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Full Figured Chic Ch. 12

Story Info
Sasha shares eroticism with the women in the spa.
4.6k words

Part 12 of the 21 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 08/14/2009
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Sasha didn't even know some of the aches deep in the muscular crevices of her feet existed, till the skilled hands reached through to sooth them.

As the fingers moved through and explored different parts of each tired foot, different parts of her body responded and relaxed. She realised the woman must be practising a form of reflexology, using the feet to relax the entire body. Pressure just below each big toe released tension immediately in her neck. The magic she wielded in the middle of her foot corresponded to a slight tension in the lower back.

Soon, her entire body experienced a sense of intense relaxation. She found she nestled back into the deep chair beneath her comfortably. The woman giving her a facial chose this moment to reach forward and loosen Sasha's robe and the soft cotton gently falling to the sides felt sensual and comforting.

The chair moved a little, giving Sasha the impression behind closed lazy eyes that she was floating on clouds. She noticed her back straightening out as if she lay on a bed, her robe falling now more and more to the sides of her body. The warm air in the room nestled in around her, working with the massage to help her feel safe, cocooned and relaxed.

Soon, the woman working on her feet ran her hands, in a sensual massage, further up her legs to her calves, rubbing and releasing each tensed spot, calming any tightness, relaxing every part of her body that was touched. With her eyes closed, Sasha thoughts wandered to Jay; Jay with his broad muscled chest and his flat stomach.

She imagined leaving the salon, looking beautiful and Jay reaching out for her. Taking her into his arms and kissing her gently.

The hands massaging her legs moved higher, past her knees and worked their way over her quads and around to her inner thigh. She could feel hands working up her arm as well and hands working over the flesh of her throat to her upper chest. It was heavenly, and she continued to focus on releasing tension and images of Jay in her mind.

She let out a small sigh, letting herself sink even further into the cloud like chair beneath her. The hands on her legs now worked their way gently onto her inner thighs, both sets of fingers playing magically with the muscles under her skin. The hands working in such a sensual way over the soft intimate part of her body led her thoughts again to Jay. Now she saw him in the room she occupied upstairs. She imagined him walking toward her fresh from the shower, a white towel around his waist, a look of determined lust in his eyes. Just as he reached for her Sasha felt the finger tips brush very gently against the soft curly hair that lay nestled against her sex.

Too relaxed to jump, she let the fingers move more and more sensuously around the outer parts of her sex. They massaged into the crevices between her leg and her torso, again finding small muscles that ached when touched, but melted when rubbed in the right way. Imaging in Jay before her, Sasha dropped her legs further to the side, allowing the woman complete access to her most private and sensitive area.

Soon, she noticed the hands working up her arm had reached her shoulder and the woman rubbed hard into the muscles that sat directly on top of her shoulders. The woman behind her rubbed her neck and Sasha sighed out again as she felt the fingers below now stroking her sex unashamedly, lightly playing over her hair covered mound and the tops of her legs.

Sasha felt Jay's hands upon her sex pressing his fingers between her legs, begging her to open them further. Sasha did as she was told and spread her legs wider than she had them before. She moaned when at the same time she imagined kissing Jay, as a warm damp finger massaged gently over her clit and she felt a soft mouth clamp gently over her left breast.

The sensuality was indescribable. Without looking at and seeing the women working on her, Sasha focussed instead in on Jay. She imagined herself lying down on the bed in her room, Jay prying her legs further apart. She imagined him running his fingers over her damp mound just as she could feel the real fingers running over her now.

The woman standing behind her moved and next thing Sasha felt was a mouth on her right breast. The two mouths worked her nipples with great skill, tweaking the hard flesh and swirling their tongues around the large outer part of her breasts. With her eyes still closed, Sasha imagined Jay sucking on her breasts and working her over the way she felt these women doing.

Although relaxed, Sasha felt a lustful passion rising up from deep within her. She dared not open her eyes, instead allowing the sensations she felt to transport her, imaging it was Jay's mouth she magically felt in two different places. The ache between her legs, however, started to drive her to distraction. The light feather-like touch on her clit and her puffy outer lips had her sex flowing with a slippery wetness that almost called out for Jay of its own accord.

Oh god how she ached for him. How she wanted him, and desired him. They'd barely met and yet there was something that bound them together. She didn't feel the need to wonder if he felt it too, she knew he did. A question inside her was answered by Jay and she trusted all her feelings about him. In her mind's eye he leaned into her and sucked on her sex, devouring her, consuming her, penetrating her with his tongue.

Sasha lurched forward with the images in her mind and the feeling between her legs. She arched her back allowing her orgasm to pound through her, wave after wave of ecstasy rolling through her as if she were tossed through a luscious tornado, spinning her out of control. And yet she felt perfectly safe.

Soon she lay flat, spent, her body in an intense state of relaxation. A warm creeper wormed its way through her still body, winding itself around her spine and spreading its tendrils out to her ribs. Its talons stretched into her soothing her tense muscles and lulling her stressed joints into stillness.

Slowly, she opened her eyes. The three women each sat in their places. One at her fingertips, one working on her toenails and the other gently easing her open pores to relinquish any debris nestled into her skin. If it weren't for the slippery wetness beginning to seep its way out of her, Sasha wouldn't have believed what had just occurred at happened at all.

"Relax" said the woman above her. "You are sufficiently satiated for the time being. Please rest while we complete our work. Our job is to release the tension from within as much as it is to beautify the outside."

Too well rested to argue and too relaxed to complain, Sasha lay back and closed her eyes and let them finish the work they were doing. After what seemed like a long relaxing time, Sasha was done.

"I can't' believe I come here to do that every day." She exclaimed to Celine.

The beautiful French woman laughed. "Well, Madame, eet won't be like that every day you are h'ere, but when we notice 'igh skin tension, we will work on you to help you relax. You saw today, that can take many different forms -- Yes?" Sasha smiled, and exited, prepared for the business part of her day.

As soon as she walked out into the cool air of the large office, she bumped directly into the path of Jay's mother. Instantly Sasha pulled the tie on her robe tighter self consciously. The entire episode in the spa had thrown her anyway, but the last thing she wanted was to bump into the mother of the man who'd inspired those strange fantasies and happenings.

The older woman stared at her, her eyes flashing with the force that gave her the look of terrifying lucidity. Social decorum had Sasha try to step casually to the side as if to imply they'd accidently met. However, when Jay's mother moved to block her path again, she knew this was a confrontation.

"Sorry Mrs Miles. I seem to be in your way." "No no, dear, it is I who am in your way. I wanted to ask you, do you like my son?"

Confronted, Sasha just stared at her. Her mind told her immediately that anything she said would be repeated to Jay, and in fact could be some sort of test.

"Ummm, I'm not sure that is something that I should be answering to you. I feel embarrassed by that question and confronted."

If she couldn't avoid it physically, Sasha would make sure she could avoid it in their conversation.

The old woman peered at her, the power of her gaze deepening even further if that were possible. She seemed to be thinking something over, as if there were plans that needed to be made and Sasha's answer made a large difference to them.

"I think you should sleep with him and find out for sure."

A flush swept over Sasha. Now she felt she had a right to stand up for herself. No matter how strange a work place this may be, this sort of situation was uncalled for, and how she felt about Jay had nothing to do with his mother.

Her weirdness irritated and shocked her, but till now it had been fairly harmless. Sasha searched the large open room behind Mrs Miles, but Greg was nowhere to be seen. She couldn't be rescued that way. She'd have to be rude to this old lady and get herself out of this situation as fast as she could.

"I don't think that is any of your business, Mrs Miles. I know you are Jay's mother, but you can talk intimately with him, not me." At that moment, something grasped Sasha's attention. A strange mass protruded out of Mrs Miles clenched fist. It looked like dark web at first, but when Sasha concentrated, she noticed hair. Dark auburn hair. Sasha started.

"Is that hair you have in your hand?" Before the old woman could protest, Sasha grabbed her hand and turned it to reveal she did indeed have a fist full of hair. And it was Sasha's.

She stared at the woman's old hand as it opened to reveal a matted mess of dark auburn tangled strands and what looked like the toenail clippings Sasha had left in her bathroom bin earlier that morning, complete with remnants of the old red polish the women had removed.

"What is this? Is this my hair Mrs Miles? And my nail clippings?" Sasha instantly panicked. "Does Jay know that you have these? What have you been doing in my room?"

Sasha pushed past her and raced upstairs, without thinking that she was to see Greg as soon as she was out of the salon. Running directly to her room, she rummaged through her own bags and her other personals desperately trying to remember how she'd left things and to check if anything had been moved. In her bathroom she noticed that her bin had been tipped on its side, and her hairbrush lay on the floor. She had been in there to collect, of all things, her hair and nails. But it seemed to Sasha that she hadn't collected anything else.

Filled with rage at her personals being gone through in such a manner, she ran to the door, wrenching it open to see Jay's mother standing in the hall a little way back. This time her eyes were filled with fear; wide, reminding Sasha of a small naughty puppy who knew they did the wrong thing.

"I'm so sorry Sasha. I'm sorry. Please don't tell Jay or Gregor. They don't need to know, I only wanted your hair and your nails for a good luck charm I am making for you. I didn't mean for you to get scared."

Sasha stopped only long enough to hear her say these worlds. She pulled the door to her room tightly closed, and ran toward Jay's office. With Mrs Miles on her heels begging her to stop, she ran to Jay's office and without knocking burst through the door, closing it firmly behind her, on the face of his mother who remained behind in the hall.

Jay sat at a large work desk that sloped down towards him, piles of papers and designs all around the floor, with different materials draped all over it. He jumped when he heard the door open. He looked tired and a little dishevelled, but hard at work and happy. He radiated a thrilled peacefulness, like the energy of a spring day. His dark hair sat in a gently curled mess around his face, and he had a shadow of dark beard across the lower part of his features. He turned to look up at the door when Sasha burst in, and although in a state of concern over the behaviours of his mother, Sasha couldn't help but notice how his entire face lit up when she walked through the door.

"Sasha!" He cried. The site of him had her stop. She hadn't seen him since yesterday, and then he'd been in business mode. But now he looked creatively alive, his eyes filled with an excited almost childlike spark.

Sasha paused at the door, suddenly aware of the rise in her heart beat. It ought to be illegal to look as good as he did in that moment. No one should be allowed to walk the streets looking like that; It simply wasn't fair to the female population. However her pause was soon interrupted when she looked around at the walls of Jay's office.

She'd only met Jay twenty-four hours ago, but she now saw what an impression she made on him.

Jay didn't just have drawings strewn all over his desk and the floor. She looked around the room for a second when she could drag her eyes away from Jay's beautiful face and what she found stunned her. Sketches of gowns and materials and other objects lined the walls around his work space, but every picture included a picture of her. Anywhere she looked, an image of herself, in various gowns, or other types of clothes smiled out radiantly from the papers.

She saw herself in dresses formal and casual, draped with delicate lace or drowning in beautiful oceans of velvet. Sketches of herself smiling radiantly next to photographs of giant lilies and orchids graced the walls, gathered together in such a way as to make her look as though she were one of the flowers. An enormous bunch of the biggest fattest September lilies Sasha had ever seen sat in a vase to the right of him and to the left were strands of Singapore orchids.

She looked around to notice that the room was filled with flowers. Large blooming flowers, with broad petals and vibrant colours, Long stems reached out as if crawling toward a brighter day. Each stem, although broad and large, still held the delicacy of a flower, the individual beauty and the passion of its kind. She suddenly realised these flowers were the inspiration behind his designs. He had the images of her and the real life flowers to inspire his creations.

She's never been so attracted to anyone in her life before. Sasha suppressed an overwhelming desire to reach out and kiss him, dive to the floor and make love to him here, amongst the exquisiteness and the scent of the delicate beauty and wildness he used to feed his creative side. She found herself looking at him in wonder, as her entire body responded to the magnitude of what she was seeing.

"What are you doing in here?"

He stared at her with an almost blank look now, as if he couldn't quite believe she were real and was in this room with him. For a moment, she couldn't believe it herself. She looked around the room at all the pictures in confusion, trying to remember what she was there for. She didn't have long to think. Jay's surprise quickly faded and he questioned her again about what she was doing in the room. She studied his face as she noticed him glancing around the room as if he were seeing it through her eyes for the first time. He turned back to her and all the warmth had gone from his eyes. A slight flush rose up through his perfect skin, and he suddenly looked very uncomfortable.

"You can't just barge in here. This is my private work space."

"Your mother is driving me mad. I... I... I came in here because I found out that she has been going through my things in my room."

She couldn't remember why this was so upsetting; Seeing Jay at first in this shrine that seemed almost devoted to her, and then with this new anger in his face that was directed at her, was confusing and made it hard to focus.

"I don't want you running in here, especially over domestic irritations like you not getting on with my mother."

Suddenly Sasha was back in full force. This wasn't a domestic irritation, and she didn't care how many pictures of her stared down from the wall, his mother was a loony that needed to be dealt with.

"Excuse me, this isn't a petty irritation and quite frankly, no one else in here seems to know how to handle your mother. I found her collecting my hair and my nail clippings. She's been in my room behind my back. She haunts the corridors where I walk and she keeps telling me I am perfect -- but for what I have no idea. Also..." here Sasha cut herself off. She wanted Jay to know that his mother had been asking strange questions about their potential future, "She seems to think something needs to go on between you and I and she's been giving me the most intimate details of what she can see for the two of us."

All of that came out in a rush for Sasha and left her panting slightly. She knew she blushed. His dressing down surprised her and made her defensive. Jay didn't look as though he's suddenly moved to her side however. The flush in his cheeks remained strong and he nervously looked around the room again, almost as if he were remembering where they stood.

"Get out." He said menacingly.

"I want something done about your mother." "And I don't want you in here to see me or the room like this. I told you to get out. We will deal with the domestic difficulties later."

Tears stung Sasha's eyes and she engaged every ounce of her willpower to hold them back. She didn't want him to see her crying and she certainly didn't want to humiliate herself further. Flushing all over, she noticed she stood in her robe and that her naked body trembled underneath. His cruelty hit hard at her and clashed emotionally with the images she could see in the room. As an act of self preservation, she turned and ran, flinging the door open and forgetting to close it behind her. _________________________________________________

Jay stared after her, his heart pounding in his chest. He hadn't wanted her to see the room like this, to see what she meant to him already. He slumped in a chair, still hearing the noise of Sasha running to her room crying in the background. He also heard the noise of someone shuffling into the room. Looking up, Jay saw his mother.

"Leave her alone mother. It isn't working the way you have planned. You're just upsetting her. She'll end up running away, and I need her mother, I need her."

He looked at her with helplessness in his heart. He was starting to think she may be going mad himself. She looked down at him, resolve in her eyes.

"She's perfect Jay. All you have to do is sleep with her. If you sleep with her he will accept her as the replacement, and you and any children you may have will live."

Jay looked down at his trembling hands, then around at the images of Sasha on the wall. "I don't want her to go Mother. I don't want to trade my life for hers." He said it absently as he looked around. He couldn't believe the affect just one visit to the salon had on her. She was radiant, like any of the flowers in the room he'd picked to emulate her.

She'd been so beautiful, and he wanted to kiss her so much, but how can he tell her she'd reached this far into him in such a short period of time- And in only two meetings. It didn't make sense and he was going to look like a fool. He needed more time, and then he could get to know her and eventually tell her how he felt. But her seeing his walls -- this was not the way he wanted her to see his how intense his feelings are.

And so he'd been mean. He took all his humiliation and embarrassment and channelled into cruelty, using her distress to get her out of the room. It was more of a reflex action than anything else.

But it hurt. It hurt him to hurt her this way. He felt like a fool.

"You have to accept that she will be the one. There is no time to choose another, and she's perfect. Anyone would fall in love with her -- she is so beautiful. And we have to eliminate the curse before it destroys you."


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