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Helga Trains Christopher Ch. 05

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More ball pain and Helga's ass.
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Part 5 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 12/15/2018
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Hello you naughty girls and boys.

Christopher has finally been released from the table. Not only that, but he has had a hot shower; with just a small interruption. Now he is ready to face the day. Could his punishment finally be over?


As he stepped out of the shower and began to dry himself he heard Helga from just outside the doorway.

"Now you clean floor. And clean pillow. That your pillow now and you pay for it."

Well he had made the mess so it was no surprise he would be the one to clean up. He wasn't quite sure what she meant by paying for it, whether that's why he had to wash it or if he was going to have to reimburse the business for it. Maybe it was both.

He finished drying off and looked for his clothes so he could get started. He knew better than to waste time. He was also curious and concerned about what would be expected once he finished cleaning. But right now he was having trouble locating his pants.

"Helga, where are my clothes."

"No clothes now. Maybe some clothes later. Enough talk. Clean."

So that was the next hurdle for Christopher. He was going to have to work naked. Sure he had been naked while locked in the table. But that was inconsequential then. Now he was out of the table and would be walking around the salon, but he wasn't to be dressed in anyway. He felt more exposed.

Perhaps this was another measure Helga was using to keep him from running away. But then her actions during his shower suggested she might be keeping him nude out of her own perverse pleasure at seeing his uncovered body. But if he couldn't find his clothes, he couldn't really get dressed.

He tried to think about where she may have hid them as he went to get a mop bucket. The more he thought about possible locations the more he realized his clothes could be anywhere, and if he had to search the place top to bottom it could take quite a long time, even he wasn't being watched or had to sneak around.

As he made his way back to the room with the mop bucket, shuffling steps as his ankles were still cuffed, he also wondered about what Helga was doing. This morning since his shower was the first time since she came to him last night that he had really been out of her sight. She really wasn't watching him closely.

Christopher carefully picked up the pillow from under the table and took it to the washing machines. He heard Helga along the way but he didn't actually run into her. As he sprayed the pillow with a stain fighter, having doubts about how effective it would be against a urine stain, he considered his options for exiting the building.

He was sure the place was locked up tight, but wouldn't he still be able to exit the fire door? Surely that one couldn't be locked to the inside, even after hours, for safety concerns. But of course if he tried that, he would certainly be raising an alarm.

That would surely get Helga's attention and no doubt she would come after him, but if she was in another part of the salon he would have a head start. And maybe the alarm would help him as she might need to shut that off rather than explain herself to the fire department.

But as part of his mind considered these options and his route of escape, another part was wondering if it could really be that easy. Helga wasn't standing over him, true; but he was naked and shackled which shouldn't be taken lightly. Also if she was confident enough to not stand over him, what other assurances might she have in store.

He shuffled his way back to the room and began mopping up the tile floor. But as he cleaned he was still considering his options. And then he thought of something else which put a knot in his stomach.

What if this was all some wicked test? What if she was just waiting for him to bolt so she could capture him anew and give him another round of punishments and lessons? He had already suffered so much at Helga's hands.

If he was going to run he really wanted to find at least some clothes to put on. Being naked could be both blessing and curse as far as any escape went. He could surely get some attention by running around in the nude, but he didn't need that humiliation added to what he had already been through. And being nude could scare off potential rescuers and create misunderstandings he would have to sort out.

And unless he hoped to get a short distance and hide until it was 'safe'; an unlikely prospect with Helga on the hunt; then he also needed to find a way out of these ankle cuffs, either getting them unlocked or removed by some other means. That wasn't going to be easy.

And then there was another problem. The new problem that now hung between his legs. He had been caged and she had means to shock his balls. He might be able to be out of range of any remote if he was fast enough and she had to locate it. But even if he could avoid the painful shocks to his tender balls, he would still need to find a way to remove the cage from around his privates.

As he bent over mopping the floor he took a closer look at the device. Not only was it very secure, but he could find no obvious lock or way in which it was meant to be removed. And due to the delicate nature of what was locked within, he had to be careful with any tampering. Just the mere thought of bolt cutters scared him when his mind flashed an image of possible mishap.

As he finished cleaning and emptied the mop bucket he came to a rather depressing decision. While he was still interested in finding an escape, his moment was not now. He had to consider how to get the device off of him as well as free himself from any shackles or cuffs. Clothing was less important right now, although that thought reminded him of how naked he now was.

So without any meaningful options, he made his was, naked and shuffling, to find Helga and let her know he was finished cleaning. He tried not to think too much about what she may have in store for him next.

He found Helga coming down the hallway a short distance from her office. She was fully dressed except for being barefoot, and her hair was once again in its usual twin buns configuration. She seemed almost cheerful. But then why shouldn't she be, as she had been toying with Christopher since yesterday receiving no small dose of sexual satisfaction.

"You finished cleaning?"

"Yes it's clean now. The pillow is in the washing machine."

"Good. Now you wear this."

He had noticed she was carrying something in her hand as she walked toward him, but now she held it out and he could see what it was. It was a ball gag; simple and classic in design although the ball itself was black and not the bright red of early days. He knew what it was but he had never really been into all the whips and chains and had never actually worn one.

"I'd rather not."

He said it mildly enough, letting her know he didn't like the idea, but it was still something of a bold move considering he didn't have many options here. He was a little surprised by her response; it wasn't so much a warning or rebuke as it was a negotiation.

"Wear this, I free ankles."

He still wasn't fond of the idea of wearing the gag, but he would have a lot more freedom, of movement at least, if his ankles weren't cuffed together. He didn't have a ready escape plan but having his legs and feet free felt worth the inconvenience of the gag.

"Okay, but I've never worn one of these before."

"Easy. Open mouth."

Clearly she had less trepidation about the gag than he did. With little else to do, Christopher opened his mouth and readied himself to receive the gag. Helga stepped forward and pushed the rubber or perhaps silicone ball into his mouth.

It felt much larger than it looked and it filled his mouth completely. Then she spun him around and began to cinch the straps behind his head. Soon it wasn't just the strain of the ball filling his mouth, but also the tightness of the straps at the sides and back of his head securing it in place.

Then he also heard a clicking sound. He hadn't thought about the possibility beforehand, but now he was quite sure she had just locked it onto his head. Nothing much he could do about that now.

"Lie back. Legs up."

Well it sounded like she was going to remove the ankle cuffs. It also sounded as though she couldn't be bothered to bend over or squat down to do it. It was a little annoying but it wasn't too difficult to sit down in the hall, roll onto his back, and lift his legs in the air.

She soon grabbed at the cuffs and in short order she had them undone and his ankles were free. He sat in the hallway rubbing his ankles for several seconds before standing up. His arms and legs were now free. Of course his cock was securely locked away and he was now wearing a ball gag; not to mention he was naked.

"Follow me."

He didn't know what Helga had planned for next, but he was low on options. He followed her down the hall. He couldn't explain why, but he found himself looking at her large swaying ass as he followed her. He now knew what it looked like bare. He knew what her entire body looked like bare.

As he followed her large, round ass it appeared she was headed for the back door. She stopped by the washroom and he felt it was ridiculous for her to check up on whether he was cleaning the pillow. But that wasn't why she stopped. She grabbed a jacket and tossed it at him.

"Put on jacket."

First the ankle cuffs being removed, and now she was giving him some clothing to wear. And they were near the back exit. He couldn't truly hope for release but he was very curious as to what Helga was up to. Still he was glad to put on the jacket.

She stopped at the back door. She even had the key at the ready. Then she looked directly at him and spoke.

"This demonstration. You listen. You obey. Running bad for you."

Christopher nodded his understanding, though he still had no idea what she had in store for him. Slowly she unlocked the back door and they both stepped outside.

It was the back of the building and quite featureless. They were on the small service road that ran behind the building. Actually it wasn't so much a road, just enough asphalt for the width of a typical vehicle and then it dropped off into a drainage ditch. The other side was wooded and quickly rose into a hill.

He was pretty sure there were some apartments nearby but he couldn't say for sure just how far over the rise they were. Far enough down the asphalt and he could find the back door of other businesses in the small plaza. What was Helga up to?

"You must stay. We not watch all time. You must stay and you must obey. Now you learn what happen if you run."

Well that was a little ominous but so far Christopher didn't see any real threat. In fact he was trying to get a better feel for the surroundings and memorizing details for his chance to escape. He was even considering it may come at any minute. The gag and cock cage were trouble, but he might not get an easier shot and he could deal with those once he was far away from here; far away from Helga.

Helga held him by the wrist and took a few steps away from the building and stopped. She looked at him a moment but she didn't say anything. Then she took a few more steps and this time she seemed to be measuring her steps closely. Then she took one more step.

As she took that last step and he with her, Christopher felt a light shock to his balls. This wasn't the punishing shocks she had delivered before, this was more like the shock from static electricity. Still he wasn't prepared for it and he jumped when he felt it.

Then Helga stepped back and pulled him with her. She waited a moment while absolutely nothing happened. Then she stepped that last step away from the building again and he felt the small shock once more.

He wasn't quite sure how she managed it but now he was beginning to wonder if this was something Helga had put together. Did this spot somehow trigger the device around his cock and balls?

If so, it still wasn't a big deal as the shock was so minimal. But maybe she didn't realize that. Maybe this would be good for him. He made a quick decision that the next time he felt the shock he would 'feel it' a little more so she wasn't aware of how tolerable it was.

She had pulled him back after the shock and they were just a step away from that vital location. She stepped back again while turning him to face her so that she was now looking out the back of the building and he was staring at the bleak walls.

"Now learn why no escape!"

Saying that, she pushed him backwards. He felt the small shock and pretended it was more. Not the full painful shock she had given him but more than something he could ignore. And as he faked his reaction he considered his options.

He looked back at Helga to see if she was coming to pull him back to the salon but she made no such move. He felt another shock, this one not so slight, but still something he could easily handle. He was rather confident he could outrun her but he still gave it some consideration. After all, she had surprised him with her speed yesterday when he first thought of escape.

And then he felt the third shock. He didn't have to try so hard to pretend. This was more like the punishment shocks Helga and Lydia had used when they placed him in the table. This was painful, even if he had endured far worse.

He mind was trying to calculate just how far away from Helga he would have to get and how often the shocks were coming when he felt another one. This one was...but wait, another one...these started small...ow! The shocks were coming fast now, he guessed maybe two per second, and while they began as just a tingling they were quickly rising in power.

It was now or never. Christopher made a break for it. He made a move to cross the ditch and was prepared to run up the other side. He barely made it across the ditch however before he fell to the ground clutching his balls. The shocks were fast and furious. He had to get away.

He stumbled to his feet but he wasn't able to stand fully upright. The pain was too much. He feared Helga would be on top of him but as he glanced back at the building she hadn't moved from her spot. She just looked at him and shook her head.

"Come here!"

Christopher was now screaming into his gag from the pain and somewhere it occurred to him this is why Helga had made him wear it. He needed to get away but the shocks just kept coming and he was beginning to see stars. He didn't want to give up but he feared he only had seconds of consciousness.

Accepting defeat he pushed himself back to the building but the shocks never ceased their punishment. He collapsed and tried to crawl the remaining feet out of the ditch and back onto the asphalt, but his body was giving up.

He was aware of Helga reaching down for his hand but it was like a dream. She pulled him up and threw him over her shoulder before turning and walking back to the building. She stood him up against the wall but then let him slide to the ground in a pile.

He noticed the shocks had stopped but the pain still ebbed heavy in his balls and body. He was teetering on the edge of consciousness and he felt he may have slipped for a microsecond as Helga rescued him. He closed his eyes, clutching his balls, as he tried to recover.


Helga was scolding him but he didn't care. He just wanted the fire to leave his poor balls. Once he managed that he wanted this damn gag out of his mouth. Neither of those things was coming fast enough.

"You can't leave. Here is safe zone. Anywhere else, pain for you."

Through the fog of pain he thought he was beginning to understand. It was if somehow Helga had wired the device so that leaving the salon set it off. She never pressed a button during his ordeal and was confident he wouldn't make it very far. Again he had underestimated her; and he tired of making these painful mistakes.

She let him lie there curled into a ball while she just looked at him and shook her head. Eventually however she decided the show was over and she hauled Christopher up to his feet. He wasn't very stable and would have fallen if Helga didn't support him. She then opened the door and they both walked back inside.

In the washroom Helga removed the jacket and thankfully removed the gag. But Christopher still hadn't escaped the pain. He gently cradled his balls in his hand hoping there wasn't any permanent damage. At this moment he wasn't so sure.

Helga let him rest in one of the sitting areas. She even brought him a soda and a small bag of chips. It was almost as if she cared, but of course that was in harsh contrast to the pain he had so recently endured.

"Lydia here later. But now...I think I need massage."

She stood there watching him, letting it all sink in. That Lydia would be by was some news but it really didn't tell him much. What worried him now was Helga's mention of a massage. He knew there was no one else around to provide it and surely she meant for him to take care of her.

He had already done so much, suffered so much; for her. But as she stood there patiently he knew there was no escape. He couldn't escape the building and he could escape Helga. When would it all end?

"Helga I'm so tired; and I hurt. Can't you just leave me alone? We both know I can't leave."

"Hard day for you but you must learn. You must obey. Only way make easier, behave and please boss. Right now I am boss."

It was no use. Helga wasn't done with him yet. And any actions he might take would only make things worse. How had it come to this? She was still standing there, apparently waiting for him to offer her a massage. He took a deep breath before speaking.

"So Helga, what kind of a massage would you like?"

"Hmm. Special massage. Work everything."

"So would you like hot stones? They're very relaxing and good for tired muscles."

"No; hands...and lips...and tongue."

It was a faint hope she wanted to try hot stones. It would still be work, but it wouldn't lend itself to the same intimacy. But of course she wanted his hands; and in case there was any doubt, she also wanted his lips and tongue.

"Okay, well are you ready to get started?"

"You leave note for Lydia. Then I meet you in room."

Christopher nodded and headed for the front desk. Leave a note for Lydia. 'Hey Lydia, Helga's been forcing me to lick her stinky, hairy bush! Not only that but she's also been frying my balls! And let's not forget the piss I had to swallow! Come on back to the massage rooms where she is probably abusing my tongue right now!' Yeah, leave a note for Lydia.

As Christopher made his way back to the treatment rooms he heard Helga call out. She was in a different room than the one where he had been trapped within the table. He wasn't really sure why she had chosen this room; they were all pretty much the same. The style may be a little different, or the color scheme but the basics were unchanged.

As he entered the room the lights were already down low and soft music was playing. He closed the door behind him out of habit and then decided to leave it, perhaps giving him just a hint of normalcy.

What he first noticed when he entered the room was that Helga was lying on the table face up, and she was completely nude. There was no question of that as she didn't have any sheet over her or any other manner of covering; not even a modesty washcloth to cover some of her large, hairy bush.

He usually started with guests being face-down but there was no point in trying to get Helga to change. Normally he would have washed his face, hands, and arms before entering but when she let him know what room she was in he felt she was anxious and he shouldn't keep her waiting. Now that he was here he just used the sink in the room to clean up. Not quite as easy with the sink in the room but he made it work.

He grabbed one of the warm oil bottles and put some in his hand. He rubbed his hands and arms in preparation while looking over Helga's body. Her eyes had been closed the whole time and she was looking quite relaxed. Christopher however was not so relaxed.

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