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Game Night Pt. 08


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Keeping her knee firmly in place, Samantha rocked her hips and kept herself focused on the sounds of Katerina's voice calling out for her. Samantha blushed as she felt the first gush of her orgasm, the liquid exploding from her rather than spraying, coursing down over Katerina's thigh, down her own thighs in erratic streams. Instantly her legs were soaked, a flood of her own cum coating her flesh, and the warm, sticky fluid only fueled her flames she wanted to soak herself in it, wanted to soak Katerina in it. She leaned into Katerina, putting her mouth on the brunette's shoulder, she nipped, licked, and kissed, biding her time, waiting for the perfect moment. She breathed the brunette in, tasting the sent of Kat's pussy in the air. She licked her lips.

When Katerina's nails bit into her hips Samantha clamped her teeth on Kat's shoulder - not hard enough to break skin, but enough to provide a sting. It did the trick. Samantha held on tight as Katerina's body went rigid and utterly silent. When the quiet broke, it did so with the force of Katerina's throaty scream.

Samantha had never heard anything quite so erotic in her life. She watched as Katerina twisted and bent to the ebb and flow of a release to massive to be contained. Samantha felt the rush of Katerina's orgasm as the brunette's delicious slit sprayed forcefully. The liquid squelching before spraying against Samantha's upper thigh. And above it all? Samantha's delighted squeal as she held her lover close.

A puddle of liquid formed around their toes as they stood holding one another off of the ground. The scent of berries and honeysuckle swirled in the room, the musky scent of hot, energetic sex mixing beautifully with their natural fragrances.

Samantha turned them so that Katerina's deliciously curvy ass was resting against the counter. Feeling like Kat was safe for the moment, Samantha began kissing the brunette, drawing moans and squeals from Kat's oversexed and oversensitive body. She bit Kat on the neck, hard, nipped at her shoulder, licked in a fat swath from Kat's collarbone to her nipple. Samantha let herself be heard as she moaned for Kat's flavor. And when she moaned from Katerina sliding her fingers into her hair. But she didn't lose her focus. She sucked Kat's nipple between her lips, swirled her tongue around gently before lightly scraping her teeth over the hard bud.

Katerina hissed and tightened her fist in Samantha's hair.

"Careful, sis." Samantha moaned.

Kat's knees buckled but she kept her footing. "What?" Kat asked but Samantha only smiled.

"You heard me."

Samantha kissed lower, working her way over Katerina's taut stomach, giving the brunette butterflies which made her knees weaker. She dipped her tongue in and out of Kat's belly button loving the way the other girl bit her fingers to keep from crying out. Samantha watched as Katerina's stomach twisted and flexed as Samantha went to work. She dropped lower, kissing Katerina's hips, nipping, sucking, licking anywhere she wanted. She kissed her way over Kat's mound before sucking Katerina's velvety lips into her mouth.

Samantha worked Kat's clit with her tongue but she didn't stay put. She had other plans. She kissed the inside of Katerina's thighs, tasting her own cum mixing with Kat's. The moan she released was deep and threatening. She traveled lower, letting her ass rise in the air as she bent lower. She didn't hesitate before her tongue caressed the top of Katerina's foot. She even placed a sloppy kiss on Kat's ankle before rolling onto her back in the puddle they'd made.

She looked up at Katerina, seeing the woman's spectacular body and the confused expression she wore.

"What are you doing?" Kat whispered.

"I want to taste you." Samantha replied.

"You were."

Samantha shook her head. "I want to taste you like he does." Samantha smiled. "Like our brother."

Katerina shivered again. "Don't."

"What?" Samantha ran her hands over her breasts and down to her slit. "Don't, what?"

"I'll cum." Katerina pleaded. "I won't be able to stop it." Her brows were raised and she looked genuinely concerned.

"Please?" Samantha asked as she pulled at her nipples, stretching them. "I want to." She looked up at Kat again. "Please, Kat? Please? Let me taste you." Samantha flexed her hips and arched her back off the floor.

Katerina just barely lifted the foot Samantha had kissed, only her toes were still touching the floor. She looked torn, trapped.

"Please?" Samantha worked her hand between her legs, her fingers sliding inside of her sopping slit. "For your little sister?" Samantha moaned. "I'll cum for you. I'll let you watch me. I'll finger myself for you if you let me taste you. Please?"

Katerina's hand had found it's way to her slit, her fingers resting atop her aching clit. She shook as she raised her foot.

"Yes!" Samantha moaned. "Oh please, please let your sister have a taste."

Katerina shook harder as she moved her foot over Samantha's face. Her fingers began to slowly rub her slit.

Samantha's tongue swept along the pads of her toes before Katerina raised her foot. "You said you'd put on a show for me." When Samantha's fingers began to move between her legs once more, Katerina lowered her foot again.

The sound was pure heaven. Samantha was wet and between her moans Katerina could hear the liquid slosh from between Samantha's legs. Samantha ran her tongue over the sole of Kat's foot noticing every twitch and flex of Katerina's toes. "Is this how he does it for you?" Samantha asked before taking Katerina's toes into her mouth.

Kat felt her knees flex as Samantha renewed her game. "He?" She whispered.

"Our brother." Samantha peeked around Katerina's foot to watch the brunette's reaction. "Does our brother lie on his back and play with himself while you hold your foot over his mouth?"

Kat managed to grab the counter with her hands before her knees gave out. The lusty look in Samantha's eyes was too primal, too hungry. She shook her head.

"Oh?" Samantha swept her tongue over Kat's heel once more. "He must have you on your back then?"

Kat nodded.

"You're on your back." She said between licks and nibbles. "And he is kissing and licking your feet as he strokes his cock?" Samantha nipped Kat's big toe. "Or, maybe one of your feet is on his dick, stroking him as he works on the other foot?"

Katerina nodded.

He licks and sucks on your pretty toes until he cums doesn't he? And you put on a show like I'm doing right now. Fingering your tight little pussy until you moan into the palm of your hand to keep from crying out. How does it feel when he cums on your toes and legs? Is it hot and thick? You fucking love it don't you."

"Samantha..." Katerina moaned. She could feel her cum dripping from her thick, throbbing lips and she knew that if Samantha kept up this game, she was going to cum.

"Yeah, sis?" Samantha sucked on the arch of Kat's foot. "You're right, we shouldn't be doing this. This is soo bad." Samantha's fingers pulled at her lips, stretching the velvety skin before sliding back into her hole. "You taste so good that I can't seem to stop." She sucked again and barely saw as Katerina's fingers slid into her own pussy. She felt, however, as Kat's cum rained down in little drops, dripping from the back of Kat's fingers.

"Yes!" Samantha cried. "Yes. More!" She licked Katerina's foot affectionately. "I can feel my big sister's cum dripping on me. I wonder what our brother would think if he saw us right now."

Katerina moaned loudly and began to shake.

"He'd probably just bend you over the counter and fuck you raw." Samantha's voice began to catch between her words. Her own orgasm impending.

"I bet that he would grab me by my hair and make me suck the cum out of your pussy after he is done with you." Samantha arched her back as more of Katerina's cum dripped on her face and chest. She licked Kat's foot some more now tasting the girl's flavor on her skin. "Maybe he'd let me clean off his nice big cock, too!"

"Fuck!" Katerina moaned. "I'm going to cum. I'm going to cum."

"Yes!" Samantha encouraged the brunette. "Cum for me. Cum all over your little sister."

Katerina's eyes clamped shut as she shook. Her body was a livewire of sensation and as she began to squirt, it was all she could do to keep from falling down.

Samantha felt the solid spray of Katerina's release splashing against her breasts and stomach. It was a line of liquid heat and it was just what she needed to push her over the edge. She barked some nonsense sound as her fingers slid deep past the hard clench of her begging hole. She felt her cum explode in a flood around her fingers. She moaned for Katerina and the feeling of being drenched by someone else. She felt naughty but instead of embarrassment she felt excitement.

Samantha was the first to recover and she was surprised that her hunger hadn't abated in the slightest. She rose to her knees and kissed her way up Katerina's body, giggling as the brunette shimmied and twisted trying to avoid Samantha's sloppy kisses.

"More!" Samantha moaned into Katerina's ear. She dropped her hand lower until her fingers slid over Katerina's clit.

Too quickly, Katerina moved away, her overly sensitive bud driving her to move. Far too quickly, it turned out because as Kat took her first step away from Samantha, her foot alighted on the puddle they'd made on the linoleum. Slippery when wet didn't begin to cover it. In the matter of a moment Katerina's eyes flashed with panic, she reached for Samantha, and with stereo squeals they both thudded to the floor. Katerina landing solidly on her butt before quickly tumbling to her back. She waited for the thump of her own head against the floor, but it never came.

Samantha hadn't expected to fall immediately after giving someone a body-bending orgasm, but life happens and all that jazz. She did, in the heartbeat she had between standing and hitting the floor, manage to slide her hand behind Katerina's head hoping to provide some protection as Kat went down. Samantha's eyes snapped shut as her feet slipped from beneath her and the sharp stinging pain radiating through her arm let her know that her hand had been needed. She'd paid in pain what she'd saved Katerina from feeling.

They lay together on the floor in stunned silence until Katerina began bubbling with laughter. Samantha - hand still hurting - tried to ask why Katerina was laughing but got only gasping replies from the girl.

"If Owen...or others... and then...we're on the floor...and...!" Katerina's giggle separated her words and soon, Samantha was laughing as well.

"What is going on?" Rachel asked, and for a second, Kat and Samantha quieted. "We heard a giant bang and a crash, and then giggling." Immediately, the laughter resumed and Rachel could only shake her head, roll her eyes, and leave the room as Katerina and Samantha slapped their feet against the floor, in a giant, suspicious puddle.


When Sarah returned to the guest room everyone was aglow. There were smiles on faces and there was a flavor of contentment in the air. Sarah didn't immediately move through the jamb, favoring to stand and absorb the scene before her. Rachel and Jessica were spooning on the bed while Samantha had Katerina sitting between her legs in the recliner, breast to back, as they giggled intermittently -- between drinks from squat glasses -- about something she couldn't begin to guess. Sarah felt a smile touch her lips and when she exhaled, she felt lighter.

Not knowing where to sit or who to join, she sat atop the mirror-backed dresser and got comfortable. She pulled her legs up, letting her knees hang to the side as she crossed her ankles. She curled her arms around herself and smiled. This was her favorite position. Everything was spread and bared, but it was difficult to see because of the strategic placement of her limbs. It made her feel sexy. It made her feel like a tease. Teasing was fun. However, her cheeks began to burn as Owen's cum dripped from her well used slit. She could feel the liquid slide of his cum as it dripped across the puckered star of her ass. She knew she was going to leave a mess on the dresser but it wasn't that big of a deal.

The strawberry blonde hated to break the peace in the room but she spoke aloud anyway. "Time for number four."

All eyes turned to Katerina and Samantha.

Katerina stood on her tip toes and extended her arms back behind her back stretching while releasing a satisfied moan. She turned so only Samantha could see the momentary flash of concern that doused her dazzling smile. Continuing with the turning movement she swept Samantha into her arms and gave the blonde a soft kiss on the hollow of her throat.

"Everything will be okay, right?" Katerina whispered so only Samantha could hear.

Samantha tilted her lips toward Katerina's ear and replied, "It will." Samantha kissed Kat's lips again before looking the brunette in the eye. "Drink more water," she said with a wink.

Katerina - despite the loss of Samantha's warmth - couldn't stop the smile that split her face. She turned to sit but felt a hand touch her shoulder before she could return to the recliner.

"On second thought," Samantha extended her hand palm up for Katerina, "finish your drink and come with me." Samantha lifted her own cup and downed the water within.

They expected someone to call after them, to bring up the injustice of Katerina and Samantha going in together but the others were so content that they didn't notice the passing pair.

They stood together in the hall. Samantha wrapped her arm around the small of Katerina's back. Kat tilted her head to lie against Samantha's shoulder. In the quiet moment they gathered their strength.

Katerina mouthed a silent prayer and as the words only she knew flowed in her mind a smile began to spread over her lips.

"Kat?" Samantha turned her head to the brunette.

"Meow?" Katerina smiled, ready for whatever happened next.

"Can I go in first?"

Katerina's smile faltered. She nodded her head mechanically as her stomach fell to the floor.

Samantha squeezed Katerina's side. "Only for a moment." She turned her head and placed a soft kiss on Katerina's shoulder. "I promise."

Katerina nodded again and though she felt a little better, worry gnawed at her from within.

Panic rose unexpectedly in Samantha as her arm slipped free from Kat's skin. There was a sense of monumental power in her steps, a finality hanging in the air as she neared the door. She shook her head and reminded herself that she'd spent almost the entire night naked in front of him but she couldn't shake the feeling that this was going to be different. Her right hand rose to the panel but she stopped herself before she knocked. Unsure of what to do she froze, paused with one hand raised but no clue what to do next.

Warm lips touched the back of her neck and she shivered from the contact.

"Go." Katerina whispered before planting a follow up kiss on Samantha's cheek. "Everything is going to be okay."

Samantha opened the door without knocking and stepped into the pale swath of light cut into the darkness by the hall light spilling into the room.

Owen rose to meet her but she stilled him with an upheld hand. She sensed a hunger in the room and her body responded in kind. Her slit blossomed for him, her lips, dewy and thick, spread wider until her scent filled the air. Samantha moved slowly giving Owen plenty of time to wait for her touch. Though she doubted he could see much of her she walked with plenty of movement to her hips feeling infinitely sexy despite the blanket of black draped over her skin.

A new energy filled her and as she stepped close to Owen she dragged her toes slowly against the top of his foot. She drew his earlobe between her teeth and let him feel the drag of her toes against his skin.

The hiss from his mouth left her heart racing and her breath shallow. She dragged her toes back down his foot before gripping his thick cock in her small hand. He was hot and clean, obviously having taken time to prepare himself for her. She slid her fingers around him capturing him in an incomplete circle of her skin. The tips of her fingers strained to meet, to close around him but he was too thick, too hard.

Samantha shivered against his body as she moved her hand along the hard length of his cock. She closed her eyes and let her imagination remind her of how he looked as he moved. His hard muscles would flex as she trailed up and down, his mouth dropping open ever so slightly, his chest rising and falling in quicker bursts. She dropped her mouth to his neck and licked his tight skin pressing her thighs together to stem the tide of her arousal as he groaned for her.

The blonde smiled as she forced her hand to release him. Her body screamed for more, demanded more of his heat but still she turned away from him and walked back to the door.

Owen, to his credit, didn't speak. She thought that he might object to her movements but he didn't try to control or corral her.

Samantha turned to face Owen before she flipped on the overhead light.

Greedy brown eyes drank her in and she enjoyed the attention. She kept her eyes on him as she reached through the door, grasped Katerina - still unseen by Owen - and pulled the brunette into the room.

As Katerina entered the room Owen's face flushed with confusion. He looked from one woman to the next and waited. Samantha slid her arm around Katerina and let Owen have a moment of devouring them with his eyes. She turned slowly and placed a kiss on Katerina's cheek, dragging her toes over the top of Katerina's foot as she had done to Owen.

"Look at her Owen." Samantha beamed as she dropped the tips of her fingers to Katerina's pussy. "Look at our sexy sister." Samantha hissed and pulled her fingers to her face. She made a show of sniffing before her smile spread wider. "She's smells so good, Owen." Samantha pressed two of her fingers together and pulled them apart watching as Kat's cum stretched between her fingers. "And she's so very wet." She punctuated her words by sucking her fingers between her lips. "Oh!" Samantha dropped those same fingers to her own slit. "And so am I?" The pair stepped closer to him. "Here we are Owen. Your sexy sisters. We want you to take us and do..." She turned and kissed Katerina full on the mouth, making a show of their tongues dancing slowly, "whatever-"

"Whatever you want to us." Katerina finished. "You have me." Katerina raised one hand to her breast and pulled at her nipple. "And our little sister," she looked at Samantha, "to play with."


Owen's body reacted viscerally when they spoke. After everything he'd been through, everything he'd done, the strength of her power over him was a revelation. His cock kicked and bounced between his legs as he absorbed the sight of her naked flesh. But it was more than that. It was the intention of these women. They were naked and gorgeous, sure, but they were playing with him. They wanted him. They were people he had spent his life with, had played with (innocently), and had fallen in love with.

And now they were giving themselves to him. To do whatever he wanted with them.

He turned his eyes back to Katerina. She had her head down, her chin turned so that he could only see part of her face through the tangle of her hair. Her body was likewise angled so that he was only given tantalizing tastes of her features. He could see the swell of one breast the hardened pink nipple standing out proud. He could see the shadow of a valley between her legs but could not see the detail. The rounded curve of one ass cheek but little more. His sister, his sexy, strong sister was teasing him, torturing him. The teasing presentation of her skin only fueled the fire within him and he leaned into the flames, loving the burn.


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