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Gargouille Ch. 05


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Nicole's hands pushed against Eyon's chest as she fought to get free. Bastard, she fumed.

She didn't want to feel his warm lips on hers. So kept her lips sealed. But he had other ideas. His fingers moved, slowly caressing the side of her breast in a way that sent a jolt of awareness through her body. At her gasp, he slid his tongue inside of her mouth and she opened liked a petal.

Although Nicole's body screamed at her to surrender, she stood quite still during Eyon's ravishment of her mouth. She wouldn't let them dictate to her what they thought was best. She wouldn't let them do this to her, this was not the Victorian era. Breaking the kiss, and what a kiss it was, Nicole took a deep breath before saying, "I don't know what planet you guys are from, but this is Earth. We have laws against forcing people."

Green eyes widened, perplexed. Good, she thought, it's about time.

"Do ye really think we care? Ye can continue fighting; it matters not," Eyon declared.

"Animals," she spat. Nicole wasn't prone to fits, but these men and the whole situation had utterly shoved her over the edge.

His hold tightened and Nicole resisted a wince, not wanting to give him the satisfaction. "Tread very carefully, Nicole." His green eyes sparkled dangerously.

"Whatever," she replied coolly and with a hard shove at his chest, she made enough space between them to move away from him.

As Eyon abruptly released her, she took a step back and fought hard not to grin at gaining one over on him. Despite her words, Nicole shuddered at the fury evident on Eyon's features, dark and foreboding.

"It would seem like our mate is adept at being untruthful," Kieran said sardonically.

Nicole swung her gaze away from Eyon to him. He was lying casually on the bed, now wearing black track bottoms, his long, lean legs stretched out.

Christ, it should be a sin to look so hot. Blonde locks fell askew in disarray, yet the man managed to look like he'd just stepped out of a magazine.

Nicole bristled at his mocking smile. Seething with anger and humiliation, she squared her shoulders and mustered up as much courage as she could.

"Who are you to call me a liar? You wouldn't know the truth if it bit you in the ass," she spat out, her voice dripping with venom.

So what if they sensed her need for them, didn't the word 'no' mean anything? She guessed not. She decided to continue to resist. They hadn't even considered how they had disrupted her life, the selfish bastards.

A tense silence ensued. Kieran chuckled, but it lacked humor. Their mate was, after all, a human. They knew human women lacked discipline. Nicole seemed to believe that using her acid tongue would deter them, but her resistance had only fueled their desire for her. They had started wondering what fully possessing her would be like. It was a welcoming thought, so they continued the verbal sparing.

"Since ye are obviously new to all this, Eyon and I are inclined to be lenient. Nevertheless, my sweets, this is the last time ye'll defy us on this matter," Kieran spoke coolly, the laughter gone.

Nicole snorted. Who the hell do they think they are?

She didn't hear him, hadn't even sensed his movement, but suddenly Eyon's fingers closed around her wrist as Kieran got up off the bed. Nicole stiffened and glared at Kieran as he walked casually over to them.

"Stay away from me!"

She felt Eyon's hold loosen on her arm and finally he stood back. Nicole yanked her wrist free only for Kieran to take a more forceful grip on her hand. The mocking smile was back on his lips. "Today, Nicole, ye'll be fully taken as ours."

Nicole felt the jolt in her pussy. This was unreal, how could she still feel so sexually aroused? Why did her body long for this, for these men to possess her? Something was wrong, it wasn't natural. It was as if she wanted completion, a complete domination of her body and soul.

There was just one thing. She was afraid.

Kieran looked down at the offending garment Nicole wore. His fingers itched to tear it off. Dinna worry, sweets. I'm going to fix that very soon.

Nicole ground her teeth together to fight off the anger and sexual desire that were boiling in her blood, as she struggled against his hold.

"I think we have delayed this long enough," Eyon interrupted impatiently. He leaned toward her and spoke softly into her ear. "Let me explain it to ye, Nicole. Ye belong to us. We dinna want to fight with ye, but if ye continue to defy us, ye'll regret it."

Again, Nicole felt shivers of alarm at his words. What could be worse than what she was enduring?

He spoke to Kieran in rapid Gaelic and Nicole watched in stunned disbelief as the robe was ripped off her body like it was made of flimsy material, exposing her to two gleaming pairs of eyes. It left her stark naked and the men seemingly transfixed, as if they were seeing her naked for the first time, staring at her body in awe.

"We can't," she moaned, looking down at her feet, embarrassed, "Not again."

"That's where ye are wrong, my sweets. Yer body will always want us," Kieran groaned huskily as he reached down and cupped a breast.

She moaned and closed her eyes as he began kneading the firm flesh and Eyon, not to be denied, start to paint a trail along her collarbone with his tongue.

Nicole opened her eyes to watch as Kieran's lips descended to her other exposed breast, and moaned aloud when they clamped over her aching nipple. She stiffened as their hands began to explore her body.

"I know ye're aching for us, Nicole. Stop fighting it," Eyon stated in a deep, erotic whisper.

She was deposited unceremoniously on to the centre of the bed. Nicole didn't even remember when they had started moving, let alone how they had reached the bed. She blinked in confusion at Kieran and then at Eyon. They both stood like statues on either side of her, eyeing her speculatively. She heard Eyon saying something to Kieran in their native tongue.

Eyon looked at Nicole's naked body in both awe and delight. "She is such a little wildcat in bed and has so much passion behind that cool facade and flippant tongue. She is going to be such a pleasure to tame." He smiled anticipating the moments to come.

"Aye, even though she sought to fight us every step of the way, I know she wants us. I, too, can't wait for her taming to fully begin. God's teeth...the woman drives me to pure madness. With a delectable little puss like that, I am not surprised," Kieran said, as he remembered Nicole's taste.

Nicole watched with wide eyes as the two men slowly undressed while staring at her. She swallowed a lump of fear at the hungry looks in their eyes; it was as if they wanted to devour her. Her attention went to the lower part of their bodies. How the hell would she accommodate two? She could just barely manage one. Nicole looked from Eyon to Kieran and back again. She bit her plump lower lip with indecision.

"Nicole, we will never hurt ye. And we'll fit. Ye won't regret it, sweets," Kieran promised as he came closer, recognizing the fear on her face.

Eyon remained silent; he was too aroused to say anything. He edged closer to Nicole. Then their hands fell on her body, rubbing her shoulders and squeezing her breasts, rolling and teasing her chocolate nipples until they grew rock-hard. Nicole found herself quivering and throbbing, their every touch sending unbearable jolts of arousal through her weakening body.

Nicole wanted so much to resist, but it was becoming harder and harder. Hands were everywhere; no part of her body was left untouched. Kieran slid a large hand up her thigh and strong, calloused fingers found her wet, swollen flesh. He used his middle finger to gently rub her clit, circling it, pinching it, until Nicole rocked her hips and moaned.

Kieran's blue eyes grew darker as he looked at her. The knowing smile that had been there before grew serious. "Look at me, Nicole," he said, his voice was gentle, yet firm.

She forced her eyes open. He gazed into them for a moment, and then his eyes took on a possessiveness that had her transfixed. "We will not tolerate yer defiance, Nicole. Ye are Mistress here now, even more so after our combined mating. However, what seems to have slipped yer mind more times than not is that we are the masters of yer body and mind," Kieran growled as thick fingers slammed into her pussy.

She cried out, her body shaking. He gave her a knowing chuckle and thrust deeper. "God, Nicole, why do ye think to deny us what's rightfully ours?" he demanded, leaning over to bite the side of her neck.

"Ye are ours, Nicole," Kieran's deep masculine voice whispered in her ear, his warm breath tickling her earlobe. Anticipation of what was to come flashed through her.

"Yes." She sounded surprised by her own acknowledgment.

Eyon leaned over and pressed his lips against Nicole's opened ones. His tongue pushed forward, exploring her mouth, lazily massaging and tasting. Nicole moaned against his lips, abandoning herself to their attentions, their passions, and their sheer possessiveness. She took his hand and moved it down to the wetness between her thighs, to join Kieran's thrusting digits. He growled in mock outrage and kissed her harder.

"Yes," she whispered as his fingers found her clit. She loved it. But she loved it even more when Kieran lowered his head to her breast and began biting and sucking her firm nipples.

Suddenly, Eyon broke the kiss to allow Kieran to position her to his liking. As they moved, Eyon quickly captured her lips again in a heated and hungry kiss, before sitting back and watching as Kieran slipped his slick fingers from inside of her and then sucked them one by one.

"I enjoyed that most thoroughly, sweetness. Ye look so beautiful in the throes of passion," Kieran murmured.

"Aye, beautiful indeed...Take her," Eyon whispered, "I want to hear her screams."

Nicole watched as Kieran hooked his arms under her knees and slid her to the edge of the mattress. Open and exposed to his gaze, she turned her head in embarrassment.

"Look at me, Nicole," Kieran commanded. She obeyed.

"How beautiful ye are!" He gazed at her for a long moment before she allowed her hips to arch up to meet him.

And, for the second time that morning, Nicole screamed as Kieran's massive erection speared into her wet, sex-slicked, and more than willing womanhood. She met his lunges with a force of her own as he began to take her with long, fast strokes.

"Oh God," she whispered in a husky voice, wrapping her legs around his hips, "This feels so good." Nicole grabbed the hands that held her hips in a tight grip.

Kieran growled and increased the depth and tempo of his thrusts until his whimpering mate trembled on the verge of climax. He watched her come until she was quivering with exhaustion. Nicole moaned with unfulfilled passion. Her body continued to pulse with Kieran's shaft anchored deep within her, unmoving, but still firm and unspent.

Eyon leaned against the headboard and stroked his cock as he watched, never taking his eyes off of Kieran fucking their mate. The beauty of Nicole reaching her climax was a magnificent sight to him.

Nicole, still in the throes of desire turned to him, panting hard, eyes dark with lust. "Eyon, I need you. Please," she whimpered as her pussy continued to spasm around Kieran's shaft.

Eyon moved, displaying his obvious satisfaction that Nicole had voiced her needs. He was pleased that she was accepting her fate, accepting that she was theirs.

"Roll her onto her side," he growled impatiently at Kieran.

Before her body or mind could recover, Kieran slowly pulled out of her suctioning core and placed her in the centre of the bed. Then he rolled her towards Eyon.

* * * *

Nicole found herself pleasantly sandwiched between two hard bodies. She knew what was going to happen. She felt her nipples tighten even more when their erect members touched her heated flesh. Kieran's erection prodded her from behind, while Eyon's rubbed against her stomach.

"God, I can't wait to be inside ye. I want this so bad," Eyon murmured.

Nicole shuddered as she suddenly felt hands running along the cleft of her bottom. Her eyes flew open. "I'm afraid," she spoke aloud, finally acknowledging her fears. She knew she sounded helpless and pathetic, but she couldn't help it.

Physical desire, along with a desire to protect, overwhelmed both men at Nicole's confession. They enfolded her smaller form in their arms. Eyon reached out and cupped her face. "We understand. Ye have nothing to fear, sweets. We want ye to know us in every way. I want ye to tell us if it hurts too much. Okay, sweets? We'll stop if ye want us to."

Eyon stared into her eyes and then his lips brushed hers in the gentlest, most delicate of touches. Soft though it was, the kiss conjured strange, almost electric, tingles in her skin and sent a rush of heat sizzling along her nerve endings. Several times, he slid his mouth across hers, the softness of his lips nuzzling gently.

Meanwhile, Kieran was kissing her neck and shoulders, his hands moving all over her body. All the while, he whispered in her ear about how they wanted and needed her. "Ye'll enjoy it, Nicole," he said, biting her earlobe.

"Okay," she groaned and then opened her lips to give Eyon free access to her mouth.

Oh, God. Am I going to regret this? Two men! Should I? Shouldn't I? Maybe just this one time... I did agree, didn't I? No turning back. Nicole couldn't believe she could become so aroused again after the vigorous attention her body had been receiving from the men. By rights, she should have been bone tired.

For the men, it had been a revelation to hear that one word. She trusted them, wanted them. The sure knowledge that they would finally take her together made their balls tighten in anticipation. They could almost visualize it, a cock sliding into her from behind as the other took her from the front. Their dicks twitched and ached with anticipation.

The rich aroma of her musk filled the air, mixed with the sweet scent of vanilla. It was intoxicating. Eyon continued to kiss her deeply and very, very slowly, gripping her face to hold her more firmly against his lips. Her mouth was a wet, open flower that surrendered to his tongue. He felt her shiver. Her hips were pressed to his own by the force of Kieran's hand as it kneaded her plump bottom. Eyon smiled at Nicole's trembling as Kieran thrust his fingers into her and began fucking her from behind.

Nicole gasped and quivered helplessly when she felt the digits enter her core. She whimpered with need as Kieran sped up his pace. Her hips bucked against his hand, begging for more.

Eyon reached out and captured a breast, squeezing the firm, round globe, as her lips parted on a soft sigh. He grinned wider when Kieran's finger plunged harder into her sopping core. Eyon watched Nicole's face and knew she was near.

Not yet, he thought. They intended to take things slowly. They had all night and he was going to use as much of it as he could.

Between Eyon's hands on her breasts and Kieran's fingers inside her, Nicole was incapable of thought. It was mind shattering. Could someone die of too much pleasure? What a way to go. Nicole moaned in regret as she felt Kieran's fingers suddenly leave her. She whimpered, her hips moving backward, desperate for him to put them back.

"Be patient, Nicole."

The sound of Eyon's voice sent a sweet thrill through her.

Eyon looked to Kieran. He knew Kieran's face mirrored the dazed look was on his own. Neither could speak, only nodding when they were ready.

"Relax, baby," whispered Kieran, caressing her bottom.

Nicole heard Kieran say something to Eyon, though she knew not what, since it was in their native tongue. A few seconds later, she heard the distinctive sound of a tube opening. She gasped when a cold liquid suddenly hit her skin as Kieran liberally coated her anus with the lubricant.

"I know it's cold. Sorry, sweets, but we have to make ye nice and ready," he whispered before he began to slowly caress her puckered opening.

Nicole gasped and spread her legs wide. "P--please don't. Oh..."

"Ye're so going to love this," Kieran purred, "Open yer legs wider for me."

Nicole obeyed. Eyon's fingers nudged her thighs even further apart, seeking out her wet core, and finding the entrance, he thrust forward. Nicole accepted the invasion, groaning as Eyon's palm hit her clit. Then Kieran thrust a finger inside her anus and she cried out in both shock and pleasure.

Eyon quickly captured her cries with his lips as he used his other hand to caress her hair, her cheeks, soothing her. Nicole moaned and pushed back against Kieran. Eyon continued to distract her, allowing Kieran to take his time to do what he wanted. She sucked Eyon's tongue as he gladly took what she offered, mapping her mouth with the muscle. He sucked lightly on the pink tip of her tongue, doing his best to give her as much pleasure as he could.

Kieran, sensing that she was more relaxed, removed his fingers, and before Nicole could even feel the loss, the head of his shaft prodded against her anus. She gasped as the bulbous head pushed inside. Blindly reaching out in front of her, she grabbed onto Eyon's arms.

"That's it, baby," whispered Kieran, caressing her bottom as Eyon continued to kiss her. Eyon broke the kiss as Kieran spread her ass cheeks and began to thrust and thrust. She felt a finger flick her clit and she came instantly.

"Oh God." She bucked forward and then back. Both men held her as she began to shake, howling and mewing like a dog in heat. The men shuddered at the sensation.

"Are ye okay, Nicole?" Eyon asked, looking at her teary eyes.

She had never experienced anything so pleasurable in all her life and was too dazed to even answer. Her chest heaved, trying to find enough air to stay conscious. She was that near to passing out.

"Are ye too tired to continue?" Kieran asked.

Unsure how to respond, Nicole closed her eyes and started chewing her bottom lip in earnest.

Eyon watched a visibly shaken Nicole absorb Kieran's words. Softly, he added, "There is no rush, Nicole. Just relax and let us do the work." Eyon paused and waited until she looked at him. "We have ye. Just let it happen."

Opening her legs wider, Eyon slid his shaft inside her as far as he could manage. Nicole gasped at the sudden invasion. This was all new to her. She had never done anything like that before, plus, she'd never been with any man as well endowed as they were. Their sizes and, lord, the way they used them, were simply out of this world.

They felt Nicole stiffen. Kieran gently began running his tongue up and down her neck as he held her tight. Eyon re-captured her lips and began nibbling and sucking the bottom one.

"Christ's teeth, Nicole ye are so fucking tight," Kieran hissed, as if in pain, withdrawing his shaft halfway out her back passage.

"Oh Lord," she cried out as Eyon's mouth left her lips and found her nipples.

Eyon groaned in pure pleasure when the hot, tight sheath of her core slowly swallowed his cock. Eyon lifted his head from her breast just long enough to explain. "After we take ye, Nicole, ye will treasure the fluids filling yer body. No other man will ever dare touch ye. Yer only thoughts will be of us and of being with us. Yer body will ache and burn with the need for our cocks to fill it." He ended with a possessive and demanding kiss.

Both men moaned at the unbelievable tightness they were experiencing, her orifices held them like a vice. After they had allowed her enough time to adjust to their combined sizes, Kieran, who had withdrawn his shaft slightly so Eyon could fully enter her, grabbed her hips and pulled her along his length.

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