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God is a Slut Ch. 01

Story Info
Lucifer and God make a drunken bet on a mortal's soul.
9.1k words

Part 1 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 06/28/2019
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The Purest Girl in the World


God sat across from me at the table of the Limbo Bar. She had blonde hair that flowed freely to her shoulders, save for two braids that roped along the crown of her head. Her skin was light, but well colored, and her eyes were big and pale blue. She wore a white silk dress with a neckline that descended past her navel, and revealed the inner-portions of her ample breasts. The dress flowed gracefully down her thick backside and stopped just above a pair of sandals, elegantly compensating for her risqué bodice. Being the devil, my outfit was less conservative. I had a black corset that pushed my bosom up so high the tops of my areolas were showing. I wore fishnet-stockings that climbed my legs until they came together into a pair of black silk panties. Black leather boots followed my stockings to mid thighs, and matched my wavy black hair and black lipstick, whilst contrasting my deep crimson skin.

God and I would meet here every year or so to catch up, and she always had an exciting proposition for me. You see, God and I loved to gamble, and there's no greater prize for two bored deities, than the immortal soul of some poor human. The game we played was simple: God would create a benevolent human, and I would try to corrupt it. God would win if her protégé resisted my temptations, and I would win if said protégé decided I was too fun to resist. God really thought she had me on this one; she'd created (as she put it) the purist girl in the world.

"...and let me tell you Lucy," God said through slurs of drunkenness, "there is no way -NO WAY- you're getting to this one."

"You've been saying that for the past two thousand years," I laughed, "and the win/loss column is staggering."

"I got you that one time!" God laughed, "You know what I'm talking about! Aaah I drank too much. Hand me a bucket, I'm gonna puke."

"Jesus Christ, God."

"Yeah! That's the one!" God said through a dry-heave, "Couldn't get to him, could ya?"

"You're not taking great care of yourself."

"Sorry Lucy," God said as she wiped her mouth, "I went on a bender with Hunter S. Thompson. I thought I could keep up, but that man..."

"You were telling me about your new project?" I asked, getting the conversation back on track.

"Yeah," God said as she regained her composure, "so this girl I made, Rachel, sweetest thing you ever saw. She volunteers in the soup kitchen, she goes to church every Sunday, she doesn't have sex, she doesn't do drugs, she's going to college to be a doctor so that she can help kids in Africa; I could go on."

"You've made this type of person before. Last one was named Alexa. I had her doing coke and fucking for strangers on the internet within a week."

"I really liked Alexa." God gave me a sarcastic pouty-face, "Whatever happened to her?"

"Last time I checked, she was getting gangbanged by about twenty demons," I smirked, "and loving every second of it."

"You always turn my pet projects into whores." God scowled, "Whatever happened to making them do something interesting?"

"Remember when we made that bet back in 1889?" I asked.

"Oh yeah," God said, "little Adolf, the Austrian artist."

"How'd that turn out?"

"Not great." God admitted, "You really got carried away there."

"Your bet was too tempting." I smiled, "How could I refuse?"

"I'm never putting that much on the line again." God shuddered, remembering how she had to pay off her debt.

"Oh c'mon," I smiled, running a hand up her thigh, "you know you liked it."

God giggled, biting her lower lip. "I totally did."

"We should go back to my place."

"I don't know Lucy." God smiled, "I don't think I'm drunk enough to go to hell."

"I've got a whole theme park of whips and chains," I said as my hand dipped under her dress, "and millions of demons just waiting for you."

God's eyes drooped, her posture succumbing to the lassitude my fingers compelled. "Maybe just for tonight." She whispered lustfully. God, that was easy.

"You're such a masochistic little slut." I giggled as I brought my face to hers.

"And you," God said, bringing her lips to mine, "are my perfect little sadist."


"Hey, you're Rachel, right?" Asked Tom, star quarterback of the football team.

"I am..." I said awkwardly.

"We're throwing a party tonight, and-"

"NOT INTERESTED!" I yelled and walked briskly away from Tom's dumbfounded face.

I clutched the cross hanging from my neck and prayed as I walked to the school's chapel. "Forgive me Father for my impure thoughts, forgive me Father for the lewdness of my body, forgive me Father for almost succumbing to the temptation of the beast. Thank you, Father for the gift of resolve and strength to carry on your will and overcome my weakness." I muttered to myself as I made my way to the confession box.

"Rachel," Father Hernandez said, "you're here... again."

"Forgive me Father, for I have sinned." I said as I sat next to him.

"How long has it been since your last confession?" Father Hernandez asked.

"Eighteen hours."

"And what sins have you come to confess?"

"I had impure thought about a boy at school." I confessed, feeling the burden of sin lifted from my shoulders.

"That's it?"

"I also jaywalked on the way to class today."

"Jesus Christ." Father Hernandez grumbled.

"Do not say the lord's name in vain, Father."

"I'll make sure to say some Hail Mary's, but we're talking about you right now." Father Hernandez said as he turned and looked at me through the mesh window, "The whole point of confession is to recognize and atone for the minor sins that man is weak to. God, in his great wisdom, provided us with joys and pleasures that are forbidden under certain circumstances, but you won't go to hell for just thinking about them. You're nineteen for heaven's sake! Enjoy yourself, live a little, then come back here and atone, and all is forgiven. You don't need to come here after every little thing."

"I am sorry Father," I said firmly, "but the scripture is clear."

"Who was the boy you were thinking about?" Father asked.

"Tom Brockman."

"Football player?"


"Confess your thoughts," Father Hernandez sighed, "give me the sinful details."

"He invited me to a party," I said, "and I wanted to go. I fantasized about being in a room alone with him. I wanted him to take off my clothes, to touch me."

"Go on."

"I wanted," I hesitated, "I wanted him to guide me to his bed. I wanted him to put his mouth to my breast and nurse from me. I wanted to feel his strong hands pull my legs apart. I wanted to feel his... his member push against my womanhood. I wanted him to hold it there and ask me if I was ready, and then I wanted to say 'yes.'"

"Goddamn, woman!" A sultry, female voice moaned from where Father Hernandez just was. I whipped my head to the side, and screamed. She had red skin, big eyes with golden irises, and black hair. Two small curved horns protruded from beneath her black mane, her cheekbones were high, and her lips were luscious and sheened black.

"Keep talking," she moaned, golden eyes half-lidded, black lips agape in pleasure, "I'm almost there!"

I burst out of the confession box and stumbled to the ground. I scrambled to my feet to continue my flight, but was stopped dead by what I saw. I was in hell. Masses of writhing flesh contorted in rhythmic lust, their victims singing their heinous exultation to the void. The bodies of the punished were bathed in red light, presenting me with a sea of crimson debauchery that stretched to the burning horizon.

"Welcome to my home." Satan said as she stepped from the confession box, "Do you like it, Rachel?"

I dropped to my knees and prayed. I had sinned; this was all because I had depraved feelings for Tom. I was being punished, and all I could do was ask for forgiveness.

"Rachel?" Satan asked. I ignored her and continued to pray, screaming my sorrow to the heavens and begging God for mercy.

"Holy shit Rachel, cut it out! I'm trying to tell you something!"

"Father forgive me for my transgressions. I deserve your punishment and accept your verdict. Please Father save my soul. I am undeserving of your mercy, but I ask for it in my hour of need. Please Father, have mercy upon me."

"Alright God," Satan yelled into the endless orgy, "you win this round! Come over here and help me out!"

"Ha!" An angelic voice boomed from the crowd, "Pay up, bitch!"

"Goddamn it, Rachel." Satan growled at me, "You just let Joseph Stalin into heaven. Nice job."

A beam of golden light descended from a hole at the top of the cavern. Joseph Stalin ascended in a heavenly aura, both his hands flicking-off the poor souls below him as he laughed manically.

"I'm gonna miss that mustache." Satan lamented with a sigh, "I used to ride that thing for days."

I looked up in confused terror at Satan. She tapped her foot impatiently and pulled out a pack of Marlboro Reds.

"Smoke?" She asked as she placed a square in her mouth. I shook my head.

"Holy fuck, Rachel," Satan growled, "you're catholic, not Mormon." She lit the smoke before yelling into the crowd, "God, can you hurry the fuck up?"

"Sorry Lucy!" God's voice boomed, "Your chains are all tangled up; it's like trying to untie earbud wires."

"Omnipotent being; can't untie chains." Satan sighed between puffs, "And you people wonder why your world is so fucked up."

A golden light burst from the masses and cut through the ash-filled air. A silhouetted womanly figure emerged from the center of the light, and walked forward with inhuman grace. Her features crystallized as she stepped toward me, her dress billowing majestically, her hair blowing behind her in a yellow mane, her kindly beautiful face smiling down at me.

"Hello Rachel," God said to me with a motherly tone, her voice full of reverb, "I have chosen you, as a favorite daughter of mine, to embark on a holy task that will forever shape the course of humanity."

"Hey God," Satan said, "you've... you've got cum on your face."

"Oh shit!" God laughed, her majestic guise breaking as she clumsily rubbed at her cheek, "Did I get it?"

"Yeah, you got it." Satan looked at me and laughed, "That was quite the introduction, wasn't it Rachel?"

I just stared back.

"Lucy, can I get a smoke?" God asked Satan. Satan grinned down at me as she handed God a cigarette. God put the square between her lips, lit it, and let out a satisfied cloud.

"What was that thing," God asked Satan as she flicked the ash from her square, "that big flaming guy with the horns and the fire-whip?"

"The Balrog?" Satan asked.

"That's what that was?" God asked as she took a pull of smoke, "Did you steal that from Lord of the Rings?"

"I had Tolkien make him for me on commission."

"Anyway, can you get me his number? He stretched me out so good."

"You know you're saying all of this in front of Rachel." Satan laughed, "The poor mortal is probably so damn confused right now."

"Oh shit!" God laughed at my confused face while she stamped out the cigarette, "Sorry Rachel, that wasn't a great first impression. I'm God, creator of the heavens and the universe, this is Lucifer (I call her Lucy for short), ruler of hell."

I stared in dumbfounded silence at God. God was not only a woman, but she was smoking and laughing with Lucifer, and cleaning demon semen off her face. All that time I'd spent reading the bible, all those lessons, all those... but no. No, how could I have been so naive?! This was all a trick! God was testing my faith. She wanted me to believe that she was a sinner, when she could never be one. God was making sure I would remain faithful to her. I smiled and bowed my head to her, relieved to have come to my realization before I made a fool of myself.

"Hi God, Lucifer," I said nodding to both to them, "I'm Rachel Johnson, college freshman at A.S.U."

"Was that so hard?" Lucy laughed at me, "You could've just done that before I had to release the communist king of cunnilingus."

"And now he's all mine." God sneered, "Thanks, Rachel."

I smiled and nodded. God was still testing me. I would remain faithful to her scripture, even if she guided me otherwise; it was what she wanted. It had to be.

"What task have you bestowed on me?" I asked God.

"The great evil, Lucifer, has declared that she could corrupt my purist daughter." God said, the reverb returning to her voice, "I have accepted the cursed angel's challenge, and have tasked you with upholding the holy standards of Christ, even in the face of enormous temptation."

"I will do this, my lord." I said confidently, "I will not fail you!"

"I know you won't, Child." God said warmly, "Now you must follow Lucifer as she guides you down the path of temptation. I will leave you now, but know that I will always be with you, in your heart."

"Alright God," Lucy said as she helped me to my feet, "enough with the theatrics. I'm taking Rachel to the succubi."

"Ooooo, the succubi! I'm coming with." God said, the reverb leaving her voice.

"You see," Lucifer said to me while she gestured to God, "this is why she always loses; she sabotages her own bets."

"No demon," I said to Lucifer, "God is testing my resolve by acting as though she is a sinner. I will not fail her."

"That," God said as she pointed a finger up, "is exactly what I'm doing... testing your resolve. If you see me with a tongue in my ass, it is simply me, testing your resolve. I'm glad someone finally got it."

"Is that the excuse you're going to use from now on?" Lucy laughed, "I'm testing your resolve; don't mind the fact that I just did blow off Genghis Khan's cock."

"Did you know that something like one in every ten Chinese babies are descendants of Genghis Khan?" God said as she walked with Lucifer, "Holy shit that man has stamina. This one time..."

The three of us walked down a brimstone path that led through a wide cavern. Lucy and God chatted like old friends the whole way, while I prepared myself mentally for the temptation of the succubi. We stopped at the entrance to what looked like a strip club.

"So, here's the deal," Lucy said to me, "the succubi are going to seduce you; there's no way around that. Your job is to reject them when they ask you to join them. If you do, you pass the test. If you don't, then I get a hot new piece of ass to visit when I come down here." Lucy planted a firm hand on my ass, and squeezed with a wink, "Sound good?"

I nodded, conflicted about how the devil's hand was making me feel. By the gleam in Lucy's eyes, I could tell she knew part of me enjoyed it, and that did nothing for my confidence. I steeled myself with a shaking breath as Lucy guided me through the door, her hand still firmly gripping my backside.

My ears were immediately assaulted by loud techno-metal music. Electronic synths mixed with a driving bassy rhythm that pounded into my chest. The succubus dancers slid their full apple-shaped backsides up and down poles that decorated the center of the room, while more of them writhed chaotically to the beat in cages. Flash pots blasted purple flame congruently with the rhythm, making it seem as though the occupants were shifting instead of moving fluidly. God grabbed my hand with excitement written across her face, and her touch gave me some reassurance. I am touching God! I let that thought guard me from the displays of debauchery as she guided me to a private booth.

"This is going to be so much fun!" God giggled excitedly when we sat down, "These girls know how to do things to a woman that you couldn't imagine."

"I will remain faithful to your word, and not give into the temptation." I smiled back.

"Oh, don't worry about that here." God laughed, "Just let yourself go, and have fun. All you need to do is not join these whores after they're finished with you. Lucy's had to pull me out of here many times." God chuckled, "I always give in to them."

"Hey God," a horned-woman said, her arm resting on the top of the booth, her head peaking over it, "who's your friend?"

"This is Rachel," God said, "the purest human alive. Rachel this is Fantasia, she's going to be your whore for tonight."

"Oooooo, another one of your bets with Lucy?" Fantasia cooed as she revealed her beauty in the threshold, and walked sultrily over to me. She was a tan woman with amber hair, a face that was girlish in features, but a body that was curvy and full. Her breasts were perfectly shaped c-cups perched above a thin toned torso, which narrowed into two tantalizing lines that led to her pelvis, which in turn, was outlined by wide hips and a juicy thick ass. A long thin tail wagged behind her as she walked over to me on stiletto heels, her only garment. I kept my eyes fixed on her face, afraid to examine the beautiful temptation below her chin. She extended one leg over me, and smiled kindly as I cringed. She lowered herself slowly, unthreateningly, until she straddled my lap. I hissed and stiffened as her weight sunk atop me, and she chuckled sweetly.

"You know," Fantasia crinkled her nose affectionately, "I was once one of God's girls. I know what it's like to be you, what it's like to be afraid of the things you want. Don't worry; I'll be so gentle with you, Rachel."

Fantasia began to unbuckle my belt, but my hand stopped her, the fingers shaking. She smiled down at me, and gently grabbed my hand. I gasped. Her touch leaked warmth and promise, leaving tingles where our skin met. The feeling traveled up my arm and into my spine, bathing my synapses with desire. She gazed affectionately down, her features practically glowing from her face as her narcotic touch tickled my mind. I fell into a blissful lassitude, my muscles turning to jelly, my flesh receptive and yearning. I let her guide my hands to my sides, and she resumed unbuckling me.

"Lucy took me to this place," Fantasia smiled, "and I couldn't leave. Everything feels so good here. I'm going to make you feel good, Rachel. You're so pretty; I want to have you forever."

Fantasia took off my belt and draped it across her back, before looping it around her neck. She handed me one end, and smiled.

"I'm yours, Rachel," Fantasia giggled, "you can do whatever you want to me; I'm your little slave."

"Oh Fantasia," another succubus said as she walked into the booth, "are you being greedy and taking the new girl all to yourself?"

"Rachel this is Apple," Fantasia smiled, gesturing to the stunning brunette, "Apple, this is Rachel."

"Don't forget about me," another seductive voice called, "I want a taste of the new girl."

"And this is Cherry." Fantasia said, gesturing to the redhead, "Cherry, Rachel."

Apple and Cherry moved to either side of me and began to pull off my shirt. I resisted them, but they placed their soft hands on my arms, and guided them up anyway. Fantasia slowly pulled my pants down, looking me over as she did. I was left in nothing but my bra and panties when they were done, and I was feeling incredibly exposed.

"So, Rachel," Apple whispered in my left ear, "what do you want us to do to you?"

"Nothing." I said.

"That can't be true," Cherry's voice rang in my right ear, "every girl thinks about these things occasionally. Have you never been curious about being with another woman?"

"Never." I lied.

"You know lying's a sin," Fantasia giggled, "and you just did it right in front of God."

"No more lies Rachel." God moaned at me as two succubi sucked from her breasts, "You won't be punished for honesty, no matter how bad you think it is."

I stared with mouth agape at the scene. The succubi dancing nakedly had been one thing, but seeing actual sexual interaction was entirely different. Seeing wet mouths suck gently from pink nipples, seeing the sheen of spit they left, seeing their fingers caressing the delicate petals that were moist with God's want. God's angelic beauty was opened lecherously, her divinity marred by the demons atop her, her eyes possessed with something... hungry as she stared into them. I felt my breaths growing heavy in my lungs, and an odd sinking feeling in my chest. God's moaning gaping mouth curved into a lecherous smile as I stared at her, and mine curved back.

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