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Gargarean Group Ch. 02

Story Info
David gets a physical and meets his sponsor.
10.2k words

Part 2 of the 10 part series

Updated 02/29/2024
Created 06/17/2015
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The Physical

When the blonde-haired, blue-eyed Gargarean Group candidate swung the clinic door open, "Good afternoon, David!" was the friendly greeting he received the moment he entered the medical offices. "Gosh, you're looking well." The woman's voice, which sounded slightly familiar, seemed somewhat surprised to see him. David could not immediately identify the source, however, because she was behind the closed receptionist's window, and bright sunlight from outside reflected off the glass.

"Hi," he returned companionably, although he had no idea who was speaking. As he stepped forward, a young woman slid the window to the side and revealed her attractive face.

"It's so nice to see you again after all this time!" she enthused.

David didn't recognize her. The receptionist was his age or a little older, with short, carefully coiffured hair that was two tones of blonde, light-brown eyes, a pert nose, and pale pink lips that were slightly parted in a welcoming smile. Wearing perfectly-applied makeup and a navy-blue minidress with a modest neckline, she was very good-looking and completely unknown to him. He glanced down at the nameplate on her desk, hoping for a hint, and read, 'Clare.' He looked up and gawked at the girl, exclaiming, "Clare!?" as his brain tried to comprehend. "Is it really you?"

"It's me," she confirmed with a nod.

"What happened to you? You're gorgeous!" he gushed as his eyes glanced down and checked out her shapely boobs and curvy hips.

She laughed, delighted by his reaction, but modestly responded, "You're just saying that."

"No, it's true," he assured her. Clare had been a year ahead of David in school, and the last time he'd seen her, just two years ago, she'd been an unattractive, overweight senior schoolgirl with long and kinky reddish-brown hair, thick glasses, no makeup, and not much of a fashion sense. Her favorite attire had been baggy sweatshirts and grungy jeans that hid her bulky body. She'd often flirted with him whenever they met in the hallways of their high school, with a rather lascivious sense of humor that sometimes shocked him. He had tried to be kind to her but always politely evaded her advances. That was then. Now, the ugly duckling had grown into a beautiful swan!

They chatted briefly, updating each other on their lives since she graduated from high school. After he'd told her about his dead-end job at the landscaping business, she teased, "And now, you're going to become a Gargarean." She accompanied her remark with a cheeky grin and a twinkle in her eyes that suggested the same old dirty mind was still lurking beneath her new, beautiful exterior.

David was suddenly nervous. He had managed to evade an endless battery of questions from his attractive aunt, Ashley, about his interview, but here was another test of his secret-keeping capabilities. "Yes," he confirmed anxiously. "At least, I hope so. You know about them?"

"Oh, yes," she replied. "Doctor Joyce has done all of the Gargarean's medical examinations, ever since the group opened the local chapter a few months ago."

"Are you a member?" he asked, hoping that she wasn't.

"No," she replied. When she saw him visibly relax, however, she added, "But I'm thinking of joining."

This worrying news left David speechless. He wanted to find out more about the Gargarean Group, but their rules expressly forbid it. Their chat at an end, Clare finished processing him and then invited him to sit in the waiting area until he was called.


Five minutes later, a door to David's right opened, and he looked up as a comely, petite nurse in her early 30s stepped into the room. She glanced at a clipboard, then looked at the only person in the waiting room and asked, "David?"

"Yes," he replied. As he stood up, he received a quick body scan from the woman's brown eyes, followed by an appreciative smile that unsettled her anxious patient.

"Please come in," she invited. She held the door open for him, and as he approached, said, "I'm Nurse Rose. How are you today, David?"

"Good," he tersely replied, too anxious about his upcoming physical to expound further.

"Please follow me," she said, "We'll be in Exam Room One." Nurse Rose led the way, looking neat and efficient in a short, white jacket and matching pants, with her dark-brown hair pulled back and gathered in a bun behind her neck.

David followed on wobbly legs, observing that beneath Nurse Rose's uniform was a slender, shapely body with moderate breasts. He glanced down and checked out her backside, which was attractively plump but firm. They turned a corner, where another thirty-something, identically-dressed nurse worked on a computer terminal in an alcove. The attractive, honey-blonde woman looked up briefly and gave him a smile as he passed.

Nurse Rose stepped aside and invited her handsome patient to enter the open doorway of Exam Room One. David nervously stepped inside the small, rectangular room, seeing that it was longer than it was wide. He faced the foot of an exam table, which was covered by a large, white sheet of paper and occupied most of the space. Surrounding the table were a wall-length, wooden cabinet with a built-in sink to his left; a weight scale behind the head of the chair, against the far wall; and some medical posters and equipment mounted on the wall to the right. A straight-backed chair and a medical waste bin were in the nearside corner to his right.

As Nurse Rose closed the door behind him, she said, "Please undress and place your clothes on the chair, David."

The patient gulped. He'd assumed that he would have to get undressed for the examination, but he'd expected the nurse to leave the room while he did. She didn't! Instead, she walked around the table and approached the scale. David hesitated, nervously scanning the walls of the room for a Gargarean Group logo, or anything else that might harbor a hidden camera. He did not want another receptionist tuning in and watching him undress, especially when that receptionist was Clare!

Nurse Rose glanced back and knew immediately what David was doing. She smiled, because she'd seen this behavior before. "Don't worry," she comforted him. "This is not the Gargarean Group, and there are no hidden cameras anywhere in this clinic." She then purposely turned away from him, preparing the electronic scale for his weight and height measurements, while giving him the chance to undress unobserved.

David recognized his opportunity and quickly stripped down while she wasn't looking. He removed everything except a pair of black boxers, which he had chosen for this occasion because they covered as much of his body as did the shorts he always wore when doing landscaping work. Now feeling rather naked and very nervous, he said, "I'm ready."

Nurse Rose turned and gave her nearly bare patient another brown-eyed body scan. When her gaze had descended to his boxers, she frowned, paused as if thinking for a moment, and then said, "I'll need you to take off your underpants, too, David."

He swallowed and quietly asked, "You do?"

After another brief pause, she nodded and replied, "Yes," without further explanation.

"Do you have a gown I can wear?"

"No," she answered quickly, and then explained, "We don't use gowns."

Something about her manner suggested to David that she wasn't telling the truth. Each time she paused, she seemed to be making a decision or gathering her courage; and she'd answered his question about the gown too quickly, as if she'd made her decision and didn't want to be dissuaded. Short of accusing her of lying, however, there was nothing he could do. He turned his back to the watching woman and dropped his drawers. Now stark naked, he faced the good-looking nurse and gulped as her eyes sought his cock. She found what she was looking for, and now satisfied that he was as bare as a boy could be, smiled into his eyes and said, "Please step onto the scale for me, David."

The nude patient was feeling dizzy as he mounted the scale. He patiently waited while his height, 5 feet and 10 inches, and his weight, 173 pounds, were measured and recorded. For a trained medical professional, Nurse Rose seemed a little flustered by his nudity and his maleness, but she politely kept her gaze above his waist - most of the time. When they were done with the scale, she led him to the foot of the examination table, where she sat him down with his feet on the step while she checked his blood pressure and his pulse. David felt foolish, sitting naked with his little pyramid of private parts piled on his lap while the nurse worked with his arm. He didn't bother to cover himself, thinking that doing so would make him look as foolish as he felt. He rested his free arm beside his body on the table and stayed very still. He caught her looking, once, but she smiled unashamedly before looking away.

After she'd recorded his measurements on the form attached to her clipboard, she asked, "Are you ready to contribute a urine sample, David?"

"Yes, I am."

"Have you fasted for at least twelve hours?"

"Yes, I have." After the Gargarean Group interview, Jan had informed him he would need to supply a fasting urine sample during his physical.

"Great!" Nurse Rose opened a cabinet drawer, saying, "Let me just get what you'll need." David was surprised to observe her hand trembling, slightly, as she withdrew a clear plastic bag with a collection cup sealed inside. For some reason, his nudity seemed to be making her as nervous as him. "Come with me, David," she directed before opening the exam room door.

"Where are we going?" he asked alarmedly.

"To the restroom," she replied. "It's just across the hall."

"Just across the hall!?" he exclaimed.

"Yes, come along." She checked the hallway and joked, "Don't worry; the coast is clear."

In a worried daze, David stepped down from the table and followed her out the door. He glanced to his left and was relieved to see that the alcove where the honey-blonde nurse had been working was vacant. She was nowhere to be seen. He quickly strode across the corridor and into the bathroom, immediately closing the door behind him.

Nurse Rose had placed the sealed bag on the back of the sink. She was washing her hands! "Please come over here, David," she directed. "Stand in front of the urinal."

Her patient was horrified. "Aren't you leaving!?"

"No," she said, without hesitation this time. "The Gargarean Group requires your urine sample to be witnessed. Now, come over here."

The nude young man was trembling as he walked forward. He stopped in front of the urinal, wondering how on earth he was going to perform in front of a live audience.

Nurse Rose dried her hands and moved to his right side, then commanded, "Turn and face me. I need to clean your penis before you start."

David gulped and turned, smelling the pungent odor of alcohol as she tore open the envelope of a sanitary wipe. "I'll do it," he volunteered, holding out his hand for the disposable cloth she was unfolding.

"This has to be performed by a trained professional," she said as she knelt on the floor in front of him.

This sounded like another fib to David, but it just might be another Gargarean Group requirement. He tried to still his trembling as Nurse Rose's slightly shaky hand reached forward and took possession of his limp dick. Her fingers curled under the shaft of his penis and separated it from his scrotum, then rotated his dick upright. Those gentle fingers then gently slid an inch down his soft shaft to tighten the skin and completely expose the little bald head.

Looking down at kneeling Nurse Rose while she prepared to clean his penis, David felt like a toddler watching his mom wash his willy. He shuddered when the cold, wet wipe made first contact with the warm skin of his penis.

"Sorry," she said, but she didn't look up; her brown eyes were intent on her duty as she carefully wiped his urethral opening and the area surrounding it. David shivered, experiencing a sensually stimulating sensation as the damp cloth gently rubbed the open face of his dick.

She paused with his penis in her hand, looked up into his wide-open blue eyes, and amusedly asked, "Am I tickling you?"

David gulped and responded, "Yes. I'll try to hold still."

"I don't mind," she said, and then tickled him again.

His flinch made her giggle, and from then on, every one of her swipes made his body involuntarily tremble! After his most essential site was satisfactorily sanitary, Nurse Rose further tormented him by working her way out from his bull's-eye. She seemed pleased by his squirming, and took her time, moving the wipe in tiny circles as she cleansed around the smooth, rounded pate of his penis. She finished by traversing her cloth through the trough that separated the head of his cock from his shaft.

With her patient's freshly-polished penis still held upright in her hand, she inspected her work, pleased to see that it was bright, shiny, and clean, and obviously a bit plumper than before she had started. "That's good," she told herself, and then handed his dick to its owner, specifying, "Don't touch anywhere near your urethra, David, or we'll have to start over again." She then gave him the plastic specimen cup and reminded, "Get a good flow going before you start filling it."

Nurse Rose got to her feet and stepped back where she could view the young man's full-length rear nudity as well as his peeing penis. David was understandably anxious as he faced the urinal with his dick in one hand, the empty cup in the other, and his middle-aged 'mother' standing slightly behind him and to his right. Her presence inhibited his performance, but she was graciously patient and quietly waited until he had made his contribution. When the cup was full, she stepped forward and confiscated it, then tightly closed the lid while he finished urinating.

When David was done, his 'mom' made him wash his hands. Afterwards, she knelt in front of him once again, rotated his slightly expanded and dewy penis upright, and used a clean paper towel to dab the last of the drops. That task completed, she used a second sanitary wipe and thoroughly sanitized her patient's dirty dick, chuckling each time her tickling made him shiver and shake.

"Okay," she said when she was satisfied. She stood up and tossed the used cloth in the wastebasket, then turned towards the door, saying, "Let's go back to the exam room."

David's newly-polished penis, all shiny and bright, wiggled wildly as he strode after her, bent on crossing the hall and returning to the relative refuge of the exam room as quickly as possible. Remembering there was a second nurse lurking about, however, he paused at the bathroom doorway and leaned out for a quick look around. The alcove to his right was still unoccupied, and to his left, the hallway was deserted.

"Come along,' urged Nurse Rose.

Relieved but still feeling endangered, the nude man burst out of the bathroom and stepped into the hallway.

Exam Room 3's door abruptly opened, and the attractive nurse with the honey-blonde hair stepped out. "How's it going, Handsome?" she teasingly inquired while eyeing the bare-naked boy, grinning to see that his dick was somewhat distended, and its head was a healthy pink color.

David almost jumped out of his bared skin as his face quickly turned the same color as his penis! Nurse Rose stepped into the hallway and blocked his escape, so the mortified man clapped his hands over his southern exposure.

The nosey nurse laughed to see his bashfulness. With an amused twinkle in her eye, she kiddingly inquired, "Been getting a urine sample, Rose?"

"Yes," said David's nurse firmly. There was a defiant warning in her voice.

"Sounds like fun to me! Who's your cute donor?"

Nurse Rose, sounding a bit relieved, said, "Oh, I'm sorry; I should have introduced you earlier. Nurse Cassidy, this is David."

"Hi, David," said the blonde nurse, with her bright blue eyes gazing into the dilated pupils of the naked young man. "Nice to meet you."

"Ni-nice to meet you, Nu-Nurse Cassidy," he stammered, completely stunned to be introduced while stark naked.

She glanced down and joked, "I'd ask you to shake, but it looks like you've already got your hands full."

While he gawped, Nurse Rose aggravated his embarrassment by saying, "David's becoming a Gargarean."

"Is he!?" exclaimed Nurse Cassidy with a chuckle, followed by a lingering look down at his desperately clutching hands. "I only got a glimpse, but he certainly seemed qualified," she quipped.

"Oh, he is," chuckling Nurse Rose assured her.

Nurse Cassidy gazed into his eyes and asked, "Care to give me another glimpse, Gargarean?"

David gulped and answered, "No," as she glanced down at his hand-made thong again.

When Nurse Cassidy's attention returned from his concealed cock to his eyes, she gave him a playful pout and begged, "Please?"

"Come along, David," Nurse Rose rescued him from his naughty tormentor. She opened the door of Exam Room 1, saying, "We've got to finish before Doctor Joyce is ready to see you."

As the red-faced patient quickly sought refuge, Nurse Cassidy said, "Bye, David. Good luck with the Gargarean Group."

"Bye," he returned, turning his head in time to see the woman with the honey-blonde hair having a look at his backside.

"I need to take your temperature," Nurse Rose informed him when he was back in the relative safety of the exam room with the door firmly closed behind him. "Please stand on the step and bend over the table."

She was going to take his temperature rectally! David was too appalled to protest as he obediently prepared for yet another gross indignity. He was soon leaning over the table with his knees bent, his upper torso and arms resting on the table, and his bare ass in the air. Nurse Rose, who was standing directly behind him, requested that he spread his knees farther apart. Consternation kept him from complaining as he reluctantly complied. Widening his stance opened his thighs, and David was flummoxed to feel his genitals dangling free between them.

Her next instruction was the most shocking of all to the bent-over boy. "Reach back and hold your backside open for me," she directed as she tore open another sanitary wipe and the acrid odor of alcohol permeated the room.

David couldn't help releasing a self-pitying whimper before he obeyed. He gripped his butt cheeks and pulled them apart, exposing his anus to the nurse behind him. He sensed her approaching and shifted in anticipation of what was to come, but she steadied him with a gentle hand on his lower back. He shuddered when he felt her wet cloth slather cold alcohol inside his gaping crack, cleansing his little puckered hole and its environs. One of her fingers, covered by the wipe, even penetrated his sphincter and swirled around its circumference.

When David was clean as a whistle, inside and out, Nurse Rose stepped away to throw the soiled wipe away. Her embarrassed patient immediately released his backside, but she gently scolded, "Please keep holding yourself open until I say you can let go, David."

He released a barely audible whimper as he reached back and exposed his anus again, chagrined by this evidence that she was steadily regarding him in this humiliating position. He waited for her to return, with the evaporating alcohol cooling his dampened crack. Impatient to get this over with as quickly as possible, he turned his head to see what was taking so long, and caught Nurse Rose eyeing his nether regions with a faint smile on her face.

She immediately gave the glass wand in her hand a couple of shakes, explaining, "I'm trying to get the mercury to the bottom, but it's not cooperating." She glanced at the thermometer and said, "That's better. Now, I can check your temperature."

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