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Guardian Program Ch. 12

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Robert flies Jessie to NYC and Sam to Europe.
4.5k words

Part 13 of the 41 part series

Updated 05/24/2024
Created 03/05/2024
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Guardian Program Ch 12

A novel by R.C.PeterGabriel. All rights reserved.

Bright and early Saturday morning I was sneaking Bill back out of the house before Toni and Jessie woke up. He assured me the 'waxed' fitting he installed should last almost indefinitely. He had spent the week experimenting with different fittings and seals. Supposedly it would handle ten percent more pressure than was normal for my house without a leak. Even though he said he would do it for me as a favor, I thanked him profusely and sent him on his way with several Ben Franklins to cover the cost of his experiments.

When I first recruited Bill's help, I hadn't been considering my schedule. I was going to be out of town a lot over the next few months. Feeling great that I no longer had to make an excuse to get Jessie out of the house for my fantasy to come true, I decided I would wait as long as it took. The next time Jessie was gone while I was home, Toni would discover that we had a leak.

With that weight off my mind, I took the steps, two at a time. After stripping naked I yanked the covers off my sleeping bride and launched myself into the air. Toni, having been startled awake by the covers being torn away from her, squealed in surprise until she saw me falling towards her, and then her squeal turned into a scream.

About an hour later, Jessie found us on the floor tangled in the discarded bedding. Toni begged me to stop tickling her while laughing so hard she was crying. I was being unmerciful and continued to laugh manically like an overdramatized evil villain. Jessie cleared her throat several times before catching our attention. "Good Morning, Sweetheart."

"If you two could stop acting like adolescents in heat for a few minutes, breakfast is ready," Jessie informed us while trying not to let the good mood affect her stern look. She failed miserably, even giggling as I lunged for her. I didn't come close, as she squeaked and bolted for the kitchen.

Toni pulled on a long t-shirt and I grabbed a pair of shorts to cover our nudity and headed downstairs for breakfast. Toni was still slightly out of breath when she sat down. I helped carry the last few items to the table, then leaned across it and kissed Jessie. "Thank you for breakfast. It looks great."

"You're welcome," she responded with a smile. Then sitting she added, "I called Joy last night."

I already had my mouth full of a bite of toast. "Oh, is she feeling better? The baby is okay, isn't it?" asked Toni.

"Yes, she and baby are doing well, as is the rest of the family. She wanted to assure you, Dad, that the chips would be ready on schedule. She implied they may be ready much sooner."

"Is that the reason you're in such a good mood?" I asked.

"No, it was nice to talk to her again, but that has nothing to do with it. When Toni's scream woke me up earlier..." She smiled at Toni. "... I headed down the hall to find out what was wrong. When I heard all the noise you two were making, I peeked in and realized that you were having wild animal sex."

Toni and I grinned at each other. "I'm sorry I woke you up, Baby."

Jessie held her hand up in a stop motion. "No Dad, that's just it. I realized at that moment, the two of you being happy, made me happy. Mostly because I know that both of you would do anything to make me just as happy." She looked back and forth between us a few times then added, "I love you both."

"I love you too, Jessie," Toni, and I replied at the same time.

Jessie took a deep breath before saying, "Good, because I've decided to stay behind in New York when you go to Germany."

I must have looked stunned as Toni and I shot a quick look at each other. "Not permanently, at least not yet. I just want to check out Julliard alone. I don't think I'd get the real feel for the place if either of you were there. And, I have a couple of requests."

"Germany?" asked Toni.

"I'm going to check on the progress of two of the assembly plants, then go watch a launch. The launch is the same day as your auction, so I knew you wouldn't go even if you liked watching them. But this is about Jessie, not my going to Germany, apparently by myself." I gave Jessie a 'you have some explaining to do' look and asked, "Just exactly how did you know I had planned on taking you to Germany?"

"Um, you asked me last Sunday while we were swimming."

"No, Jessie. I asked if you wanted to go to Europe and watch a launch. I mentioned that we could do some climbing in the Swiss Alps if you wanted. I never mentioned Germany."

"Okay, you caught me, I've been snooping in your office again. Are you mad?"

"Not about the snooping, just the lying. Now tell me what you're thinking about New York."

"Well, I'd like to use the apartment for one."

"Not a problem. What else?"

"I want a car while I'm there."

"No!" both Toni and I declared at the same time.

"Why? It isn't as if I don't know how to drive. You've had me taking tactical driving courses since I was eleven."

"I never said you weren't a good driver. It's simply because you don't know the city for one. Because you know I'll put a security team on you, and they can drive you around secondly, and lastly, because you know the apartment is all of four blocks from Lincoln Center, you could walk, if you had to. Which you won't because I don't want you walking anywhere in that city by yourself."

"Jessie, Sweetheart, Robert doesn't even drive in New York. He hardly ever drives here for that matter."


"Anything else?" I asked.

"No, that was the big thing. You're right, as long as I can use the apartment, I don't need a car. I don't plan on being there very long anyway."

"I think this is a great thing, Jessie. You're a grown woman. You need to stretch your wings a little and see if Julliard is what you want. But, I seem to remember a conversation about someone else. Have you given up so easily?"

"Oh no, not giving up. I just haven't figured out how to kick him in the butt yet," Jessie stated with a determined look on her face.

"How long do you think you'll be gone?" Toni asked.

Jessie shrugged. "Not sure, couple days or maybe I'll decide I love it and I'll stay until I graduate, but I highly doubt it."

"If you might be staying in New York, are you sure you don't want to go to Germany with me? We could call it a going away vacation or something."

The shock was clearly the emotion that showed on Jessie's face. She looked at me as if I'd slapped her. "You think... I'm not planning on being gone that long."

"Okay, I'll drop you in New York. Can you be ready Monday morning?"

"Monday is fine, I'm mostly packed now."

Toni didn't like the Monday departure and had stood up, then slipped onto my lap. "Why Monday? I thought the launch wasn't until Thursday."

"Because, I have a meeting on Monday in New York, and I can get my German business done Tuesday and Wednesday, fly out and watch the launch Thursday, and be back in time to climb on Friday and Saturday, then fly home Sunday."

"Toni pouted and nuzzled against me harder. "I'm going to miss Jessie, But Robert you're the air I breathe. Exactly how am I supposed to survive a week without you?"

I chuckled and kissed her nose. "I've been gone for several weeks at a time before, I think you can survive one week alone."

She pulled back so that she could make eye contact with me. "You don't understand. I need you, with, me," emphasizing each word.

Jessie giggled. "You mean you don't think you can survive the week without an orgasm. Dad, she's completely addicted to you."

Toni started blushing hard, and then we both grinned at Jessie.

"Oh, I think she likes me well enough, but I don't think she's addicted," I stated and pinched her hard on the ass. Toni popped off my lap like toast from a toaster with too strong of a spring. "See, she doesn't even want to sit with me," I complained with a fake pout.

Laughing, she sat back in her chair, then with exaggerated indifference professed, "That, Mr. Smith, is not true. I just want to finish my breakfast."

We finished our breakfasts conversing about the auction Toni had organized. Proceeds going to fund disaster relief. So far, the items listed had a value of over twenty-five thousand dollars, with several big names pledging to provide last-minute high-dollar items. She was hoping to collect a hundred thousand. For my part, I set up an internet feed that had been advertising the auction for almost two months now. It would also allow live bidding when the time came.

The rest of the weekend was spent choosing a replacement for the 'Sims fiasco' and alternating between swimming and providing Toni with a stockpile of orgasms to draw off of while I was gone. I, of course, didn't mind helping her out and in truth, I didn't do all that much swimming.

Jessie and I went wheels up at oh-six-hundred Monday morning and wheels down at twelve-thirty. My customized Cessna Citation X flies higher and faster than any other civilian aircraft but when you don't show up on radar, you can save a lot of time not circumventing busy airspace. You can't however avoid time zone changes.

We taxied up to the Marine Air terminal at LaGuardia and arranged for fuel, then filed a flight plan for Helsinki, by way of Cork, Ireland. My extra fuel tank would allow for a non-stop flight all the way to Moscow, but why draw attention? I wasn't headed to either place anyway.

An hour and forty-five minutes after landing, we were turning on the lights and checking the fridge for food. Our driver had indicated that he or his partner would be at Jessie's disposal twenty-four-seven and that her security team would know them.

Less than four minutes after opening the front door, two women in Bridge Security uniforms entered the apartment using their keys. One would be with Jessie at all times, inside and outside the apartment. They introduced themselves as Cindy and Jenny, then proceeded to post a photo gallery of her response team and her two drivers on the back of the entry door, along with the code word for the day.

Because it had been several years since Jessie had been here, she was given a tour and had all the panic button positions pointed out.

Jessie seemed pleased with her new space and practically pushed me out the door, reminding me I had an appointment to get to before I could fly out. I conceded the fact that I had to leave sooner or later, kissed her goodbye, and left, but not before reminding Jenny that Jessie was my girl.

"Not to worry Mr. Smith," Jenny stated while looking me square in the eye. "I pledged my life to the safety of all your clients. If possible, I'd give it twice for your daughter." I almost corrected her about Jessie not being my real daughter but figured the point was moot.

My trepidation mounted as the elevator descended. I wasn't the least bit comfortable leaving Jessie behind to explore a new life, but I couldn't come up with a reason to seal her in a bubble. That and the prospect of flying to Europe by myself no longer seemed fun at all. I prayed for a miracle, that Jessie would change her mind and come with me. I kept checking my phone the whole time I was driven to Bridge Security's Staten Island office. No luck, so I went in and met with Mr. Mike Adams. A family man and the CIA's new file reader. I had decided on no more single, file readers. There was too big a temptation to run wild.

I ran him through the indoctrination in no time but gave him an extended speech and explanation of what to expect. I didn't want a repeat panic and death on my conscience. When I was convinced he didn't have any questions, I left him to head for Nevada, while I was headed for Europe. He probably had a flight from LaGuardia, but I didn't want to share a car. I hate small talk.

We took the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge and had the Belt Parkway in sight when my phone vibrated. I had started praying for that miracle again the moment I had gotten back into the car, so I was disappointed to find out that it wasn't Jessie. I did, however, become cautiously optimistic when I realized that it was Samantha Thornton on my secure line. "Hello, Sam. Is everything okay?"

"Yes, How about you? I had a weird feeling I should call you."

I laughed saying, "Please tell me that you're somewhere in New York."

"No, I'm in Bangor, Maine, running down another false lead on some guy named Robert Smith. Why?"

"Bangor works. I'm coming to you, what hotel are you staying at?"

"I'm at the Holiday Inn. Again, why?"

"How far is that from the airport?"

"It's right up the road. But I'm not at the hotel. I'm across town at the Twin City Plaza Shopping Center. I was about to go in and see if I could find another Robert Smith. "By the way, I wish you had married Shannon Tchaikovsky."

I laughed again. "I'll save you some time. I don't have any aliases in Bangor Maine. Now go back to the hotel and pack up. I'll meet you at the airport in let's say... an hour and a half, give or take depending on the traffic here. I haven't flown into Bangor before so I'm not sure what terminal I'll be at. You'll have to ask where the private planes come in when you turn in your car."

"Robert, why am I turning in my car and checking out of the hotel?" Sam asked again, this time cautiously.

"Because Sam, sometimes when you ask for something, the answer is no, but if you look for it, what you're offered in its place could very well be better than what you asked for."

"That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever."

"That depends on your perspective,"

"Am I to assume the humor in your voice is at my expense?"

"Yes, and no."

"Uuughhhh, Robert!"

"I'll explain when I see you, Sam." I disconnected before she could argue.

Traffic was brutal, so I taxied to a stop at Bangor International Airport almost two and a half hours later. I was greeted by the sight of a skycap leading 'Julie' to a courtesy cart so that he could drive her out to my plane. I smiled to myself as I noted her single overnight bag.

Lowering the stairs I descended to wait at the bottom and stood by with a stoic expression in place until they came near. Stepping forward I introduced myself.

"Ms. Thornton, I presume," extending my hand as she exited the courtesy cart. "I am your pilot, Mr. Smith, Hal will be your co-pilot. The plane is prepped for takeoff as soon as you're on board."

Julie was eyeing me with a thoroughly confused expression but shook my hand. "Thank you, captain," she said and started up the steps.

I took possession of the overnight bag from the skycap and gave him a couple of fifties in exchange. He thanked me and left as I was ascending the steps. Once onboard, I sealed the hatch, then found my soon-to-be captive, sitting on the couch with an expectant expression.

"You said, you'd explain when you saw me... Captain," Sam stated in a business-like tone.

I smiled and seated myself in one of the two chairs opposite her. "Well I'd like to surprise you if you'll let me, but if you insist I'll explain."

"So, I'm supposed to trust you, even though I've only just met you?" she said with a glint in her eye, and a smile tugging on the corner of her lips.

"Yes, that may be so Miss Thornton, but if you give me your passport, I will take you on a journey, the likes of which you would probably never have the opportunity to experience with anyone else."

The smile crept a little further onto her lips. "Oh Captain, I am quite sure you could take me to places I've only dreamt about."

"Would you like me to take you, Miss Thornton?"

Both of her eyebrows rose, and she leaned a little closer. "My good Captain, that was a bit forward, don't you think?"

It took me a moment to process her comment. When I realized what had been implied, I had to laugh at myself. "I'm sorry Sam, I meant, would you like to take a trip with me, somewhere you will probably not get another chance to go?"

"Um, sure..." she answered but drew out the 'sure' to imply anything but surety.

"Do you have your passport with you? It's okay if you don't, I just need to know where it is."

"Yes, where are we going?"

"It's a surprise. Now would you like to stay here or watch the takeoff from the co-pilot seat?" Sam gapped at me for a heartbeat or two and then her smile burst forth like the sun breaking through the clouds. She was on her feet before the third. "Really?"

"Yes, really, but only Sam, not Julie. She can wait in back," I explained, indicating the door just aft from her right shoulder.

Sam moved quickly to the door and peeked in. "You have a bedroom?"

"More of a bunk room, it's just shy of a full-sized bed. The lavatory is the next door back."

She passed through the door and a moment later she called out. "Wow, a real bathroom, I can even turn around."

I smiled to myself and followed her path. "You can stow your bag in here," I Indicated the closet next to the door. "If you need to hang anything up there are a few extra hangers. Or you can use the closet by the other door, it's empty."

'Julie' took off her wig, and carefully fitted it onto a fake head, then covered it with what looked like a pillowcase. She put the wig in her overnight bag, then pulled out her makeup bag and fished out two contact cases from it.

I watched fascinated as she exposed her real eyes to me. For some reason watching Julie transform into Sam seemed even more personal than the first time.

Opening the second contact case she replaced her green contacts with a pair of clear lenses.

"I bought these especially for you Robert," she informed me before zipping everything up and handing me the bag. I set it on the closet floor and latched the door closed. Then we simply reached out at the same time taking each other's hand and I led her forward to the cockpit.

I instructed her not to touch anything and then helped her into the right seat. With exaggerated care I buckled her into the five-point harness, making sure it was snug, then took the left seat and buckled myself in.

"You really enjoyed that. Didn't you?"

"Enjoyed what?" I asked innocently.

"Strapping me in."

I grinned. "Oh Sam, you have no idea how much, but that was just a warm-up."

Her eyes widened slightly, as she bit her lip. I pretended not to notice as she blushed and started playing with her fingers in her lap. Then I turned to the controls, and a few moments later, she started watching in giddy fascination as I went through the preflight and radioed for clearance.

We had taxied to the runway and I was lining up for takeoff when she grabbed my arm, with a panicked look on her cute face. "Where is Hal? You said Hal was my co-pilot."

I smiled saying, "Hal will show himself in a moment, but you can't discuss him with Julie or anyone else. Okay?"

"Um, okay..." she hesitantly replied while looking back towards the cabin.

After taxiing to the end of the runway I said, "Hal, Friedrichshafen Deutschland, bitte beachten Sie."

The throttle moved forward of its own accord, and a moment later we began to accelerate. Five thousand feet after that we were climbing into the evening sky. Sam seemed fascinated with both the view and all the instruments that were represented on the digital displays.

It was about ten minutes before she realized I hadn't touched a single control. "How are you doing that? And where is Hal?"

"Hal is what I call my A.I. program. 'He' is flying the plane, not me. I couldn't fly this plane by myself if I hadn't modified the avionics and controls to allow for Hal's assistance. It isn't rated for a single pilot."

"What do you mean A.I. program?"

"Artificial Intelligence."

"Sam started looking around nervously. "You mean this plane is what... alive?"

I smiled at her anxiety. "No, Sam. Artificial Intelligence doesn't work that way, at least not yet. A.I. programs are complicated algorithms that analyze data and decide what to do. In simplest terms, they equate to a series of 'if-then' statements in a large complicated computer program. You know, if this situation happens do one thing, but if it doesn't, do this instead. All A.I. programs work the same way. The level of 'intelligence' a program has, depends on how thoroughly the programmer accounts for any given situation. So, in a way, you could look at it as if I were flying the plane since I'm the one who wrote the software to do it.


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