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From Wife to Slut Slave Ch. 02


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As he they start to approach Jason's home, Jason starts to pump his cock into Mika's mouth harder. She just whimpers and moans with each thrust, working her tongue all over that cock as she looks up at your new master. After a few more thrusts, Jason reaches forward and holds Mika's head in place as he grunts loudly.

"Fuck you little cock sucking whore I'm gonna cum. Swallow every drop my little slut, don't waste a drop of your prize." He announces.

Mika just nods and keeps her head down and lips pressed on that cock as her eyes widen a bit as Jason's cock pulses and starts to pump cum into her little mouth. She slurps and swallows down every drop, a little dribbling out of her mouth.

Jason smiles as he let's her head go and leans back as Mika slowly gets up off of his cock and scoops up and cum on her chin and licks her fingers clean as she smiles brightly. She stops as she finally realizes that the car is stopped, and looks up to see Chris staring at her from the front seat. She gives a sweet smile to Chris and then turns back to Jason and kisses his cock head before gently putting him back in his pants and zipping him back up.

Jason smiles and pets her head, "that's a good little slut, you're learning."

He straights himself up a bit and opens the door and steps outside. He reaches back in the car and offers his hand to Mika who takes it and emerges from the car. She stands there holding Jason's hand, with her dress bunched around her waist and tits exposed for anyone to see. She gasps and realizes just how exposed she is in her own neighborhood and quickly tries to pull her dress back up but before she can, Jason stops her. He reaches forward and holds her from pulling it up as he smiles looking down at her.

"No Mika, real sluts are never ashamed are showing their "assets" in the presence of her owner, no matter where she is." He says with stern authority. She hears him, and looks up at him, and nods while dropping the dress.

He smiles and takes her hand and starts to lead her to the house as she smiles brightly and trots behind him. "Hey Chris c'mon" he bellows.

Chris snaps out of his trance like state and quickly gets out of the car and follows behind his wife and her new owner.

Next Chapter: Mika is used more and turned into a proper black cock slut, while Chris is made to understand to whom she really belongs to now.

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jimbo19103jimbo19103over 4 years ago

This was my idea of a PERFECT story!!! The sexual tension throughout was just amazing!!! I've been having an affair with a married Chinese woman and it sounds very possible to me. And the husband, just led down the garden path...

I can't wait for the next installment!!! Thank you!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Glad your main character died

And saved you from additional ridicule

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago

More word diarrhea from another POS who calls itself pissmater.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Chapter 3?

Great story, are you going to continue?

gordo12gordo12over 7 years ago
There is a BDSM category for this kind of crap.

Use it!


Jjsmith0927Jjsmith0927over 7 years ago
Great story

Hope to read more of them soon.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
part 3

So where is the third chapter of this story. Can't wait to read it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
More Cuck Shit

Is no one able to write a story where the husband has a pair of balls.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

great writing , intense & extremely emotional ...

However ..whats to say ? whats to do ??

its all been said & all been done , a thousand times before ..

i can't see anything new in this story just a rehash of all the old cliche's and stereotypes

maybe the Author will surprise us .. but somehow i doubt it , same old / same old / same old ..and being really honest it gets boring real fast these days .. no matter how inspired or good the quality of the writing

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Great Story

Keep writing

SuddenThunderSuddenThunderabout 9 years ago

Not loving wives. But thus cuck shit can't find an audience in FETISH so they toss it in here. master of pure shit

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
1 star!

Another dumpster fire of a story! Total cuck, sick, bullshit!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Hot & Nasty

Don't let the Haters&Flamers with thier negative comments & Vitiolic feedback get you down.

as an Author in this Genre and especially with the topics you are dealing with , you have to understand that the Trolls will be on you like bugs on shit.

remember ..

they will constantly bombard you with Hate messages.

they will spam score your work with one star.

they will find fault with every sentance you write.

however , also remember for every moron that faults you , there will be 99 people who enjoy your writing yet never respond.


5 stars for the guts & daring to approach this subject.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
More WACC crap


Miss_JenniMiss_Jenniover 9 years ago

I would to thank you for the this chapter and I hope to see more as my Master enjoyed too

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

I'm a slut myself and I would like to thank you for the most realistic portrait of a Master and his slut, its nice to include the poor cockold husband as he has no idea that he has lost his wife forever to a real man. I hope you follow this up soon as I personally enjoyed this as it so close to home, as I'm married and I'm owned by black man who dominates my every waking moment.

Yours a fan

1LuckyRob1LuckyRobover 9 years ago
Keep going!!

I am enjoying this story series! Gave it a five and can relate very well to it. My Japanese wife is a hotwife and one of her favorite boyfriends is a big black man:) It's not a D/s relationship but every time he calls her she goes and always comes home so full and satisfied:) She has told me before she loves his cock more than mine too.. Can't wait for the next chapter now!

WhackdoodleWhackdoodleover 9 years ago
Wrong category.

Beyond that however is the standard line "my body belongs to him but my heart belongs to you." What a crock of bullshit. I mean who believes that crap? Well besides your obviously idiotic husband that you purposely made stupid.

No one can have two masters: the one you serve is the one you love and it's clear which one she loves. Surprise, it's not Chris.

bonnietaylor2bonnietaylor2over 9 years ago
good story well written

gave it a 5

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Falling Apart

This has such a small step to take to watch this world fall apart and they are almost at the crossroads of a decision. I am reminded of why people slow down when they see a car accident, you are horrified about what has happened but some people can't wait to watch the spectacle.

Next stop divorce court or deaths.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Good story. It's not unbelievable if you're familiar with the lifestyle.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

I see the management is messing with the scores of stories! There has been some really bad stories, that are getting 3's and 4's, and they shouldn't get more than 1's and 2's.

hornyman169hornyman169over 9 years ago
More of the same

Too many married white woman that become slaves to black men while their husband's wind up getting ignored. Odds are that the husband will have to lick the cum out of his wife and eventually suck cock himself. Why doesn't someone come up with something new instead of the same old s...?

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Is this a comedy or what?

Totally unbelievable but there are some funny moments so indeed it's not LW but maybe LI (Loving idiots).

Besides you really need an editor as your writing is poor.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Get an editor or get the tenses sorted out, is it happening now, in the present or in the past.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
LW is the wrong category and the story sucked big time.

Gave it a well deserved one star.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
LW is the right catagory and the story was smoking

hot gave it a 5

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Really poorly written

Regardless of the subject matter this wasn't any good. Not even a great editor could have saved this mess. And you really need a dialogue coach. Part of the problem is that Jason is such a thoroughly detestable character that it's hard to understand his motivations other than to act the jackass. And Chris and Mika are just blind drones. What's interesting or entertaining about there relationships? Lacking clever or erotic writing this just wasn't a good read. Guys like Jason always end up dead in the gutter and Mika and Chris are just cardboard characters. You should have condensed this into a single chapter, gotten rid of all the extraneous words and maybe, just maybe had a story worth reading. And you did post this garbage in the wrong category.

No stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Wrong category


AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Dumb story ,very unrealistic

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