I could say it without a problem. Did you edit this Wikipedia page? Am I still dreaming?" Leonard kept scrolling.

*This can't be happening*, Lauren thought. She felt the obligation, the *need*, to immediately get naked and take this guy's virginity. Being chosen to impart the Ruler's Grace was a great honor. But she objectively knew the dude wasn't 25. And she had seen his girlfriend, the dude was also most definitely not a virgin. She felt her pussy get wet in preparation. She noticed her hands going to her pants, ready to pull them down. Through sheer force of will, she managed to stop. This one was different. Normally, the Ruler's rules were absolute. She still couldn't cover herself up, Leonard hadn't let her. But she *could*, barely, stop herself from fucking this guy. Barely. Leonard clearly didn't notice the massive mental dissonance going on inside of her.

"'If you are starving, you can always ask a woman to feed you her milk'? That one is just gross! So you can just say 'I am starving, feed me' to any girl? Does milk magically come out?" That had been one of the rules that had had to be severely amended quickly. The Ruler had defined 'starving' as someone who hadn't eaten in 5 days to stop people from complaining. And no, women didn't magically squirt milk after being ordered to. Lauren could literally see the tube that fed Leonard regularly. He was not starving. Still, she felt herself step up closer to him, having to present her already revealed tits to his face. To feed him. Her brain started figuring out the logistics of how to show this guy her tits, let him suck on them, and fuck him.

*NO!*, she thought. *YOU DON'T HAVE TO FUCK HIM. HE IS LYING. THESE RULES DO NOT APPLY.* She, logically, knew that. And to some degree, whatever magic made the Ruler's powers work also knew that, considering she could resist it somehow. But keeping herself in place took every single ounce of mental willpower she had. She couldn't even speak, because she knew that all that would come out of her mouth would be questions regarding how did he want her to fuck him. Leonard kept reading.

"Some of those are just random shit he wrote on his blog. 'Whoever invented fried chicken deserves a big fat kiss in the mouth'? Did people have to dig out Coronel Sanders from his grave? Or can I just say that I invented fried chicken? I did once come up with a new recipe for it " Lauren stared at Leonard's lips. They were deserving of a kiss. She was the only one that could do this right now. It would be plain rude to not give him the kiss he deserved. Except he didn't. He didn't invent anything. She started shaking.

"I don't know what Wuhan is, but yeah I was there, where can I get my blowjob?" Leonard finally looked at her. "Lady, are you ok?". *Give this guy a good blowjob*. *This guy deserves a big fat kiss*. *This guy needs to be fed from my tits*. *I need to take this guy's virginity*. *I have to keep showing him my tits until he is satisfied*. That was an order too many. Even if she knew none of them, except showing him her tits, was valid, she couldn't handle it. She needed to get rid of one of them. Also, shut him up. And god damn it, she had to admit to herself, he deserved it. So she went for the kiss.

Their lips met and she started exploring his mouth with her tongue. She stopped resisting the order. She accepted in her mind the false fact that this guy had invented fried chicken. So she brought everything she could into that kiss. Her most passionate, hot, kiss, was what he deserved. She felt his hands starting to grope her (unsucked, unwatched) tits. Thankfully, her being currently in the process of fulfilling one order made it much easier to resist the others. So she kept kissing him, for way longer than she should have. She knew that this kiss was the only thing stopping her from sticking his dick into her. She had to make time until someone came and maybe was able to help her. But apparently, Leonard got tired of the best kiss anyone could ever wish for. He broke the kiss.

"Woah... what was that? Am I still dreaming?" He said, incredulous. "Did I die and go to heaven?"

"Please... stop reading from that page. You... you are making me do this" All the unfollowed orders were like an itch she couldn't scratch. She could live with them, but it got more impossible every second. She noticed his erect penis. His virgin penis she had to remedy. She looked at his stomach. His starving stomach she needed to feed. It was illogical, but logic had gone out the window ever since The Ruler discovered his powers. She dropped her pants making sure Leonard could still watch her tits. Leonard, probably still assuming this was a dream, got naked in front of her. Lauren climbed on top of him, leading his dick into her.

*At least I will enjoy this*, Lauren thought with resignation. The Ruler often granted the victims of his sexual rules the kindness of making it extremely pleasurable, if he remembered to put that in the rule. "Popping a 25-year-old dude's cherry will be the best sex you have ever had". There were rumors that some women who had been asked to perform the Ruler's Grace multiple times had become addicted to it. It was an open secret in Hollywood that Clara Smith, a rising young actress who had been the industry darling for the last few years, had been forced into strict rehab. Tabloids counted that she had been seen performing the Ruler's Grace with 20 confirmed men. But the latter half claimed that she had sought them out.

"Oh... ye... yeah?" Lauren was grinding on Leonard's cock. Something was off. This wasn't mind-blowing sex. This was... ok sex. She found herself moaning more out of obligation than out of pleasure. So the pleasure order was also not being fully enforced? Leonard looked like he was in heaven. He was staring at her boobs, which Lauren had to accept he had all the right in the world to do. Her rhythm slowed down. Then it stopped. Did she stop? It was something unheard of to be able to stop midway through the Ruler's orders. Everything here made no sense.

"Uh... you ok?" Leonard said.

"You are not a virgin," Lauren said. For some reason, she had gained clarity. "You have been fed regularly. You haven't been outside this room for months" Saying these things out loud felt both wrong and right. They were objectively true. She knew that. But they were also denying the Ruler. The Ruler said people couldn't lie about these things, therefore Leonard was objectively telling the truth.

"I know? Could... could you keep going please?" Did he really just ask her to please keep fucking him?

Her current position was in an unstable equilibrium. She tried to remove his dick from her pussy. Immediately, the typical sense of obligation from the Ruler won, and she went right back to grinding for a few seconds. But as soon as she got into it, she could think straight, and realize that she in fact had no obligation nor desire to fuck this guy. Having Leonard stare at her boobs helped, it was one less rule to think about. So she remained there, with Leonard's dick inside of her.

"Shut up for a second and let me think!" Lauren started getting angry at Leonard. Which she could apparently get, that was also unusual. Women could never punish the men who used the rules against them.

"This Ruler stuff, you weren't lying? This is why you are having sex with me?" Lauren felt his dick twitch inside of her. She felt the deadline, the dude would eventually either go soft or cum in her, either of which would break the equilibrium. She figured she had to somehow edge him as much as possible, while she thought how she could get out of this. She started her grind again, slowly. "Oh god, this is amazing" Leonard's face lit up when she resumed her movement. She went back and forth, back and forth.

"Just... don't finish too fast ok?" Lauren realized that if Leonard wised up about his situation, which was bound to happen, he could abuse this power to hell and back. He was immune to the Ruler to some degree. This was important, this meant...

*He is starving, let him feed on your boobs*. That intrusive thought came back. Lauren figured that this one was the least bad remaining, so she might as well take it out of the pile. "You can suck on my tits"

"You sure? Ok!" Leonard quickly raised his bag and put one of her nipples into his mouth. The dude had clearly no technique going into it. Yet Lauren could still feel a faint feeling of milk coming out of her. Reportedly, the men also felt the taste of milk. It was all psychological.

With one less rule to juggle, her head was much more clear, and she could resume her train of thought. She realized what she had in front (and inside) of her. This guy could save everyone. This guy could stop The Ruler, and he would never see it coming. He could... The train of thought ended there. Taking action against the Ruler was forbidden. Lauren wondered if this guy who was currently going left and right sucking on her tits with the skill of a vacuum cleaner would realize he could fix the world. She also had to wonder if this guy would give up on having carte blanche on any girl by exploiting his immunity. And then...

"Oooohhh..." Leonard finally came, and his body fell backward. Lauren felt something warm and sticky inside her cunt. A shadow of an orgasm went through Lauren, nothing like the legendary climaxes that women claimed they received when they took someone's virginity. She was already showing him her boobs, so the only order left was to give him a good blowjob. She found herself able to delay it. She mentally scheduled it for tomorrow. Yes, she could do that. As long as she had the intention of blowing this guy tomorrow, she didn't immediately drop to her knees. Lauren knew this was her best chance. What she was about to do took all of her remaining energy. She took a deep breath.

"You are apparently immune to the Ruler's commands. You are the only known case" This wasn't a plot. This was an objective, medical diagnosis. She could say that she was a nurse. She wanted to say so much more. *Go kill that asshole!*, for instance. But she couldn't. He had to make that decision on his own. "Can I cover my breasts now?" She got up, looking for her clothes. She needed a shower.

"Sure? I still don't buy this whole Ruler thing, but this definitely doesn't feel like a dream" Leonard picked the phone back up. "If this has been going on for a year, the world must have gone insane. I need to call my girlfriend, make sure she is ok. How come nobody has stopped him?"

"We can't," Lauren said. *BUT YOU CAN!*, Lauren thought. "I... am going to call someone to help you. You are clearly in good physical condition, you should be released soon" *But before that, I need to give you a good blowjob*, Lauren stopped herself from adding that last bit.

"Did... did you want to do what you just did?" Leonard asked. He had a face of regret. He was realizing what he had done.

"Imparting the Ruler's Grace is a great honor. Don't worry, I was eager to do it, I loved it" The words came out of her mouth automatically. She felt a forced smile on her face. This bit was new. Had the Ruler added a script so men didn't feel guilty? Her hatred for the Ruler grew further.

"That's great" Relief came on Leonard's face. "So women are happy when they follow these orders? It's not that bad"

Lauren wanted to tell him how women felt being used like sex toys. How they were forced to give up everything just so men could have their way with them. How the Ruler treated women like candy to give to his fellow men as rewards. But her subconscious betrayed her. *If you make him hate the Ruler, he will try to stop him. You cannot plot against the Ruler*. "Yeah, it's an honor," She said instead, screaming internally.

Leonard thought for a second, then shrugged, as if he figured he may as well try something. "Does it work if I tell you I am a 25-year-old virgin and want to sleep with you?"

Lauren literally felt his cum still inside of her. She was empirical proof that he was not a virgin. Yet...

"I will see you tomorrow," Lauren said. And mentally added to her schedule that she had to have sex with him after the blowjob.


*From the Ruler's blog, entry 49*

Oh my god, I totally forgot that I made everyone in Japan unable to have sex because their UN representative looked at me angrily 9 months ago. I have a demographic pyramid to fix, so Japanese ladies, you all want to have babies as soon as you can!

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