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Helga Trains Christopher Ch. 07

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Lydia takes a turn to see what Christopher has learned.
10.3k words

Part 7 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 12/15/2018
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Hello, you naughty girls and boys.

Christopher is being led back to the table; the table where he has already spent many hours with Helga. But this time, his duties are all about Lydia. But as far as table service goes, he's feeling better about this one. He will finally get to see a naked Lydia, and enjoy her body. So maybe it won't be too bad, right?

Social Note: In our current social climate there is a lot of examining and re-examining about how we behave, speak, and write about one another. I think this is great. I have long feared our technological evolution is far outpacing our social evolution.

When it comes to writing, especially fiction, we must also remember that words and actions of characters will not always reflect those of the author. Indeed, sometimes seeing these mistakes in characters we read about makes us more aware of how they occur in the real world.

In this story, Christopher will use the term "Eskimo". No offense is intended to any Inuit people. And in Christopher's case, its use is born from ignorance, not malice, to the degree that it may matter.

And please, if at any time you find something offensive in my stories that goes beyond the bounds of character interaction and storytelling, let me know. Armed with knowledge, I can make amends and correct my behavior.


Christopher was headed to the massage room, but more importantly to the massage table. Not just any table, but the one he had previously been locked inside of just a couple wait...24 hours ago. Could that be? Actually, a little less than 24 hours ago, and yet it was a lifetime.

He had first been in the room massaging a sexy woman with perfect breasts. They were really amazing. But that joy died when she revealed her hairy pussy to him. And more than just seeing it or touching it, she wanted him to lick it, to worship it.

Christopher didn't have a real problem with licking pussy; but it had to be shaved. And by shaved, he meant completely bald. No trim here or tuft there or any fancy patterns. No, it had to be completely hair free. But this time it wasn't, and this time he couldn't avoid it.

And she had no sympathy for him either. It was as if her whole purpose was rubbing her hairy pussy against his face, mouth, and tongue. And that she did very well; very, very well. It was a struggle to complete the massage, but he made it to the end.

And that's when he had decided enough was enough. He'd miss all the fine titties, but he wasn't going to be subjected to anything like that again. He would leave and never come back. How wrong he was. Lydia and Helga had found him in the back to break the news that she wanted a repeat performance. That's when they first mentioned him being placed within the table.

He didn't know then what that really meant, but he had no plans to find out. He was going to get out of this place and never turn back. But when he made his move to leave, Helga stopped him cold. And then she and Lydia led him back to the room and the table, and proceeded to place him securely within it.

The way he was locked inside, he was basically on his knees under the table, with his head poking up through the middle. He was naked and his hands had also been cuffed behind his back. And let's not forget the electric shock device which they had attached to his balls. There was no way he could get his head back out of the table without assistance.

And thus locked in place, he had to serve the sexy woman once more. The woman, Enza, had shocked his balls early on just for fun, but the real torture was the way she attacked his face with her hairy muff. Over and over the hairs assaulted him. When she was finally finished, he was beaten and battered, and in need of rest.

Suffering such abuse for one session was more than enough, but he hadn't been immediately released. As it turned out, he quickly fell asleep once it was over. When Helga finally arrived, releasing him from the table wasn't her first priority. In fact, she not only kept him there for further training, but he actually spent the night still trapped within the table; and his face trapped between her thighs.

It was only this morning that he had finally been released; only a few short hours ago. And now he was being led back to the table. He had suffered so much more with Helga than he had with the sexy Enza, but now he was to be locked in place again. This time he was to be servicing Lydia.

As they entered the room and began to prepare him, he tried to focus on thoughts of Lydia. As much as he didn't want to be secured within the table once again, being rendered so completely helpless, he knew there really wasn't any way to avoid it. And the idea of working on Lydia was far more pleasing than his most recent services.

Lydia was quite attractive and he had often thought about getting his hands on her. He especially wanted to massage her breasts, but with a body like hers, there was much more he was willing to offer. Unfortunately, being locked in the table he wasn't going to be able to put his hands on her terrific tits. He would have to settle for just getting a good look. He would be taking care of her pussy, but he was quite confident she shaved.

He had never seen her naked pussy before and never heard her talk about it, but he just felt confident she kept it bare. Worst case he felt would be something like a short landing strip or tuft, and he prayed she wouldn't even have that. It wouldn't be long now and he would find out.

"May I please have something to drink?"

He had been worked hard by his reckoning and he really wanted to wash some of the taste of Helga's ass out of his mouth before he began his work on Lydia. He knew to ask nice, but was hopeful he could rinse his mouth out at least a little before his next task began.

"Oh you want some more of Helga's special wine?"

She gave Christopher a mocking look and some of the fingers of one hand disappeared within the curls of her pubic hair. That was the last thing he wanted! He had tried to forget it ever happened.

"No, no, no thank you. It's just that I...could I...could I please just have a glass of water?"

Helga paused to consider, and then thankfully, for whatever reason, decided not to be so cruel.

"Once secure, I get you water."

It was a very little thing, but Christopher counted it as a victory. He could have some water before he spent time licking Lydia's pussy. If it was shaved as he hoped, this could easily be the best part of the day. It wouldn't erase the recent past, but it would help.

And before long he was once again secured within the table. They didn't hook up the electric shock machine as before, which still rested on the counter, but since then Helga had given him his own special cock cage which was similarly equipped. Maybe she would forget to give the remote to Lydia.

"I'll get you water. You need anything else?"

The question was directed at Lydia. She seemed rather lost in thought when Helga spoke to her, but she snapped out of it and responded.

"No, I think I'll be fine. But I'll come with you as I need something before we begin."

Helga then stood next to the table and reached out to pet Christopher on the head. She stroked his hair a few times and seemed to be fixing his appearance. And then, as before, she tussled his hair with a smile.

"We be back soon. Don't leave."

Another of Helga's jokes and he tried to just ignore it. Soon both ladies were out of the room. He could hear them talking as they walked away, though he couldn't make out much of what they were saying. Before they were out of earshot, he heard Helga laughing.

He waited patiently and took stock of his predicament. This time Helga was nice enough to give him a pillow to rest on. True comfort would have been nearly impossible to obtain, but it helped. He looked at the empty table before him and tried to picture Lydia's naked body on display.

He worked his jaw and moved his tongue around in his mouth. The water would also help and he was glad Helga had agreed to it. He didn't want to think about her 'special wine' and hoped to never taste it again. This wouldn't be quick, but he was confident it would be the most pleasurable of his soon to be three female encounters while trapped within the table.

Both ladies came back into the room, Helga leading the way. She was still naked and Lydia was still dressed. Christopher was wishing that was reversed. Still, naked or not, he was glad when Helga carefully tipped the glass for him and allowed him a drink of water.

Once he finished she took the glass and set it on the counter. Then she turned to look at him. He felt he was about to get more instruction from Helga.

"I go get food. Your job, make Lydia happy. If Lydia happy when finished, you get one shuck. If not happy, you get three shucks."

"But if I make her happy, why...why will you..."

"You must learn obey. You must be good worker; best worker."

Still Helga was punishing him. He didn't like the idea of another shock coming, even if it was far off. He had felt far too many already. And that's why he couldn't protest. If he fought with her, she might give him one or more shocks before she even left. At least she would be leaving soon. Just the thought of Helga somewhere else gave him a little relief.

Then Helga put her hand on his cheek. It was another unexpected move. She caressed the side of his face and she moved in closer. For a moment he thought she might kiss him. Instead she gave him a quick slap.

"Be good worker. Obey."

He felt the slap and his cheek burned. But he knew she held back. This was meant to be just what it was. It was more than just a little tap, but far from what she could deliver. Christopher found himself imagining Helga as head interrogator in some dark room with a swinging light bulb. He was sure she could slap any man out of his chair. And then he even wondered if perhaps she had.

Helga then left the room and walked away. No doubt she would have to retrieve her clothes and get dressed before she left. He still didn't know the details of the food she was going to get, but right now he was going to have to focus on eating something else.

As she walked away, Christopher let out a heavy sigh. She was gone. It might not be long, but since last night when she came into the room, this very room, he had spent far too much time with her and done far too much for her. Any break from Helga would be a good break.

"Well now Christopher, I know this isn't your first time. I do hope you can prove yourself to be a good worker. But at least one thing is going to be a little different for this session."

Oh god, what was it now? He had already endured so much. What twisted delight was she harboring? Just what sort of change did she have in mind?

"I do want you to do your best and I do want you to please me. I want you to show me just how good a worker you can be. But, I'm still your boss and I just don't think I want you to see me naked."

What? Why not? Her naked body was to be his saving grace. Her naked body would make some of what had passed more tolerable. And just what did she have in mind? If she was keeping her clothes on, then just what was he supposed to do?

"So that's why you'll be wearing this."

And like a magician's flourish, she produced an eye mask, such as a woman might sleep in. Before he got a good look at the outside, he was looking at the inside; and it was dark. It was really dark. This wasn't like a bandana wrapped around the eyes, or a scarf, which would let in some light. No, this was a serious blockage of sight.

She soon tightened the strap behind his head and, he assumed, stepped back to take a look. He wasn't expecting the mask, but he was less surprised to find it to be of quality. Besides the total removal of light and sight, it was still rather comfortable, and there was soft padding on the inside. He might just be able to sleep in one of these. Of course, sleeping wasn't what he was going to be doing; not anytime soon.

As he experienced and accepted the mask, he also came to terms with what it meant to be wearing it. He wasn't going to be looking at her beautiful bare pussy. Not being able to see would make his work a little more difficult and less enjoyable. But still worse than that, he wasn't going to be able to gaze upon her naked tits.

He had envisioned her bare breasts many times before. He was looking forward to seeing just what kind of nipples she had, as well as fully appreciating her curves, her skin tone, the weight and bounce. There was so much he was looking forward to when he was sure he would finally see her breasts bare before him. And now that had been taken away.

"You know you should really appreciate all that Helga has done for you."


It was out before he could stop it. But it was ludicrous to state he should appreciate Helga for all she had done, when what she had done was assault his face repeatedly, shock his balls mercilessly, make him lick her asshole, and force him to drink her piss. Oh yeah, he should really appreciate Helga. Please.

"I'm going to assume that was you clearing your throat, and not a show of disrespect. But it was Helga that thought you could be saved. I was prepared to write you off. Disposing of you might have been a little messy, but I didn't want to waste a lot of time on a lost cause. Helga thought you could be trained and trusted. We'll see."

He was worried his laugh might get him a shock, but that worry soon passed. But as he heard her casually walking around the room, stopping here and there, he had a whole new set of fears. She wasn't angry or upset, she was calm; even cold. And for a moment, it sounded like the two of them were in sync and he should just leave this place behind him.

But then her comments of 'disposing' of him and that it would be 'messy' gave him an icy chill. He had already wondered if Helga was a little crazy, but he kinda felt that way from the first day he saw her. Lydia however, had always been the professional. But now her tone and her choice of words had him spooked. Would they, could they, really have him killed?

That gave him something else to think about. Helga had abused him horribly, but was it possible she had saved his life? Was it possible he really should appreciate all Helga had done? And according to Lydia, he still hadn't proven himself. That 'we'll see' hung in the air like an ominous cloud.

"So when she gets back, I think you should thank her. And a better show of obedience wouldn't hurt. But it's your life."

And it was done. She had said it all like she was discussing the work schedule for the week, and yet it was far more foreboding. He still couldn't be sure, and maybe it was all a bluff, but now he had something new to worry about.

As he knelt, locked within the table, considering the dire possibilities, he caught a fruity and flowery scent which was at odds with the gloom he felt. Lydia had lit a candle, perhaps several, and the room was softly filling with the aroma. Was this all a dream? Was it a nightmare?

He was still struggling with this new information, but Lydia had clearly moved on. He heard her heels clatter to the floor. She was getting undressed for her massage. Well it wasn't really a massage. It was a forced cunnilingus session. He didn't know if she would just let him lick her, or if she would grind against his face and mouth the way Enza had.

"It's going to be so good to get out of these clothes."

She hadn't said it to him, but she may have been saying it for his benefit. Either way, he found himself thinking about her undressing, and not just in some distant location, but here; in this very room.

"If I had known what Helga had in store, I would have chosen a blouse with fewer buttons."

It was hard to tell if this was a deliberate tease, but Christopher found himself imagining her unbuttoning her blouse, slowly, one button at a time. He had spied her soft, open cleavage a time or two before at work. She didn't have big, heavy breasts, but her smaller tits fit her slender frame.

Size wasn't everything. Well, size and shape surely mattered, but they also had to fit the woman. A little oversizing was generally okay, but either too big on a small frame or too little on a large frame was a detraction. And of course he preferred them natural. He could understand some men's attraction to big fake titties, but he wasn't interested in breasts that had to be fixed.

The nipple. Now that was very important. Like the sizing, there was a certain fit to the nipples. But here a lot more variety was what gave each set its own character, its own personality. A nice set of cones could end in bright, pink pointers. But they could also end in large, dark nubs. Did the nipples have a defined edge, or did they slowly blend into the rest of the breast?

And he knew nipples very well. He had studied them extensively. He knew, for instance, that scientifically only the center nub, where the various milk ducts ended, was actually the nipple. The areola and Montgomery glands were different parts of the breast.

But he also knew that's not how most people viewed or referred to them. For many people, the nipple included the areola, and less well known Montgomery glands, and they were seen as parts of the nipple.

And that's how he liked to think of them. It would be rather silly to suggest that when he wanted to see a woman's nipples, he didn't also want to see her areolae. To be even more specific, they were areola mammae, but beyond medical students and trivia experts, no one was likely to know or care.

But what Christopher wanted was a detailed inspection. He wanted it all. He wanted to examine nipple, areola, and areolar glands. He wanted to test the weight of the breast as well as its density. He wanted to examine color and texture. He also wanted to sample the taste. While he was never likely to receive any milk, he was open to that too.

But with the mask over his eyes, he wasn't going to get that chance. Right now, the best he could do was use his imagination and relive past fantasies he had about seeing her chest bare. While he enjoyed imagining them, he was sure that seeing them in the flesh, so to speak, would not be a disappointment.


Her commentary only stoked his fantasy. Somewhere very close, Lydia was slowly unbuttoning her blouse. The view was all in his mind, but in his mind it was incredible. Button by button, she revealed more of her soft curves. And underneath, she surely wore an expensive and sexy bra. Maybe it was even cut low and revealed the tops of her perfect nipples.

Then he felt a soft breeze, like a whisper, and a scent of perfume. She had tossed her blouse onto the table right in front of where his head emerged. He sniffed the air. He wanted to connect with her scent, but he didn't want to lose sight of the vision he had of her undressing.

He was back, ready for her to remove the bra. He had imagined her nipples in several possible forms. Now he chose one and stuck with it as he held onto his fantasy. But the sound of the zipper told him she was removing her skirt before she removed her bra.

She was standing right next to the table now. He could hear her, and feel her presence close by. He also caught more of her scent, somewhat subtle, but an indication she was near. Still he was a little surprised when she leaned over and whispered into his ear.

"Maybe for some of our guests, you could help them undress before their massage?"

That sounded great. He wanted to be released from the table right now, and he would gladly help Lydia by removing the rest of her clothes. But he was trapped with no way to get out. And now he was being reminded his dick was trapped as well. He had been growing inside his cage, quickly filling it and pressing against the bars. And now his bent dick was beginning to cry out for a chance to stand tall and proud.

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