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Helga Trains Christopher Ch. 03

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Will Christopher be released and get a shower?
6.2k words

Part 3 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 12/15/2018
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Hello you naughty girls and boys.

Now that Christopher has spent time licking Helga's hairy pussy, it's time for a break. Helga mentions a shower and Christopher is all too eager to be released from the table and spend some time under the hot water. But does Helga have other plans?


As eager as he was for it all to end, it was a few seconds of Christopher licking the air in front of him before he realized that Helga and her large hairy crotch had backed away from his tongue. She breathed a sigh of what he dearly hoped was satisfaction and waited to see what she would do next.

"I think it shower time."

Involuntarily, his eyes lit up and he may have even smiled. Just the word 'shower' was like the discovery of some long lost prize. Yes a shower; a shower would be great!

Helga was moving even slower, no doubt due to the orgasms she achieved from Christopher's forced tongue. But slow and steady she made her way off the table. Standing next to it she stretched her arms out, only making him more aware of how tight and sore his own muscles were. He would have to rise slowly when he was released.

Then Helga walked behind him. He waited, if not patiently, for her to begin removing his restraints. Instead of feeling her hands or any loosening of his bonds, he heard the splash of water behind him as she turned on the water for the shower.

That was a pleasant sound and he was more than ready to feel the warm water washing over his tired, achy body. That sound was a promise of rejuvenation. It was a way to wash away the recent past and prepare for a brighter future.

He saw Helga coming around beside the table again. She picked up her clothes and arranged them into another pile. Then she picked up the bottle on the counter and turned to look at Christopher. Her smile told him what she was thinking before she even said a word.

"Time to finish Helga's special wine."

He had almost forgotten there was still some of Helga's piss left in the bottle. But now he knew she was ready to play this game again. It was a game he would rather avoid.

"Helga please; can't you just let me out of here?"

Helga frowned but it was a bit exaggerated like she was feigning disappointment in a child. Then she turned around and picked something else up off the counter. She held up the bottle in one hand and the remote in the other. He had gone quite awhile without receiving a nasty shock to his balls, and he had hopes to never feel that pain again.

"You obey and drink, or I push button. Then you obey."

She was right. She really had him by the balls. He knew she had no reservations about sending shocks into his vulnerable sac. And his screams of pain hadn't reached her cold heart before. So while he couldn't form the words, he looked at her and nodded.

She smiled as she approached with the bottle. As before, she slowly tipped it allowing him to put his lips around the spout. She held it steady and only slowly raised it as he drank.

He didn't want to drink it of course. He didn't like being tricked into drinking her hot piss and he liked it even less when she made him drink more of it. Now here he was again downing the contents of her bladder.

At least by this time it had cooled down. The salty, bitter liquid was more room temperature. It still had a foul taste but it was easier to swallow and he was glad to finish the bottle quickly. He did however suck the end to ensure he had every last drop. He didn't want to give her any reason to be upset.

"Good boy. Some day you get more."

Not if he had anything to say about it! But he just smiled weakly and let her have her fun. And then he was listening to the shower behind him. That's what he had to look forward to now.

Helga briefly rinsed out the bottle in the sink and placed it on the counter. Then she moved behind him once more. He was getting anxious about the shower. Surely it was warm enough now and he didn't want to lose all the hot water before he was finished.

It sounded as though she was looking for something in the room or moving things. None of which seemed to be getting him closer to being released. Finally he felt he needed to say something. Trying to remain calm and sound appropriately contrite, he spoke to her.

"Helga I have finished my drink for you. Now can you please let me out of this. I really want to take my shower. Please let me take my shower."

Helga just chuckled. Then she stepped forward on his other side and propped up a mirror near the other end of the massage table. He was fairly certain it was a small wall mirror from the room and wasn't meant to stand as a tabletop. Still she managed to prop it adequately.

He could now see some of the back of the room in the mirror but he didn't know what she was thinking. Then Helga brought her face next to his. She moved to adjust the mirror's angle. He still didn't know her plan with the mirror but now he could see some of the shower in the corner of the room behind him; a shower he desperately wanted to enter.

"Helga, please; my shower."

She came back to him again and then made a slight adjustment to the mirror. Now he could clearly see that the shower was what the mirror was focused on. As she returned to him she looked at the mirror once more, no doubt pleased at the angle but it was still unclear the point.

Then Helga whispered into his ear. It was a whisper and a laugh. And then she bit his ear. It may have been her attempt to be playful but he was glad she could restrain herself at least a little for it was painful and he felt she would have gladly taken a piece of him. And he was still processing what she said.

"Shower not for you. You watch. If you not obey, you will be punished."

He was still coming to terms with what she had said when he saw her image in the mirror move to the shower and pull back the curtain. She tested the water with her hand and then stepped in. As the water fell over her body he felt robbed.

It was supposed to be his shower. Or that's what he had always thought. He needed the shower; desperately. He needed to get clean. He needed to relax his muscles. He needed to put this day behind him. But as Helga began to wash herself, he realized it was her shower and not his.

He prayed that when she was finished he would get a shower of his own, but now even that hope felt faint. He watched her shower wishing it was him. He tried to feel the water on his skin and wash away this day, but all he felt was loss.

Meanwhile Helga was enjoying the water. She ran her hands along her arms and chest performing a preliminary rinse. She did the same for her legs and turned around to let the water splash upon her face. She then began taking her hair down from the two tight buns she often wore on her head.

He couldn't stop watching her enjoy his shower. And it should have been his shower. Now his shower was filled with a naked Helga, letting her hair down. Maybe he would get a shower when she was done. For pity's sake he should be allowed a shower.

As Helga turned around and grabbed the soap, he knew he was ready to forget about the shower. It was her shower now and there was nothing he could do about it. He looked around the room. It was a room designed for peace and comfort, but today it had become a prison.

However he didn't have long to contemplate his cell. As he looked for a way to distract him from the loss of his shower, he heard Helga's voice remind him of his predicament.

"Hey! Watch. Do you want punishment?"

He looked back into the mirror to see her staring at him. Her look was serious. He had no desire to watch her shower but he had even less desire for her to exit the shower only to fry his balls.

"Sorry. I don't want punishment."

When he heard himself he wondered if just being around Helga was affecting his speaking ability. But that was a small concern right now. He forced a smile to her in the mirror and continued to watch her. After a few seconds of staring at him, she returned to her shower routine.

Now he watched as she grabbed the soap and began to lather up her body. He had already seen her naked body of course and had been much more familiar with her crotch than he would have ever wanted. But this was different.

Seeing a naked woman covered only in soapy suds was naturally meant to be a treat. Except the woman was Helga. He had been surprised and even a little excited at her large breasts and her enormous nipples. But he knew he wasn't going to be happy with her hairy pussy.

And it wasn't just a hairy pussy, it was a hairy crotch. The hair spread far and wide from her hidden lips and he now knew that patch could well cover his entire face and more. But now he also knew there was a pussy hidden under there. He had experienced that too.

And now she was soaping up those tits. She looked at him to make sure he was obeying her command. He watched as she lifted and squeezed her massive mammaries, her hand travelling up the valley between her soft boobs. It may have been Helga before him, but it was also Helga's amazing breasts.

When he became aware of his erection, he couldn't say just how long it had been there or how quickly it had grown. But even though he knew it was Helga, he couldn't deny the hard-on her melons had raised. And then she squeezed a nipple.

It could have just been part of her washing routine, but it didn't really matter. Intentional or not, it had an effect on him and he felt a straining in his cock. Was this part of her plan? He assumed when she told him to watch that it was just a tease of the shower he was being denied. Now he wondered if it was her intention to tease him with her naked body.

As he continued to watch she turned to face him. She held up both of her huge tits as if pointing them toward him. Then as she slowly let them slip from her hands she grabbed her nipples. She twisted them a few times before she spread her fingers and fully grabbed her saucers.

Of course in no time those nipples began to grow and soon he was staring at her pink pointers. She knew where his focus was as she began to do some serious nipple play. Christopher watched and the strain in his cock only increased. He tried to focus on the breasts and not think about their owner. He didn't like the idea of having an erection from looking at Helga, but he also felt he should make the best of a bad situation.

And then she made it even better. She was rubbing her nipples for him when she slowly took one tit in hand and brought it up to her mouth. She was no raving beauty, but she was able to lick her own nipples. Of course with nipples her size it might be thought easier to at least reach the border. But no, this was more than that.

She licked the very tip, clearly in a tease. But then she proved she could do more as she began to suckle her own breast. And that's when Christopher felt a pulse run through his cock. And then he thought he could feel a drop forming at the tip.

She suckled for just a few seconds before she went back to a less deliberate rubbing and kneading of her big boobs. And as she watched him and he watched her, he became aware of something he needed almost as much as he needed a shower; he needed to come.

He didn't want to come for Helga, but he decided he would be happy to come for those amazing mams. He also felt he was quite close. He would have liked to direct her but of course that wouldn't work. But if she could suck on her nipple again, he might just be able to find some satisfaction from all this.

She did continue to play with her breasts but she was in no rush for another suckling. Christopher however found himself imagining what it would be like to be back on those nipples. He then remembered the wispy hairs which he couldn't see but he knew ran around the edge of her dinner plates. Of course in the shower they would be less of a problem and he could avoid them and stay on target, on her large, erect nipple that was just begging to be sucked.

He didn't want to admit it, even to himself, but at that moment he would gladly join her in the shower to suckle her large and inviting nipples. Those tits, that shower; those thoughts brought him closer to the edge. If only his hands were free.

And then she turned and he was back to seeing something closer to a profile of her body. From the side her tits were still amazing, but now he couldn't see the pair and he could only make out the side of the boob closest him.

She stopped working her breasts and her hands roamed over her arms and shoulders. It was hardly a surprise to find she had a patch of hair nestled in her underarm. She soaped that as well and Christopher found it difficult to hold onto his excitement for her tits.

She turned her head to see if he was watching her and she smiled as she sensed his disappointment. Then as if she knew what he wanted, she turned her back completely to him. Now her tits were hidden from view. Rejected, his eyes fell down her back until they rested on the tops of her big round asscheeks.

Like everything else, she had a big ass. And once again he found it to be bigger than expected once it was free of constrictive clothing. Surely her pants didn't make her ass smaller, but now looking at it, naked in the shower, it appeared bigger than he would have imagined it.

He didn't really have much interest in her ass but he was trying to keep from losing all hope in his now semi-erect cock. But as she shifted on her feet, his eyes were drawn even lower. He knew her crotch was a jungle of hair, but now, even from the back he could see the dark hairs at the bottom of her cheeks. He had a sudden fear of how far the hair reached up the crack of her large ass.

She turned around again and looked at him, but he was all but soft at this point. Her tits were back but the built up excitement was gone. She gave him a pout and then began to lather up her belly.

She had a little jiggle to her belly but he already knew she hid a lot of muscle under there as well. It was as though her body had a soft outer coating but she had a steel frame underneath. He thought about how easily she had grabbed him and stopped him when he tried to make his quick escape past her.

She continued washing her tummy and waist and the soap suds slid across her skin, some catching in a foamy pool in her belly button. And then the soapy trails began to invade her hairy jungle, sliding down past her waist trying to slip between her hairs and not get lost.

She soon had both hands running through her pubes and between soap and hair, her hands were often lost from view. The span of her crotch hair was not only widespread, but each hair was far longer than the depth of her spread fingers. She massaged her crotch and occasionally pulled at her long hairs.

She was slow to work this area of her body. She looked up once in awhile to make sure he was still watching her as instructed, but she spent most of the time here focused on her body and her cleaning. No doubt this wasn't a quick and easy process. A slim woman with a shaved cunt could be done in no time. Helga however, had much to wash.

As she continued her bathing and he in his viewing, he felt some relief that it would soon be clean. Oh how he wished she had showered before putting his face to work for her. Hard enough to be buried within her snatch and trapped between her thighs, but it would have been more tolerable if it hadn't come with a sweaty, fish market smell.

She reached deeper and deeper between her legs. She looked up at him and smiled as she reached farther back. Then she stood up and turned around. He was once again looking at her ass, and he was feeling uncomfortable.

She started with big circles on her ass cheeks and slowly brought them in. Then she lifted a hip, her leg now supported by her toes as she began working closer to her crack. As her hand began making passes up the cleft she slowly spread herself wider.

Christopher's fears were realized as he spotted more and more hair coming from between her cheeks. Between the soap and her hand he didn't really get a good look at her asshole, which suited him fine, but he could tell the hairs ran past it and continued close to where her ass crack began.

He noticed her looking over her shoulder at him and she had another smile. She was making far better use of the shower as a means of torment than if she had simply let him hear the water while being trapped a few feet away in the massage table.

She soon switched sides and he watched the show repeat itself with the other massive cheek. Soap flowed down her crack and a few thick trails were making their way down her legs. Her hands then went to the small of her back as she rubbed across her beltline.

Then she smiled again as she moved her feet further apart. Her hands at her back, she bent forward at the waist and her fingers slid down into the deep valley. He knew it was coming, and he knew he wasn't to look away. Her fingers curved like claws as she spread her massive cheeks apart, revealing her dark and hairy asshole to him.

While in part he had expected it having seen so much of her body already, and yet he was still amazed at the size of her asshole. This wasn't some cute, tight pucker. This was a large, ridged ring of muscle. It was like a crater on a mountaintop; a mountain surrounded by a thick forest, made of her hairs all around it, held in check at the moment by her hands.

Christopher found he had let out a sad sigh involuntarily and he heard Helga snicker. He didn't think she could have actually heard him but maybe she knew just by looking how much this sight affected him.

She slapped her asscheeks together a few times, surely just for fun. Then she began washing the length of her crack. She would let the soap make its journey down south and then she would follow with her sudsy hand. A few such passes and she should be done.

But Helga knew what she was doing. Her middle finger began to trail slowly up and down her crack. Then it settled around her asshole. With one hand holding her cheeks spread her fingers started making slow circles around her anus.

This wasn't just for washing, she was teasing and tormenting him. He didn't need to see this. He didn't want to be worried about what thoughts she might be having. He just wanted her to move on and finish her shower, and god willing, she would let him have a shower as well.

But she didn't make it quick. She wasn't interested in making things easier for him. Instead she continued to play around the dark ring. Besides making circles around the edge she also tapped the center with her fingertip a few times. And eventually she slipped it inside to the first knuckle and eventually to the second he was sure.

The only thing that spared him was that unlike earlier when he had his face buried in her hairy, stinky pussy, this time there was some distance. And he was thankful for it. He could see enough and he briefly had a vision of her up close and personal, his face scant inches from her dark, muscular ring. It was uncomfortable to watch, but he knew it could have been worse.

Finally she finished with her ass and moved on to her legs. She turned around a few times and while she was bent over washing her knees and calves he was able to enjoy the heavy sway of her breasts from time to time.

The rest of her shower was far less agonizing and after finishing legs and feet she went for an all body rinse. When she stepped out of the shower she was the same old Helga apart from her hair being down and on her back.

"Keep watching."

She hadn't spoke for some time and it was a slight jolt to hear her voice. Apparently he was to watch her towel off as well. He did as she ordered but this was really a formality. It was ending and the shower scene had been the true torture.

She had turned off the water and was finished drying her body. She was towel drying her hair and Christopher was feeling desperate for his own chance at a shower. He didn't want to ask, fearing her refusal, but if there was any chance he just had to have a shower of his own.


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