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Game Night Pt. 08


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Katerina wiggled reflexively before something changed. What started as a tickle bloomed into something deeper and her pussy dripped as Owen's tongue on her foot made her stomach flutter.

Samantha lowered her foot and nudged Kat's to the side. As Owen's tongue licked over her skin she poured more of the water down her leg, sighing as he slurped at her toes. Her stomach twisted and turned, fluttered and jumped as he used his mouth on her. To be honest, it was less about the feeling, though that was growing on her, and more about the way he moaned for her. The way his cock twitched and dripped pre-cum.

The blonde clenched her fingers against Kat's leg and the two met in a kiss. Kat slid her foot back over Samantha's and giggled into the girl's mouth as her brother's tongue tickled her sole. Kat's hands slid over Samantha's body as Owen latched on to one of her toes. She moaned into Samantha's mouth before pulling away their saliva stretching between their lips.

Even as Katerina continued to purr and flex into Owen, Samantha found herself wiggling in her seat. Her clit was screaming for contact such that she could no longer focus on the scene in front of her. Pressing her hand to Kat's thigh she pulled the brunette from her sensuous surrender.

Lost to the fevered need burning high octane through her, Katerina launched herself at Samantha, knocking the blonde sprawling to the bed laughing blissfully all the way. Kat sought Samantha's skin with her lips and planted kisses on Samantha's thighs, working her way higher leaving behind a cooling trail of saliva.

Closing her grey eyes in supplication to the delicious twitching of her muscles from Kat's ministrations Samantha "ooo'd" and "ohh'd" as she buried her fingers in Katerina's sweat damp hair. She clenched her fingers in the tangle feeling her nails scrape Kat's scalp. Katerina made a low noise in the back of her throat as she redoubled her efforts.

Easing Samantha's well-toned legs over her shoulders Katerina slid forward on the bed inhaling the scent of Samantha's gaping hole, salivating as her lips drew nearer.

Samantha used her grip of Kat's hair to keep the girl at bay. She knew from recent experience that if Katerina made use of her tongue it would be nearly impossible to tear herself away from the relentless pleasure. Then Owen... Samantha looked around, her thoughts fading away, as she realized that Owen was nowhere to be seen.

"Owen?" Samantha called.

Katerina wasn't sure what caught her attention but in an instant she went from deliriously single-minded thirst for Samantha's cum to reigning herself in and becoming aware of the room around her.

Untangling themselves the two women moved to the edge of the bed. They nearly rose but a shift of movement on the floor stopped them. Owen was right where they left him. Smiling. He blinked his eyes before licking Samantha's feet as they draped over his face.

Samantha pulled Katerina close, shuddering against her.

"Is it time for more water?"

There was a moment's pause before the girls gathered the pillows on the bed and launched them at Owen. Their squeals split the night as Owen leapt from the floor tackling Samantha and Katerina to the bed, tickling and planting sloppy kisses on their flat stomachs laughing proudly at their giggles and wiggling, keeping his attack going until they began to moan and pant.

The girls almost turned the tide but as they began to gain the upper hand Owen went loose and collapsed atop them. Both women released audible "oofs" as they absorbed his weight. Their complaints and statements of "not fair" were to no avail as Owen pretended to be asleep, snoring loudly for effect. The girls poked and prodded at him until he roused himself from his sleep and lifted his weight from their bodies.

Immediately both women drew in exaggerated breathes, coughing and wheezing as if he had crushed them. When Owen looked at them with a raised eyebrow as if to ask, "Really?" Samantha and Katerina broke into laughter. As their giggles tapered off silence settled around them in a comforting blanket encapsulating them. Katerina, mouth dry from laughing and kissing looked to the square cut glass. She could feel the threatening pressure building in her bladder but she didn't care about nature's call right now. Within the clear confines she could see only a shallow line of liquid tracing the bottom contours of the cup. On the inside lip of the glass three beads of water sat, defying gravity, impossibly close but still distinguishable from one another.

Katerina picked up the glass but those three drops stayed where they were. Katerina smiled and lifted the glass to the other two.

"I'm thirsty." Kat spoke softly.

"Well, Owen ca-"

"I'll tak-"

Owen and Samantha looked at one another and chuckled at their words spilling over one another.

"It's okay," Kat assured them, "I'll get it." She smiled brightly. "Besides," she tacked on, "you two have something to take care of." Kat pointedly stared at Owen's still hard cock before winking at Samantha. "I'll be back, though." Katerina turned toward the door. "I want to watch."

Samantha sprung from the bed and grasped Katerina's arm. Quickly, in a voice only Katerina could hear, Samantha whispered, "Don't go to the bathroom."

Katerina looked into Samantha's eyes and could guess at what the blonde was planning. Still, her stomach flipped as she considered the possibilities. In the end, not trusting herself to speak aloud, she nodded and loved the dancing joy reflecting in Samantha's eyes.

Samantha released her grip on Katerina's arm and returned to the bed to join Owen.


Owen looked at Samantha, letting his eyes trace the curves of her body from the softly rounded tips of her toes to the wide set of her hips past the sweeping dips of her waist. Up his eyes traveled until he met her stare feeling his skin scorch under the fire of the hunger in her eyes. She held her lower lip between her teeth the soft skin white from the force of her bite. Owen moved toward her but halted as she made a soft sound. He searched her eyes before noticing the blush that touched her cheeks. He moved again, easing himself forward even as the sound once more filled the room. He smiled as the sound got louder because he was fairly certain she didn't know she was making any noise at all.

His heart hammered in his chest, his hands shook as he reached out to her while in his mind flashed one thousand and one different things he wanted to do with her. Do to her. All the while that soft mewling made a honey-sweet melody fogging his thoughts. This was her siren song calling him to crash upon her over and over. He watched as she closed her eyes and arched her back, angling her chest toward him. In his nose he smelled the soft scent of her sweat, the bitter notes of urine from secrets shared, but beneath it all the scent of her arousal - musky and heady - called to the primal hunger within him.

Owen opened his mouth to breathe, suddenly lightheaded and the pop of his jaw alerted him that he'd been clenching his teeth. It was on an exhale that his hand touched her skin and he trembled as his breath was emptied. Samantha flexed into his touch, a moan escaping her lips as the muscles of her abs flexed and rolled seductively. His hand rested on the ribs of her sternum below but not touching her breast. Her mouth was open flashing the white tips of her teeth. Her throat was fully exposed as she leaned her head back and her chest rose and fell quickly as if she simply could not catch her breath.

He slid his palm up farther on her body extending his thumb up to the curve of her breast dragging the pad of his finger over the bumpy skin of her areola. The instant he touched the hard tip of her nipple she moaned and started to rock where she sat. It was then that he noticed her arm moving. He allowed his eyes to follow the angle of her limb and she inhaled sharply when he caught sight of her fingers moving steadily between the swollen lips of her fragrant pussy. He stroked his thumb over her nipple, rolled the hard nub between his thumb and forefinger drinking in the squeals of pleasure she released as together they worked her higher.

As she moved faster her scent became heavier in the air. He could feel her thick in his sinuses, down the back of his throat gliding over his tongue. That honeysuckle flavor with a blush of orange citrus, she smelled like heaven to him. He slid his free hand into her hair using his grip therein to tilt her lips toward his own. He plied her mouth with his tongue silently begging her to cum. He needed her to exhale her pleasure for him to greedily pull into his own lungs the essence of her breath.

He pulled lightly at her nipple, watching her twitch and flex as he played with her. Between them he could hear the liquid squelching of her soaking wet slit and he closed his eyes, clenching his jaw once more to hold his need at bay. His desire for her left him shaking and his cock dripping pearls steadily. His balls ached and he felt the stirrings of his orgasm even though he wasn't being touched.

Samantha whimpered as he licked her dry lips, a lustful "yes" leaving her throat as a rasp sending chills up his back. He licked her lips again before pulling her lower lip between his teeth. As he bit gently he gripped her hair more tightly in his fist drawing a rippling moan from her as she moved her body toward his.

Samantha's breath buffeted his face as she tensed such that her breathing was fast and shallow. She didn't move for a heartbeat. Stayed still through another heartbeat. Seemed frozen in the moment waiting for some unknown "next" to pull her back into the present. Owen, sensing rather than thinking what to do next, pulled harder at her nipple as he released her hair and put his now free hand atop her hand at her slit.

She managed a single choked "Fuuuccckkk" before her orgasm reduced her to uncontrollable shaking and unintelligible utterances. Her back arched, as her fingers scraped and tore at the sheet, as her legs spread open and closed a gush of liquid flooded from her pussy to pour over her thighs onto the bed. Owen watched, still holding her nipple and her wrist, as a veritable waterfall of her cum flowed from her gaping, pulsing pussy as her body finally tore free of his hold to collapse under the onslaught of her senses.

Owen exhaled as dark spots danced before his eyes. His lungs burned, his arms were shaking, and his cock tingled from crown to base. He didn't dare move. He knew that even a slight touch would send him over the edge. He held himself as still as he had ever done, praying silently for the strength to hold out just a few moments longer. He locked his eyes on the silver bead atop the bar piercing him dead center. He took a breath. Then another. Finally, the feeling of impending orgasm began to fade. His balls screamed but he had won.


Katerina returned to the room in time to see Owen holding Samantha's hand between her legs and one nipple pulled tight between his finger. The blonde's eyes were closed tight, her face turned toward the ceiling, a single croaked swear breaking the silence as her muscles started to shake furiously. Katerina watched from the threshold, the glass of water held aloft almost to her lips forgotten for the moment, as Samantha thrashed on the bed, her orgasm soaking the sheets and her skin. Kat exhaled feeling, unbeknownst to her, much as her brother did in his repose on the bed, minus the blue balls. It was an aching pain which became apparent only when Owen curled over on himself after pulling a statue on the crumpled bedclothes.

Katerina breathed in through her nose sampling the familiar scents of Samantha and her recent activities. A different scent caused her eyes to glaze and her nostrils to flare. The scent was not new to her but it was not as familiar as others. A clean, almost stringent scent touched her palette. She looked at Owen. She wanted to be concerned for the pain he must be feeling. Something deep within her, however, was focused only on what lay between Owen's legs.

Her eyes roved back over to Samantha still lying on the bed, light tremors tensing the muscles of her thighs, toes, and fingers. The blonde seemed to dance even as she lay upon the cloth. Katerina licked her lips at the liquid sheen dotting the other woman's lower extremities. Katerina's eyes, honey over caramel, trailed back to Owen and she felt her knees threaten to buckle. If for no other reason than to have something to do, she brought the glass of water to her lips and sipped the liquid into her mouth.

As the water filled her she was returned to what felt like a lifetime ago as Samantha pressed her mouth to Kat's own, sucking, pulling the water from Kat to nurture herself. Her knees felt weak once more and she swallowed the water drinking the memory into herself. As she lowered the cup she realized her other hand rested on her lower abdomen where her own thicket of pubic hair would be had she not shaved. As her fingers dipped slowly lower she wondered idly if Owen would like her if she had hair between her legs like Samantha. Lower her fingers dropped and she wasn't surprised at all to discover that her slit was sopping to the point of dripping from her lips.

Katerina extended her delicate middle finger to the apex of her slit, dipping slightly between her puffy lips until she felt the familiar bump of her clit. Already the tip of her finger felt dewy and the tingle she felt within herself became a demanding roll of thunder, a flash of heat as bright and hot as a strike of lightning in the dark. Suddenly she felt she understood the desire to be dirty, the sweet release of giving oneself over to another without worrying about trivial things such as messes or taboos.

The single, gooey, perfect coating of her arousal on her finger grazing against her clit reminded her of putting herself between Samantha's legs and doing what she wanted. Extending her tongue toward her most intimate parts, drinking her in, swallowing her cum and clothing her own self in their moans. For the first time she questioned, why rush to wash that off?

Though her body rebelled and she desired so much more, she removed her finger from between the velvet heat of her core. Raising her hand to her lips she smoothed her finger over her mouth. Smiling, feeling comfortable and truly ready for anything, Katerina stepped back into the room. Eager yet patient.

Climbing back onto the bed looked to be a chore until Owen held out his hand to her. She handed him her cup and raised her leg until her knee was flush with the soft material. For a moment she was caught by the way her body was exposed to him. Sure, she had been naked with him most of the night but now she was naked with him. His eyes were on her in the relative privacy of the room. To the side Samantha was still rubbing her thighs together with soft moans escaping her lips. Samantha's grey eyes were on them, watching them even as she shook. Despite the view the blonde was giving to anyone who dared look Owen's eyes were on Kat.

She almost dropped her arms to cover herself but she fought off the urge. Instead she opened herself wider, exaggerating her movements so that he was subject to the splay of her legs, the sway of her breasts, the curve of her ass as she maneuvered to a comfortable sitting position. She tried to hide her smile at his groan of pain but couldn't resist the upturn of her lips as he dropped his hand to his dick cupping himself in front of her.

What would it be like to watch him this close? She found herself imagining his hand moving up and down the solid length of his cock. The head of his dick darkening to purple as he built up his momentum. Would he look into her eyes as he came for her or would he close himself off as he fired away? Kat rocked on the bed wishing the whispering rush of the cotton sheet between her lips was something softer, something hotter.

He looked at her; his brows furrowed imploring her to take pity on him in his pain. Despite the feelings stirring between her thighs she forced herself to stop. Slowly she moved closer to him easing her weight into his side and wrapped her arms around him.

"I missed you." Kat whispered.

Owen tilted his head to the side lowering his cheek until it rested against her forehead. "I missed you, too."

"I want you to know something." Katerina lightly scratched Owen's back as she spoke.

"You can tell me anything. You know that."


Rachel stirred lifting her head from the pillow she didn't remember lying down upon. She'd been dreaming of a being by the edge of a lake, still crystal blue waters, a light breeze, and the swaying of bright green trees and grass all around. The water had lapped lazily at the muddy shore while the Sun cast its rays through the fragrant leaves of the trees overhead. She had been lying in the grass, the Sun warming her skin while the water tinkled melodiously around the rocks in the wet soil. She'd felt the hard ground beneath her and the wind had played through her hair as she relaxed.

Her mouth opened wide as she yawned and rubbed her eyes while her mind recalibrated trying to distinguish between reality and dream. Though the lights were off she could make out another form on their hands and knees atop the bed. Rachel turned her head to the side and saw that Jessica was beside her, awake, and watching her. She turned her head back to Sarah.

"Sorry." Sarah whispered. "I didn't mean to wake you. I just wanted to lie down."

Rachel lifted the blanket inviting the other girl beneath. Cooler air swirled into the opening and made Rachel's nipples stand out, reminding her of her nudity. Her cheeks warmed as she remembered why and how she'd come to be naked.

As Sarah settled into the warmth of Rachel's body the raven-haired girl turned on her side and draped her arm over Sarah's body. They sighed together as Rachel's arm alighted on Sarah's breasts as they snuggled closer together. Sarah fidgeted for a few moments trying to get comfortable before forsaking the pillow and nudging Rachel over to rest her head on Rachel's chest. Rachel's chest was warm and she smelled wonderful, but they weren't going to talk about that right now or there would be no sleeping.

Rachel looked around as Sarah's breathing became slow and even. On the other side of her Jessica was sleeping again, softly dreaming her face blissfully relaxed, her hands resting on her stomach. Rachel breathed in and smiled as everything around her felt like home. She pulled Sarah closer, closed her own eyes and went to sleep breathing in the scent of her new found teddy bear.


Samantha tingled. Everywhere. At least five minutes had passed and as Owen and Kat quietly talked she attempted to reign in her limbs. In the immediate aftermath of her deluge she hadn't been able to stop the movements of her legs and hips. She bucked and spread herself for the invisible force still sending lightning strikes through her clit. As she arched to the feelings claiming her she could feel her lips - sticky with her own cum - slowly spread apart exposing her steadily pulsing hole to Owen and Kat who now watched her openly.

Owen, she could see, had a hand between his legs but he wasn't stroking the powerful tool. He seemed to be simply holding himself as if to relieve some great pressure. No sooner had the thought hit her when she connected the dots. It was indeed pressure he was trying to abate but even she knew he would not feel better from holding himself. She looked to Katerina and wondered why the brunette had not helped. She knew she could help him and the thought of him entering her was enough to bring her to the brink of another orgasm.

She gasped lowly at the realization of how sensitive her body remained. The way she felt now she would shatter for him with every move he made. She rolled her hips forcefully, wanting the exquisite torture. Samantha found the voice to speak and though she wanted a sip from the cup Katerina cradled in her lap her words were for Owen.

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