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Gargouille Ch. 05

Story Info
Dominion vs defiance. Gargoyles challenge.
15.5k words

Part 6 of the 9 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 09/14/2010
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Hiya lovely readers, I am ever so sorry for the delay with chapter 5, but sometimes life gets in the way. I hope you enjoy reading this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. A warm appreciation to my editor Angelicsounds for editing this story, you're a star sweetie.

Chapter 5


Nicole awoke to the feeling of lightly feathered kisses on her shoulders. She held her breath as the lips drifted up the column of her neck, tracing its path with a hot tongue. The feeling was more than she could bear; the tongue had her entire body on fire.

She heard a soft shuffling noise before a pair of muscular arms encircled her. The hands attached to those arms began to caress her firm stomach, only to suddenly capture both her breasts, which fit perfectly in their palms. Then she was pressed against a warm chest.

Nicole stifled a moan as her pulse quickened and her heart raced at an alarming speed. She was completely taken back by her harlot behavior; she was not in the habit of sleeping with strange men, but she couldn't lie to herself about enjoying their attention.

Truthfully, she was relishing it. Nicole couldn't stop herself from admiring the men. She had always enjoyed looking at well-toned men. And these two Scottish devils were well-oiled machines, toned and full of sexual stamina, the kind of stamina that left a woman's muscles sore in all the right places. The men were indeed dangerous, in more ways than she'd imagined. She had never felt such an overwhelming urge to surrender to someone, and two men at that, but it was an urge she dared not give in to.

"Let me feel our pussy. I have thought of nothing else." The voice was low and husky. She felt a gentle bite on the lobe of her ear.

A thrill ran through her body as her pulse went into instant overdrive. Kieran. The last time she had seen Kieran was when she had attempted to wound him with a dinner plate, and yet, Nicole could feel his presence almost constantly. She was beginning to wonder whether she was going crazy. And wondering why this man haunted her thoughts day and night, like they were actually sharing one soul. It was unnerving to say the least.

Nicole could feel the stiff outline of Kieran's cock nestled between the softness of her naked ass cheeks. Nicole remained still. He didn't move either and she wondered, as time stretched, if he had fallen asleep. He moved at last and next thing she knew, she was being lifted off the bed by those large warm arms.

"How dare you! Put me down this instant," she hissed, trying to pry his hands off her breasts. She tried to sound annoyed, but her voice was too husky, even to her own ears.

Kieran chuckled knowingly, slowly relaxing his hold and sliding one hand down to cup Nicole's bare mound. "Warm and wet. I think a cock is in order, don't ye?"

Nicole drew in a sharp breath as she wriggled and squirmed to break free of his tight grip. "Stop that!" she protested, feeling like a hypocrite.

"Stop the bloody fighting woman! It willna do ye any good." Kieran was holding her tightly as she continued to struggle against him. Squeezing a nipple, he smiled smugly at her moan.

Nicole's senses were on overload already and they hadn't done anything. Lord! These men are going to be the death of me, she moaned inwardly, cursing her treacherous body.

"I am not going to stop until you release me."

"Don't ye sense the heat between us, Nicole? Don't ye want to finish what we started?" he whispered before leaning in and gently biting her neck.

"I'd rather die first," she growled, though she was acutely aware of the masculine chest pressed against her back.

"Sorry to disappoint, but I dinna partake in necrophilia." He laughed then. It unnerved her and Nicole gritted her teeth in anger.

"Where are you taking me?" she demanded as he walked towards a door and kicked it open. It was the bathroom. It was large, with white marble tile.

"You may go now. I can manage on my own," she said in a shaky whisper as he placed her feet on the surprisingly warm tile.


Nicole gasped a little, like she'd never heard the word. For several moments, she stood staring at him; the expression in his eyes confused her. They were surprisingly gentle, with no evidence of anger. His blue eyes held her brown ones, studying her silent scrutiny.

"Do ye need assistance with yer bath?"

'Didn't I already say no?' she fumed inwardly, as she took a step backward.

Sighing loudly, Nicole dragged her eyes from Kieran's in an attempt to gain control over her tattered emotions. She had never been so confused in her life. Squaring her shoulders, Nicole walked over, opened the shower door and without so much of a backwards glance to see if he had followed, she stepped in and closed the door behind her.

Feeling somewhat safer, she heaved a deep sigh of relief then turned on the water and adjusted the temperature to a pleasing level of warmth. She sucked in a sharp breath as jets of warm water cascaded down her body, lulling her into a more relaxed mood.

Nicole closed her eyes and sighed in contentment, the water felt so wonderful. As her body descended into utter calmness, she couldn't resist the sexual feelings that suddenly rushed through her or the pleasurable sigh that erupted from her lips. Image of bodies entwined in various sexual acts clouded her mind. She became embroiled in the dance of debauchery, lathering her body, running her hands all over, her face, shoulders, breasts, arms, and between her thighs.

She as never felt for free before, as sexual. It was amazing. It was as if she were possessed.

Kieran watched Nicole, motionless, as she showered her smooth, firm body. He found himself staring at the way she lathered her hairless mound, unknowingly, or perhaps knowingly, tantalizing him. He closed his eyes and groaned; thinking about either sucking on or pushing into her sweet, wet, tight pussy was driving him mad.

Suddenly, Nicole felt the water shut off and she shivered, but she wasn't sure if it was because of the cold. She turned and their eyes met, blue devoured brown, his were dark with desire and hers burned bright with uncertainty and confusion.

"Tell me something, my sweets." The sound of his voice, deep and sensual, rattled her senses and caused juices to flow from her throbbing core. "Do ye torment me on purpose or do ye want to be fucked?"

Her face warmed with embarrassment and she sucked in a deep breath. Of course I do, she moaned inwardly, yet pretended otherwise by sucking her teeth.

"I'm going to kiss ye."

Her hands came up to press against his naked chest. She gasped as she became instantly aware of his nudity.

"Why?" she asked foolishly, staring down at his erection jutting from its junction.

Kieran didn't acknowledge her hands or the question, just stared down at her, his lips curled in a lazy smile. He reached for her and lifted her out of the shower. She said nothing as he dried her and then took her arm, leading her back into the bedroom.

There, he held her up with one arm around her middle as he lowered his head. Her legs trembled but she stood with his help. He grinned at her and his pretty blue irises sparkled merrily.

"So fucking sweet," he whispered and then gently touched his lips to hers.

Nicole had never felt so satisfied in her entire life, with just a mere kiss. But once the afterglow had settled, she swallowed hard before asking the questions that had been on her mind ever since she woke up a week ago in some stranger's house. "Where am I, really? And why did you bring me here?"

As if she were answering her own questions, her breathing became labored as the memories of what led her to be there flashed through her mind. Nicole lowered her lashes to regain some composure. She was usually good at problem solving, it was part of her job, but this was a challenging problem indeed and one she needed time to sort. She would just have to find a way.

"Do ye think us selfish, Nicole? That we only want ye for our pleasures? Only for a quick fuck?" Kieran's booming voice jolted her from her thoughts. "Do ye, Nicole?"

When she didn't respond, a low, irritated growl rumbled through his chest. Nicole's head snapped up, her eyes widening in alarm.

"Uh, I really don't know...I--I don't know," she answered honestly, but she really wished she could just throw caution to the wind and take what they were offering. But you don't know them, an inner voice reminded her.

"Well, ye'd be wrong if ye did." Kieran leaned forward and lightly bit her exposed shoulder, inhaling her sweet scent. He raised his head and his gaze roamed over her face slowly before he lifted her chin with one finger.

"Do ye have any idea how much we both want ye, our light? How we fantasize about just looking at ye spread out on our bed, naked, waiting for us to both fuck ye? Taking ye in ways ye have never imagined possible?"

He watched her squirm under his unwavering gaze. As her breathing became shallow, he could feel his heart begin to speed up in anticipation, lust and desire surging through his blood. He groaned and ground his hips against her, pressing his thick shaft into her belly.

"I -- No," she whispered nervously. Her body was suddenly tense as his sex organ brushed against her stomach, hot and alive, and a frisson of fear and desire curled through her belly.

"Well let me show ye," he replied as he lifted her and carried her to the bed.

"Kieran, we shouldn't," she protested.

But before she could object further, Kieran laid her none too gently on the bed. Nicole barely had time to catch her breath. The only thing she could focus on were his eyes, they were dark, almost black, and so intense. He stared at her with an arrogant smile. Kneeling down on the bed, Kieran began caressing her stomach with both hands and then his hands drifted down and found her clit.

"Ohhhh," she whimpered.

Feeling the engorged nub, Kieran swiped his thumb across it. At her shiver, he lowered his head and started sniffing; she smelled sweet and intoxicating.

"Kieran, what are you doing?" she croaked, her voice shaking. Was she frightened? She may have presented as afraid, but deep down, there was a part of her that was excited as well.

"Giving ye what ye need," he said as he began to suckle her clit in earnest.

In spite of herself, Nicole reached down and gripped his head tightly in her hands. She couldn't believe how wonderful it felt and the more he sucked the wetter she became.

Nicole threw her head back on the bed when he slid one hand up between her legs and found her breast, twisting and pinching the nipple lightly.

"Ohhhh, Kieran!" she moaned and came with almost reckless abandon as he continued to pleasure her.

Kieran growled pleasurably as he lapped up Nicole's juices. He had dreamt of this many nights. He had longed to taste her, to hear her scream his name as he took her. He knew Eyon must have worn her out, but he wanted her so badly. For now, she would just have to endure.

Lifting his head from between her thighs, he slowly traced a finger around the entrance to her pink opening, teasing it lightly before he stood up. His cock stood out stiff and proud in front of him.

"Do ye want it, Nicole?" he asked, stroking his rampant erection.

Nodding, Nicole immediately sat up. Feeling wanton and bold, she reached out and grabbed it, guiding him to the entrance of her sex. Slowly, while his eyes locked with hers, his pleasure at her actions evident in their depths, he began to push into her.

When Kieran had completely engulfed himself in Nicole's tight heat, he began to fuck her gently and slowly, dragging out the sweet feeling, but her moans and active participation drove him to madness. Lifting her hips off the bed, he drove into her and almost immediately, her entire body began to buck and shake.

The moment Kieran felt her contract upon him, their eyes locked again and never strayed, as he claimed her.

"Ours," he grunted possessively, "all ours." He thrust deep, again and again. As his orgasm shot through him, he could feel his fluid rushing into Nicole, filling her with his warm semen. And for a moment, he felt lifeless as her muscles continued to milk him.

They stayed entwined for several minutes, as the feel of their orgasms faded. Nicole tried to pull away, but Kieran held her tightly, kissing her face and neck lightly as he eased out of her body. He could feel her pussy twitching with little spasms of pleasure. Nicole moaned as her pussy contracted involuntarily.

He grinned knowingly at her, feeling triumphant once again about her sexual desires for them.

"See, my sweets, ye belong to us. We aren't letting ye go," he stated with an arrogant confidence that irritated her nerves.

A soft sound escaped her throat as she braced herself on her elbows, directing her attention to him, her eyes blazing. "I do not!" she snapped.

Lifting a brow, he chuckled. "Little liar," he accused, "Even now..."

Kieran didn't finish his sentence before he felt a hard slap against his cheek. He pulled back, completely shocked. The silence that followed was deafening. Kieran stared at Nicole as if she were insane, before hastily disguising his disbelief.

Breathing heavily, the sting of the slap taking effect on her palm, Nicole blinked as tears welled behind her lids. Somehow, she managed to hold them in check. "I ..." she stuttered.

Before she could start her sentence, she found herself pinned against the bed. Nicole shrieked in fright as Kieran's strength left her unable to free herself from his grip, she felt like she was being held down by a boulder.

Kieran swore. He was angry, but he wasn't about to hurt her. He pulled her face towards his and a pair of hard blue eyes studied fearful brown ones. The look in his eyes told her he was far from pleased. Nicole watched with wide eyes as his hand cupped her face. Surprisingly, he was gentle.

"Nicole," he said in a firm tone, "dinna ever raise yer hands to me again. Do ye understand?" Kieran unclenched his jaw, as his anger slowly subsided.

"Yes," she croaked. She gazed at his strong jaw; she wanted to touch it. Her hand twitched and when he saw it, his eyes lit up for a second.

* * * *

Behind them, the door opened and closed.

"Lovers' quarrel?" Eyon asked, as he walked over towards them.

Kieran loosened his hold on Nicole and looked over his shoulder at Eyon. "We had a misunderstanding. It won't happen again." Cool, unreadable blue eyes looked back down at her. "Isn't that so, sweets?"

She nodded, unable to speak.

Pushing his cloak off his shoulder, Eyon dropped it onto a chair near the side of the bed. It spread out like a black wing across the back of the chair. His thick black hair fell over his forehead, giving him a boyish look. ''Hello, my sweets,'' he said, his intense green eyes looking down at her.

"What are you doing here?" she asked, her voice shaky.

Eyon grinned. "Ye didn't expect me to miss this now, did ye?"

"Miss what?" she questioned, even though she had an idea of what he meant.

His grin widened. "Ye're an intelligent woman, Nicole. What do ye think?"

Nicole's face heated and her skin tingled with excitement as she breathed in his masculine, earthy scent. She pictured both men rubbing their strong firm hands over her body. Over her breasts and hips, their fingers traveling down towards her heated flesh, stroking her as she...

"Penny for yer thoughts." A husky voice interrupted her wicked thoughts. Eyon was sitting at her side, giving her a look that she knew so well. Nicole was suddenly shy and the way both men were currently looking at her didn't help any. She felt trapped, so she quickly sat up and pulled the bedding up to her neck.

Eyon smiled at Nicole. She was still being modest, even after what they had shared. He was intrigued. He reached over and pulled her nearer to him, leaning into her to whisper in her ear, "Miss me?"

His mouth was close to her neck and when he lifted his head and looked at her, Nicole turned her face away and blurted out, "I need to use the bathroom."

Eyon chuckled softly. "Tell me, sweets, what are ye going to do?"

Nicole was happy he could not see her eyes, as they mirrored her emotions. "Uhhh... The stuff one does in a bathroom," she replied with a hint of embarrassment.

Eyon laughed again, it sounded deep and guttural. He could smell Nicole's alluring scent. It perfumed the air, making his gargoyle restless with want. After a moment's hesitation, he let her go.

"Dinna be too long, Nicole, or we'll come get ye."

Nicole was too stunned to reply. She quickly slid off the bed and rushed into the bathroom, securing the latch on the door. Feeling somewhat safer, she relaxed and quickly relieved her bladder.

Nicole took a deep breath as her thoughts naturally turned to the men. If only she was able to resist them. Why do they make me feel so weak? Feeling a slight headache building, she took two painkillers that she found in the bathroom's medicine cabinet and then had a quick wash.

When Nicole finally emerged from the bathroom, she could feel their eyes on her, just as acutely as she could feel her fluttering heart. She kept her eyes averted and wrapped the belt of the thick robe she had found in the bathroom more tightly around her waist. Nicole had seen men lusting over her before and even had a few fighting over her. Hell, even that stupid cow Devon had his friends watching her to see if she was cheating on him, though it turned out he was the one cheating, the ass wipe! But none of those men could hold a candle to the way these two men made her feel with the intensity of their gazes.

"Remove the robe, Nicole," ordered Kieran.

"I will not," she snapped.

"Why do ye still feel the need to be clothed?" Kieran continued, his voice demanding.

She was briefly stunned. "I do not feel that I need to explain this to you. Anyway, I see no reason for me to be walking around unclothed. It's not practical."

Kieran seemed to consider her reasoning. "If the situation were different, that would be true. But ye dinna really have a choice in this matter."

Nicole remained just as she was and stated defiantly, "You both may chose to ignore this, but I am an adult and will do as I please. I do not need permission."

She saw him almost smile. "Ye refuse to obey then?"

"I refuse to be bullied into undressing, based on your controlling caveman behavior."

Eyon's lips tightened as he interjected, "Then perhaps ye'd like us to do it for ye. If ye like it rough, we can oblige. Yer choice."

That brought Nicole up short. "I don't know what you're insinuating," she swiveled on her feet to head back to the confines of the bathroom.

But the men were expecting such a reaction, they knew Nicole would rather run away than admit her true feelings. Eyon moved so fast Nicole didn't even see him coming. Before she could cry out, she felt her body being twirled around as he wrapped a corded arm around her small waist and hauled her body to his. His masculine, earthy scent filled her senses as she tried to pull away from him, but she wasn't strong enough to break his hold. She attempted to slap him, but he caught her wrist in his hand and held it tightly.

"Quit struggling. If ye dinna remain still, I'll spank yer bottom!" he vowed, his hand hitting its mark. The robe did little to protect her from the sting.

"Pig!" she hissed.

"I dinna want to fight with ye, Nicole," Eyon growled in her ear. "If we had wanted to hurt ye, we would have done so by now." He leaned closer to her, his breath brushing against her cheek has he spoke low. "Are ye hungry?"

Her eyes narrowed at his question. "Why?"

He took his time answering. "More mid-morning delight," he finally whispered before capturing her lips with his.

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