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Halloween Treat


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"Perfect," Connie said as she straightened up to move over behind Carol.

Her hands came around Carol and she used a fingernail to flick each hard nipple. She lowered the fingers and slowly ran the fingertips around the soft puffy part. Her fingers moved so she could lightly squeeze and roll Carol's nipples.

"No bells. They would be too heavy for these jewels. Get the straight cord with the loops on the end," she said to Claude.

Carol had her shoulders pulled back as he returned with the cord. When his Mistress removed one set of fingers, he dropped the loop over the hard nipple, made sure it was at the base of the nipple and not on the soft part, and pulled it tight. Carol made a soft moaning sound.

She did the same as he got the second loop in place. He sat back on his heels and looked at Carol's breasts and then Babs's. "Awesome," he whispered.

Connie smiled and flicked her fingernails against Carol's hard nipples. The more she did it, the more Carol's shoulders went back and her breasts were pushed out. "Super sensitive," the woman said as she straightened up.

Walking over behind Babs, she used her nails to tease her nipples. Her reaction was not as much as Carol's but it was enough to satisfy the woman. She straightened up and walked around in front of the ladies.

She took a step back and a short step to each side. "Claude, lick my pussy while I figure out what to do with our friends here."

Claude went behind his Mistress, laid down with his head under her sex, and then pushed up on his arms as he wiggled back more. His tongue shot out and licked her clit. When he did it again, Connie slapped his head. "Leave that alone. Suck on my inner lips and tongue my vagina. I'll let you know if and when I'm ready to come."

With a frustrated groan, Claude moved his mouth lower and sucked on the long dangling inner lips of the woman's pussy. She shifted her hips from side to side slowly as her eyes got hooded. "Oh yes, perfect but don't forget to chew them a little."

Carol could see Claude's jaw moving as the woman came up higher on her toes. A few moments later, Connie shivered and said, "Now work your tongue in and out of my sex as deep as you can reach and don't let your nose touch my clit."

The woman groaned softly as she came down off her toes. Her hips were moving back and forth at the same speed as Claude's head moved. As her hips sped up, her hands found the top of Claude's head. A few moments later, her hips froze and she said loudly, "My clit, Claude, my clit."

Claude's head moved so he could suck on his Mistress's clit and flog it rapidly with his tongue. Her eyes closed and she went up in flames. Her hands had a death grip in Claude's hair as she squatted against his face.

Suddenly she straightened her knees and pushed Claude's head away from her sex. She was breathing raggedly and held onto Claude's head for balance. Slowly her eyes opened and she grinned at Carol and Babs. "He has such a marvelous tongue and would eat pussy from daylight until dark, if I let him."

She stepped forward and shook herself. "Ah yes, who should go where for the party, that was the question."

Looking around, she smiled and said, "I think Babs should go in the bedroom door but I'm not sure about Miss carol."

"On the coffee table or bent over the arm of the couch," Claude suggested.

Connie looked around at the coffee table. "That is a good suggestion. The arm of the couch only allows play with one end and one side. Let me think on it some more."


Connie slipped the blindfold back over Babs's eyes as Claude closed the leg spreader bar back up. It was a fight to get Babs over to the bedroom doorway and turned around. Connie unclipped the spreader bar from her neck and Claude pushed it up to the wall above the door.

Connie handed him a pen from the bedroom and said, "Make sure she's at least partially on her toes."

Claude pushed the bar higher and made two marks. Connie held the spreader bar as he went to the bag and got two brackets and some screws. He screwed the brackets into the header above the door and slipped the spreader bar into the brackets.

Babs now hung by her wrist. Claude widened the spreader bar until only her toes and the balls of her feet on the floor. He sat back on his heels and groaned softly. "Perfection," he said softly.

Connie groaned softly. "She has such a beautiful ass but something is missing."

Claude chuckled. "A butt plug?" He asked softly.

"Exactly," Connie replied.

As Claude got to his feet and headed for the jewelry box, Babs yelled behind the ball gag and shook her head wildly. Claude paused and looked at Babs. "Maybe she has never worn one before," he said.

"Then it's about time," Connie said as she reached between Babs's legs and flicked a fingernail against the bound woman's clit. Babs let out another yell as her hips jerked back and forth.

Claude handed his Mistress a bottle of lube and a polished steel butt plug made up of three balls.

"Just the thing," Connie said as she opened the lube and poured some on her fingertip. "Lets see just how tight things are."

Babs's hips jerked forward and she yelled and shook her head hard. This went on as Connie fingered her asshole. Connie looked around Babs's hip and grinned at Claude. "Give her clit one lick and lets see what happens."

"Finally," Claude said as he went to his knees and leaned forward. With the lick, Babs's hips jerked back as she yelled louder than before. A second later, her hips jumped back forward.

Connie laughed. "That got the whole finger up her ass."

Babs moaned and groaned as Connie fucked her ass with her whole finger. This went on for a few minutes until Babs's hips started to move back against the finger.

Connie pulled her finger out of Babs's ass and lubed up the butt plug. Babs's hips were still moving but she was whimpering softly. "Claude, grab her ass cheeks and pull them apart," Connie said. Claude's arms went around Babs's hips.

The first ball of the butt plug touched Babs's asshole and her hips jerked forward. Claude licked her clit and her hips jumped back. When two balls enter her ass, her hips jumped forward. Claude licked her clit and her hips jumped backwards. Two more licks and Babs's legs were shaking but now her hips were being held back away from Claude's tongue.

"You can let go of her ass cheeks now," Connie told Claude. "The butt plug is seated.

Claude let go of Babs and sat back on his heels. He sighed and said, "I wanted a couple more licks. She is about ready to come."

Connie chuckled. "Back up so I can get through to that side."

When Claude backed up, Connie crawled between Babs's legs and turned around. The next second, Babs was yelling her head off as Connie sucked and licked her huge clit. She was coming like mad until she was hanging by her wrists.

Connie looked up at Babs slack face and smiled. "With everyone putting their coats and clothes in this bedroom, I think Miss Babs will have her clit sucked and licked by nearly everyone."

With Connie on her knees and her ass facing Carol, Carol could see that the devils tail was attached to a large red butt plug. She groaned deeply as she thought about her butt plugs in her bedroom.

Connie came over to stand in front of Carol. She smiled and said, "When I invited you to my Halloween party, I said you would be the guest of honor. I know I didn't explain it in detail but I'm sure you and your friend Babs, will enjoy yourselves completely."

Carol shivered and shook her head as the words guest of honor rolled around her brain. Her thoughts went to her friend hanging in the bedroom doorway. Her huge clit would be a magnet for anyone crawling between her legs. She wondered just how much her friend could take? How much can I take, was Carol's next thought.

"What did you decide about Miss Carol?" Claude asked.

Connie got to her feet and kissed Babs on the cheek. Turning around, she said, "I want her to be the center of attention."

"How about hanging her from hooks in the center of the room? I have some heavy duty hooks and some chains," Claude said with a big smile.

Connie walked around the room and zeroed in on a spot. She looked up and said, "Find the studs up there so she is more or less facing the door while I get the longer spreader bars."

Claude scrambled to get a small gadget and a pencil out of the bag. He ran the gadget over the ceiling and where it beeped, he put a mark. He returned to the bag for a couple of large hooks, another spreader bar, and a pair of pliers. He handed the spreader bar to his mistress while he retrieved the power screwdriver and the remaining screws by the bedroom door.

Connie had the longer spreader bar opened up. Claude held it up by the ceiling and put a screw in near each end. As Claude installed the large screw hooks, Connie got another spreader bar out of the bag. She replaced the short one behind Carol's neck and then shortened up the one between her feet.

"Lets take a walk," Connie said as she pulled Carol to her feet.

Walking with the spreader bar between her feet was a new experience. She had to swing one leg as she took a step and then do it again with the other foot. It was a balancing act and a half even with Connie holding her shoulders.

Carol noticed that there were two short chains with clips on the end hanging from the hooks. Connie turned her around so she was facing the door as Claude pulled the spreader bar up above her head using both hands. Then he let go with one hand but the bar stayed in place on that side.

Something hit the floor at her feet and Carol looked down between her breasts to see Connie replacing the short spreader bar on her feet with another that was far longer. Carol could feel her weight on her feet as she watched Connie get to her feet. The woman stepped back and looked Carol up and down.

Hands on Carol's ass made her jerk. "We need another butt plug," Claude said softly.

Connie smiled at Carol as she said, "Claude, use that beautiful tongue of yours to make her ass ready for it."

Carol started to shake her head but that changed to a muffled groan as a hot tongue licked and teased her asshole. She felt her hips pulled back and her ass cheeks parted by two thumbs. A louder muffled groan came from behind the ball gag as the hot tongue worked at her anus.

It wasn't long before the tongue was working in and out of her ass. Carol wanted to keep her hips still but that wasn't happening as the tongue worked its way deeper and deeper. As his tongue started to fuck her asshole, Carol let out a yell as someone started to suck on her clit. Her eyes flew open and she saw Connie's head at her sex. A few minutes later, Carol was coming long and hard.


Carol swam up from her orgasmic bliss to realize the mouth was gone from her clit and the tongue was gone from her asshole. She made a whimpering sound as she rocked her hips from side to side and back and forth. There was a butt plug in her ass, she realized. With a soft moan, she opened her eyes.

Connie was in front of her playing with her own nipples. "You seemed to enjoy Claude's tongue as much as I do," she said with a wink. "I also think you've worn a butt plug before."

Carol nodded as her eyes dropped lower along Connie's body. Claude was laid out along the length of the coffee table and Connie was sitting on his face. When Connie stood up, Carol saw that Claude now wore cuffs on his ankles and wrists and the two shorter spreader bars were under the coffee table.

Connie backed up, reached down, and lifted Claude's dick upright. She looked down at Claude and smiled. As she sat down on his dick, he groaned loudly. "Yes, Claude, you get a little taste of pussy for all the help you have been." She bounced up and down several times and then stood up.

Claude made a whimpering whining sound as she did. "You just want my dick Connie flavored," he said a moment later.

"There has to be surprises for the guests now don't there," she replied as she stepped away from him.

She looked at Babs, at Carol, and then at Claude. "The party treats are all ready. I hope my guests remembered to bring the food and drink."

She walked over to the bag on the floor and moved it to the closet by the door. As she closed that door, there was a knock on the front door. Connie looked around again and smiled as she said, "Let the party begin."


Carol didn't know any of the half dozen couples who came through the front door. They all had food trays and bottles of booze. There were several ice chests and several bags of one sort or another. Most wore half masks. Some wore street clothes and some wore long light coats.

"Welcome, welcome, welcome," Connie called out as they trooped in. "Set up the food in the kitchen and on the breakfast bar. Set up the booze on the far side of the sink and the beer in the ice box. Coats and clothing in the bedroom on the left."

People gave Connie kisses and set about getting things together. As coats and clothes came off, two women gathered them up and headed for the bedroom. As they neared the door, one said, "Holy shit!" loudly.

"What's that?" Someone asked.

"Uh nothing," the other woman said. "She was admiring the ornaments at the door."

It wasn't long before Carol heard Babs yelling her head off but she was very distracted herself by all the people gathered around her. Hands and mouths on her breasts, hands on her ass, a mouth on her clit and she was yelling herself a few minutes later.

Carol wasn't thinking all that straight as another mouth took over assaulting her clit and two more were teasing her nipples unmercifully. Her eyes were hooded as she watched one woman sit on Claude's face and another bounce up and down on his dick.

Connie came by and licked her on the neck. "I told you, you would love my party." About then another monster orgasm crashed in on Carol's brain and body.

After that, it was one big blur of orgasms piled on top of orgasms. Hanging in the middle of the room. Sitting on a dick in a chair while someone sucked her clit and another dick was in her mouth. On her hands and knees on the floor, with her face being shoved into a very wet pussy as she was fucked from behind.

Somewhere along the way, she passed out and woke up on her back with someone sitting on her face while someone else tongued her very wet and messy pussy. Red fishnet told her that it was Connie on her face and from the length and thickness of the tongue, Claude was eating her well fucked pussy.

Carol had been coming for a while, she felt like and then Connie was coming on her face. Connie rolled sideways and laid out flat on her back. "Oh god, what a party."

With a loud moaning groan, Carol slapped at Claude's head. Connie laughed and said between ragged breaths, "I told you he could eat pussy all night and all day long." She rolled sideways and looked at Carol. "You're not to bad at it yourself."

Carol groaned and whispered, "Beginners luck." She rolled sideways and looked toward the bedroom door. "Where is Babs?" She asked quickly.

"We had to put her to bed," Claude said as he sat back and stretched his legs out in front of himself. "She just couldn't hang with all the mouths and tongues."

"Is she alright?" Carol asked looking at Connie.

Connie smiled and sat up. "She gave me one hell of a goodnight kiss before she started snoring."

"She does snore," Carol said and then sighed. "I'm totally used up."

"Well, you have a month to recover before the Thanksgiving party," Connie said with a grin.

Carol's eyes grew wide. "Uh, who's going to be the guest of honor?"

Claude laughed and Connie said, "No one knows until I decide and set everything up. That is, unless you want to volunteer for the job."

"Uh, I think I'll pass," Carol said and then grinned. "Can I help with the set up?"

"Do you have someone in mind?" Connie asked with raised eyebrows.

"Yeah, you," Carol replied and then laughed. Claude laughed along with her and Connie groaned deeply.

"I think I might be in deep trouble," she whispered as she looked from Carol to Claude and back again. Both nodded.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Excellent, consensual sex between friends, what's not to like.

PhilLustyPhilLustyalmost 2 years ago

This was awesome. Would have like more details on the various sexual situations. ESP with babs

NJCkLver56NJCkLver56almost 2 years ago

Fantastic story! Love to go to a party like that

peebudypeebudyalmost 2 years ago

Five stars for a very elaborate and well written story. I’m not into BDSM but your descriptions of the devices and setup were very vivid and erotic. We’ll done!

DarkRaven13DarkRaven13almost 2 years ago

Wow, so this is how one writes a full-on sex charged story. The action, so to speak, lasted from beginning to end. By the way, remind me to be very careful about accepting a party invitation from you lol.

oldsage_1oldsage_1almost 2 years ago

Different but TxRad hot! Not a fan of this genre but I enjoyed this one.



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