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Gilligan's Island Ring around the Island

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Dr. Balinkoff has a plan for the castaways.
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Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, all characters portrayed are 18 years or older

Codes: MF, M+F, FF, MC, Oral, Anal, First, Exh, Mast, Voy, Inter

Dr. Boris Balinkoff the mad scientist returned to the island with his newfound friend and partner George. When he had left this island, he had been defeated his mind control device broken and all his money gone. Now thanks to a chance meeting with George he was back on the island, his mind control device rebuilt and all set to make tons of money.

After leaving the island he had gone to a bar to drown his sorrows. While there and drinking heavily he started a conversation with George, who became very interested in the story as he mentioned that the missing movie star Ginger Grant was on an island with a group of people and he had controlled them for a brief time. George had talked him into an alternate scheme for making money one a lot safer than trying to rob Fort Knox. They were going to take control of the castaways and make a porno movie, having Ginger Grant starring in the picture was a guarantee of success.

He waited until his monkey returned and then switched on his mind control device. One by one he called the men into the cave and made sure they were all under his control. He gave them commands that they would not see him or George as they wandered around the island, but they would follow any orders they gave. They then called in Mrs. Howell and gave her similar orders.

Now for the most important test. They called in the two women who were going to star in their film. First into the cave was the tall redhead Ginger Grant wearing only a towel, following her into the cave was Maryanne a smaller dark haired all-American farm girl type, she was wearing just a man's shirt. As they looked her over they agreed she would make a good costar for the more famous Ginger Grant.

They ran them through a few tests to make sure they were deeply under his control then they were ready for the real test.

"Alright Ginger let the towel fall."

They watched as she undid her towel and it dropped to the ground, revealing very nice body nice firm tit a round ass and a patch of red hair between her legs. Now for the next test,

"Maryanne take off your shirt."

They both watched as she stripped out of her shirt revealing a nice if small set of tits and a very tight and hard ass.

"Now we must test their resistance to the mind control."

He turned to the girls. "Ginger, Maryanne fall to your knees."

They both instantly complied, the doctor opened his pants pulling out a rather large fat cock. He moved in front of Ginger.

"Now Ginger have you ever given a blow job before?"

"Yes master," she responded.

"Alright then, I want you to suck my cock and take it all the way into your throat. you will have no trouble doing this as your muscles will relax allowing the intrusion."

He jammed his cock deep into Ginger's mouth. He pushed his dick halfway in allowing her to use her tongue on his cock. After a moment or two of this he started moving his hips fucking in and out of Ginger's mouth.

"Boy is she good," he commented as he pounded away. "Now Ginger, I want you to swallow every drop of my cum, you will love the taste of it."

He pulled out until just the tip of his prick was in her mouth and was gratified as she swallowed every drop of his cum. She sucked every bit of sperm out of his cock making little yummy sounds. He fell back onto the cot.

"I'd say that was a successful test, George do you want to test the other one?"

"Yes, I think I would." George looked down at the dark-haired Maryanne, he thought she might even be prettier then Ginger Grant. "What do I do?"

"Just stand back and get ready." The doctor got up and moved over to where Maryanne kneeled. "Maryanne have you ever given a blow job." "No," she responded.

This interested him, he wanted more information. "How much sexual experience have you had? What have you done with a man penis?"

"I touched my boyfriend's once or twice back home, but I'm a good girl." She responded.

"Dear God, an honest to goodness virgin here, we're going to have some extra fun." He laughed.

"Okay then Maryanne you see that cock in front of you and you will open your mouth and take it into your mouth. You will use your tongue to try and give it extra pleasure. You will take it all the way in, your throat muscles will relax allowing me to penetrate your throat."

"Yes Master," she responded as the cock in front of her pressed against her lips. She let it slip inside of her as he started to push inside. The conditioning allowed her to breath as it slipped deeper into her mouth. After only a few strokes George shot his load into Maryanne's mouth, he watched as she swallowed it all. As George sat back the doctor decided to take control of the situation again.

"Alright ladies you will go back to bed and get a good night's rest. You'll have a busy day tomorrow, you will behave perfectly normally until I call for you, now go."

"Didn't you want to fuck them?" George asked.

"Definitely, but we better make the film first. Not only do we get Ginger Grant, movie star, in the movie. We also get to show an actual virgin being deflowered on screen. We'll make a fortune from this."

"I guess you're right; I was thinking with my prick. I do that sometimes sorry."

They slept in the cave; and at first light they went to a lagoon away from the castaways and signaled to their boat. This second boatload contained the things they needed for making a porno movie. Picture and sound equipment with a two-man crew, plus four large black men to play cannibals in some special gang bang scenes. They went and set up their first scene. This would be where Maryanne loses her virginity. For this one they needed Maryanne and the Professor. They managed to place a suggestion in the other castaways' minds to be away from their huts for several hours.

The scene started with Maryanne doing dishes, she finished up and headed to one of the huts. Inside the hut the Professor was working with his back to Maryanne, he didn't see her enter.

"Professor, I have a problem and I was hoping you could help me?" "Of course, anything for you Maryanne." He continued to work as he spoke not even looking up.

"What seems to be the problem?"

Maryanne started taking off her clothes. "It's this island I've been alone here so long. I'm so lonely, I've never been with a man. I'd like you to be my first."

"Your first what?" The Professor turned and as he saw Maryanne's' naked form he dropped what he was working on. "I don't understand?"

"Oh, I think you do." Maryanne moved close to the Professor. She put her hands on his shoulders then let them move down his chest and down to his crotch. "In fact, I'm sure that you do."

"I don't know if we should?"

"I'm sure, that's what matters." Maryanne slid down to her knees. She pulled his zipper down and fished his cock out of his pants. She pulled out his large cock and ran her hands over it. "Yes, I'm very sure about this."

She put her mouth over his cock and slowly took more of him into her mouth. She took him deep into her mouth then took it out and held it in her hand. "You ready to put this thing where it belongs?" She asked seductively.

The Professor moved down taking Maryanne into his arms, they lay down together and he positioned himself between her legs. He pushed his cock into her tight cunt and slowly pushed it inside, a gasp escaped her lips.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes, more please." She wrapped her legs around his back and pulled him deeper inside of her, "Yes faster harder more."

Little gasps escaped her lips as the Professor started to push in and out of her, Maryanne reached down and played with her clit.

"Oh yes that feels so good." Maryanne moaned as an orgasm racked her body.

The Professor pulled out and shot his load on Maryanne's tits some even made it to her face.

Maryanne used her hands to wipe herself off and shove the cum into her mouth. "We're going to have to do that more often."

Maryanne collected her clothes and headed out leaving the Professor laying exhausted on the ground.

The doctor then wiped the episode from both of their minds, so they'd have no recollection of the event. He then went and collected the stars for the next shot. The camera crew headed for a deserted spot on the island. For the scene they needed Mr. Howell and Ginger.

Mr. Howell was waiting in the glade, as Ginger approached, he put a blanket down on the ground. Ginger was wearing her tight silver dress as she walked up to Mr. Howell.

"You've got it?"

"Yes I have." Thurstan Howell pulled out a wad of bills and handed them over to Ginger. "You know what I want."

"Yes I do." Ginger stuffed the money into the dress between her tits. Her hands went to the shoulder straps of the dress, and she pulled them down then slowly peeled the dress down revealing her large firm breasts. "You like?"

Ginger played with her own tits for a moment then continued to push the dress down off her svelte form. As the last of it came off, she put it on a rock and stood before Mr. Howell in just her shoes." You sure this is what you want?" Ginger asked, and he nodded a yes. "Alright then."

Ginger knelt down on the blanket then lay back. She started to run her hands over her body. "Oh yes, I'm so hot it's been so long." Her hands went down between her legs. She ran a hand over her pussy. "Oh God I'm dripping wet. ahhh!" She stuck a finger inside of herself.

Thurston Howell was watching intently and had his dick out and was stroking himself. "Play with those tits pinch them."

Ginger followed his directions. She pinched her nipples with one hand as another finger went inside of her pussy. "Are you sure you don't want to fuck me? I'm so hot. Oh God," she pushed a third finger into herself and started thrashing around on the ground.

Mr. Howell let out a grunt and shot a load of cum onto Ginger, getting most of it on her face and tits.

Ginger screamed out in her own orgasm, as she slowly came down from it, she used her hands to wipe off his cum, but there was some in her hair she couldn't get out.

Ginger stood up. "Maybe next time you'd like to fuck me?"

"Lovey wouldn't like that." Howell explained.

"Also you're too cheap." Ginger shot back as she put on her dress. Ginger left him standing there stunned and headed for the waterfall.

For this scene, they would need Ginger and Gilligan. They set up by the waterfall they then got their stars. Ginger was programmed to take a shower under the waterfall as Gilligan hide in the bushes watching her. They set up the cameras and put the actors in position. Ginger walked up to the waterfall put her towel on a tree then removed her clothes leaving them on another tree, she then went into the water. They filmed as she washed herself all overpaying special attention to her tits and pussy as she had been commanded earlier.

After a while she walked over to where her towel was. She started to dry off and heard a noise she jumped. and saw Gilligan getting up to leave.

"Gilligan!" She called out angrily, "stop right there!"

Gilligan turned back a hang dog expression on his face. "I'm sorry Ginger," he began meekly.

"How long have you been watching me?" Ginger looked down and noticed the large bulge in his pants. Ginger thought to herself how long it had been since she'd been with a man. "You like watching me don't you."

He mumbled out a reply, "Would you like a better view?"

She let her towel drop to the ground revealing her naked and dripping body to Gilligan.

"Would you like to touch me?" She reached down and grasped his hand moving it too her left breast. Gilligan couldn't believe what was happening but even he wasn't dumb enough to stop. He put his other hand on Ginger's other breast and started rubbing them, from the sounds she made he guessed she liked it. Ginger started pulling at his clothes he started to help her stripping down, soon he was naked.

"Well since you've been a bad boy you deserve to be punished, lay down." Ginger ordered.

Gilligan quickly complied, Ginger took position over him placing her pussy over his mouth.

"Eat me Gilligan," she ordered and he complied burying his mouth in her pussy. She reached back and stroked his cock. They came together, Ginger all over Gilligan's face, Gilligan all over himself and Ginger's hand. Ginger climbed off of him and saw Gilligan try to get up.

"We're not done yet," she kissed her way down his body first his scrawny chest then down to his cock she licked off the cum from his earlier load and it started to grow in her hands. "Nice turnaround time," she commented as she started to climb up his body, so her pussy was over his hard on. She dropped like a rock engulfing his entire cock in her pussy. "Oh, it's been so long." She moaned as she started riding up and down. "Yes more," she moved faster and faster as Gilligan started playing with her breasts. "Suck on them," Ginger ordered and Gilligan got the idea engulfing her tits in his mouth. Her back suddenly arched and a look of total pleasure crossed her face. "God yes," she slipped his prick out of her pussy and knelt down stroking his penis in her hands.

As her mouth touched his cock, he shot his load into her face. "Now I've got to take another bath," with that Ginger got up and left Gilligan laying exhausted in the sand. The doctor and George moved on to their next scene they set up their cameras on a path well away from the other castaways. Bob then called Maryanne in and explained what was expected of her. Then got the "cannibals" ready for the scene. Once they were ready, they started the scene.

Maryanne walked down the trail not having any idea what was to happen. Wearing just her shorts and a t-shirt tied under her breasts. She jumped as a huge man brandishing a spear jumped out of the brush at her. She turned to run but another man was behind her jabbing a spear at her. She tried to turn but every way she tried another savage was in her face holding a spear to her. They came together holding Maryanne in the circle of the four of them. One of them pushed his spear tip to Maryanne's throat, she gasped as it touched her. "Please, don't hurt me," she begged.

The spear gently went down from her throat sliding along her chest till it slipped between her breasts and landed on the knot in her t-shirt. They gestured wildly and screamed incomprehensible sounds, Maryanne didn't know what to do.

Finally, it hit her and her hands went to the knot and she untied it. They seemed to calm as it fell open barely covering her breasts. Maryanne felt the spear move under her t-shirt lifting it up so the chief could see her breasts. Not satisfied with that one of the men behind her pulled her shirt off her shoulders until she was half naked before them.

Then the spear pushed against the top of her shorts, Maryanne wanted to move away but the men around her held her in place. The button on her shorts came undone and they were slowly pushed down her legs. As she stood naked before the men they started to dance around her, one of them unbuckled his loincloth and let it fall to the ground. Maryanne gasped at the size of the prick on him, then another peeled off his loincloth and he was equally well hung.

Soon, Maryanne was in the middle of four naked cannibals. She was grabbed roughly from behind as the man reached in front of her squeezing at her tits. The man in front knelt before her and used his hands to open up her pussy. When his tongue touched her clit Maryanne had a mind-blowing orgasm, something she really needed. He came away from her pussy and held her hand as he knelt. He pulled her towards his hard cock. They guided her until her pussy was right over the cock one of them opened up her pussy lips.

"I can't," she complained as hands at her shoulders started pushing her down.

The head of his prick penetrated her pussy, Maryanne didn't know what was happening she was actually enjoying the experience of having a cock violate her pussy. She moaned as she let herself slide down further getting even more cock into her. The hands left her shoulders and she started riding up and down on the large prick enjoying every sensation. The other men started playing with her tits they grabbed her hands and put them on their own cocks.

Maryanne started to stroke the cocks in her hands as she rode up and down. The fourth man took up position in front of her his prick pushed against her face she tried to keep her mouth closed but she felt compelled to open it and allow the huge intruder into her throat. She knew she had never done this before but her mind was giving her instructions on how to do it.

She felt one of the men in her hands pull away. She figured he had gotten enough but then she felt him behind her she had no idea what he wanted but as he started to play with her butt cheeks she got an idea. A "no," was stifled by the cock in her mouth. It hurt terribly as the man pushed a finger into her ass. Then she felt his prick pressing against her rectum.

The cock in her mouth slipped out as she screamed in pain. The cock was buried in her asshole it burned like fire as he started fucking in and out of her ass. She took the other cock in her mouth trying to take her mind off the pain in her ass. She felt the man in her ass pull out and shoot his load over her back. This allowed her to sit up straighter, the man in her mouth pulled out and shot a load over her face. The fourth man moved behind her and rammed his cock into her ass. Maryanne groaned again but the pain was less severe this time, she started rolling her hips. The two men pulled out and shot their loads over the young girl. They left her laying in a cum covered lump.

The doctor got her up and headed for the lagoon after cleaning her up they went back to camp. After everyone was asleep, they made ready for the next shoot in the girls hut. Bob gave the girls their instructions then put them back to sleep.

Maryanne started to groan in her sleep she threw the blanket off the bed exposing her body clad in just a shirt. She soon had that open and was rubbing her body one hand pinched her exposed nipples as another went to her pussy soon driving a finger deep inside her snatch. Ginger woke up and looked over at Maryanne unsure what to do. She let the towel fall open for a moment then rewrapped herself in it.

Finally, Ginger came to a decision "Maryanne, what's wrong?" Ginger leaned over Maryanne and shook her causing her towel to fall off.

Maryanne woke to the sight of Ginger hovering naked over her, she liked what she saw. "Oh Ginger, I'm just so horny, I need it so bad. I want you!"

Ginger stood up a bit shocked at the statement. "What?"

"Come on, I know about Hollywood stars. I've heard you moaning more than once in your sleep. You've done it with women before, I want to try it, please!"

Ginger paused for a moment her eyes running up and down Maryanne's body. Then she moved in running her hand over her body teasing her nipples. "You do want it don't you?" Ginger teased as she bent over and kissed one of Maryanne's nipples.

"Yes please more," Maryanne pushed her fingers deeper into her pussy.

"Well you have to do me too." Ginger moved so her pussy was over Maryanne's head her feet still on the floor. "Do a good job and I'll do you."

"Yes anything mmmph," her words were muffled as she buried her face in Ginger's cunt.

"Use your hands too." Ginger ordered and Maryanne moved a hand to her pussy driving a finger inside her snatch. She reached around with her other hand and groped at Ginger's ass, in a moment Maryanne had a finger positioned outside Ginger's asshole.

"Ohh you dirty girl, how'd you know I like that." She moaned as Maryanne slipped a finger into her ass. Maryanne started driving her fingers in and out of Ginger's eager holes. Ginger had a massive orgasm all over Maryanne's face. Ginger moved up on Maryanne's face till her asshole was over Maryanne's mouth. "Tongue my ass and I'll get you off."


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