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He Never Knew Ch. 02

Story Info
Miranda makes a mistake confronting Race.
4.4k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/13/2022
Created 02/17/2012
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He never knew. But she sure did!

If you have not read the previous tale, He never knew. And neither did she....?, then I suggest you do to get the back story for this one.

Like I said in the previous story, this happened a few years back and is one of the most memorable times of my life. It involved my neighbor Jim and his bitchy wife Miranda.

After the weekend and the memories of what had happened with Miranda I was looking forward to another relaxing day off on Monday. I had not seen Jim or Miranda since the night they had a fight because Jim had to go into work for an emergency and leave Miranda drunk and pissed at home. I knew I shouldn't have done what I did but in hind site I have to say, HELL YEAH, it was totally worth the risk.

I was sitting on my back patio drinking a cup of coffee and reading the paper when I heard them leave for work. As I set on my patio reading I had finished my coffee and got up to go get another one and clean up my breakfast dishes. It was about 8:30 in the morning, sunny but not hot, just comfortable. I was relaxed back in my chair with some light workout pants on. As I lowered my paper to turn the page I almost jumped out of my skin because there stood Miranda on my back patio. Apparently she had come around the side of the house by the garage so I never heard her walk up. She was a vision, even this early, standing there in a yellow fitted Tee, a pair of kaki short shorts, flip-flop sandals and apparently no bra since I could just see a hint of her nipples trying to rise to the occasion. I felt my cock start to respond almost immediately.

As my gaze made its way back up to her face, which was framed by her raven hair falling in loose curls down to just past her collar bones, I said "Holy crap Miranda you could give a guy a heart attack sneaking up on him like that!" Her expression never changed as she silently stood there not saying a word. Her stare and silence made my rapidly hardening dick reverse direction and start to deflate. I tried to get some response again when I said "You're kind of under dressed to be over here at my place while Jim is at work aren't you? And by the way why are you not at work today?"

I glanced back down at her chest, I just couldn't help myself she has really nice tits, and noticed her nips seemed to be a little harder as she said "I didn't go to work because I thought we should talk and I don't recall my being under dressed bothering you the other night, did it Race?"

My dick shrunk a little further. Then it dawned on me if she really thought it was me the other night then why had I not gotten a visit from the police or at the very least, a really pissed off Jim. The little man in the back of my mind was whispering "She didn't tell anyone about it shithead. Play dumb and deny everything!"

"I didn't think you were under dressed when you went to dinner. Or are you referring to when you came out after getting home early to rip Jim a new one before he had to go into work?"

"I was referring to later than that even when you paid a visit to my bedroom."

Her nipples were defiantly harder at this point and I started to relax to the point my cock started to grow down my pant leg again. As I moved the paper to lay it aside and respond to her I noticed her eyes dart down to my crotch for an instant but I didn't let her know I saw this and thank God I had the presence of mind to lay the paper by my cell phone and nonchalantly press the record video button. You might be looking at the sky but it would record voice just fine too. Let the games begin!

"You want to run that by me again darlin'?"

"Oh get off it Race, I know it was you so don't be a prick. Jim was at work and the panties that were on the bed were not the ones I wore to bed. Did you keep the others as a souvenir?"

So if she didn't call the police or tell Jim why was she here? "Why don't you come have a seat and lay it all out for me from the beginning?"

She hesitated for a second before approaching the opposite side of the table to sit down. She looked at me and said in her most cocky attitude "So do I start from when I figured out it wasn't Jim that fucked me the other night or from when I first woke up as you started eating my pussy right after my first orgasm?"

OK, there was some leverage to work with. "First off didn't Jim come home the other night and secondly you were pretty drunk to boot so I don't know if I would count on what you remember. Why don't you start from where ever you want to? I wouldn't mind hearing of your sexual exploits, in fact I would love to hear you tell me about you, how did you put it, getting fucked? But you start from where you want." I saw her shift in her seat a little bit and now there was a sign of not just hard nipples but some rising areola under that shirt too.

"Well to put it plain and simple Race, Jim and the panties aside, I have plenty of reasons to think it was you who screwed me first the other night before Jim got home and found me naked and passed out with my dildo and a sloppy wet pussy and decided to help himself which is why I woke up the second time that night begging to be fucked."

"To start with it had to be someone that was built like Jim because right at first I wasn't sure. Next the house wasn't broken into that I could find so someone had a key and I'm not stupid I know Jim gave you a key when we went on that long vacation. Also in 12 years of marriage Jim has never, and I mean NEVER, made me orgasm 3 times let alone pass out from it. And finally Jim does not under any circumstance eat pussy. He thinks that is beyond gross. The cologne was a nice touch though, it almost convinced me."

I think my cock got harder just hearing her say that.

And did I just hear those phrases right? Screwed her first? Before Jim got home? Woke up the second time that night begging to be fucked? She just gave me information to go along with the fact she obviously never told anyone that she was fucked by a stranger, in her house, in her marriage bed, while her husband was at work and she knew it wasn't him. What is it the kid gamers are saying nowadays? Oh yeah, pwnage!

I will admit she had her reasoning down pat but I was going to try one more time to throw her off and put in doubts.

"OK let's address those reasons Miranda."

"1. Built like Jim, that would be what, an adult male of average height and weight, not overly muscular but not skinny with a slightly larger than average dick?"

"2. He had a key, did you ever think maybe after you came out and yelled at Jim before he left you didn't get the door locked but you didn't find it like that in the morning because Jim came home through the front door and locked up before coming to bed?" At this point I saw her look down and start to get a thoughtful look on her face and her nipples had softened quite a lot.

"3. You had multiple orgasms and best sex ever, three words: drunk; horny; anniversary."

"4. Jim does not eat pussy, again three words: anniversary; wife; spice." "Do you suppose any of those are possibilities for explanations?"

"You know Miranda it is pretty ballsy for you to come over and accuse me of something like this with our history." "Everyone knows you don't like me and never have, but to accuse me of raping you, well that seems harsh considering I have been nothing but nice to you and your family." Now she looked worried.

"Race...I...oh God. I don't know what to say." Hook line and sinker. Like the lawyers say, reasonable doubt. "Your right I might have been blinded by my dislike of you." "Please accept my apologies Race. Can we just forget I was ever here?"

AH HELL NO! I thought as I looked at her. Let's try and get those nipples back to full.

As she started to stand I stopped her when I said "So what I want to know is this, if you knew it wasn't Jim fucking you the other night then why did you not tell him you thought I had raped you or better yet why am I not in jail? Why did you come over here today to see me Miranda? And dressed like that." as I looked at her over the rim of my cup while I sipped my coffee.

There was fear in her eyes as she sank back down into the chair looking at me. She started to speak, "Well to be honest....", as I let my eyes slide down to her tits and triumphantly saw the peaks starting to rise again. When I set my coffee down and looked at her face again she was looking down at her hardening nipples. When she looked up and saw me looking at her I saw the bitch start to rear its head again. "That's none of your fucking business now is it? I think I'll just go and you can sit here and feel lucky you are not in jail after all." When she stood up to leave I made my move.

"Please stop and listen to what I have to say Miranda, and to be blunt I won't ask twice."

The fire was blazing in her eyes. It was time to pull it back to a smolder. "You know what I think, darlin'? I think you jumped to the conclusion it was me the other night, that by your own admission you allowed to fuck you so good and eat your pussy like Jim won't, even after you knew it was not your husband doing it. I also think that you dressed like that when you came over here because you really did enjoy having someone eat your cunt and you were hoping you could get it done again. I bet you are not even wearing panties are you?" There was confusion, hate, astonishment and a hint of lust in her eyes now. And we had twin peaks back again as well. "Is that close to how it is?"

"Why would you think that?"

"Well for starters you did not tell anyone what happened right?"


"So you didn't want anyone to know what happened. And yet you came to me, someone that everyone is aware of the fact that you do not like, and you know this so you tell me?"

"Again, correct."

"So you came to me because you could always blow it off if I told someone saying it was just me making up trash about you to get even for you not liking me. That sound about right?"

"Maybe, so what?"

As I stood up and picked up my paper and phone I said "Well you see dear here is the situation." I go around the table and stop in front of her. "Even if I did tell someone what you said and you deny it, that doesn't matter. You see it's not other people that would be the issue. The one's you don't want to hear this is your family. But do you really think that Jim is going to believe I was making this up just to ruin your reputation?" I leaned in close to her ear and said "You know he wouldn't believe that." and stood back up.

Miranda never looked up. "I am going inside to my living room and wait. If you want to talk about this further then you are welcome to come in and talk." As I walked by her I stopped and whispered to her "And just for your information, I love to eat pussy. And I bet yours is juicy and tasty." then went on inside leaving her standing on the patio.

Now being the single pervert that I am, I had spent quite a lot of money designing my living room, bedrooms and bathrooms. I put in a very sophisticated audio/video system which happens to include several hidden video cameras all over the house. So when I went in and left Miranda on the patio to decide I turned the system on and started the cameras recording, just in case. I relaxed back onto the couch, started a porn movie on my 50" flat screen TV and waited.

I was watching a busty dark headed beauty deep throating a guy when Miranda stepped into the living room. I looked over at her and she was watching the movie but when she looked back at me and saw me looking at her she dropped her gaze to the floor at her feet. Already showing submissiveness, good, that might make it easier on her.

"Come over here Miranda." As she walked over to me I muted the TV. She glanced at it then back to the floor. "Do you like what you saw?"

"It's interesting enough." She said. It must have been pretty interesting if her nipples were any indication.

"So do you want to try that or do you want to talk?"

Her gaze snapped up at that question. She looked at me then at the TV then back to me. "Jim doesn't do that for me so I never did it for him. After all fair's fair, right?"

"Well according to you I HAVE done that for you so what if I insist? After all fair's fair, right?"

"B-But like you said I might have just blamed you for something that someone else did."

"True. But someone did do it for you and you have no idea who it was so you can't pay him back. So why not reciprocate with me?" She shuffled in place a bit. "Hell darlin' I'll even go as far as to say if you ever do find out who it was I'll reciprocate to him for you if at all possible."

She got a strange look on her face and said "Like you would hold to that promise."

"Put it in writing and I'll sign it for you to keep. Like a legal contract." I felt safe giving this guarantee because I didn't think she would ever find out but even if she did I did say if at all possible and I can't suck my own dick after all. Yeah I know there are some freaks out there that can, but I ain't one. And NO, I have never tried to so I'm not 100% positive I can't. But hell to get her to give me head and hopefully more I would sure as hell try if she insisted.

I saw her look at my crotch so I decided to push her a little. "Why don't you just take your T-shirt off and get more comfortable Miranda? Give your nipples some relief for God's sake."

She looked up at me again. "I -- I don't think..."

"So don't think and just do it. You know you want to." She licked her lips still staring at my dick. I saw her hands toy with the bottom of her shorts for a second then up a little to the bottom of her shirt. This was almost painful. She jumped when I said "Go on and take it off sweets." Not loud just a little more forcefully. But it worked. Her shirt started the slow rise up her body. As it reached her tits it stuck for a second then let go and was up and over her head and off. Her gaze never left my crotch the whole time. By God she had beautiful tits. She dropped her shirt in a chair beside her and just stood there.

"Damn babe those are the most beautiful tits I have seen in forever." She glanced down at her hard nipples on a pair of breasts that only sagged a very little bit. Not bad after two kids and 30 plus years.

She looked up at me and was blushing as she said "Thank you Race."

"So, you never gave me an answer before."

"I... just came over to talk to you."

"Bullshit and that's not the question I meant. I know why you came over here and we're getting to that. What I am curious about is did you even wear panties knowing what you were coming over here for?" I let several seconds of silence pass by. "Well?" I said forcefully again. Her nipples looked like they were hard as diamonds.

"no." was all I got and almost to quiet to hear.

"A little louder when you answer my questions."

"No, I didn't."

"No you didn't what?"

She gave me a look I couldn't quite guess. "No...Sir?"

Holy crap, I got a sir? And it was all her reasoning. I was looking for more detail and she assumed I was wanting submissive. And she accepted it willingly on self-realization. It wasn't what I was looking for but hell I liked it. Let's keep that thinking. "Sir is very good. I like that. Yes keep calling me sir when you speak to me. But what I was asking for was more detail. No sir, what Miranda?"

The look of 'shit that was a mistake' on her face was priceless. But she didn't argue. "No sir, I didn't wear panties over here."

"Why is that sweet cheeks? Don't you think it is a little slutty for a married woman to show up at a single man's house in only a T-shirt and shorts with no underwear on at all?"

"Yes sir I guess it is." Then she sniffed.

"So why didn't you wear any panties over here?"

She glanced down at the floor and said "I was hoping I could get my pussy eaten, ..sir." Then she looked back up at me without moving her head so she was looking at me under her eyebrows through her bangs and teary eyes. Damn sexy, kind of like a young girl pouting. Then she looked back down.

"Well then my little... slutty housewife." That's when she let out a little whimper. "Why don't we work on getting that done then, OK?" There was a sharp intake of breath and somehow her nipples seemed to harden more.

"First things first little darlin'. You need to take those shorts off so I can see you totally naked and see what I have to work with."

She slowly moved her hands. She slid them around her hips to the front. She slowly pulled the top button through the hole. Then down to the next one, and the next one. That is when I saw the first glimpse of hair. After the next and final button was undone the top of her slit was visible. She truly hadn't worn panties. Her thumbs slid into her shorts and slowly back around her hips to push the waist down over her luscious ass. "Stop!" She froze.

"Turn around as you push those shorts down slowly." She turned until she was facing away from me then slowly resumed pushing her shorts down. As they slid over her ass she started to bend at the waist. "Keep your knees straight and push them all the way to your ankles." Her shorts slid down as I gazed at her beautiful globes. Then her rosebud appeared followed closely by her cunt, which was almost dripping. She was getting off on this. When she was bent totally over with her shorts at her ankles it was a glorious sight.

When she stepped first one foot out of her shorts then slowly the other one followed, her legs spread to allow room for them between her feet her pussy opened on its own ever so slightly allowing her inner lips to be visible. They were completely slick with her juice. I knew the camera behind me was getting an excellent view. After she stood back up and turned back around, her head still bowed, hands at her sides she said "What now sir?"

"Now my little slut, you come over here and do what she" I pointed to the TV "is doing to her lover."

She glanced at the TV and said "Yes sir." Then she moved between my legs and kneeled down. She reached to my waist and pulled my sweats down my legs and off of my feet. She then looked back up at me for a second before turning her eyes back to my stiff cock and lowering her head to unknowingly begin reciprocating for several nights earlier when I licked and sucked her pussy to orgasm. As her head began to bob up and down on my shaft I picked up my remote off of the couch and pressed the button that activated my cameras to show on the TV. I manipulated the camera watching from slightly above and behind Miranda to fill the TV screen. It almost appeared that I had just returned to the movie. It was very enjoyable to watch her on the TV as she serviced me.

Her lips and tongue slid up and down my cock with such expertise I was having a hard time believing she did not do this regularly. I would have to find that out sometime in the future. As I watched her on the TV I noticed between her legs that she was fingering herself with the hand not fondling my shaft and balls.

I slid my hands under her hair and bunched it up into one of my hands at the back of her head and said "You should put your other hand down there and pay attention to your clit as well slut." I felt her swallow as the head of my dick reached the entry of her throat and groan. Her mouth slid back up my shaft as her hand moved to between her legs. I could tell when she touched her clit because she bucked her hips and started to cum. As she was strumming her clit and jamming her fingers into her cunt while she had her orgasm I pressed my legs in against her arms pinning them below her and pressed her head down onto my cock. She took a deep breath just before my dick slid past the back of her mouth and down into her throat until her nose was buried in the hair above my cock. At that moment as her chin met my balls she had another orgasm.


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