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Handjob Ch. 09

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Wife confesses to her cuckold.
2.3k words

Part 9 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 02/19/2011
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This event happened on my sixtieth birthday.

It's a Saturday morning and I'm just waking up. It is my birthday. My wife is cuddled up to me and she says, "Good morning sleepy head and happy birthday. Did you have a good sleep?"

"Yes, I did. Did you?"

Sliding her hand down to my groin she replies," Yes, I did. Humm, I feel a little worm beginning to stir. Is it getting hard?"

"It always gets hard when you touch it."

She began to lightly stroke it saying," Reach in the draw and give me the vaseline."

"No, no. I want to lay on top of you and make love to you."

She went on, "No, not this morning. I just want to lay here and stroke you, besides I have something I want to tell you and I can only tell you while I'm stroking you. Just give me the vaseline."

I reached in the draw and took out the jar and held it open for her. She dipped her fingers into the jar and then began spreading the cool jelly on my erection.

I commented, "Your hand feels wonderful."

She went on, "Relax and enjoy. There's something that I want to tell you. It's been on my mind for a long time. Remember when we were first married and I worked for Warren. I was his personal secretary. I was a naive twenty year old girl who had just entered the business world.

"Well one morning I was at my desk when Warren called me into his office to take dictation. I got my steno pad and went into his office and sat down facing him ready to take dictation.

"He got up from his desk, walked over and closed his office door and I heard him lock it. Then he walked over to where I was sitting and stood very close to me. I noticed a bulge in his pants, it was at my eye level. He asked me, how long had I been married and I told him just about a year. He then asked me if I could help him and he indicated the bulge in his pants."

Still stroking me she continued, "I looked at it and he said go ahead, take it out. I reached over and pulled down his zipper. I took his erection in my hand and he said to kiss it and I did. Then I looked up at him and I could tell what he wanted. I took it into my mouth and sucked it till he came."

She had me on the edge of climax. I had to ask, "Did you swallow his cum?"

Whispering in my ear she answered, "Yes, I had to."

When I heard those words, I began ejaculating."

She continued her stroking saying, "Warren was a very high strung man. He had a stressful job. I had to take care of him, two maybe three times a week for the six years that I worked for him. I wanted him to fuck me but all he ever wanted was for me to suck his cock. Oh God you're still cumming."

After my ejaculations subsided, I asked, "You said that you had to swallow his cum. Why?"

Still whispering in my ear she continued, "When I was sucking him, he said that he was about to cum and I should be careful not to get anything on his suit so I closed my mouth around his cock and held it there when he started cumming. He filled my mouth so I just kept swallowing, till I had him all clean."

"You've never given me a blow job."

She answered, "If I ever gave you a blow job then that's all you would ever want."

I responded, "That's not true. A woman gives a man a blow job because she wants to show him the ultimate expression of her love."

She went on, "Well, I express my love to you in many ways but not that. What you've never had you'll never miss."

At the time, getting a blow job didn't seem that important to me. If she doesn't want to give it then I accept that. I'm not going to demand it or force her. It has to be something that is given out of love and she wasn't giving.

I should have been angry but her confession was so arousing. To think that she would share those intimate secrets with me. I felt so close to her, closer than I had ever felt. It was so intimate and I felt like I was in her inner circle, like we were lovers. For the rest of the day, I just wanted to be by her side, doing things for her and not be away from her. She did however, confirm all of the suspicions I had of her over all of these years.

Her manager Warren had a best friend Mark. Mark was a salesman who worked in the area. He would often visit Warren and they would often go out to lunch together.

Mark had become very friendly with my wife and I had always suspected that he was fucking her and I had good reasons to suspect them which I won't get into at this time.

The following Sunday morning I was still very much aroused by my wife's revelations. I felt so intimate with her. I felt like we could tell each other anything, we were that close. I wanted her to confess her relationship with Mark. I wanted her to confess more.

That morning, I rolled toward her and took her in my arms telling her how close I felt to her. "Oh honey, what you told me yesterday, makes me feel so close to you. I love you so much."

She spoke, "I just couldn't keep it from you any longer."

"Well it doesn't matter any more, it was over forty years ago. What matters is that we're still together today."

I wanted to hear about Mark so I pressed her for more revelations. "Is there anything else you want to share with me?"

She looked at me hesitatingly and then said, "I will but you're going to have to give me some vaseline."

I reached in the draw, got the jar and held it open for her. She dipped her fingers into the jar, saying, "This jar is getting low. I'm going to have to pick up some more."

"Yeah, we go through a lot of vaseline."

She began spreading the cool jelly on my erection saying, "Yes we do, after all it's an important part of our love making."

"Love making? All you do is jerk me off. I hardly ever get to fuck you."

She protested saying, "No, I don't jerk you off. I make love to you with my hand and I derive a great deal of gratification doing it. While I'm masturbating you, I love seeing the expressions of love in your face and the extreme look of pleasure you get when you climax in my hand. So what's wrong with that?"

"You masturbate me and deny me intercourse. It has an emasculating effect on me."

In her sensual tone, "Don't think about that. Just lie back and you don't have to do anything. Let my hand do it all for you. Relax and enjoy."

I was finally going to hear the truth about Mark. She began stroking me saying,"Do you remember Mr. Green? He helped us with our car loan."

"Yes. Sid Green. He was about fifty with salt and pepper hair."

She continued,"He worked in our office and he always had little compliments for me. He was a sweet man. One day Warren was out of the office and I was in the file room filling statements.

"The filing room had file cabinets, a large conference table and a copy machine. When the filing draws are open it kind of blocks the way to the copy machine and I had the draws open with my files laying on the open draws."

"Mr. Green came into the room to use the copy machine. When he saw me bent over the open draws, he said, don't move, I'll just squeeze past you. He placed his hands on my hips and pressed his groin up against my ass as he passed by. When he did I could feel his penis drag across my buttocks.

"After he made his copy he did the same thing when leaving only this time, he placed his hands on my hips and pressing his groin against my behind, it felt like he lingered a little longer. This time his penis felt more pronounced.

"A short while later he came by again saying that he was sorry but he had one more copy to make. This time he held my hips and pressed his groin into my buttocks and it felt like he gave me a little hump only this time I pressed back. I could feel his erection press against me and he pulled me into him.

"I turned to face him and our lips met. It was a long passionate kiss and when we broke it, he reached over and closed the door even though there was no one in the office at the time. He was so nervous that he was shaking. Not a word was spoken between us. He turned me around to face the conference table and I felt his hand on my back, pushing me down to bend over the table. With my upper body resting on the table, I felt him fold my skirt up on my back. He pushed my panties down and I felt the cool air on my exposed buttocks as I heard his zipper and then he slipped it into me from behind.

"He fucked me furiously for what seemed like a long time and he did something that you have never been able to do. He gave me multiple orgasms before he came and he came inside me with no regard for birth control."

Once again her words were too arousing for me and I began ejaculating profusely while she continued her narrative.

"After he fucked me, we cleaned up and he went back to his office like nothing ever happened. The next morning he gave me a little crystal vase with a rose in it.

"For the next five years he fucked me maybe once every two weeks or so. When you and I were meeting with him for the car loan, you had no idea that he was fucking me."

After this revelation, I should have been angry but I was so aroused and so grateful for her honesty. I felt so close to her. Closer than I've ever felt in all of the years of our marriage.

I still didn't hear anything about her relationship with Mark and I know that relationship was intense. She named our youngest son, Mark but at the time, I didn't have a clue as to what was going on. It was many years before I began to connect the dots.

She had confessed her infidelities to me on a Saturday and Sunday morning while she was masturbating me and we didn't have to go to work so I felt that I would wait till the following Saturday morning and try to create the same atmosphere that led her to confess her infidelities.

That Saturday morning we awoke and I began to caress her. I pressed my erection against her and she began fondling it. I asked,"Can I give you some vaseline?"

She responded by saying yes. I wanted to recreate the circumstances of the previous Saturday. As she began stroking me, I asked,"So, are you going to share any more tantalizing secrets with me?"

She responded,"No. I've told you everything."

"Oh honey are you sure? Not one more little tid' bit?"

She answered,"No. I've told you everything."

I pushed harder,"What about Warren's friend Mark?"

Her attitude got short and angry,"I don't know any Mark. I don't know what you're talking about!"

I continued my probe,"Mark. You know, Warren's best friend."

She became indignant,"Look, I don't know any Mark. There's is no such person. You're imagining it."

She ranted on,"Everything I told you last week was a lie. I just made up those stories because I knew it would make you horny. Nothing ever happened between me and Warren or Sid Green. It was all a fabrication."

I was back to square one. She went back to denials and she cut the emotional connections we may have had. I felt so alone like I was set adrift. I pleaded with her to be honest with me. To reconnect that emotional bond that we almost had but she refused. She chose another path. She went back to being my housekeeper.

Two years ago, she was rushed to the hospital with a heart attack. I was in the emergency room while they were working on her. I was just trying to stay out of the way when a technician pulled me aside into an adjoining room and she said, "Sir this is a quiet room and here is a telephone. You may want to call your love ones and let them know what is happening."

The technician left and I stood there alone thinking,"This is the end of our marriage. My wife is going to die. Gee, she never gave me a blow job and she never confided her secrets in me. I'm going to bury her with her secrets and then I'll get on with my life.

"Fifty-four years of marriage and I don't feel anything. She's just my housekeeper and that's all she ever wanted to be."

She survived her heart attack and she is still with me today. For a long time I contemplated if I should tell her of my feelings from that day. I decided not to tell her for I don't want her to change because of something I said. If she dies before me, at least I won't have to deal with any overwhelming grief.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Very erotic story- great mind control of hubby. Pavlov’s dog would be happy!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

That was so bad I'm STILL laughing!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

The first time I read it I was hoping it was a typo, but you used "draw" again a few paragraphs later. It's called a "drawer". Nightstands, dressers, etc. have drawers, not draws.

I like your Handjob stories for the most part, but these type of mistakes make it difficult to concentrate on the story. Please find a proofreader and use them before you post. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Sometimes it's just part of the job.

For nearly a decade, she came in once a week, did the usual. Good worker, I have to say. About 5'5", sort of nice looking, maybe 45 or so. Single Mom with two kids at home, about all I ever knew of her.

One time I was home, my wife was gone to deal with her Mother, Dementia of course.

The housekeeper showed up, all was normal, I was sitting watching a race on TV. She came in, kneeled down at my feet and reached out for my zipper.

I was startled until she explained my wife asked her to take care of me with her hands since she knew I hated doing it myself and I was a once or twice a week guy.

The wife came home two months later, and took back over. Our housekeeper worked for us for years after that, but never did me with her hands again.

No need to, I guess? In fact, it never even got mentioned.

Good wife I have, and that was a pretty good housekeeper, too.

maddictmaddictover 8 years ago
54 years married to your housekeeper / handy woman.

The interesting thing about her confession its so far into their past. Will anything change the past. I might of pulled a plug on my way out...? *~*,

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
sad tale

Actually his wife is a real selfish person. In the six years she gave Warren over 900 bj's swallowing his loads and never once even gave oral love to hubby. In five years she gave Sid 130 entries into her love canal. With hubby she uses vaseline as she calls it making love to him with her hand. It took over fifty four years but he admits if she dies before him he will not be dealing with overwhelming grief. After all she is only his housekeeper and that was all she wanted to be in our marriage as by her own admission she was cheating on hubby within the first year of marriage with Warren. Sad tale of a selfish wife. Writing was excellent!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
In its own peculiar way...

This may be one of the most bizarre stories in LW.

If a friend or neighbor or co-worker sat down and related this tale about his life, I would have no comment. What the hell is there to say?

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