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A step too far . . .
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 05/02/2013
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Ms. Evans climbed down from the old double decker and was glad the bus journey was over for it was hot summer day in London, the heat reflecting of the street and seeming to bounce back into her face for a second go. She wiped her sweating brow with the back of her hand then turned to orientate her self amongst the bustle of the street. The heat seemed to be putting everyone on edge for the famed manners of the English seemed to be somewhat lacking today. She took her self across to the shaded bus shelter and took a vacant seat to rest for a moment.

She had felt lucky earlier in the day when she had heard two girls in the lecture discussing what they called easy money for testing a new line of bras that monitored the wearer medically. Money was heart of the problem which seemed to her somewhat funny as it was money she was studying at the famed London School of Economics. The money her deceased parents had left her was gone now, wiped out in the crash of '07 and although she had skimped and saved she was short for the final term and her last set of examinations. Would her studies be a total waste; no, she wouldn't let it happen.

She pulled out the map and found Kensington Church Street, used the church as a reference and started to walk. The thought entered her mind, a bra tester. It made her smile as she was one of the brightest students of her year and the apple in the eyes of many of her lecturers, they held high hopes for her but there would be no hope for any type of future unless she got hold of some of the stuff she was studying. Money!

She came to the church and started up the footpath. She let her thoughts wander as she made her way slowly up the street and wondered if she was dressed right? Did it matter for she was dressed in the best she had which really wasn't much. Her hair was pulled back tight in her customary bun, with that and the large round tortoise shell glasses she knew she looked nerdy.

A light grey summer suit, white shirt and stylish tie gave her a professional look but the clothes were old and worn. It was the same with her low heels, she and her clothes had seen better days. She came to the old Palace barracks and turned down the street opposite. There was some shade in this area at least, even a tree or two. She turned again and entered Gregory Place and there it was, Braywick House, just a little way down on the right.

Giving the clothes a quick look, she braced her self and approached the ground level doors. She was surprised to find that there was a porter in attendance who politely asked her her name and business before allowing her entry.

"Ms. Evans, yes they are you expecting ma'am. Just take the stairs to the first floor, down the corridor and first door on the right," said an old garrulous man, obviously an retired hand from the Royal Navy.

Up the stairs she went and it felt like going back in time for the period pieces of old Edwardian England were still an active and well maintained part of the building. Polished wood panels, framed etchings of the sea and old gas light fittings that had been converted to electricity. The building seemed to give out a welcoming warmth. She made her way to the door and gave a polite knock before entering.

Time had stopped in 1905 for this tastefully decorated foyer, once again the period art, panelling and furniture. A receptionist rose to greet her, came from around her desk and warmly welcomed her.

"Ms. Evans, welcome to Laws &Tate, thank you for your interest in our employment opportunity," said a well dressed young lady.

Her language was beautiful and she wore her clothes with a certain grace and style.

" Ms. Evans if you would like to come this way I'll show you to the interview room where Mr. Tate will greet you shortly," she said, once again in the beautiful voice.

Ms. Evans followed her but was rather taken back by the greeting and surroundings. She was applying for a lowly job as a tester of clothing and the setting seemed over done to say the least.

She was shown to another well appointed room that had a table with two chairs each side of it, once again beautiful period pieces.

"I'll leave you and Mr. Tate will be with you shortly," the girl said and left her to her own devices.

She wondered if she had come to the right place but no she was in the right place. Looking around she noticed a shelf of books, the one catching her eye had "Laws &Tate" on the cover. She arose and bought it down from the shelf and back to the table. She opened it and found it was a published history of the company. She started to leaf through it but was stopped on the first page. The was a strange coat of arms on this page but the thing that caught her attention was the founding date, 1534.

Impossible, a company that old and she had never heard of; quite impossible. She hurried her way through to find if there was any mention of the part of the company she would be working in but there was just to much information as it seemed a very large company. She went to the back and found the index, yes, there under medical garments.

Going to the page number she found quite a full entry, the company had been manufacturing medical related garments for a few centurys. One of the earliest was a corset for ruptures, another a harness support for pregnancy. "Laws &Tate" seemed at the forefront of design in this are. There was a knock on the door so she hurriedly closed the book as a middle age man entered.

"No please don't stand, no formality here, names Tate, and yes one of those Tates," he said with a twinkle in the eye.

Every one was so well dressed she thought feeling dowdy. She took an instant liking to Mr. Tate who came across as friendly man who before she realised it had got her life history from her.

"Well I'm so sorry for your misfortune Ms. Evans, but do you know something, you are going to succeed for you have that little something extra in you. Now let me guess, you think this is a bit over done for the position you have applied for, every one does. I see you have been reading our company history and do you know why the company has prospered for so many year? People! People Ms. Evans, it is our secret to success."

" You saw Mrs. Armstrong on the way in, just married last year and as with all young couples was looking for a bit of extra money. Early pregnancy, heard of a position here and tested a new pregnancy support halter. Trying to get weight of the spine, onto the hips, early days yet."

Ms. Evans found her self listening eagerly, Mr. Tate had a way with a story.

"Qualified in administration. One thing led to another, here she is, running the office," he said in his clipped way of speaking.

"You sent the resume and we look deeply into them, as I said, the right stuff. Every one from the CFO to the char lady starts work here through this same office. Talent, always looking her talent Evans. What do you say, well send you over to the distribution warehouse, get the details from Rodgers, you like, you can start,. Sort the rest latter."

Ms. Evans did like, and with a little more small talk, was given directions to the warehouse.

* * *

The warehouse was on the Thames and was located near the old East Indies dock area. Another two bus rides and she found her self at the entrance to a warehouse that had obviously been built back in the 17th. Century.

Another porter greeted her and gave a set of directions to get to the garment area. The place was very dim and was built like a rabbit warren with steps and passages every where. It took her some time for her to make the door marked Edwina Rodgers,

Manager. She gave a knock and entered.

"Ah, you must be Evans; Rodgers, pleased to meet you I'm sure. Take a seat Evans, take a seat, you look done in," said the woman behind the desk that was over flowing with papers.

Ms. Evans was more then glad to take a seat as the day had been a long one and she was quite tired. Ms. Rodgers seemed a no-nonsense woman if the severe cut of her dress and manner were anything to go on. She launched straight into what was required as her days seemed full and it looked as if her presence had just made it fuller.

It was a new bra that contained a set of sensors and monitors. It had an out put jack that would give a download of the wearers medical condition when jacked to a computer. It was of a new material that was self cleaning during a bath or shower and allowed the skin to breath. The material design was for permanent wear and the initial trail period was for two weeks. No, Evans, you can't take it off, two weeks is the trial, up for it girl? Any problems ring me.

* * *

Two weeks later

Tomorrow she would be heading back to the Docks to get the bra removed. Ms. Rodgers had forgotten the bit about the bra being locked to her body. It hadn't troubled her in the least, it was the lightest and most comfortable material she had ever worn over her breasts. Gave her good shape and support, what else did a women want from a bra?

She was logged in to the companies web site and was looking at the job vacancy that had attracted her attention since she had discovered it. It wasn't so much the job vacancy as the money. There had been no other vacancies in the London area that she had found suitable and when she finished the test of the bra tomorrow she would be back looking for money. This offered money and lots of it.

She thought to her self that it wasn't quite right to say " It wasn't so much the job...." as the job was very strange to say the least. The job description gave the background of a shortage of saleable human mothers milk and "Laws&Tate" were under taking a project to induce lactation in previously milk bearing women. Now there was a problem as she had never produce milk before. Then again did she want in on such a program?

She thought it over and decided there was not much choice. The body change was totally reversible and then there was the money. She made an online application and returning to her flat that afternoon after having been let out of her bra was surprised to find a reply from Mr. Tate himself. She was to report next morning for an interview.

* * *

Mr. Tate seemed very distressed by her application and tried very hard to talk her out of it. There had never been a female in the program that had not previously lactated; then she would be the first! From day one, no clothing above the waist; no problem. She was studying at LSE, how would she finish the lecture; online. The final exam; yes Mr. Tate that was a problem but surely one they could get around.

The program was done with the subject enduring periods of total isolation, she would handle that with no worries.

It took an hour but finally Mr. Tate seemed to run out of arguments, he still wasn't happy in the least but would reluctantly allow her to present her self to the medical staff for assessment and suitability in regard to the needs of the program.

Ms. Evans felt life was a last giving her a break when she picked up travel documents from Ms. Armstrong on the way out.

* * *

A car came to pick her up outside her flat at 0430 in the morning. It was a special car as the windows were blanked out and sitting in the back she had no idea where she was going. Where ever she was taken it took about two hours and at journeys end she still had no idea where she was because the area was surrounded by trees. She was dropped in the covered entry of what was obviously a large country mansion but had little time to look as a butler came out to greet her and whisked her inside straight away.

Once again it was a beautiful piece of period architecture and furniture. She was taken to the library and asked to wait until the Director could see her. She browsed away about twenty minutes looking at books that would find pride of place in the British library before another livered servant asked to follow as the Director was free and would see her now.

The office of the Director would feel quite at home in Buckingham Palace, once again more a living museum then an office. The Director herself was a small woman about five foot six and rather slim. She wore glasses and had her hair in a ponytail. It was hard to tell much else as she didn't rise to greet her.

Nothing was said for a few minutes but Ms. Evans felt her self looked over and assessed.

"Please take a seat Ms. Evans. Like Mr. Tate can I dissuade you from your rather rash actions in wishing to enter our program. No, I didn't think so. There is really nothing more to said. We have never had a pre lactation female with us before so I can only wonder at side effects. Last chance, and pleases think; in or out?"

She was taken completely of guard, surely this wasn't the assessment interview, there had to be more. She had questions by the score, she looked up to ask one but then caught the look in the Director's eyes. There could be as many questions as she wanted to ask but the real and only question had already been asked. Was she, Ms. Evans, in or out?

She took the suggestion seriously and did have a think about her future. It was future she had worked hard for and graduation from the school was now in jeopardy. Her future was in jeopardy and this program and its monetary award offered the way foward. Yes the Director was very smart, the only question that mattered had been asked and the woman was awaiting her reply.

"I'm in," she answered.

The Director pressed a button and lifted the phone.

"Nurse Helga, one for processing," said the Director.

"You may go, your personal nurse is waiting out side the office."

* * *

Her mind was in turmoil, things were happening so fast. She left the office in a daze but had little time before nurse Helga was introducing herself and leading into a corridor that had an old style elevator at the end.

"Ms. Evans, of course you have questions. We will get you checked in and I will answer any thing I can," said the nurse.

It was an old cage style elevator and went down one level where it opened in to a modern medical reception area. Soft lighting, carpet, some wall hangings and a long desk with another nurse behind it.

"Evans for admission," said her nurse.

"Please sign the consent form here, admission there," said the other nurse.

There was silence, she was back in the Directors office facing the question that hung in the air; in or out. The two woman waited patiently. She took some time but then signed the two forms.

"Please come this way, we have another elevator ride," said the nurse who had picked her up from the Directors office.

This time the elevator ride was much longer and she wondered just how far underground they were going. It did finally stop and opened into a small chamber with a door. When the elevator door closed the nurse used a card to open the other, this revealing a passage way, rather stark and rather bright from the strip lights. There was nothing Edwardian about it.

Ms. Evans was doing her best to contain herself but she knew that she couldn't hold her self back much longer with the questions.

They moved half way down the corridor where the nurse keyed open the door on the right.

"Ms Evans, you will find a ring binder which will answer so many of your questions. There a few things you need to do as well, when they are done, I'll be back and we will move to the next stage."

She moved forward into the room, started to turn to ask a question and was just in time to see the door sliding shut.

She was alone

* * *

End Part One


Story posted 05/02/13

Edited 06/05/13

Reason: changed company name to Laws &Tate

P.S. Thanks for the response, more on the way right now.

1338: May sixth, 2013

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Andromeda7Andromeda7about 11 years agoAuthor

It turns out the company I invented exists. I have edited and reposted the story with a new company name and this will be up I hope in a few days.

Here in woop woop land we are a bit behind the times. I'm still awaiting this years dividend; and many years previous, on my East India Company stock holdings.



Andromeda7Andromeda7about 11 years agoAuthor
Thanks folks.

Thanks for the comments, long time since I had some positive ones:)

Note to self, as Anon Three and Four said, check that the invented company doesn't actualy exist.

Oooops !

As Max would say . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sorry about that chief !

There will be a part Two as there has been some good response, thank you all.

Doesn't take much to leave a comment or send an email, and it means so much. Thanks again.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Should have continued

A good start, but I feel that's all it was - no real action, drama, or ending. I do hope you continue, but you should really have just added more pages to this one rather than making it a separate piece.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Waiting for more

I really like this story so-far Please continue

danalearnsdanalearnsabout 11 years ago
I hope that you will write more

I do enjoy these kinds of stories and hope that there will be more to come.

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