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Helga Trains Christopher Ch. 07


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Then he felt her moving closer and she sat on the table right behind his head. She was so close, and yet he couldn't see her, couldn't touch her.

"Yes I'm sure some women would appreciate having a young, obedient man to help them disrobe before their massage. A man to kneel beside the table and remove their stockings. Of course he would have to take great care and know how to remove them properly; slowly, carefully."

She moved behind him and in his mind he watched as she rolled one of her dark blue stockings down her long, toned, slender leg. Then she would have to pull it over her heel and slip it free of her foot. And then her hand came around the side of his head and he suddenly felt the nylon, bunched in her hand, cover his nose and mouth.

"Maybe the young man could even keep some piece of her clothing with him throughout the massage. That could be interesting. I wonder how many women would enjoy such an option?"

As she spoke he was forced to breathe in her nylon. He could feel the material around his nose and mouth. But it wasn't just the texture. There was also the scent. It was a combination of the nylon, perfume, perhaps bath soap, and of course, her body. He breathed it all in.

She held it over his face as the seconds ticked by. He could breathe, but he was certainly breathing in what she had to offer. He was reminded of old movie scenes where someone was chloroformed from behind. This felt similar, but better. It was so much better.

"Yes, I'll have to give that some thought. You know we need to come up with new items to add to our menu."

And just as quickly, it was gone. She removed her hand, and the nylon and the texture and the scent were gone. What wasn't gone was the erection fighting within the cage below. It was even more of a strain now, and being bent as it was, it was becoming more than a little uncomfortable.

She moved again and he knew she was taking off the other stocking. He waited breathlessly, to see if it too would find its place on his face. But it never arrived. Instead she hopped off the table. His mind formed a picture of her standing in bra and panties, and he was ready for her to remove the bra.

"Besides knowing how to remove a lady's stockings, you would need to be able to remove her bra as well. But I'm guessing you've had at least some experience with that. Still, you would have to remove it in a way she desired. Standing behind her would be the simplest method, but I imagine it would be more enjoyable if you faced her and reached around behind her back."

And now Christopher imagined himself in front of Lydia, reaching under her arms and around her back to unclasp her bra. He would naturally dip his head in close to her breasts as he did this. In his fantasy, as the bra came free and slid down her arms, he would take the opportunity to kiss her nipple. Just a little kiss; and maybe just a little suck.

Now his dick was at war with him. He was more than a little excited and his dick was aching to stand out like a flagpole and fill to its full thickness. But while the pleasing thoughts of Lydia gave him pleasure, the tight restriction on his manhood was matching the increased pleasure with increased pain.

So it did and didn't help when she dropped her bra on the table right in front of his face. He couldn't see it, but he knew what was happening. And again he caught a whiff of her body scent as the fabric fell in front of him.

"Almost there."

He considered her short phrase. By now she was nearly naked and that's no doubt what she was referencing. But he also felt he was 'almost there' and would have been there already if it weren't for the metal cage around his cock. Not only was he beyond ready to have his man-meat full and throbbing, but by now had he not been restrained, he might even be ready to cum!

He wanted to focus on what she was doing. He wanted to focus on her nude body only inches away from his own. But he also wanted the pain down below to relent. He was distracted and having trouble deciding what to focus on. He might be able to will his dick to soften, but was that really a win?

And then again, while that would relieve some pressure and pain, he wasn't confident he would even be able to manage that if he tried. He found himself in a peculiar sexual limbo. His mind was flashing pictures of Lydia that he did and didn't want to see.


Clearly she said something else before, but all he really caught was the last word. And he probably noticed that simply because at the same time, he felt her panties being pulled down over his head, the narrow gusset stopping exactly at his nose!

Now, the scent of the nylon was nothing to be ignored, but the panty crotch so strategically placed was a hundred times more potent. And there was no way in hell he could just ignore that! He had already been breathing heavily before she slipped the panties over his head, but now he was sucking in air like he had just surfaced from a deep dive.

He was reminded once more of the chloroform, and this time he thought it possible he could actually pass out. But he held on. He held on for dear life, as his dick ached below and her most intimate fragrance filled his lungs.

She was speaking again, but it sounded more distant. Not that she wasn't close, but his mind was having trouble focusing on her words and not the feel of her panties stretched over his face, and the aroma of her femininity, and just now, while his mouth didn't have the direct contact his nose did, he thought he could actually taste her.

He felt her hands, the backs of her fingers, against his cheeks. It was skin to skin contact, and slowly she caressed the sides of his face. The closeness of her body and the contact of her skin drove him wild.

" maybe someday you'll get that pleasure, but today I don't think you've earned it."

And then her manicured nails, and soft, smooth fingers slipped under the panties, and she pulled them off of his head. His head bent back and his nose tried to follow the scented fabric as best he could. But as it cleared his head and she pulled them away, there was nothing his nose could do to hold onto that exquisite pussy perfume.

While he had never expected it to happen, he couldn't deny the loss he felt when she removed the undergarment from his face. Pulled as low as it was, it would have affected his licking ability, and that may have had to do with her choice to remove it. However, she also mentioned he hadn't earned it and that suggested she knew just how it aroused him, and it was only done to tease him.

He felt sure the panties had been discarded behind him. She couldn't even let them rest on the table in front of his head, as she had done with her blouse and bra. He hadn't even 'earned' that.

He heard her moving once more, and soon she retrieved her blouse and bra from in front of him and moved elsewhere in the room to put them down. Now he was once again trying to imagine how she looked in that moment.

The panty surprise had distracted him, but now he was once again thinking of her body. And at this point, it was surely a nude body which walked within the room. He tried to picture those breasts, those perfect pointers that he was to be denied. He tried to imagine their gentle bounce as she moved around the room.

"Well I suppose that's enough of the preamble. Time to see just what sort of service provider you are. Give it your best."

And he did want to give her his best, he really did; and not just out of fear of failure. He really wanted to enjoy her pussy and have her enjoy his work. He wanted to please her. He wanted to please her so well she would be shocked at his skill, that she would feel bad for ever having said or done a mean thing to him. He wanted her to see him as more than a disobedient worker that needed training. And out there at the edge of hope, he wanted an apology.

And he was about to get his chance; a chance to prove himself. She climbed up onto the table and he felt her moving around his head. He thought once more about her sitting in front of him, her naked body on display. He had so been looking forward to this moment, but with the mask on, he couldn't see a thing. He could only imagine the naked beauty before him.

Her body shifted on the table. She was very close now. He was reminded of the scent of her panties, pulled over his head. But this time he knew he was inhaling the aroma from the source. She could only be inches away, and he leaned his head forward, hoping to capture the scent and perhaps make contact with his nose.

He'd barely moved when he felt her hand on his forehead holding him at bay.

"Now then, I do think this could be a specific service that we offer. But of course we'll have to work out a procedure for how it's done. I do like the idea of undressing the guest before their massage, but if the provider is locked within the table that may not work so well. We need a nice slow start; a way to let them relax and get their mind and body ready for what's to come. Why don't you begin by blowing gently."

He was ready, eager even, to get started. Blindfolded or not, he was about to get a taste of Lydia's pussy. While he may not enjoy being locked helplessly in the table, this was actually a service he was looking forward to providing. But now she was making him wait.

With his dick aching in its cage, he gently blew some air at the unseen pussy. It wasn't really what he wanted, but it was what she wanted, and he needed to be more 'obedient' if he wanted to please her.

"Mmm, that's nice. Just keep doing that for now."

It was no surprise that she decided to drag this out. He was going to have to wait for his first taste. And so he exhaled another slow breath; and then another. It had only been a few times, maybe five, before she had another idea.

"Oh, I should have had you blow a kiss to start things off. Why don't you do that now."

He wanted to do more than just blow her a kiss. He was ready to plant one on her right now, on whatever lips she offered. But it wasn't his time. He always thought blowing kisses was a little silly and he wasn't even sure he could do it right. Knowing she was giving him a critical eye, he made his best kiss to the air and then blew once more towards her pussy.

"Yes, I like that. That's definitely going to be part of the routine. Now let's get back to the blowing. I want you to start small and work yourself into deeper and deeper breaths. Remember to inhale through the nose and exhale out the mouth. Deeper and deeper."

So once again he blew out onto her pussy. He did like the idea of breathing in through his nose, and maybe as each breath grew longer, he would be able to capture more of her scent. And so he breathed. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.

As he built up the rhythm, he felt her curl her fingers at his head, raking her nails through his hair. And that little motion told him a few things. It told him she was the type of woman who liked the grab and pull a man's hair as she received cunnilingus; not something he was fond of. He preferred the woman gripped the sheets, the headboard, really anything else available beside his hair; or his ears.

So he knew she was the type for hair pulling and thus he knew he could expect that to be even worse before the service was over. Nothing he could do about that. But it also told him that he was getting to her. Even with just the blowing, she was already warming up, and that made him happy. He felt pain once more down below as his dick was ready for more.

There was no way he could ignore Lydia. Even now he was filling his lungs with more of her scent, more of her sexual essence. But he tried to ignore his shaft, tried to ignore the aches and pains as it begged to be let out.

He thought he had some measure of success ignoring the pain, and focusing on her. And that's when he felt her soft, smooth thigh against his ear. It was just one, on his right side, but this was no accidental contact. This wasn't just some touch-and-go as she shifted slightly. No, this was deliberate. Her thigh found his ear and then slowly, so slowly, began to stroke his ear and the side of his face as her thigh moved up and down against him.

"Mmm, yes, that's nice."

And this time he had to agree. It was DAMN nice! Unfortunately, it also caused his cock to throb and ache in its cage, but he didn't want her to remove her thigh for anything. This wasn't entirely new, but as he thought back to his trials with Helga, he could recall there were big differences.

And 'big' was a key word here. With Helga, it was more like a wall of flesh at the side of his face. It was a wall that might slap him or crush him; even smother him. Her thighs could close around his head and bury him alive, but they never played with him.

Lydia's thigh was nothing like Helga's. He knew it was her leg. It was soft and smooth, it had more form. He could feel some of the muscle below the surface. But perhaps even more important than that, her thigh wasn't attacking him. It wasn't trying to punish him. It was playing with him. In fact, it almost felt like her thigh was making love to the side of his face.

"It's so nice to have my own personal human fan. But now I think it's time for it to oscillate. Like the breathing, start slowly, and then you can go wider and wider."

He didn't want to turn his head away from her thigh, so at first he decided to turn into it as he began. It was just a little, but more of his cheek made contact with her soft, smooth skin, and it felt incredible. As he swung his head back to the left he became aware of the music in the room.

Dim lights, candles, and soft music were all common, but he realized he had been so wrapped up in what he was doing, his expectations and hers, and following her instructions, that he had forgotten about the music entirely. Now he was hearing it again as he drifted into that magical relaxing space. He matched his movements as his head swung a gentle arc, blowing across the perfect pussy that was right in front of him, yet completely hidden from view.

He was now blowing; breathing; painting her with his breath. And her thigh continued to stroke his face. This was heaven. He didn't know how he had gotten here, and he didn't care. He simply wanted to enjoy this moment for as long as he could.

"Mmmmm, yes. Now at some point you have to know how to move ever so slightly, at a fraction of an inch. But for now I don't want to risk your blundering, so I'll be in charge of moving. You just keep that same motion going. The first time you make contact with my thigh, you don't do anything different. You just brush your lips and mouth across it as you move."

The dream was cracking as she gave him more instructions. He also felt a pang of regret when she mentioned her fear of him blundering. He really did want to do this right. But he couldn't protest. He knew he couldn't say anything. He had to keep quiet and follow her lead. At least he would be feeling more of her body soon.

He went through a couple more arcs before it happened. He wasn't quite sure, being unable to see, but he thought she may have moved back just a little. But then as he swung to the left, exhaling a deep breath, his lips suddenly touched her skin. He wanted to stop right there and kiss her, but he knew better. He drank in the contact as his lips glided further left. Then he returned to the right and they drifted off of her thigh and back to the empty space between them.

"Mmmm. Good boy. Now in a moment, when you reach the ends, you're going to give your first kisses. But these first kisses better be butterfly kisses. You should make me wonder if that was really a kiss. After a few of those you can plant soft, loving kisses; always loving."

It wasn't easy to hold back, but he took comfort in knowing he was getting closer, ever closer to her body and the exquisite prize that awaited him. So patiently he prepared himself, and when he reached the end of the next turn, he softly put his lips together before he glided away once more.

When he first began to oscillate, her thigh on his right was still playing with him, stroking him. But as he moved on to contact and now began butterfly kisses, it had stopped playing and was waiting its turn each time his head came back around.

He wanted to kiss both her thighs, and was having difficulty going slow before applying a proper kiss. But he really wanted to kiss the thigh on his right. He wanted to say thank you. He wanted to return the love that it had shown him. He still had to wait at least a few more passes.

He also noticed that Lydia was breathing rather deeply now too. In fact, they were very much in sync. They were now connected in a way they had never been. He felt her fingers in his hair once more and thought he heard a soft moan.

"Now then, it's time to bring it back in. Each turn should slowly get shorter and shorter as your kisses make their way to the center."

He felt there was more she wished to say, but she stopped. He thought it might have to do with her own heavy breathing and he hoped his affect on her was the cause for the pause.

And now with new instructions, he began slowly bringing himself back to the center. It wasn't just the center of course. The center, right in front of him, was the location of her bare naked pussy; a pussy he was truly aching to touch.

So he was now kissing her thighs, kissing his way closer and closer to her perfect pussy. And then he felt her pussy against his nose! He was halfway through a turn when he felt the contact. It surprised him and threw him out of rhythm.

Suddenly he stopped and inhaled deeply, wishing to bring her pussy inside his nose. It was an amazing sensation, an amazing aroma, and a profound moment. But he knew he was faltering with the directions he was given. He quickly moved on, leaving the pussy behind, knowing he would be returning soon, and that before long he could put all his focus there.

The next time, he wiped his nose across her pussy, enjoying the sensation, but careful not to break the routine. He would be kissing that pussy shortly. In fact, he thought he had just kissed it; in a way. He had given butterfly kisses to her thighs, and now he was giving Eskimo kisses to her pussy.

He wiped his nose across it once more, knowing he was only a few kisses away from it. And he was happy to note, no hairs. He hadn't encountered any in the crook of her thigh, and as his nose brushed her lips, there was no stray fur tickling it. It was indeed going to be a perfect pussy and he was mere seconds away from having it to himself.

He placed a kiss to the left. Then one to the right. Then he took a deep breath as he prepared to dive in. And that worked out well, because as he decided it was time, so did she. Her hand at his forehead moved to the back of his head to be joined by the other and she pulled his face into her crotch.

"Yes! Now a big, deep kiss; a long kiss! Hold it!"

Really there was little else he could do as she held him tight against her. His lips and nose were mashed, but he didn't care. He had arrived.

She held on tight, her fingers curling slightly, clawing into the back of his head. Clearly, he had done something right. He could feel some of her slickness on his lips and found himself wondering just how wet she was. Was her pussy red? Was her mound puffy? Right now he couldn't be sure. And without being able to see, some of those questions would have to go unanswered.

She gyrated against him. It was just a little. Small circles, but they told him she was ready for more. She'd just have to relax her grip a bit, so he could get to work.

"Okay, now you can use your tongue. Now it's time to show me you know what to do. Time to prove you know how to please a woman. Time to prove you can please me. Start slow, but the rest is on you."

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