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Gabriella Ch. 06


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He quickly shook the thought. It didn't matter. And for once if they were inside hooking up, far be it for him to stop them. He and Patricia could continue on about their night. He tucked the DVD under his arm and grabbed the pizza.

Simon took a deep breath before he walked through the door. He stopped in his tracks when he saw them. Ella was sitting in Nolan's lap with her head resting against his shoulder. She didn't bother to acknowledge him.

"Hey, Professor Graham," Nolan said.

"Hey." Simon shook off his jacket and walked to the kitchen. Patricia was kneeling by the stove, pulling different pans out.

He tossed the pizza on the table. "What are they doing here?"

She stood and brushed her knees off. "Well, last I checked, Ella lived here," she said with a smile.

"Okay. But tonight was supposed to be our date night."

"Look, you were the one always complaining that the three of us didn't spend enough time together."

"Yeah, but there's not three, there's four."

Patricia glanced toward the living room and placed a finger to her lips. "Shh, they might hear you. And personally, I'm glad I finally get to meet a guy that my daughter is seeing. At least she's here with us and safe. Right?"

She was right. But it still didn't lessen his sour mood. Simon nodded and leaned against the counter. "We don't have enough pizza," he pouted in a last chance plea.

"I know, that's why I popped some frozen corndogs and mini quiche into the oven."

Simon snorted. "Great. Quiche goes well with pepperoni pizza."

"Someone's grumpy," Patricia said, flashing him another grin.

Simon ignored her comment. He grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator. "Need any help?"

"No, I'm good. Why don't you go talk to them?"

"Because I'd rather stay in here."

Patricia placed her hands on her hips. "Why don't you like him?"

"I do like him. I just don't think he's right for Gabriella."

Patricia reached up and caressed his collar. "He's the reason they're even here. He wanted to meet me and introduced himself, which is more than any other boy has done. Besides, he seems nice and respectful." She wrapped her arms around him. "Although I do appreciate you being the overprotective father—"

"Oh God, that's not what I'm doing, Patricia," he said, pulling away from her. He hated hearing that word when associated with Gabriella.

"Well whatever the reason, I do appreciate it."

Simon picked a pepperoni off the pizza.

"Oh, and don't tell her I told you, but they are dating," Patricia whispered.

"Yeah, I know," Simon muttered.

"She told you already?" she asked, pulling down plates and cups. She was trying to hide the hurt in her question, but he could hear it.

"She just mentioned it in passing."

"Oh, okay."

Simon pulled her to him and kissed her forehead. "I'll go keep them company. But don't take too long. I don't know how long I can take college lovebirds. Gross."

Patricia laughed and pushed him through the door.

He found Nolan whispering in Gabriella's ear. She smiled and kissed him, once more ignoring Simon's presence. He plopped down on the coach perpendicular to the two thorns in his side.

Nolan looked up and smiled at him. "Sure smells good in there."

"Yep. My wife knows how to thaw frozen foods," he replied sarcastically. Nolan nodded, while Gabriella shot him an evil look. She turned from him and ran her hand up Nolan's chest, over his shoulder and behind his neck...much like she had done him in the past but now there was a manipulative quality about it all. He looked away from the familiar gesture and grabbed the remote control.

"Baby, he's right there," he heard Nolan whisper. From his peripherals he made out Nolan struggling to keep Gabriella's hands to herself.

"So," she said.

"So can you stop?" Nolan gave a low chuckle while Simon held the up button on the volume.

Simon gave a sigh of relief when Patricia finally entered. She placed the pizza and the plate of warmed up delicacies on the table.

"Bon appétit," she said, passing out paper plates and napkins.

"Thanks for letting me stay for dinner, missus...Patricia. I really appreciate it."

"Of course. It was nice to finally meet you," Patricia said.

"You too," Nolan mumbled, his mouth already full as he loaded three slices of an eight slice pizza onto his plate.

Simon dropped the Bridget Jones's Diary DVD into the player. It was one of Patricia's favorite movies, one that she often quoted. As the opening credits rolled for the umpteenth time, he marveled at the things a man did for love.

Gabriella turned off the lights then settled beside Nolan. She whispered something in his ear and he started choking.

She patted his back and laughed.

"What's so funny?" Patricia asked, smiling hard at the two lovebirds.

"Oh, nothing Mrs. Gr—Patricia. I was just choking," Nolan covered.

Simon read the credits as each name appeared on the screen. Anything to pull his mind from his own memories of what Gabriella had whispered in his ear. Things that would make most blush. Places she wanted him to put his hands, his mouth...his dick. The way she would give him free reign to do whatever he wanted and begged him to do whatever...

Was she doing the same things with Nolan? Simon glanced over at them. Yes.

His face flushed the more he thought of it. He had almost ruined his marriage to Patricia and the chance for her to mend their relationship with Gabriella, for what? His appetite dwindled and his head spun. He scooted closer to Patricia and wrapped his arms around her. She smiled up at him while she nibbled on the crust of her slice.

From his vantage point on the couch, he felt like a voyeur, especially now that the room was cast in a bluish glow. He let his eyes wander freely to Gabriella, not because he wanted anything from her, but just to convince himself she was happy.

He sank further down into the couch, Patricia's head resting underneath his arm and against his chest. Neither Nolan nor Gabriella seemed to be paying him any attention. Nolan stared at the screen, laughing at Bridget's ridiculous behavior.

But Gabriella seemed less interested in the film. She cuddled against Nolan but a moment later, she turned toward him, their eyes locking. He wanted to look away, but he refused to break the bond first. She held his stare, until Nolan laughed again.

Simon cracked his neck from side to side and stretched out his legs. A few months ago he couldn't have imagined that he would be sitting in his living room with Patricia, Gabriella and her boyfriend. The concept seemed so foreign, yet here they were. His eyes left the screen, and once more, he found Gabriella staring at him. His chest tightened. No more. She could stare all she wanted. He leaned into Patricia and returned his attention to watching the movie... with his wife, the woman who would be his priority from now on.

When the movie reached the scene where Bridget strutted into a party dressed as a Playboy bunny, Gabriella stood up and went to the kitchen. She returned carrying a can of Coke in one hand and a glass containing the same. It wasn't long before she started giggling mischievously as she and Nolan shared a private joke.

"They're so cute, aren't they?"

Patricia's question had startled him. How long had she been watching him? "What? Oh, well, I guess."

Simon turned his attention back to the movie. It was halfway through. He laughed at some random scene in the movie, and all three of them looked at him. He suddenly felt delirious. He kissed the top of Patricia's head. "I think I'm going to turn in."

"You okay?" she asked, her eyes searching his.

"Yeah, I'm just tired. You wore me out," he teased.

She grinned. "Okay, well, I'll be there in a little while. Love you."

"Love you too," he said, pecking her lips before he stood.

He didn't look in Gabriella's direction.

"Goodnight Professor Graham!" Nolan shouted after him.

"Yep. See you Tuesday Nolan." Thank God for the weekend.

"Oh, I think I'll be here for dinner on Sunday. Patricia invited me."

Mother fucker.

Simon didn't acknowledge that last comment as he made his way to the bedroom. He fell back on the bed and rested his elbow over his eyes. One day at a time and he'd get through this. His relationship with Patricia was improving and he would continue to work at it, proving to her that he could be the husband she thought he was. The husband he wanted to be.

As the movie played on in the living room, he imagined Patricia mouthing the lines under her breath. "Wait a minute. Nice boys don't kiss like that," he mimicked. It was ridiculous that he knew the lines as well.

Moments later, he heard their voices through the door, muffled, but definitely elevated. He sat straight up in bed and strained to listen. He sat a second longer before he heard Nolan's deep booming voice.

What the hell?

Simon rushed out of the bedroom and found Patricia and Gabriella in a standoff position.

"What's going on?" he asked looking back and forth between the two, as he approached Patricia's side.

Gabriella rolled her eyes. "Nothing."

"Simon, she's been drinking. She had whiskey in her Coke!" Patricia explained with her arms folded.

"So?" Gabriella announced, all nonchalant. "It's none of your business what I do. I don't tell you what to do, so you can't tell me what to do."

"It doesn't work that way, Ella. I'm your mother."

Simon was ready to cut in, but for the first time in memory, Patricia didn't throw her hands in the air and step back, ready for him to do battle on her behalf. So instead, he kept quiet.

"Nolan, you ever notice how people throw that term around so loosely? I'm your mother. I'm your father," Gabriella mocked, before snorting. "Like it actually means something."

"Ella, don't." Nolan touched her shoulder, but she pushed him away. His eyes seemed unsure as he looked to Simon for help.

"Don't, what?"

Simon folded his arms across his chest and squared off with Gabriella. He could quickly diffuse the situation. Gabriella would listen to him. Well, maybe. Inebriation made it hard to listen to anyone. "He means don't make a scene, which is exactly what you're doing now."

She turned her gaze to him. "Simon, with all due respect, go to hell."

"Nolan, I think you should go home."

"I'm sorry, Nolan but it's for the best," Patricia added, sounding embarrassed and upset.

Nolan hesitated then looked to Gabriella. "I'll call you tomorrow, okay? Hope you feel better."

Once he left, Gabriella became increasingly belligerent, hurling spiteful words at Simon.

"Clever girl, I'm sure you have more of those. You need to go to your room or go outside and get some fresh air. Your pick."

"You gonna make me?" she asked, stepping so close the scent of alcohol took his breath. But Simon refused to back up or be intimated by her. Her eyes taunted him. "Or maybe you'd rather spank me?"

"Ella!" Patricia yelled. "Don't you dare talk to him like that!"

Gabriella rolled her head in Patricia's direction. "Well, he was definitely spanking someone other than you."

Simon's mouth dropped, but before any words tumbled out, Patricia's palm smashed across Gabriella's face. The slap was loud even in the open space.

Simon stared at Gabriella's face in disbelief. Her hair blocked her eyes until she twisted her head to face Patricia and him again. Her caramel cheek was now tinted scarlet.

What just happened? His brain could not process any of this. Perhaps Gabriella's couldn't either, because it took her a minute to react. But Simon read the expression in her face, before her body caught up. He rushed in front of Patricia.

"You bitch! Don't you ever fucking—" Gabriella got out before he lifted her in a bear hug and dragged her to the front door, hoping to avoid any more irrevocable damage. She kicked and screamed as he slammed it behind him.

The fall air was brutal. Wind whipped around them, making her hair flutter around his face.

"Have you lost your fucking mind?" he asked as he deposited her roughly against the banisters.

"She hit me!" she cried hoarsely.

Simon knew what that was like. He and his mom felt the brunt of his father's fist more than once. But Patricia hadn't gone that far. She simply did something that many would have done years ago. Wrong or not, Gabriella could get under your skin by finding the chink in the toughest armor.

"And you're going to say you didn't deserve that?"

"She hits me and I'm the one you throw out? How is that fair?"

"Calm down."

"No! Fuck her—and you!" she shouted, pushing her hair from her face.

"You don't mean that."

"Yes, I do. I hate her!" she screamed at the door.

Simon grabbed her arm and pulled her back in front of him. "You get wasted, insult us and expect pity?"

"I don't need anything from her. I don't want anything from her," she said, tremors in her voice. He couldn't move because of the hurt and despair in her darkened hazel eyes.

"That's not true. And that hurts the most, doesn't it?"

She choked back tears and wrapped her arms around his neck, burying her face into his chest. Her body shook as she sobbed.

Simon gently peeled her arms away and pushed her back a foot.

"You need to sleep it off, Gabriella. You'll feel better tomorrow."

She shook her head. "No, I won't. You don't understand," she sobbed and mumbled.

"What?" Simon asked, walking closer to her.

She shook her head and whispered, "Nothing." But he was sure he heard her mumble something about love.

He wished they were alone so he could console her. He wished he could erase the man she had built wild fantasies around and be the friend she trusted when he told her she would heal from this.


"I was such a fool for thinking you loved me. That we could—" She straightened her shoulders and turned away from him. "So fucking tired of being stupid."

Simon swallowed hard. "I wish I could take back everything."

She sniffed. "Yeah, well it's too late."

He rubbed his hand across his forehead about to tell Gabriella how sorry he was for hurting her. But the reality was he had crossed the line that made comforting her inappropriate.

Gabriella walked down the steps and onto the driveway, her thin gray halter dress flapping in the wind.

"Gabriella," Simon called out to her, trying not to wake the neighbors. "Gabriella, get back here!"

She continued down the street.

"Fuck." Simon turned to find Patricia standing at the door.

"Where's she going?"

Simon shook his head. "Let me get my keys. I'll bring her back."

"I'll go with you."

When they pulled up beside her, Gabriella kept on taking long strides while her hand rubbed up and down over her arm. She refused to look at them. Her phone was attached to her doubt with Nolan on the other end. Icy air gushed into the car through the window Patricia had down.

"Ella, you're going to freeze if you don't get in the car," Patricia said.

"Like you care."

"We do care, that's why we're out here."

"Leave me alone!"

Simon had had enough. He leaned over Patricia. "You're drunk, barely dressed and walking down the—"

Patricia placed her hand on his arm. "Simon, please, let me handle this."

He let out a frustrated breath, leaned his head back and kept his eyes on the road. This charade could have ended minutes ago because he would have placed Gabriella in the car...with or without her consent.

"Ella, please, get in the car," Patricia said. "This is childish. Look, I'm sorry that I hurt you. But you hurt me too! And you did it on purpose."

Simon kept the car rolling down the street in sync with Gabriella's pace. The wind whipped around the windows, creating a shrill sound.

"Stop the car."

Patricia rushed to Gabriella's side and gripped her hand. Gabriella tried to pull away from her, but Patricia pulled her tighter and grabbed her arms.

He hated seeing them like this. His carelessness and lack in judgment was the reason the three of them were feuding in the middle of the street on the coldest night in months. Almost a year ago to the date, he had followed Gabriella to her room for the first time. And that night he destroyed both of their trust, even if neither realized it at the time. Now it was something he could never fully get back. Had he just kept it together, their lives would be different.

Simon studied their movements, trying to make out their words while Patricia had her back towards him and Gabriella spoke. She ripped her arms free and pulled several strands of hair from her face. She said something else and then walked away. But Patricia didn't follow her. Instead, she looked at him, her face full of questions.

An uneasy feeling settled in his stomach. "What's wrong? What did she say?" he asked when she got in the car.

She faced the windshield, her expression blank the whole time. "I asked what was wrong with her and she said to ask you."

Simon's throat dried as his gut twisted.

Patricia turned to him. "What's going on?"


Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed. I'll try like hell to get chapter 7 out much faster. A big 'thank you' to muse:-) Don't know what I would do w/o you. And another big 'thank you' to August, who polishes my words and keeps pushing me to be a stronger writer. You two ladies are amazing!

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

So glad I didn't read this whole story. It breaks my heart that this story revolves around a man who loves his a wife but is fucking his stepdaughter who is in love with him. The whole story is a complete heartbreaking mess. I'm curious how it ends, but at the same time, I wish I had never seen this.

black_maestrablack_maestraover 11 years ago
agreeing with Cantfightfate 3/14/10!

Thank you Cantfihgtfate for your insight, I completely agree with you on everything. I do feel Ella and Simon are more fitting. but people have to remember her mother NEVER spent her free time with Ella. The girl is starving for attention. She has had no girlfriends or a mother figure to guide her thoughts, emotions, or actions. I do also agree that the girl is trifling, but technically she is still a teen, legal age, but an immature teen of 19. Patricia is a sad depressive woman that should had sought counseling years ago. The fact that Simon keeps blaming Ella disgusts me, he is the one that took vows to be loyal to us wife. He is very aware that his wife and Ella have no real mother/daughter relationship. I feel he used that maybe unintentionally, but still to hs advantage to fuck and mind-fuck his step-daughter. Wow, what a mess! Sorry, rooting for Ella, she's the kid in this mess that the adults made for her and now everyone expects her to behave when no else has... please!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Simon needs to get over his whore/wife delimma. Your wife can and will do all of those dirty things if you let her know thats what you want.

Ella needs to grow up and stop being a brat. You rolled the dice and lost. Get over it. As another poster said, she needs to out on her big girl panties and move on. Let your mom be happy and cherish the relationship with the first guy that has not judged you for your past. He even accepted that you were with another man the night before you were with him. You can't always have what you want...not matter how good it feels. Also, everyone is acting as if he molested her. She was a grown ass woman who shook her ass at him and got exactly what she asked for.

I'm not sure what to say about Patricia. I wonder if she's hiding something of her own.

I think its naive to expect if it all comes out that there will be a magical reconciliation between mother and daughter. If I found out that my adult daughter was sleeping with my husband, there would be no coming back from that. I would love her, but she couldn't be in my life after that betrayal, just as if would have been a sister, best friend, or close acquaintance. He would be gone too!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

I know she was goning to say something

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

am i the only who dnt hate gabriella? and am i the only one who thinks there is more to this? I actually kinda like the main characters although i feel sorry for nolan. this is amazing !!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

I don't think Ella and Simon belong together. When Ella is not around he seems happiest with Patricia. With Patricia he has love, sweet loving sex and companionship. With Ella Simon feels shame, regret, and self-loathing. It's like when someone chooses self-desructive habits because they don't feel they are worthy of anything better. It certainly isn't healthy.

And seriously Patricia should have slapped that brat a long time ago. She thinks she loves Simon but she is doing the same thing he is doing. Acting like trash and chasing a married man, she needs serious help.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Chapter 7

If you sent the chapter on the 19th, I doubt it would take this long to post.

Just saying.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

Was Grayson Hall a nod to the actress Grayson Hall?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Hey...Chapter 7 ????????

Could the author or someone at Literotica get to posting Chapter 7 please.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Team Therapy - I agree

I agree, wholeheartedly, with the Team Therapy comments ... All three involved need an intervention (Ella being most in need) and need one NOW! I know many believe Simon and Ella should be together ... but, as another poster commented, were this real life, I seriously doubt many would believe Simon to be a prize and Simon and Ella's psycho-sexual relationship acceptable. Simon makes me queasy and Patricia and Ella make me sad ... Many kudos to the writer for fleshing out three, terribly flawed individuals. Can't wait to seethis train finally go off the rails...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

i think gabriella and simon should get together. he's acts like himself with her he's not pretending to be someone else, like with his wife.with his wife he's hiding a part of himself.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Hmmm I agree with. . .

the team therapy comment. I'm sure Woody Allen and his adopted daughter/wife are deeply in love and Morgan Freeman has a passionate connection with his step granddaughter/lover but I still don't find it okay. That may make me judgemental and close minded but it would be hypocritical of me to give a pass to Simon just because he's hot and rides a motorcycle. And I fail to see how calling her a slut and a whore all the time and telling her that he would never marry her and hates being with her is helping her with her self esteem issues. Patricia's not much better though, I don't think she really tried to be the best mom to Gabriella, because I think deep down she resents her for taking away her youth.

This is not a love story at all for me. But does it have to be? Literotica has enough cheesy romance stories on here, I'll take dark, tragic and disturbing over cliche happily-ever-after any day of the week. No matter what the outcome, this story is awesome and I can't wait for the update, thanks Soular!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Team therapy...and the under 20s

Those who want Gabriella and Simon together are not under 20 ...immature...lacking understanding of human relationships. (Of course those under 20 would say only those over 35 would want Patricia to kick Simon to the curb and seek out therapy with her kid).

It is possible for a man and a woman to act on their sexual attraction, however deviant, their actions might be seen by the rest of the society. Two people click sometimes because they fulfill a need in each other. Gabriella may have "Daddy"/Abandonment issues but part of her attraction and love for Simon is that he understands those issues and (however meagrely portrayed by the author) he answers to that keening she has to be guided by a man, taken care of by a man. What is so hard to understand about a woman who had no self-respect at all falling for the first man to come along who demanded that she have some; the first man to tell her how she is to act and show her--- by his actions towards her mother, at least in the early days of that relationship--- how a woman is to be treated? Simon wants Gabriella because he can be his true self, can let his guard down, not pretend. Simon fell for a dream, an ideal, a fantasy (he wove in his head) when he met Patricia again years after college...and he married the dream. Meeting her daughter let him realize that Patricia is not the reality that can sustain him. In everyday life humans meet up with alll types of "taboo" circumstances and they rebel againts what society says is right and they find a way of being happy.

Patricia has the same abandonment issues as Gabriella and will always put a man before her child. Whether it's Simon or some other man that comes along her child will always play second fiddle to her need to have her "Daddy" issues "fixed" by her lover. It's terrible that she and the daughter found what they want in the same man. But when the man wakes up to reality and realizes he wants something else (even if it is a 19 year old, confused, promiscous, disrepectful, lazy girl with low self-esteem) you cannot discredit their feelings by saying they are perverted, deviant, and based solely in lust. The heart wants what it wants...however distateful to the rest of us. If life were like a story messy/complicated/cringe-worthy relationships would all fail. But they don' they? It is not the case in life that only the sane, mature and psychologically evolved find love and happiness.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Life is Complicated!

I guess we all know what's about to happen but I can't help hoping that Patricia doesn't find out somehow. It just feels right when Simon and Patricia are together without Gabriella. Well I hope 7 turns out to be something unexpected..

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

I thought you said chapter 7 would be out shortly.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
I'm on Team Therapy

So I spent all morning reading this story and it's quite good. I really like how you've created so many complex characters, I agree with everyone that says none of the main characters are particularly 100% likeable. I can't see any happy ending beyond Simon exiting stage left and Patricia and Gabriella working towards healing their mother-daughter relationship. I don't hate any of them (a testament to your great writing) but Patricia is the only one I could like, but her insistance on remaining clueless about everything has been annoying up til this point. I'm glad she finally smacked the hell out of Gabriella and is starting to see the forest for the trees. Personally, I can say I probably wouldn't have a 19 year old living in my house talking to me the way Gabriella talks to her mother, so she's a better woman than I am because homegirl would've been out on her ass so damn fast it would her head spin. Was she mother of year? No, this much is fairly obvious but unless there's some backstory to be added it really just seems like Gabriella is a selfish little girl with major daddy issues, in many ways she's a typical teenager minus the full on parent guidance that would give them a conscience. That said, I don't completely hate her nor do I completely blame her for the actions of a full grown man. In fact it makes it even worse because it's clear that what Gabriella needed was a father figure or mentor who was there for her instead she got this bastard.

I really can't understand how anyone can really root for Gabriella and Simon as a couple- Gabriella needs therapy and her own apartment not some sleazy stepfather with a madonna/whore complex. The only thing I can imagine is that most of the people rooting for this couple are under the age of 20 themselves or just can't help rooting for the "underdog" so to speak or maybe are just into lopsided twisted relationships. Even though this is a story, come on people, if this was real life would we really be romanticizing Simon's actions like this and over looking the mental abuse that he's heaped on Gabriella and his disgusting actions towards his wife? I don't think he's pure evil (again thanks to the writing) he has some redeeming qualities and moments of clarity, but he's not a romantic hero, he's a couple of steps above a child molester and the fact that he's an educator in charge of molding young minds makes him even more repulsive. I don't know if he needs therapy or a good kick in the ass but either way he needs to be gone by the end the story. I'm so glad Patricia's friend has his number and I hope that eventually she clues the poor woman in. Please please Patricia wake up, rip this loser a new asshole and start taking control of your life and your relationship with your kid! Anyways thanks for an engrossing story, can't wait to read more.

mariasmdmariasmdabout 14 years ago
more please!!!!

please right so more soon. im dying to find out if this is the end and if Gabriella will get simon.

BoxtearsBoxtearsabout 14 years ago

These characters are fleshed out so thoroughly that I sometimes wonder if they're based on real people. I don't think any of your previous stories had this much character depth and development. The nuances, all the subtle details of action and dialogue flow so naturally that only someone who has observed human behavior for years could have effectively pulled off this technique.

Sex did take a backseat after the first chapter but the fact that you've kept the things engaging without it is a testament to your skills as a storyteller. The only thing that even remotely bugged me were the occasional typos. And even then they have been incredibly few and far between, almost nonexistent which helped to keep the story immersive. In fact the only time I was distracted was when you twice used "despite" in the context of "to spite."

"You did this despite your mom?" That was a bit weird.

Anyway, I don't think I've been this hooked on a story since Isaac Asimov's Foundation series so that definitely speaks to your natural literally talents. Seriously, you could be making SO much money if you put this in novel form.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

I'm loving this story but are you going to update it soon? It's really hard to stay into the story when there is like a month in between each update. Anyway, I know writing this stuff is really hard and you should take as long as you need to update us. But your fans are wanting more!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

Definitely agree with the last comment by anonymous. My favourite of the story is definitely Nolan. He seems like a genuinely nice guy.

Once again, thank you for your spectacular writing! You are so talented!

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