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Fucking Monsters Pt. 01

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Kidnapped by a monster she's been hunting.
2.5k words

Part 1 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/11/2020
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Taking out my penlight I pointed to the area of interest on the map.

"Here is the creature's last known location, right below the Kimujo Mountain."

I have been tracking this monster for the last four years when I heard of its attack on the small village called Terbuko. All the women and men of that village were forever changed after coming in contact with the beast and ceased all functioning activity. Everyone in that forsaken village was sex-depraved. Openly having orgies and participating in taboo-like fetishes, some I shudder to even think about.

I was only granted two members for my task team; Riley, a renowned hunter from across the sea in a country where monkeys roamed freely and had citizenship. Riley hunted all sorts of monsters and was mostly known for catching the three-headed, nine-foot-tall Binze, a rare creature that was thought to be extinct. For a hunter, Riley was laid back and took things in stride without making too much of a fuss, that is why I had him on the team. Not that I was given any other choice.

Also, there was Jennifer, who had no known talent but was placed on my team due to nepotism. The CEO of my company was her uncle and she asked to be put to build clout. She's been working with me for the last six months and it was all I could do not to wring her scrawny little neck every time she popped her gum or looked down at her monitor-device.

Clearing my throat I continued. "We must set out quickly before we lose this opportunity to catch it," I said, mainly speaking to Riley.

"What will we do with it after we've caught it," Jennifer said, ignoring my annoyed look. "Are we going to like...kill it or something?"

Holding on to my last thread of patience, I quickly explained to Jennifer for the millionth that we were only going to capture the beast and transport it to headquarters.


On the company dime, I suggested that we take a Mojo to the mountains, a giant vehicle that lept through the air like a rabbit and jumped from one point to another. One leap could clear 500 miles at a time. When we had one more leap to reach our destination the operator let us out and told us to walk the rest of the way or catch a floater across the river.

"What are you about," I demanded angrily," we paid for a full go!"

"Listen, lady," the operated said with uncertainty looking me up and down, "...sir, I know all about the beast by the mountain and I won't be taking any chances with my sanity, so go about your business or...just get the fuck off."

"Let's just go," said Riley, grabbing his hunting equipment and leaping off the machine onto the wet grass below. Sighing, I leaped after him and Jennifer followed.

It took us three hours longer to reach our destination and the sun was just about to set.

"Maybe we should just find a place to stay and know, start again tomorrow," Jennifer said smacking her gum.

"Feel free to do so Jennifer," I said slowly," c'mon Riley." I started walking toward the direction of the mountains and my team slowly trailed behind me.


After what seemed like forever we reached the spot on the map where the last known sighting took place. Looking about on the ground for clues we split up.

"I think I found something," Jennifer yelled seconds later. Letting out a sigh, I skeptically went to where she was standing and she pointed at a huge glob of a thick white substance.

"It's a sperm load," she said, taking out her monitor-device and snapping holoflicks. Stepping closer to the sample I reached out slowly-.

"DON'T TOUCH IT," yelled Riley, coming to stand behind me. "It may infect you with what the villagers have."

"Good point," I said, slowly stepping away. Riley dug in his bag pulling out some kind of meter-reader and he stuck it in the gooey pile. After some time his meter beeped and Riley let out a low whistle.

"It's a sperm load alright, and it carries a helluva count," he examined the meter, "and it's fresh, very fresh... we may be close to the creature." He dug in his hunter bag and took out a dart gun.

"Stay behind me," he said heading north. We followed him on the grassy path and we were losing the last bit of sunlight that was left. I took out a beamer and it illuminated our area.

I heard a loud unnatural sounding moan coming from a distance "That may be our creature," said Riley picking up his pace, "keep quiet and don't provoke it when we see it."

When we were closer to the moaning sounds we came upon a clearing and I couldn't believe my eyes. There is was the Black Monster of doom, the horrid of all horrid, the creature of all creatures, stretched upon a large rock and...masturbating. It was the weirdest thing I ever saw and I caught my breath looking at the monstrosity. It was at minimum seven-foot-tall, It had a long thick tail, four legs, two arms, all covered in fur, a huge cock with massive dangling balls and tentacles protruding from its back. His face was not like anything I've ever seen, with a set of silver eyes, a long nose, almost beak-like, and a tongue that touched its chin.

Holding very still I tapped on Riley's shoulder to see if he had a good shot at the hideous beast. Riley shook his head in the affirmative and took his aim. That was when Jennifer took out her monitor-device and took a quick holoflick, which flashed bright green toward the creatures' direction. Without warning the creature leaped in our direction in one swift Mojo-like jump he was right in front of us.

Jennifer let out a long scream, while Riley let out a couple of darted shots, which pierced the beast's chest. I watched in horror as the beast pulled out the darts and tossed them to the ground completely unaffected.

"Run," screamed Riley in a panic taking off in the opposite direction.

*Some renowned hunter,* I thought while following him, but the creature let out a loud moan and something hot and wet splashed all over me and Jennifer causing us to slow down. Riley turned and look back, before continuing to run away.

Looking at Jennifer I tried pulling her from the ground so that we could run but she wouldn't budge. She looked up at me with a weird smile on her face and started licking the hot load that was on her. I stared back at her in horror and was speechless for just a moment.

"What the hell are you doing," I said trying to drag her away. The monster was behind me, not moving.

"My pussy is so wet," said Jennifer, rubbing her crotch through her pants. "Come...," she moaned loudly, "Come fuck me, Jasmine."

Pulling on her arm I tried to get her to budge, but she resisted and I felt the urge to just leave her there...but before I could turn and run, I felt strong arms lift me up and carry me away fast.

"Whaaaa," I screamed while in the beast arms, "put me down now!"

The beast didn't listen. And after a while, I passed out from the shock.


When I regain consciousness I was in a dimly lit, dry area. Blinking my eyes I looked around and it seemed that I was in some kind of room. Before I could think about how I got there, I spotted the Black Monster Creature in the corner staring at me with its startling silver eyes. Its long tongue flicked out of its mouth while regarding me.

If I didn't know any better, I would have thought that the beast had some kind of intelligence. Glancing at the door, I decided that it would be impossible to make a run for it, so I stayed put.

The beast started to slowly approach me, its eyes never leaving my face. It hunched back on one set of legs and his arm reached out to touch my face, which was still coated in dry sperm. I try to move out of its reach but the furry hand held my face firmly as the beast examines me closely...almost curiously.

Without warning the beast sticks it's tongue in my mouth taking me by surprise. I never had reports of the beast attacking in this manner. It was always a sperm attack never a physical one. I felt the long tongue exploring my mouth, swirling around hotly and I felt my privates respond involuntarily.

Taking my hands I pushed the beast away from me, and surprisingly with my small frame, I was able to dislodge the beast...and I backed away to the closest wall.

Chest beating, I started getting my wits about me...

'How did this beast bring me here, to this room,' I thought looking around. I wondered what the beast wanted from me, as it looked at me with something akin to surprise.

With all of my entail for the past four years of hunting this beast, it did something I did not know it could do... it spoke.

"Murenono," It said looking at me with...compassion.

"Mu...what, what," I said with panic, still recovering from that kiss. While it was distracted I decided to take my chances and escape. With all of my leg strength, I sprinted toward the door and just as I was about to open it, I found myself against a hairy chest, wrapped in arms and tentacles.

"Murenono," it said again, this time forcefully and with determination.


The beast kept me captive for two days, bringing me water and food. It even brought me a set of fresh clothes and some sort of shiny rock which I had no use for. The beast kept its distance for the most part and just stared at me...or rather through me as if undressing me.

Although the beast would speak, I had no clue as to what it was saying, but I had a suspicion that it knew exactly what I was saying. I told it to leave so I could put on clothes and it just stared at me with knowing eyes and watched me undress. When I asked to go outside to relieve myself, it brought me a pot to piss in. I was getting very concerned as the days went by, and there was no rescue in sight.

*Damn you, Riley,* I thought angrily, *I really depended on you.*

On the third night, the beast stood up and performed some sort of dance ritual around the room. Its long tail wagging back and forth, it's thick cock getting harder right before my eyes. I tried to avert my them but it came closer and grabbed the crystal that I left discarded on the floor. It placed it in my hand and for a brief second, I thought I saw the crystal glow red before it dulled out.

The beast let out a loud howl and its tentacles spread out and without warning, I was wrapped in them.

"Murenono," the beast said, its tongue-flicked over my face painting me with saliva. I felt the beast hands grip my shirt and ripped it from my body and left my upper half exposed.

"What are you doing," I yelled, still trapped by tentacles holding me. Ignoring me the beast tentacles lifted me in the air and his hands reached up to pull down my pants...

Floating just about his mouth the beast spread my legs open with his hands and started flicking its tongue on my pussy. My heart went into overdrive as sensations I never felt infiltrated my entire body. I was on fire. I felt my whole body light up and while still in the air, legs open wide, trapped by tentacles, I felt something hot and warm fill my body. Looking down I could see the beast blowing something into my pussy with its mouth and it was causing me to convulse.

Shaking all over I wanted to say stop but instead, I heard myself scream, "Yes oh fuck yes yes yes yes yes."

There was no reason for this kind of response, but I couldn't help myself. And just as I felt myself about to pass out, the beast slowly laid me down on the floor and I felt hot liquid gush out of me, squirting all over the small room.

When I finally stop shaking I could see the beast standing over me with the crystal, it was definitely red now and the beast held it tenderly as if it dropped the world would end.

'What the fuck is happening', I thought.

Suddenly the beast walked over me, it's cock hanging down toward my mouth. Drops of clear liquid hit my face and before I knew it his long big cock was against my lips, and without thinking, I opened my mouth to take him in.

'Who would have thought that I would be fucking the beast I was trying to catch this entire time', I thought, feeling my pussy pulsate. The beast was fucking my mouth its huge ball sac hitting my face. And before I know it I felt something enter my pussy...It was his fat long tail, filling my hole.

*I must be under some kind of sperm spell*

Moaning loudly around his cock I felt my body turn around and I was on top of the beast face-first hovering over its massive cock with my mouth and his tail was replaced by its tongue. Tentacles reached out to roam my all over my body, stroking me and my body was on fire.

The beast was making loud sounds and speaking in that language I didn't understand. After what seemed like hours of sucking his huge cock the beast lifted my body into the air again.

It's furry body pressed against mine and I felt tentacles spread my ass and entered it forcefully.

I buckled, scream in pain but I was loving the feeling of being filled back there.

The beast made cooing sounds and stroked my back tenderly with its hands while pounding my ass hard with its tentacles.

Suddenly I felt myself being coated with the biggest sperm load ever. It splashed all over my face, down my back, on my small perky breast, in my short hair. The beast sat me back down on the floor and I was unable to move from the attention I'd received. The beast stared down at me with great care and took the glowing crystal and placed it on my stomach. The crystal changed from red to green and the beast barred its teeth and let out a low howl.

It placed its furry hand on my belly and slowly rubbed it...petting it.

I had a bad feeling about this...

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ChloeHayChloeHayabout 4 years agoAuthor

Thanks for reading the story,

I really didn't know that about King Kong, that's an interesting piece of knowledge to have.

I really do try to avoid type O's but they do seem to blend in with everything...from person A to person B ( I will look for an editor after maybe three months on this platform, I want to see if I could last that long at least).

I have actually been thinking about this story a lot, a family member of mine read it and said it was weird and disjointed, but there's a good explanation for what's happening that it even blows my mind and I can't wait to put it to screen.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Only A Lady Would Have Thought

Of this line "...and a tongue that touched its chin." Tentacles, have you been watching some of those naughty JAV's? Only the Japanese could have invented a whole genre of porn molesting women with tentacles.

"*I must be under some kind of sperm spell*" Oh, yeah, sounds like my ex, problem being it wasn't just mind. I wondering what the little offspring is going to look like.

Chloe, you were a bit hard on yourself the other day, this wasn't bad at all. A little non-consent, non-human, sci-fi, preggo?, anal, oral, lots and lots of jizz, made air-tight and a tough broad - you covered a lot of bases in one page! Of course you missed a three way with Jennifer, wonder if it swings both ways as there is still Riley out there.

This reminded me a bit of the original uncut ,1933 version of King Kong where Kong has taken Fay Wray up on his mountain, peels some of her clothes off, caresses her and smells his finger. This scene and a couple of other violent ones were cut in the 1938 re-release after censorship came to Hollyweird. Something similar happened to Jessica Lange in that version.

Nothing at wrong with stories from a woman's point of view, many times they are much more eloquently written. Asimov couldn't write porn, he wrote an awful lot of stories just to end with a bad pun and wrote tons of naughty limericks but no porn. I never read any sci-fi porn by the classic authors. I would like it a lot if they'd ever release the X-rated version of Flesh Gordon instead of just the R version that they did put out, I've never even been able to find any of the deleted hardcore scenes on the net.

Something I liked about this story other than being written by a new Author was the very nice lack of obvious typo's. I did see a couple that could have been errors but I just took them as the way the character's/Author's manners of speech. Don't worry, Chloe, you are doing just fine.

Signed: BTW

ChloeHayChloeHayabout 4 years agoAuthor
Non consent

There is a portion of this story that touches on Nonconsent- Although I will be clearing this up in later parts I just want to make a note about it here.

Chloe Hay

ChloeHayChloeHayabout 4 years agoAuthor

Thank you for reading my story, I know there are areas of improvement for that one and I hoped to get more detailed in the parts to come.

mugsymalonemugsymaloneabout 4 years ago

Great first chapter! I look forward to reading many more. Thank you!


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