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Going Down a Slippery Slope Ch. 03


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Eventually it started to ebb away. Kim's movements slowed down. And her moans decreased in intensity. But they still continued, just becoming softer and more like muttering. Her head lay limp against Erin's shoulder. Erin stopped stroking Kim and instead was holding her with her arms wrapped tight. She was gently kissing Kim's forehead. For a long while, Kim just lay like that with her eyes closed. At first, Erin could feel Kim's heart racing and her ragged breath. As they rested like that, those slowly calmed, Finally Kim's eyes fluttered open.

"Oh Erin, thank you Ma'am! You made me so happy and gave me such pleasure," Kim smiled up at her.

Smiling back Erin simply said, "I love you, Kim. I wanted you to be happy."

"I am, Erin. I hope you are too!" Kim had a very serious look on her face.

Reaching over, Erin brushed some stray hairs out of Kim's face. She leaned over and lightly kissed Erin. "I am, my little pet. I hope you can tell!"

Kim turned over and got up on her hands and knees and started helping Erin get her clothes off. "I think so, Erin. I hope you will tell me if you stop being happy, okay?"

Pulling her sweater over her head and dropping it, Erin lifted her hips so that Kim could help her get off her skirt. "I will," she assured Kim.

Kim got up and blew out the candles before silently padding her way back to bed. As they both slipped under the covers, they cuddled together and exchanged soft kisses for long minutes. Over time, the pause between the kisses grew and then they ended as both of them drifted off to sleep.

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FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissy6 months ago

That was definitely a slippery move kim … upfront with such feelings would have been the perfect move because this could have been turned into heartbreaking heartaches, for both


AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Well done. Some people need the security of being led. Strong leadership can be a comfort

Roti8211Chanai643Roti8211Chanai643over 1 year ago

I like this story and the characters but I must admit that I dont/can't understand the need to submit totally to someone. That someone is willing to forfeit their own power totally for someone else is foreign and somewhat disturbing to me. That being said I want to know where Kim and Erin go and how their story continues?

Thank you for this story!

Please add more chapters!

okami1061okami1061over 1 year ago

So, 8 months later, I reread this.

I have done a fair amount of research on D/s relationships in the meantime. I had a very hard hatred for the idea when I first encountered it, as you can see from my comments 8 months ago.

I have a better understanding of the imbalance of such a relationship. I still think it's a very precarious way to live, one person doing *everything* short of worship of the other. I think it's really really risky. If, in this example, they try it and Erin can't do it (and everything about her personality as presented here says to me she will tire of it fairly quickly) Kim will come out even more damaged. And even more likely to be taken advantage of in the next relationship.

This sort of worship the one and take care of the other puts an unreasonable responsibility on the domme. Anyone who puts the effort into it for their sub *knows* they are responsible for them. But then, what happens when they find they can't go through with the inequality in the relationship, or even just tires of the sub. Then they must choose to seriously *damage* the sub they had been taking care of. And any good domme, even one that doesn't want to be one, will resist throwing the sub away knowing the damage it will do. So, they procrastinate, staying in a bad relationship just to keep from hurting the sub. But they will eventually … and it'll hurt even more. The consequence of a failure is too likely and too great to risk.

I think, in general, this is pretty evil. Most outsiders would assign the evil on the domme, wanting to dominate and control someone else. But the *real* evil is in the sub, abdicating their lives to someone else. It's a kind of sociopathy, someone who needs not to live in the real world. Wanting someone else to take care of their every need, make all their decisions. That's pretty damaged. And weak.

But that's just my most recent rant on D/s, not about this story.

The core flaw of this story, or rather of the relationship it builds, is Kim lying. She effectively *tricked* Erin into falling in love with her, after which she had no choice but to agree to Kim's wishes. Very, very weak and selfish.

Not a character I'd ever want to even know, much less have a relationship with.

okami1061okami1061about 2 years ago

All I can say is: Bullshit.

At their ages, this won't even last a year. This is not what Erin expected or wanted out of a relationship. It will collapse. Erin wanted a partner relationship. No matter how much she wants to be what Kim wants her to be: She is what she is.

FandeborisFandeborisover 2 years ago

I loved this one a LOT! I wondered if the d/s situation would come up. Erin was definitely the dom. and I could see Kim as the sub. You know with all the other plot unfolding, the d/s twist wasn't really necessary, but Erin came through with her usual "got to think this through" attitude. The d/s relationship was handled very well and I will give you an "attagirl" for the way you handled it. Keep up the good work.

gopherdudegopherdudealmost 3 years ago

Turning this into Dom and sub, yeah no. Killed a good story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Just found you and so enjoying your stories. Found the characters both very real and exploring how far they could go to meet each others needs fascinating to read. Will certainly read more of yours thanks

AngieLightHeart0AngieLightHeart0over 4 years ago

Amazing. Will be reading this again for sure!

P.LighthouseP.Lighthouseover 4 years ago

3 chapters, 3 X 5 Stars.

One of the most complete and beautiful stories I read in Literotica. Seduction, lots of passion, lots of pure love, sex in the right moments, sweet sex!

I don't know if this is a true story, but I love both of them.

Erin's fight with hersef until accepting her real sexual condition and her feelings about Kim... Kim's sweetness and inconditional love melted my heart.

I want a hetero or bi Kim for me!

I'm a male but I love sweet and romantic lesbian sex (not dirty sex!).

You wrote this story in 2013 so unfortunatly I'm not expecting any other chapter, but I would love to read more about this beautiful love story, the reactions of their parents, the evolution of their soft dominance/submission attitude (no sado!), your superb descriptions of their sex practices (more than just oral sex) and their happiness.

Thank you so much for sharing your talent with us.

Ella35Ella35about 6 years ago
Love this!

Lovely story. Once I got towards the end I too noticed things from the earlier chapters that seemed insignificant but then it all came together and made perfect sense. Well done!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Brilliantly written

I dont understand the comment about "S&M" bullshit.

There was NO s&m in the story, only mild D/s and very mild at that.

Realistically in around 95% of loving relationships (especially in older ones), there tends to be one partner who is slightly more dominant and this story only slightly pushed that.

I genuinely fear for the younger generations.

GENUINE 100% equality can NEVER work, unless everyone is blind, deaf, dumb, has diabetes, has the IQ of a yoghurt (nice homage to Kryton onboard Red Dwarf lol)(the genuine UK series not the garbage US version) ....... you can see where Im going with this.

Kim has discovered that she LIKES being bossed around, whether that is as a result of her upbringing or just the way she was made, I will leave to the so called experts to expound upon (probably for all eternity!!).

As a work of FICTION (a fact that the commenter has forgotten), the characters AND the build up to the twist at the end were actually (IMO) believable, and as such I am reasonably certain at least one couple on the planet must have found themselves in this very position in mankinds history.

If a story is "not my thing", then I generally wont read it. Control is not my thing, but longer stories, especially with the romantic element (lol strange for most guys admittedly, but a very recent thing as I get older) I find to be more enjoyable.

This mini saga seemed to flow perfectly well and after reading it twice I could see (only on the second reading) that the clues, as the author intimates, were there very early on.

Thank you Ripley for an enjoyable tale of love and lust.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Such a good story before all the S&M bullshit.

GranthamEKGranthamEKabout 7 years ago
Great Story. Definite room for one more, but a decent end as is.

This was a great story. Everything fit with the characters you developed over the course of the story. I don't mind the D/s concept in stories, but mainly prefer it in forms such as this with a more gentle caring feeling.

Given the disposition of Erin along with the love she obviously holds for Kim, I don't believe that it was as one comment mentioned "A bit odd that a new-to-lesbianism would so quickly accept a Domm role."

After going on her own to mull things over for a few days, she decided her love for Kim made it worth at least trying it out. Being a natural leader can translate into dominance. With the inspiration gained from reading about D/s online, along with the interest and enjoyment she found in some of it, she gave it a shot with the same determination and commitment she has in other aspects of her life(this exception being further fueled by her feeling for Kim).

I know there are always people who want a bit more of stories they enjoy. I often feel that way too, but certain points are also a good end. In this story's case, I wish one more chapter had been done. This new D/s aspect was introduced and they had their first time trying it out, but there was definite concern Erin felt with her overall understanding and comfort with the concept. The story only ended with trying out the sexual aspect. D/s, particularly in the way Kim wanted it, is a lifestyle, and not just a sexual fetish. One final chapter could have shown how Erin was coming to terms with this new aspect of their relationship, both the sexual aspect and everything else. The dinner with the parents and fully "coming out" would be a welcome topic, but that pales in importance beside the concept of Erin's acceptance of this lifestyle. For Erin the idea of D/s is far more complicated than the idea of her being in a lesbian relationship. At least that's my take on it.

Nonetheless, thank you for this wonderful story. Even if this is all there will ever be, it was well done and enjoyable.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Great story as always

I liked the story, a little twist of Kim being a submissive which was different in a good way. I've really enjoyed your work and am looking forward to your next submission.

HiddenInTheOpenHiddenInTheOpenover 7 years ago
Love this story!

Thank you for sharing it with us!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

A bit odd that a new-to-lesbianism would so quickly accept a Domm role. It felt a bit contrived to me.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

I am positively obsessed with your work!!!!!!!! Keep up the great job 😊

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Needs more exploration of the submission .... great characters and exceptional story

As noted invheadr

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Excellent Story!

I really loved this one. The character development was great, and the plot moved along at just the right pace to keep from getting boring.

Randee1958Randee1958about 8 years ago

They don't get much better than that. 5💥's😍😍😍😍😍

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
An extremely well written story.

As the opening story came to an end, I was especially pleased to see that there was a Chapter 2 and Chapter 3. Me thinks you are quite accomplished in story telling. While I am happy with the end of chapter 3, I can't wait for this novel to continue.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Fine finale

Assuming that this is the final chapter, you've rounded the story off very nicely. You mixed up the names a couple of times---eg "...[Erin] leaned over and lightly kissed Erin..." which could be down to typing quickly. Apart from that minor quibble, this was very well written. Personally, I don't much care for the Dom/Sub scene, considering it to be demeaning to both parties, but we're all different. At least Erin and Kim's Dom/Sub was of a generally gentle nature and so more acceptable than the cruelty scene. All in all, Ripley, 'Going down a Slippery Slope' was a damned good read.

DryhillDryhillover 10 years ago

This little male sub would love to have such a loving Mistress.

Arago007Arago007over 10 years ago
Wow... Didn't see this coming

This was so freaking good... I am not into the D/s lifestyle, but in this scenario it so worked. Erin is the best kind of girlfriend :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
I like!

Jilly likes!!

FiveWolvesFiveWolvesalmost 11 years ago

I really liked reading about the Domme's process - it seems like all of the Domme/sub stories are written from the perspective of the sub and this was refreshing (as well as enlightening). Thanks. You write well.

WebmeanderWebmeanderalmost 11 years ago
Well done!

Well done! I like how you took the time to develop the D/s relationship, other literotica stories just jump right in.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Totally worth the wait :)

Sweet story keeps getting better!

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