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Garden Centre Ch. 04

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Shocking revelations.
2.7k words

Part 4 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/28/2015
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The next evening after we had got back home after work, Aj dropped by unannounced, with a stack of DVD's as promised. He readily accepted my invitation to stay for dinner. While my darling wife rustled up a simple meal we watched a thriller that Aj had brought for us in relative silence. My wife joined us a little later, sitting between us till the end of the film. There were some adult scenes in the film which brought on some sighs and deep breaths on our part and the atmosphere grew tenser. We broke up for dinner shortly afterwards and it was nearly midnight when Aj left after helping with the dishes and having a long chat.

'Nice guy isn't he?' I commented as we were about to go to bed. 'I think he is a bit too cocky at times.' My wife observed. 'Is he? I thought you two get on very well.' I was surprised. Was she trying to cover up their behaviour?

'We do, but i think he's a bit flirty at times, especially when you are not around.' I was a bit taken aback. Was she trying to imply that he was forcing himself on her? 'But darling you can't really blame him can you? You are a very sexy lady...' She looked at me almost in surprise.

I hurriedly went on, 'If you want I can ofcourse speak to him and ask him not to come here.' I couldn't wait to hear her reply. 'No darling it's alright. I can handle it. After all its good to know that i can still attract a young, sexy man...' she said laughingly. We left it at that and attacked each other with gusto in bed.

Excerpts from her diary

12/10 : We visited several horticulture shops to find stuff for our new garden. There's one i like a lot. It's got lots of stock which we can use, and also a dishy guy too in the back ground. Must go there alone another time.

24/10 : Went to the horticulture place on my way back from work. He was there. Apparently the younger of 2 brothers who run this place. He's really sexy. Oh those dark eyes. Born to flirt. Offered to deliver stuff home. I gave him directions to come home. V won't be there in the morning.

25/10 : He came exactly at 10. He was on his bike and did not bring any plants. Immediately complimented me on my dress and how fresh I was looking that day. He was dressed real sexy. Figure hugging singlet and rather short shorts. He's really got a great physique. Asked him why he hadn't got plants. Said that he liked to see our garden and decide what would be suitable. I took him around the garden. More than gardening, he was asking more about me and my work times, V's work and who lives with us. Seemed pleased to hear that it was only the two of us at home..

Readily accepted my offer to get him a cool drink and promptly followed me indoors, complimenting me on the interior decor. He's got a really nice nice way about him. Followed me right into the pantry and chatted while I made his drink. Did he try to touch my hand as i was handing him his drink? Felt a bit like it. Left soon after saying he would be back soon. Asked for my phone number to confirm a time to come again.

(The mutual attraction between them seem to have started some time before i realised it on that afternoon for the first time.)

Though i kept the monitoring on at all times, it was not until after about a week that saw any amorous activity between my wife and Aj. Though we had both set off for work that morning, i saw my wife back home around 11am. And sure enough, in about half an hour Aj made his entrance. I could see that he was laden with a variety of plants for us. Good for him!

They spent about 20 minutes in the garden before going back inside. I could see that she had already got food laid out for him, so this was no surprise visit. Soon after finishing, Aj helped her clear away the dishes and i caught sight of some heavy necking in the pantry as my wife was washing the dishes. She did nothing to stop his actions which included nuzzling her neck and running his big paws under her clothes.

Aj was a quick worker; he had already taken off his T shirt and was easing down the thin straps of my wife's dress. They returned to the living room once again and it appeared that they were going to watch a film on TV. Aj got her to sit on his lap and promptly wrapped his arms around her body, preventing her from moving away. He was stroking her beautiful breasts and every once in a while he would tease her nipples making her squirm in pleasure.

Ofcourse she showed no signs of wanting to move away and on the contrary stroked Aj's hairy thighs which he had encircled her with. It was a romantic sight and i got this sudden urge to rush home. It wasn't that i really wanted to stop this erotic action, but maybe it was some hidden desire to see them at it firsthand. My mobile was on giving me continuous action on cam even while i drove. Aj had his hand deep under my wife's skirt and was making her squirm with obvious pleasure. It was clear that he was massaging her clit and finger fucking her by the movements of his hand. I drove home fairly quickly and Aj's bike was still there.

As i pushed open the front door my wife's voice greeted me from the far end of our living room where our TV was installed. 'Oh hello darling, you are back early today? She and Aj were seated close to each other on the sofa and made no attempt to move apart. Aj was with his T shirt off and had his arm draped around my wife's shoulder. What was more surprising was that my wife had her hand on his bare upper thigh. I was a bit taken aback that they didn't seem to be bothered too much by my presence and discomfiture.

'I finished work early. Oh, Aj how are you? What are you upto?' I managed to mumble trying hard to keep a brave face.

'Ma'am says that she wants to get you to work out more. To be stronger than me.' said Aj with a laugh.

'Yes Vasanth, see how hard his muscles are. Like stone.' She admonished me pressing hard on his hairy thigh. I joined in the good humour with a brief chuckle.

'Sir, this seems to be a good film. Shall we watch it?'

'Yes it looks real good. Why don't you come? You don't have to go back to office in the afternoon do you?' she asked.

'I will freshen and come. You all continue' I escaped upstairs leaving them. It was not embarrassment but rather to hide my growing hard on which would have become visible had i stayed any further. It had not escaped my eye that my wife's skirt was riding high on her thighs and that Aj's hairy leg was crushing hers in the most intimate fashion. Her hand was resting comfortably on his leg. I switched on my mobile as soon as i was upstairs to monitor the activity down stairs. Except for occasional stroking of her upper arm by him everything seemed quiet as they continued to watch the movie in silence. I washed up quickly, changed my clothes and went down to join them.

Aj was standing and pulling on his T shirt when i joined them. 'Are you leaving? Is the film over?'

'No sir i remembered that I've got some some work to attend to. I will come another time. You all can continue watching.'

My wife butted in, 'Oh, I got some good news darling, you can go on your trip next week without a worry.' 'What do you mean? What trip?' i asked.

'Don't you remember? You were worried to leave me alone and go next week? That assignment up north' she reminded me. Then it came to me. I was to go on an official mission for two days and was wondering what to do as my wife could not accompany me. We had discussed about asking her parents to come and stay over with her while i was gone.

'Oh yes, did your parents agree to come over?' I asked. 'No it's not fair to ask them to come, closing down their home. But Aj says he can watch over me while you are gone.' I was completely taken aback. 'What do you mean...' my surprise was evident in my voice.

'Sir, don't worry. I will look after this end. I can check in here after closing the garden centre on those days.' Aj put his arm on my shoulder in a comradely manner and explained before my wife could say anything.

'But there's nobody for the night Aj. How can she stay alone?' His arm over my shoulder tightened, 'Aah...No problem sir. My wife's mother is staying with us these days. So I can stay over and go to work directly from here in the morning. Ma'am will have to give me something for dinner. That's all.'

'That's no problem at all, I have to cook something anyway.' My dear wife piped in coming towards the two of us.

I was nonplussed. How was i going to handle this situation? I had sort of got myself into a corner where there seemed to be no way out. Besides, the comradely way he was behaving prevented me from saying anything rude. 'Are you sure about this? It's upto you.' I asked my wife.

'Yes ofcourse darling, I am sure Aj will look after me well, Aj you will look after me well, won't you lad? She said almost teasingly.

'No problem ma'am. I will do the job even better than sir.' He replied, grinning cheekily from ear to ear and winking at me. He managed to put his other arm round my wife's waist also pulling her close to his other side. We broke off, all in smiles and a slightly unorthodox deal made.

'I guess I will not get much sleep on those days.' Aj observed. 'Why's that...?' The shock in my voice would have been quite evident. He was quick to soothe me.

'Ma'am always wants to watch films. She even wanted me to bring more DVD's. So I will also have to keep up with her.'

I was relieved. 'Yes she's a bit of a film fanatic, aren't you darling.' She replied, 'Aj says he's got hundreds more so I asked him to bring some more.' Aj took our leave shortly afterwards. I slowly realised that that they had already made plans for the period I would be away, even before telling me.

'You seem to have taken a liking to him. The other day you were saying he was cocky and flirtatious.' I commented to my wife.

'No I think it is just his way, he doesn't mean to be offensive. He's really a nice guy and a bit sexy too.' She gave her analysis. 'I really think you should ask him about the gym he does his work out and join it. Did you see how well built he is.' I didn't want to comment, as it was going to be next to impossible to compete with a guy who was 15 to 20 years younger than me.

The next day my wife suggested that we should get the large screen TV in the living room shifted to our bedroom and the smaller one in our bedroom shifted to the living room so that we could watch a film in privacy. As it involved some rather heavy lifting to shift it and fix it on to the wall i was not too keen to proceed alone.

About noon that day she phoned me at the office and said that Aj had agreed to come and do the job that afternoon. I said I was fine with it. I quickly switched on the security system so that I would not miss the action. Sure enough, in about half an hour she drove in followed by Aj on his bike. They could not seem to keep their hands off each other even as they entered the house. Luckily our home and garden is shielded by a boundary wall which does not allow anybody to see what's going on inside. If not they might have started off a major scandal in our sleepy neighbourhood.

Aj made quick work of switching the TV's. I guess it was not as difficult as it had seemed. As it was a warm afternoon it was no surprise that he wanted to do a bath. 'Ma'am, why don't you join me.' My wife being the gracious hostess agreed promptly and even started to help him off his clothes right in our bedroom. I could see that he was very aroused by the prodigious erection slapping against his flat, hairy belly. He said something which I did not catch, gesturing to his erection. Promptly, she moved upto him and started nuzzling his neck, chest and even his armpits making him grunt with obvious pleasure. He countered by running his hands up and down her back and also alternately slipping them in between their bodies to fondle and squeeze her pert breasts. As she moved down his body slowly, continuing her ministrations, it was fairly clear where she was headed. Sure enough, in a short while she was kneeling in front of him, while resting her hands on his slim hips.

There were more instructions growled out by him, which I could not catch over my audio. But, she slipped her slender hand between his legs and slowly lifted up his hairy balls. He promptly pulled her head towards it making her kiss it. I could see clearly that there was no hesitation on her part in complying with his needs. His balls seemed to be obscenely large as she sucked one right inside her tiny mouth and then the other, making Aj squirm in pleasure.

He quickly guided her mouth to his hardened shaft which appeared to be uncircumcised like mine. I was slightly shocked as I watched her tease his cock head with the tip of her tongue and tried to slip it in under his foreskin. This was a behaviour which I had never experienced with her - even after our sex life perked up in the last few months. That she was giving him intense pleasure by her actions were evident by the way his whole body jerked and stiffened almost involuntarily. I could sense that he was close to an orgasm when he pushed most of his considerable length into her mouth and started face fucking her. Even then she bravely hung on while stroking his balls with her fingertips.

Very soon it was over as I saw her vigorously swallowing his load. For a moment I felt a bit proud of my wife for being able to arouse such strong feelings in a virile youth who was about 15 years younger to her. Aj kept her face pressed to his pubes for a minute or so without allowing his cock to escape from her loving mouth.

They disappeared into the bathroom stark naked leaving me to guess what was going on in there as i had not installed any monitoring cameras there. It was about half hour later that they emerged looking quite satisfied with themselves. Aj got into his clothes promising to come back that evening with the DVD's. When i got home that evening after work, my wife excitedly showed me the newly installed TV in our bed room. She did not mention the fact that Aj would be coming in the evening.

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user110user110over 9 years ago
i have to agree with twentyseven

on all points. yawn.

TwentysevenTwentysevenover 9 years ago
To put things straight

You write excellent English. You're stories are erotic. As a bonus you keep the chapters short.

However I am not a fan of passive husbands. This story is becoming tedious so either finish it or let the husband grow a pair.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
gave it a 5 to help your score.

good story good masturbation story

impo_61impo_61over 9 years ago
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AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

here's the basic story:

my wife cheats on me every chance she can

she does for them what she does not do for me

she does not do me at all anyway

I think that I'm so cool because I get to watch

a story about a loser wacc and gutter slut, oh wow

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