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Hello Mr. Robinson Pt. 09

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Greg's Christmas is interrupted by four men in uniform.
32.2k words

Part 9 of the 13 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 02/12/2016
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As always all characters are 18 years old or older. They have given their consent to have the sordid details of their lives reproduced here. This is one of the many alternate time lines surrounding my main character Nick Shaw. The world is undergoing changes and like any birth there is pain but there is also the hope for a brighter future. I would like to thank all of my readers for their kind words and thoughts for my health. I would also like to thank everyone following me. I have cracked the 2400 mark. I have all of you to thank for that. I hope you enjoy this installment of Mr. Robinson.



Greg's holiday was rudely interrupted but not before he had a few surprises. First, he was blindfolded and used as a sex toy for a few young ladies. The last was a girl with a mysterious past and possessing limited telepathy. Shelby told Greg that she was an escaped slave. Was this merely human trafficking or was there more involved? Second and more importantly is that Rhea and his mother Bethany have been not just communicating but also been the subject of changes instigated by Rhea. This is becoming a pattern of behavior from her. While Bethany is still quite human she is a few steps up the evolutionary ladder than the rest of her race. The bonds of love between mother and son have also changed in a real and intimate way. The genetic link between mother and son has been removed but the love and respect remains. Bethany is ready to begin a new life and with Nick's help it looks to be a bright future.

Beyond the Event Horizon:

The temperature had plummeted and great puffs of frozen breath marked the four soldiers standing at my mom's front door. I had reached out to their weapons they had aimed at me and powered them down. Was it a test of some kind? Did they want to know if I could shut down the automatic gauss rifles? Well they discovered that not only could I shut down their toys but I would defend myself if necessary. That changed the entire dynamic of our newborn relationship. All was well when their leader said the magic word please. I touched Rhea's thoughts and told her I would keep in touch. She would keep things calm while I was gone. So I followed the men out to a waiting chopper. I recognized it immediately. It was one of Nick's stealth helicopters the Nightingale and it was as black as night and twice as deadly. It was definitely one of those things that broke the rule. She was compact and built for speed and stealth. She could also hold her own against aircraft twice her size. I had fond memories of putting her together. The side was open and as I stepped aboard the props silently began to spin.

"I put together this little toy of yours." I said to the man to my right. "Wanna know how it works? I can tell you if you're nice."

"Shut up Greg," a familiar voice said from the copilot's chair. A voice I hadn't heard in like ten years or more. "...Wanker."

"You rotten son of a bitch, Kelly, how the hell are you doing?"

"Not half as good as you, you look in really good shape. Don't tell me Nick has a fountain of youth somewhere."

"It's classified."

"Fine... keep your secrets... I have some of my own. There is one in particular that I have to share. An inmate has escaped from a Black Site."

"The hell you say."

"He vanished out of his cell. We can't figure it out. Nick outed you so here we are."

"Hmm he must think I know something or be familiar with something that would be helpful."

Kelly remained silent and I fought back the desire to slip into his thoughts and find out. That little decision would haunt me years down the road. The smoothness of the flight was a little disconcerting. I looked out the pilot's windscreen and we were not only in the air but a fair distance from the house already. My internal GPS kept me cognizant of our flight path and location at all times. There were several black sites across the lower forty eight states as well as two in Alaska. We were heading west so I guess we were heading for Blackbriar. It was as isolated as someplace could be without being on a desolate island or the middle of the fucking Sahara. It was also one of the few sites that Nick had a direct hand in redesigning. This wasn't the first time someone escaped from Blackbriar but it was the first since the overhaul. Warning alarms sounded in the cockpit as weapons were locked on us. The pilot gave the code and we descended in one piece.

There was a single man waiting to greet the chopper. He was dressed for the shitty weather and as the aircraft touched down I thought I remembered him from a briefing. I recalled only as we faced each other. His name was Wallace T Ringgold but he went by the title of Warden. He was slightly built with a pale complexion but a wicked gleam in his eye. Kelly followed us towards the cabin. He was going to fill me in and get me anything I would need. We never spoke a word as the helicopter lifted off. The blasted landscape we trod through was like hell on earth. They regularly killed any living thing in a five mile radius. No one would suspect that a high security facility was so close to a medium sized city. I spied the only structure for miles. It was a log cabin and I guessed that was the entry to the site. I was wrong. One moment we were walking outside the next we were in what could only be described as a military facility. I looked behind me and I saw a ring that belonged to the Blink technology.

"What the holy hell." I cursed and a moment later I remembered the optical camouflage that we had developed. "You blended techs."

"Exactly, there are perhaps a handful of people that understand it. But that isn't why you are here. Follow me and I want your opinion on how he might have done it."

The walk from the gate to the cells was surprisingly close. Then I saw the set up and had a higher opinion of the escapee. The cells were basically oubliettes with a hatch at the top and ten foot ceilings. There didn't appear to be anything to be able to cling to access the hatch. I was about to ask what sort of evidence they had when we reached the security room. Here is where I got to watch the footage of the disappearance. The prisoner was seated at the very center of the room. At the upper right hand corner was a display of the time down to the microsecond. One moment he was there the next gone. The only hint was a slight blurring around the edges of his body. I turned back the footage and slowed it down. It didn't help.

The next step was to examine the cell. They had already had the forensic team cover every square centimeter and were still working on their analysis. In order to access the cell it was raised up by hydraulics. I was offered to enter the cell and take a look. I reluctantly stepped inside. The door silently slid shut behind me and it was lowered. I took up the same spot and position as the escapee. How the hell had he done it? I closed my eyes and let go. I listened for anything that might hint of the irregular. I reached out with my mind and that is when I sensed it. It was faint but it was there. I tried to grasp it but it proved slippery and elusive. I walked to one of the walls and touched it. The glass like surface was cold to the touch but carried a memory of what had happened.

You may or may not have heard of psychometry. It is the ability for someone gifted to get images, feelings or even smells from an object. In this case the cell's wall. There were quite a few dark emotions tied to this cell. That didn't come as a shock but what did was that odd energy that had touched this place. The prisoner was very intelligent. His mind and his thoughts were coolly analytical and possessed little emotion. The few emotions I picked up were attached to his dark deeds and they were darker still. He was a sociopath. The further along I moved the more intense the emotions. I was suddenly assaulted by fear no not fear but terror. Whatever had happened he hadn't instigated it. Something had occurred and he wasn't the master or architect of it.

"He didn't do it." I said for the security cameras watching me. "He left in a state of terror."

"How do you know that?" The Warden's voice came over the internal speaker.

"I can still smell the urine in here. Whatever happened he was so frightened he pissed himself."

"You have a keen sense of smell Mr. Robinson. Is there any other insight you can share?"

"Nope," I said. "Now open this up and let me out." I didn't feel the cell move and I repeated my request. "Let me out."

The cell rose up and the door silently opened. The Warden was there to greet me as I exited and I saw the small smile on his face. The prisoner wasn't the only sociopath, sick fuck. I was directed by one of the guards to where I would be bunking until I had finished with my investigation. Since I was within the confines of a Black Site all of my communications were supposed to be approved by the Warden. I could have easily bypassed his security but I felt that I would keep that little piece of information a secret. Kelly stopped by with a duffle bag that would serve as my clothing and essentials until I left. I stripped down and changed into the dark uniform everyone was sporting.

"What are your impressions of the Warden?" I asked.

"He is wound a little too tight but he is responsible for everything that goes on here. This guy is the third escapee under his watch. He wants this guy found. We all do."

"Ah, that explains the feeling of arctic chill I get off the guy."

"He rubs everyone that way so don't feel special or anything. If you are hungry we can hit the mess if not I'll give you the unofficial tour."

We talked as he showed me Blackbriar. It was a cutting edge maximum security facility and the fact that someone escaped was mind boggling. He had spent every waking moment focused on that singular thought. Something had happened and it was my job to find out what. The site held fifty prisoners. Not all of them were criminals or terrorists. A few were held here because they had information that some nameless entity wanted or didn't want the general public to know. I touched the minds of the other guards and they were aware why these special individuals were here but not who put them here. The men were smart enough not to ask questions. I wasn't so smart. I wanted to know why private citizens were held against their will and without legal representation. It was frightening to know that it could happen to anyone. One day you are living your life and the next you simply disappear off the face of the earth to a facility like this.

I shivered thinking that my family or those close to me might become the target of said group or organization. There was only one thing to do. The next time the Warden and I were in the same room I would find out who he really worked for. I didn't have long to wait. Kelly took me to the only lab within the facility. I learned later that it was a very recent addition. They took one of the few free rooms that were large enough to handle anything from DNA to a scanning electron microscope. Nothing was sent outside it was all done in house. It being a Black Site that made perfect sense since officially this place didn't really exist. The land was under the management of one government agency while the facility drew its budget from money set aside for Black Ops and carried a security clearance of ultraviolet. That is ten ranks above the classification of secret. The only reason I was here is that I carried that very clearance because of my work with the President and the Pentagon.

The lab ran smoothly and the technicians working the machinery were former Numenor employees recruited just like Kelly. He had been my first boss and had the ear of the fearsome four. Nick was just one of the founders of Numenor. The other three were all brilliant in their own fields but preferred a more subdued exposure to the public. I think Nick liked the feel of all those eyes on him. We had that in common. I pulled up the results that were available so far via the A.I. acting as support for the techs. There wasn't much even with cutting edge technology. It wasn't like on TV where they had DNA results half an hour later. It took time as well as discipline and skill to gather forensic material. One thing was confirmed when the adrenaline level in the urine was measured. The prisoner had been terrified when he vanished. Whatever had happened he hadn't been a part of it.

"Has the Warden been informed of the adrenaline level?"

"Yeah," the only female technician replied. "He gets notified the second we have any results. I am glad you are here."


"He has been hovering behind us for hours at a time. It is hard to stay focused when you can practically feel his breath on the back of your neck."

"If you need any help don't be afraid to ask." I said and there was a collective sigh of relief. "One at a time, please..."

I sat next to each tech and asked what they needed. Soon I had their requests and it gave me a perfect excuse to speak with the Warden. I had a clear idea of what they had and hadn't done yet. They had effectively performed all the tests they could think of. That was why I had been allowed into the cell.

"I know this is going to sound crazy but I noticed you left something out." I said and they all looked at me. "I need a volunteer to scan the walls of the cell and check the molecular density."

"Oh for fuck's sake..." one of the male techs cursed. "The gate... the Ring... it's the only factor we didn't take into account. I'll go... I see why you are Nick's golden boy. I'll run that test ASAP and holler when I get the results."

I left the lab with Kelly in tow. I could almost feel the smile burning in my back. He started laughing and told me the running theory. It was an inside job and someone with clearance had tampered with the video somehow and altered it. I couldn't rule that out at the present time and I told him. Kelly and I walked into the Warden's office. His secretary told us we had to wait ten minutes without ever informing the Warden of our presence. He really did enjoy controlling people. I could tell from the outer office that he was alone and simply sitting behind his desk reveling in such a simple ploy. I felt tainted by touching his mind for even the briefest of moments. He was utterly repellent and perfect for this job. After the allotted time had passed we were allowed inside. I kept my mood light and cheerful to spite the fucker.

"I am glad you had time to see us Warden, thank you."

"What brings you to me so soon?" He replied his reptilian eyes narrowing as his mood darkened.

"Your escapee didn't go willingly. He was terrified by whatever happened to him. I requested a scan of the cell by the way."

"They missed something," he growled.

"You brought me here to think outside the box. Don't get angry when I do my job." I said and his mind recoiled when I used the word 'don't'.

"You are absolutely correct Mr. Robinson," he said in a tone and manner that reminded me of Agent Smith from the Matrix franchise. "What sort of test are we performing?"

"The tech is going to be scanning the molecular density of the walls of the cell. We have to cover all the bases."

"What do you suspect by ordering that test?"

"The Gate," I said. "If I am right we have a serious problem."

"How can the Ring have any effect? I checked the times when it was active and they didn't correspond to his disappearance."

"The gate might be misaligned. The odds are astronomical due to the redundant safety protocols. But at this point we have to eliminate everything."

"What if the gate is misbehaving?"

"You say that like it has a mind of its own. If the gate is the source this entire state could be at risk. The event horizon could swallow up enough mass before it collapsed upon itself to make an evacuation impossible."

"Mr. Shaw informed me this gate was perfectly safe." The Warden rose up from his seat and his voice showed signs of a singular emotion, fear. "Get on the phone with that boss of yours and fix this!"

"Can we wait until the tests are performed?" I used the word 'can' in a kind of game of verbal chess.

"Of course," he replied. "I was taken off guard when you described apocalyptic possibilities."

"My apologies," I said and felt him relax. It was then that I slid beneath his mental safeguards. "Do we need to contact anyone? Are there agencies that might want to move prisoners?"

"I see your point. I must make inquiries. I want to know when the results are in Mr. Robinson. There are lives at stake."

I detected two words in his covetous heart. They were Order and Chthon. It was clear by the images that the Warden was a member of a secret society known as the Order of Chthon and their symbol was three swords forming a triangle with an all seeing eye within its confines. I pulled up a definition of Chthonian and shivered. It meant concerning, belonging to, or inhabiting the underworld. Were they some kind of Satanists? I had never heard of them before. I couldn't do any research using the internet because I had no idea who belonged to this group. I had to tread extremely lightly. I would have to wait until I left here if I ever left here. If the gate was unstable this was bad very bad. Kelly and I left the Warden's office. I went to the bathroom and sat in one of the stalls. I closed my eyes and reached out to Rhea. I could feel that she was otherwise busy. I picked up images of Janessa on her back with her legs spread wide.

"Sorry boss man," she sent after the briefest of delays. "Wow... what is going on?"

"This stays between us understand?" I sent and I felt her grow stone cold serious. "I am at a Black Site and they have a gate here. It might be unstable but that isn't why I contacted you. Have you ever encountered a group calling themselves the Order of Chthon?"

"That's a name I haven't heard in... well... centuries. I don't know much. I was spending some time in the Forbidden City on vacation. Anyway I accidently walked into the presence of the Son of Heaven. He was taking off some jewelry, particularly a gold ring. It was a signet ring with a triangle of swords and an eye in the middle. He saw me notice it and his thoughts went to whether or not the Order had been compromised. I was stunned to think that the Emperor of all China was a mere member of a secret society. The fact that he was concerned caused me to cut my vacation short. Sorry there isn't more."

"Thanks and give Janessa my lust."

"MMMM I will..."

"Rhea... can I ask a favor?" I sent and she instantly picked up on my buried fear.

"Anything for you, what is going on?"

"I will contact you once a day. If for any reason I don't I want you to contact Nick."

"Of course... I've got your back."

We broke contact and I mulled over the little information I had gleaned from Rhea. If an Emperor of China was a member this went higher than I ever believed. How long had it been in existence? Who were the members? Did the Usher family have any connection in all of this? I wonder if Nick had heard of them. Nah, he is just so mundane and grounded. I would have to figure this out on my own. If I mentioned it to Nick and something happened to him I couldn't live with that. There were far more important things to deal with at the moment. If things worked out I would set aside time to do some checking on my own. It was going to take another hour or more to scan the cell. This was delicate and tedious work. I returned to my room to wait. I needed to clear my thoughts. The images that Rhea had allowed me to see were sheer torture. I wanted to meditate on my single encounter with the curvaceous Janessa to take my mind from what could be a truly dire situation. I hated being here even more now. The beds here were better at least than the Painted Desert facility. This was an actual bed with a real mattress. I lay down and stared up at the ceiling. I tried to keep my mind focused on Janessa but I kept returning to the mind of the Warden. There was so much darkness there. It was like a hedge maze with monsters around every corner. I wondered what had been done to create that kind of personality. I shivered and delved into other possibilities for the prisoner's escape route but it kept coming back to the one that made the most sense and meant there was something terribly wrong with the gate. I drifted away trying to puzzle out possible solutions for the explosive situation we were in. I was on the threshold between digital and organic when I was alerted by the speaker in my room.


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