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Helga Trains Christopher Ch. 05


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He applied a little more oil but as he did that he knew it was more about him stalling than needing more oil. There was little point in putting it off. This wasn't something he was going to get out of. He moved to the head of the table and then began to spread the oil over Helga's shoulders.

Of course shoulders soon spread to chest and he was feeling her full breasts under his hands. He couldn't deny a fundamental arousal, but as he oiled her massive mams he also felt a cramping from below and was reminded of the cage on his cock.

The tried not to think about his needs but with his hands gliding over her soft tit flesh, even though it was Helga, he was fighting a losing battle with his erection; and his erection was fighting a losing battle within its cage. For a second he actually wished her tits were smaller so the discomfort would be over sooner. Eventually her tits were well oiled and he moved to the side where he could oil her tummy.

It was Helga he was working on, but he was still having some difficulty not being aroused. He couldn't quite explain it. He decided to begin with her arms, as she wanted 'everything' worked and it would ease the sexual tension. So he oiled her right arm and went to work.

He began working her arm and soon he was blocking almost everything else out. It was just him and his guest in the room and he was working her arm. He was aware that is was a muscular arm. It wasn't cut like a marble statue or anything, but he could feel the strength in it and the tight muscles.

Christopher continued on, working all of her arm and then focusing on wrist and hand. He would occasionally look at Helga's chest, but then would look away so as not to feel more cramping in his crotch. Eventually he finished with the first arm and moved on to the other.

Having finished both arms he grabbed a stool to sit on at the head of the table and her began to work her neck and shoulder. Here too he found evidence of strong, tight muscles. He also found her head to be heavy and realized she was no delicate flower like some of the women he had treated.

And then he came to the moment he was both looking forward to and fearing. It was time to work on Helga's large breasts. She had big tits and those amazing nipples which still entranced him, but even though this was one area of Helga's body that could please him, that would only lead to discomfort and pain in his cock cage.

Christopher picked a side and got started. It was much as he feared. He tried not to think of it that way, but once his hands were back on her enormous tit and sliding around the soft surface, he felt himself expanding within his cage. She had reason to be proud of her tits.

As he continued working, she too was enjoying the touch. He had to cross her nipples eventually, and with Helga's being so expansive, he could make a few passes on the nipples alone. So when he started passing over her nipple he soon noticed it rising higher, standing tall and proud. And that just increased the pain in his cock.

It was a beautiful nipple, he really couldn't deny that. He did take issue with the wispy hairs she had running around her areola, but the proud pink peak was a wonder of nature. Even with the tightness down below, he found himself wanting to give it a gentle kiss. But it was Helga, and even if it wasn't, the discomfort in his dick was already too great.

But then Helga saved him from the decision as her hand reached up and came to the back of his head. He had time to realize what was happening but there was nothing he could do. She pulled him down onto her excited teat. It was like having his face pushed into a pillow; a pillow with a large nipple that filled his mouth.

"Make me happy."

She really didn't need to say anything as it was quite obvious what she wanted. He would have liked to pull his head back a little, if only to allow him to breathe better, but she held him fast. So he began working lips and tongue on her nipple.

This wasn't the first time he had her nipple in his mouth and he couldn't help but think about that earlier time. It was only yesterday and at once it was so recent and yet it felt like so long ago. He knew some of what she liked and he was after all a tit-man, so he went to work, trying his best to ignore the strain in his cage.

She moved his head around from time to time and gave small commands, but for the most part she let him do his work on his own. Her breathing as well as the nipple trying to touch the back of his throat told him he was doing well. It wasn't all easy as he was trying new tricks with his tongue that Helga had taught him.

At some point, with a mouthful of tit, she grabbed his hand and pulled it over to her other breast. She left him to massage it on his own for a bit, but soon her hand covered his and directed the action. He knew this was to her liking and he even felt her arch her back a couple of times.

It was a little awkward when she decided it was time to put his mouth on her other tit and nipple. She started pulling him across but that also meant dragging his body across her and wouldn't allow for similar manipulation of the first breast. So she gave him a small distance to raise his head as he tried to walk his body around the head of the table to the other side.

When the awkward motions were complete she settled back into his tit worship. Soon it was head and mouth on one nipple while her hand covered his and rubbed and pinched the other. At some point on the second nipple, and realizing he had been on her breasts for nearly half an hour, he knew that had he not been caged he would have been able to cum.

Eventually it had to end and it was a mutual understanding when it was time to move on to other areas of her body. His hands worked her tummy as he worked to catch his breath. However it wouldn't be the break he hoped for.

As he circled her stomach, coming closer and closer to her navel, Helga had another idea. Once again he felt her hand at the back of his head and soon his lips were touching her belly button. Helga was a hard woman and full of muscles, but she had a soft outer coating. As his face sunk into her soft, oily flesh, he was once again cut off from a fresh supply of air.


Again it wasn't a real surprise, although at the outset he hadn't envisioned spending any time with his mouth or tongue on her navel, but it was clear that was what she wanted. As he pushed his tongue out it slipped inside. Everything about Helga was larger than life, yet he still hadn't expected to notice this in her navel.

It's already been mentioned he had no plans to be up close with her navel to begin with, but now that his tongue was poking around inside he was aware of the feeling around his tongue. He thought it was almost like another woman's pussy.

Of course he was disabused of that notion when the tip of his tongue encountered a piece of lint. At first he thought simply to back off and not push his tongue so deep. But Helga soon pushed him harder forcing his mouth and face deeper into her belly. He wasn't to be shy with his tongue.

So he put his tongue back to work and tried to move the offending debris out of the way. Eventually he was able to bring it out to the edge of her belly button, but there really was nowhere for it to go. He didn't want it falling back in and he was already tired of feeling it against his tongue.

So he made a decision; he pulled it into his mouth and swallowed it. I mean he had already swallowed so much worse. What was a little belly button fuzz, right? And then he went back to tonguing her navel and fighting for air.

When he had finished there he moved to her legs and was thankful she didn't immediately apply him to her crotch. He knew it was only a matter of time, but he needed a break to get his breathing back and get some energy. So he began working on her leg.

Her legs were thick and it would take some time to massage them properly. He also discovered how heavy they were when he had cause to lift them or move them in some way. It was just another reminder of how large and powerful Helga was and how easily she could overpower him.

As he worked her inner thigh he found himself conflicted. Once again if this was a usual massage with a beautiful woman, this would be a pleasure and he would be more than a little aroused, hoping the woman wanted special attention. Yet this was Helga, and her expansive jungle of hair put him off considerably. And yet he still felt a tightness in his cage. He found himself wondering if it would be pleasurable to kiss Helga high on the thigh and yet avoid her dark forest. What was he thinking?

He soon pulled back and put his thoughts to her leg and her massage and not about any sort of kissing. He finished up her leg with a pull on her ankle and then he was off to work the other leg.

Same as before; thick and heavy. He worked back and forth, up and down massaging her powerful limb. When he made his way to her inner thigh his thoughts returned, though this time he tried not to think about kissing her anywhere and just wished it was some other lady under his hands.

He was finishing up and worried about having to deal with her hairy bush when she spoke. His mind naturally assumed it would be an order to put his tongue to her crotch so it took him a moment to realize what she had actually said.

"Now lick my feet."

He was considering whether or not this was really a reprieve from her fishy pussy. It did give him some time away from it, but he had never considered putting his tongue to Helga's feet. But then, before yesterday, he had never considered putting his hands, let alone his tongue, to any part of Helga's body.

Slowly he moved to the foot of the table and knelt on the floor. Some women had requested this in his time at the salon. Once again, these were usually much more attractive women. He found it strange the first time, but it was clear the woman enjoyed it and he felt a little pride that he had discovered another tool to satisfy women.

Now he was faced with the sole of Helga's foot; her rather large foot. The ladies were almost always more petite than Helga, though he had massaged a few large ladies. Thankfully they didn't require such intimate actions from him. So most of the feet he had encountered were noticeably smaller. One small lady had such small feet he could put almost her whole foot in his mouth with hardly any strain.

The foot in front of him now was nothing like that foot. It was the foot of a giantess and his tongue would be traveling a long time just to cover her sole. He knew he had been staring for a few seconds and put out his tongue before Helga became upset. He began on her heel and immediately felt the rough texture on his tongue.

Not only was Helga not petite, she was also not a spoiled and pampered woman. She was a worker; a laborer in a sense, and she had feet to match. As he continued to move his tongue side to side across her large heel he wondered if her heel might be wearing down the surface of his tongue.

And there was also the taste. He had come to know a lot of different tastes while working at the salon. Sometimes the taste was heavy with perfumed lotions and soaps. Not today. Helga tasted of hard work and sweat. It wasn't very strong and as he thought about it, he was glad she had a shower the night before. He didn't want to think about tasting her dirty feet.

He moved up from her heel and licked higher on her sole. The texture and taste softened. Still the size made it clear he would be spending a lot of time here and it would take many more passes of his tongue. He settled in and accepted his role.

After some time, he had done her sole justice. But now he was dealing with her toes. Big feet, big toes. He licked and kissed the undersides and then began to work his tongue in between. This was a little easier to accomplish given her larger feet, but again it meant more surface for his tongue to travel over. And the taste between her toes was stronger and less pleasant.

There was no point in trying to avoid the toe sucking. While she didn't specifically ask for it, it was always included it in his foot treatments when woman requested such attention to their feet. It was a little awkward as he had to stand and bend over due to her feet being so much larger than those of other women.

In the future if he did this for Helga he would have to remember to bring the stool to this end so he could sit on it as he sucked her toes. He moaned inwardly as he realized what he had just been thinking. He was already working out the best ways to care for Helga; a woman he didn't want to have any interaction with.

Some more kisses to the top of her foot and more massaging of the foot in general and he was finally finished. Well, he was finished with that foot. In the time he had taken to work her foot he could have finished and average women's pair of feet and been moving on to something else. Now he was only ready to begin with her second foot.

His tongue was tired as he finished her feet. And he was worried when he realized his tongue was about to be called upon for so much more. He looked at the ominous patch of hair between her legs.

He considered whether or not he should apply oil to her crotch. As long as she didn't say anything he felt it was his choice, but he wasn't sure what he would prefer to endure. Non-oily was a little more personal and wouldn't disguise her natural taste and scent. However adding oil didn't help much with the offending hairs as oily hairs on his tongue were if possible worse than dry hairs on his tongue.

As he was considering his options he saw Helga move on the table. She slid one foot back on the table, raising her knee, creating a triangle with her leg and the table. Her head was still resting on the table and her eyes remained closed, but she raised a hand and snapped her fingers.

"Come here to this side. Put head under leg."

Well he may not have to make a decision about oil after all. Slowly he moved around the table as she had instructed. He had a pretty good idea where this was all headed but still had no real option to refuse her. Slowly he ducked his head under Helga's knee.

For a moment he turned his head and looked down the table at her feet. But he knew this wasn't what she wanted. Before she had a chance to correct him or be angry he turned his head around so he was looking up into her crotch.

She lifted her leg a little higher and her hand came to the back of her thigh and her butt. She pulled the flesh back and told him to scoot closer to her. The side of his head was now resting on the table and his face was encountering the far reaches of her hair.

"Now lick. Make me happy."

And so Christopher reluctantly slid his head even closer, pushing his face into the mass of wiry hairs, so his tongue could reach her pussy. He went to work licking her lips and tried to keep her hairs from irritating his eyes.

He actually worked that way for longer than he expected, but eventually the inevitable happened. She lowered her leg and the weight of her thigh landed on his neck and shoulder, pinning him to the table. He wasn't going anywhere now until she released him.

And she wasn't releasing him anytime soon. He worked and worked licking and kissing and sucking on her hairy cunt. He had gotten her boiling in no time, but she had him slow down so as not to peak too soon. Eventually she had a face crushing orgasm, but of course that wasn't cause for him to be released.

With a face getting wetter and slicker, and more hairs finding their way into his teeth, gums, cheeks and throat, as well as a few stray ones he felt stuck to his face, he continued to serve her orally. Sometimes he would be pulled tight against her, unable to breathe while other times he had more room to maneuver but still felt the weight of her thigh pinning him in place.

After what he felt must have been her second orgasm, he began to wonder just how many he had provided for Helga since she came to him, locked up in the table. It had to be less than twelve hours and he could certainly believe he had already given her half a dozen climaxes. Was Helga really that insatiable?

After the third orgasm she relaxed but kept him working. This was more lazy licking and kissing and he wasn't sure if she was even looking for another orgasm or just trying to extend the afterglow as much as possible. Either way he was trapped, head in hairy crotch, doing his best to please her.

Eventually she raised her leg, allowing him to slip free. Now he had finished; the front side that is. He didn't have to tell her. As he was working his neck and shoulder she rolled over on the table. There was a lot of bare skin facing him.

He moved to the head of the table and began working her neck and shoulders. The worst was over but he wasn't finished yet. While her back didn't present him with boobs or a belly button he knew she still expected him to do a proper job. At least now it was more about massaging muscles and not about sexual favors.

He spent some time easing her tight, tired muscles, constantly reminded of Helga's size and strength. As he worked her lower back he was now entering the area of her large glutes; her ass. This would be another pleasant experience for his average massage with a woman, especially women that wanted extra attention. He was more of a tit man, but he enjoyed a nice ass as well.

Soon he was off her back entirely and focusing his work on one large cheek. He fought the tightness in his cage as he spread oil over her supple sphere. He found himself leaning in and giving her a few kisses. It was part of his usual routine and surely Helga expected such devotion.

He continued squeezing, kneading, and kissing her voluminous butt cheek, a combination of muscle work and sensory experience. He could get lost in an ass like this. He made his way to the bottom of her cheek and ran his hand along the crease from butt to back of thigh. Once again he found himself wanting to cum.

His hand slid over to her inner thigh. This was often where he would use his hands and fingers expertly to pleasure the fine woman on his table. But as he became aware of where his hand was gliding he remembered it was Helga he was working on. Putting his hand and fingers in her hairy jungle was far less revolting than using his tongue there, but with all he had already done for her crotch he felt no need to give her his fingers.

So instead his hand came up along the edge of her crack all the way up to her lower back and then circled around the outside of her hip. More kneading and kissing and it was time to move to the other side. He was a little sad to leave but he was looking forward to working her fresh cheek.

This time he kissed her ass before applying any oil. He was still fighting the strain in his cock and it had been constantly pressing against the cage as he worked. He told himself it didn't matter that it was Helga; since he had no way to object, he should make the most of it. So he did a thorough job on this side of her ass as well.

He was finishing up, about to leave her big beautiful butt behind and work the back of her legs. But Helga wasn't ready for him to move on just yet.

"More kissing."

Christopher felt that wouldn't be so bad. He returned his lips to her soft cheeks, planting more and more kisses along the surface. He even leaned over to place a few kisses on her other cheek, but it was difficult to reach so he focused on the one in front of him.

"Now lick."

Well that wasn't nearly as common, but he could do that too. Maybe not as exciting for him but tolerable, especially considering all he had been through. So he started moving his tongue over her ass. It would take awhile if she wanted anything like full coverage. He had peppered her with kisses while taking some long licks. He also swung his tongue from side to side in a few places.

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