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Gadget Man


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When I reentered the shop she was passed out. I stopped the machine and checked her ass and pussy. They were both still well lubed. She came to.

"Oh Robert. Thank you for stopping it. I was having one long orgasm and then I guess I passed out. I've never felt anything like it!"

I tossed a blanket over her and told her to rest. In seconds she was asleep. I let her sleep two hours and then I woke her. I gave her some water and I unstrapped one of her hands. I handed her a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. She didn't grumble or complain. She ate it. I gave her another drink and she didn't fight me when I restrapped her hand in place.

"I am going to give you two controls. One will control the speed of the dildo in your ass. The other controls the speed of the one in your cunt. Your job is to cum three times in the next hour. Any time you ask I will give you more lube. The lube is also on a timer so there is no way you will ever be dry. Do you understand?"


I handed her the controls. She played with them for a minute and then I said, "You have fifty-nine minutes left."

At first she concentrated on the dildo in her pussy. It touched her clit with each stroke. I sat and watched. Without her noticing I touched my control for the dildo in her ass and it very slowly began moving in.

"Forty-five minutes left." I said.

"I'm close," she said. It was almost a whisper.

The juices flowed from her and I replaced the towel. Her breathing became shallow and she began to shake.

"You ready to cum?" I asked.

"Yes! I want to cum!"

"Want me to help?"

"Help me please!"

I grabbed both breasts and twisted her nipples hard. Her orgasm swallowed her. She passed out.

When she opened her eyes I said, "You have twenty-two minutes left. You have only had one orgasm."

Sweat covered her body. Juices dripped from her ass and her pussy onto the towel on the floor. She twisted the controls and her ass and pussy were getting the pounding they deserved. She was fucking herself hard and fast. Twelve minutes passed and she screamed, "I'm so close! Help me cum again, please!"

When the dildo in her pussy pulled back almost leaving her pussy I slapped her clit with my open hand. She screamed and her orgasm took her. This time she didn't pass out.

The dildos still fucked her and she was fast approaching her third orgasm in an hour.

She heard me announce, "You have nine minutes left." Her eyes went wide and she twisted the controls attempting to have that third orgasm. I watched the second hand on the clock and announced, "Eight minutes."

"Seven minutes."

"Six minutes."

The dildo in her pussy was at full speed. The one in her ass was at full speed. Somehow she had adjusted them so they were both penetrating her at the same time.

"Five minutes."

"Four Minutes."

Becky was moaning and straining in her restraints.

"Three minutes."

"Two minutes."

"One minute."

"Oh Robert. Please help me! I can't make it without you! I need you. Robert please."

Becky wasn't looking at me. Her eyes were unfocused. Every muscle strained to achieve the orgasm she wanted so badly. I lubed my thumb and first finger and pinched her clit hard. She passed out.

While she was out I stopped the machine and pulled it away from her. I unstrapped her arms and legs. As I released the straps from her head and neck she opened her eyes.

"Did I make it?"

"Yes. By two seconds."

"What now?"

"First I want you to tell me what you think of my fucking machine."

"At first it scared me to death. I thought you were somehow going to torture me to death. But when I had my first orgasm and it was so strong I started really liking it. I don't want to now, but sometime soon I'd like another session with it."

"Perhaps, that can be arranged. I am about to release the belt that holds you here. Before I do I want you to understand some things. One, there are none of your clothes in this building and we are no where near home. If you run outside you will never see me or the machine again. Do you understand?"


"Two, the men you have been fucking here in town are going to pay for fucking my wife. I need to know how and why it began."

"Are you sure? I don't think you will believe me. Henry said he would fix it so your life would be ruined if you found out."


"OK. About a year and a half after I started at the library I was alone in the store room of the main library cataloging the new book arrivals. Henry came in and said he was looking for his wife. I had met her twice because she is on the board for the library. I told him that I hadn't seen her in days. He said that he liked my work and could see a real future for me with the libraries. Then he told me that he could either make my life better or ruin us. It all depended on me."


"He showed me his dick and said that if I wanted a better life I had to keep the city counsel happy. I asked him what exactly I had to do. He said that he would be around and when he was I would take care of him with any hole he wanted."

"Did you ask what would happen if you said no?"

"He said there would be a reported theft and I would be found guilty. He said he could arrange it. He said the police chief was his really good friend."

"Then what happened?"

"I sucked him off. He thanked me and left. The next day someone at city hall decided that a librarian should go to the state education conference. Henry showed up at the conference and we spent the afternoon fucking."

"And the other two?"

"Mike walked into my office one day and said, "Henry tells me you give great head. I want to find out." I tried to toss him out but the phone rang and it was Henry. He said I'd better take care of Mike if I wanted to keep being a librarian in this city. I took care of Mike."


"Barry is married to Mike's sister. Mike brought Barry in on the deal. Honey, I really do feel bad for lying to you and cheating. I didn't know what to do. Can you forgive me?"

"You could have come to me. You could have called a cop!"

"Henry said the chief is his friend and he could send me to jail. I couldn't tell anyone!"

I unbuckled the belt at her waist and helped her sit up. As she started to stand I asked, "When was the abortion?"

She almost collapsed. I held her up and she looked at my face. She was crying.

"Last year."

I pointed to the bathroom and said, "Go shower. We aren't through talking."

She went. I cleaned up and made us both another sandwich. The party I had arranged was in three hours. When she came out she looked clean and tired. Her hair was still a mess.

I wrapped her in a large dry towel and sat her on a chair.

"Do you want to be married to me?"


"Earlier you yelled some things at me. I want you to think about what you said and I want to know what you want to do about what you said."

"I don't remember."

"Other men are men. Other men are better lovers than you. I should have left you years ago."

"I didn't mean those things! I was scared!

"You have had lots of lovers. Do you want to leave me for one or all of them?"

"NO! I didn't mean those things. You are a great lover."

"You also said, Robert, you aren't good enough to be my husband. Other men want me. Other men will take better care of me than you do."

"If you want other men to take care of you, why have you stayed?"

"Because it isn't true! I fucked up. I didn't trust you enough and now I'm afraid I've fucked up your life as well as mine. I want to be married to you and I'll understand if you toss me out. I'll do anything if you'll let me stay your wife. No one could take better care of me than you have. I love you."

She cried and sobbed and slid off the bench and curled up at my feet. I told her I had to go to my car and I wanted her to wait right where she was. She nodded but otherwise didn't move. At my car I got the clothes she was going to wear to the party and mine.

Inside, I gave them to her along with her traveling make-up and hair kit. I told her to get dressed and do her face so she looked good. I gave her the bathroom. I dressed out by the chair. When she came out she looked tired but good. I went in and shaved. Brushed my hair too.

I walked her out to the car and held the door open for her. As she started to get in she asked, "Am I ever going to get a kiss from you again?"

"In about two hours I will be willing and able to answer your questions. Get in, please."

I drove home. The party was scheduled for three. At two forty five I told Becky to go to our bedroom and stay there until I called her. I could see she wanted to ask why, but she didn't. As she went I said, "Stay dressed."

By three-ten everyone invited was sitting in my living room. They all had asked where Betsy was and I explained that Betsy would be along soon but that I wanted to talk with them first. I explained that I had discovered that Betsy had been having sex with men she wasn't married to and that I wanted answers. Henry's wife stood up and blustered, "This is nonsense! I don't need to listen to this!"

I yelled, "Sit down!" She did.

"I have all the proof anyone could ever want. I'm going to get the answers I want or else! Henry, let's start with you. How long have you been fucking my wife?"

"How can you accuse me of such a thing? I have never touched your wife."

I picked up the remote and turned on the TV. I looked at Henry and said, "Do you want me to push the play button or do you want to tell me the truth?"

"Push it! You have nothing."

I did. The screen blinked and the scene was Henry smiling at the camera as he slid his fat cock into Betsy's ass. It played for ten seconds and I stopped it.

"Henry, you are a nasty old bastard. You promised me no more of that when we moved here! You and I are through!" She started to get up. I motioned her back into her seat.

"Henry, I am only asking you once to tell me how it started. If you lie to me I will know and your life, as you know it, is completely over."

"She started it. She groped me in her office and she sucked me off."

"Henry, I want you to think like an honest man. You just lied to me. You know it and I know it. I can prove it in court if I need to. I already showed you a tape you didn't know existed. Tell me the truth."

"I told her that if she wanted to keep her job she needed to keep me happy."

I turned to Mike. The instant I faced him his wife slapped him, hard.

"Mike, why did you fuck my wife?"

"She asked me to."

"Is that the truth? Be sure. If you lie to me you will regret it even more than you do now. I picked up the remote."

Mike put his hand up and spoke. "Henry told me that the librarian gave great head and that she would do me if I told her he sent me. He called her and I don't know what he said but she sucked me off in her office that day."

"Have you fucked her?" His wife asked.

I hit fast forward and stopped when the numbers on the front of the VCR read 2860. Play. The screen flashed and Mike was pulling on Betsy's nipples as he had her legs up and we could see his cock going in and out of her.

His wife was slapping him and I stopped her. "You can kick his ass all the way to Texas but first I want some answers. Please sit down."

She sat and folded her arms. I looked at Mike and asked, "How long have you been fucking my wife?"

"Three or four years." He was looking at the floor.

"Did she ever contact you and ask you to fuck her or was it always one of you who told her to get ready?"

"She never started it. Usually it was Henry. I went into the library once in a while for a blow but she never called me, or offered."

I turned to Barry. His wife was already in tears. She had moved away from him on the couch. I hit fast forward again and stopped when the numbers read 5642. Barry started to speak. I held up my hand and he stopped. His wife dropped her hands from her eyes and I hit Play.

The sound was high enough to hear Henry ask Barry to fuck him in the ass. The camera got all the action. I stopped the tape.

"You know that I have tape of you sticking that same cock in Henry's ass and my wife's vagina. I want you to tell me what makes that OK in your mind."

"Nothing. I know it's wrong! Henry and Mike have been good to me. I have a good job because Henry got it for me. He said that either I took care of him or I would lose everything."

"No one moves! I am going to another room and I am coming back with Becky. No one talks while I am gone and no one says anything when we get back until I ask you to. Is that clear?" Everyone nodded.

I opened the bedroom door and Becky was sitting on the bed, crying. I helped her stand and I kissed her. I didn't say anything. With her hand held tightly I led her into the living room and sat her in the chair where I had been sitting. She didn't want to sit. She was afraid. I helped her sit.

I turned to Barry. "I want you to talk to Becky about the last few years of your behavior."

For ten minutes he apologized to Becky, to me, to his wife and to God. Becky looked him in the face and tears poured down her cheeks, and she never said a word.

I pointed at Mike. He looked at the floor and spoke softly. He begged for forgiveness for treating Becky like a cheap slut. He apologized to her, to me and to his wife. He broke down twice during his time.

When he stopped Henry spoke. He blamed the whole thing on feeling the power of his position go to his head. He said he did it for the same reason Bill Clinton messed with Monica, because he could. When he stopped he had not taken responsibility for anything and he had not apologized.

"Henry, did you force my wife to have sex with you repeatedly over the last few years?"

"She had a choice! She could have quit her job."

"So the sex was her fault?"

"She is a sexy woman! I couldn't resist."

"Did she ask you to have sex with her?"

"With words?"

"With words."


I paused.

"Henry, would you like to buy the evidence I have?"





Barry's wife spoke first. "I want it! I'll buy it!"

Henry's wife said, "I have more money than Henry does. I'll buy it!"

"Here's my deal. If one or all the men buy the evidence it gets destroyed. If, on the other hand, one or all you ladies want it, I will produce it in court three times and then it will be destroyed. I will give you just three minutes to give me your bids."

Henry spoke first. "I'll bid one hundred thousand."

Mrs. Toombs said, "One hundred sixty thousand." The others just sat there. They had already been out bid.

Henry spoke again, "Mike, Barry, help me out here. We can out bid her if we pool together. If she gets the evidence we're all fucked!"

"I might be able to get together twenty thou." Mike said.

I watched the clock. When the three minutes were up I told Mrs. Toombs she had three calendar days to deposit one hundred sixty thousand in our account. If it wasn't there in three days the evidence was mine to do anything I wanted with.

"I am done. I want all of you out of our home in the next five minutes. Becky and I have much to discuss."

No one spoke as they went out the door. Becky hadn't moved since I helped her sit down. I watched the couples walk to their cars. Barry's wife waited until they were at their car and then slapped him hard enough that I was sure she broke his nose. She got in the car as he was attempting to stop the bleeding and drove away.

Mike's wife didn't hit him, but she drove away without him.

Henry was left standing on the curb as well. His wife squealed the tires as she drove away. I watched as the three stopped the bleeding of Barry's nose and walked off together.

Becky was still sitting where I left her. I pulled a chair next to her and sat.

"I'm sorry you had to go through all that."

"I'm sorry I cheated on you. I'm sorry those men fucked me. I want you to love me. I want you to forgive me. Please forgive me."

"I already have. I was ready to toss you out when I thought I didn't even know you. I wanted to fly into a rage and break things and kill people! I didn't. I found a way to have gadgets help me find out the truth. You made only one mistake. You didn't tell me a long time ago what was going on."

Becky was in my arms and on my lap, kissing, and hugging, and crying all at the same time. Somehow over the next few hours we made our way to the bedroom and made a mess of the bed. Sometime about medium dark that night we got dressed again and went out to dinner.

Sunday we spent at a hotel a hundred and twenty miles from home. The original tape was still in the safe deposit box and the evidence they didn't know about was hidden in my garage. The other evidence? The tape of the confessions made in my living room. Bob hadn't removed the system and I, being the gadget man, had turned it on.


There were three closed divorce sessions in our town within six months. All three men lost everything. In no case did I show more than ten minutes of the tape.

The library board voted to promote Becky and she was given a better office at the main library.

A deposit of one hundred sixty thousand was made to our account the Monday morning after our meeting/party. On the day after Henry was divorced another deposit was made in the amount of one hundred thousand dollars. The bank president couldn't or wouldn't tell us who made the deposit.

On a whim I loaded the machine in a trailer and took it to a national convention for adult products. I let fifty women use the machine (minus a couple of the restraints). Their screams and testimonials were the talk of the convention. A company at the convention offered us three-hundred-thousand for the rights to manufacture and sell it, I kept the prototype (Becky wouldn't let me sell it).

We moved from town. A week after we moved I mailed the tape from the meeting/party to Bob, the new chief of police.

It took a while for Becky and I to work things out. My attitude is that she was raped, repeatedly, and spent years living in fear. My job is to love her and put all that behind us. If I didn't think that Henry was headed for prison and lots of butt fucking he won't like I'd be tempted to take him into a dark alley and beat him ... let's just say hurt him forever.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

She said go ahead and cum in me I will just have another abortion.

Just the type of lady you would entrust your possible families future to.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

No forgiveness possible!

You heard what she said. She was forced But didn't try to tell you before it started etc

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I try to be objective when analyzing the work of other writers so that I not only can (hopefully) give their creation a fair evaluation but also absorb the best ideas and techniques being displayed.

This story does a good job in putting all the criteria writers' workshops recommend to good use, so the plot flows from one stage to the next smoothly and with good grammar, usage, mechanics, etc. (Sorry for the excess usage of the descriptor "good"--but it fits.

The plot development as the MC works through his delimna (what to do) after discovering his wife's adultery is--given his gadgetry engineering--logical and concisely described; that is, until the confrontation at his home with all the guilty parties and their wives. Some version of that scene might have been possible to accept, but that all parties (wives included) remained obedient to the MC's directives without any real objection or conflict--is simply illogical and unbelievable. But that's quibbling over a relatively minor detail.

This is one of the most imaginative renditions in reworking an old trope that I've read. The use of the "fucking machine" to evoke a true confession from the wife was simply brilliant. Whether it arose from the author's own creativity or suggested by one of the faux B&D porn videos ubiquitously available online--it's use to torture out a confession without doing any real damage to the victim (except perhaps to render inadequate and thereby ruin all other sexual interaction from that moment on)--was not only an effective means of "questioning" but damned erotic to an extent unexpected but VERY welcome.

If you're still reading these commentaries all these years later--many thanks Scorpio44 for an excellent morning's entertainment. Will now go read your other stories. Thanks again.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

He should have divorced her, because she was such a slut, but even more importantly because she never told him, showing that she had no faith in him and that she valued her job more than her marriage.

Complete nonsense that he would stay with her after all of that.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
This Was A Joke, Right?

She has been happily according to the tape sucking and fucking three guys separately and in a group for "three or four years", had an abortion, was willing to have another and he just forgives her? The tape made it clear this was no rape, she was a very willing participant. Every action, every lie, every refusal to give their names showed a complete lack of respect for her husband and their marriage. Even after all of this she got a raise and a promotion where she was regularly giving blowjobs while she was supposed to be working. Someone with a Masters Degree should be intelligent enough to know blackmail doesn't stop when you pay off, it just keeps on getting worse. Just release the tape to the world if she fights the divorce. Also, divorces are public record, they are not sealed. Signed: BTW

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