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Helping My Little Sister


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My little sister redoubled her efforts, sucking even harder and pumping on my cock even more forcefully. She pumped my cock faster; she bobbed her head frantically and I erupted!

It was like a volcanic eruption! My semen shot into her mouth in blast after blast. I poured my essence into her as she sucked and swallowed again and again. I was thrusting up into her mouth as she sucked and swallowed, sucked and swallowed. It seemed that I would drown her with the force and volume of my ejaculation, but she was clearly on a mission to extract every single drop of my semen and claim it for herself! Finally, I collapsed! My little sister had drawn every possible drop of my essence out of me and taken it into herself.

Lisa sat back and smiled a brilliant smile. She ran her tongue around her lips, corralling the last remnants of semen and making a show of swallowing it. Then she crawled up beside me and settled down. I couldn't have moved if I had to!

[Friday 1]

When the alarm sounded, I took Lisa into my arms. "Thank you for last night! I was so spent that I wasn't thinking, but that was FANTASTIC! It was PHENOMENAL! It was SENSATIONAL!"

"I did OK?" she asked.

"You so much better than OK that I can't find words to express how good you did!"

My little sister blushed at my praise, but she was smiling from ear to ear.

Friday evening after work, Lisa and I fixed a bite to eat and joined our parents as they watched the last part of a movie. They were happy that we spent the time with them.

When it was over, Lisa and I headed upstairs. Almost like clockwork, Mom knocked on Lisa's door about 10 minutes later.

When she slipped into my room, she pulled off her tiny top and panties and slipped under the covers with me. She said, "I think Mom is worrying less about me and sex. We had a pleasant little chat, and then she left."

"You're still having your period?" I asked. Lisa nodded. "Would you go get your little vibrator?" She gave me a funny look, but slipped out of bed and dashed, naked, across the hall and into her room. Moments later, she returned.

She handed me the little vibrator as she climbed back into my bed. "Why'd you want that?"

"You'll see... ," I replied.

I took her into my arms and kissed her again and again, passionately. I kissed her face, her neck, her throat. Then I focused on her breasts and nipples. I kissed and sucked on each breast; I suckled at one nipple, then the other, again and again. I could feast on her beautiful breasts all night long!

My little sister was pumping her hips as I shifted my position. I lay along her side where I could reach one breast with my mouth, and I could reach around her body to caress her other breast.

I caressed her abdomen and then her legs, tracing my fingers along her inner thighs. Lisa was panting and moaning. I began to caress her vulva, then traced along her engorged lips

Again and again I ran my fingers along her inflamed pussy slit. My little sister was moaning and whimpering, "Please?"

I began to gently massage her clitoral hood with my fingers; her hips were pumping forcefully up against my hand. I picked up her little vibrator and turned it on to high. Simultaneously, I pressed the vibrator against her engorged button while nipping and tugging on her nipples!

Lisa exploded! It was as if an electric current was running through her body. Her hips lurched and flailed, her abdomen undulated, and her whole body shook! Orgasmic contractions ripped through her body again and again.

I moved the vibrator all around her clitoris as I continued to stimulate her breasts and nipples. Lisa's orgasms were unceasing! Eventually I decreased the intensity of my stimulation until I finally stopped.

Lisa collapsed against me. She lay beside me as I held her. Her body shook from aftershocks from her powerful orgasms. She snuggled against me until sleep carried her away.

[Saturday 2]

Saturday morning, Lisa was still wrapped around me. When her eyes were open, she asked, "What did you DO to me? I had used the vibrator to give myself a climax in the past, but that was just a little tingle in comparison to the EXPLOSION you caused! I hadn't had even an inkling of what sex could be like!"

"Not every time will be explosive. Sometimes we may want snowflakes and kittens."

"Like the other night!"

"Exactly. A variety of activities and a range of intensity helps to keep our sex life interesting. There are many different activities and many more positions that can be explored and experienced. Some will become favorites, others will be occasionally or even rarely used.

But the variety helps keep it exciting."

Our parents would be at the club all morning, so we took a long shower together. Lisa insisted that she would wash me first. She pressed her breasts against my chest as she reached around me to wash my back. As she washed my neck and shoulders, she bounced up on her tip toes to reach, sliding her breasts up and down on my chest.

I was completely hard by the time she began to wash my legs. As she moved higher, she paid special attention to my cock and balls. Then she abandoned any pretense of washing and began pumping her soapy hands up and down on my cock.

My little sister rinsed the soap off of my cock and took the head into her mouth as she continued to stroke the shaft of my cock. She slurped and sucked on the head of my cock while she pumped her hand up and down on the shaft. Her other hand was busy caressing my balls and perineum.

Lisa pumped and sucked while playing with my balls until I was about to lose control. "Lisa, I'm going to cum!" I exclaimed. She took the first blast of semen in her mouth, then she pointed my cock towards her face, then her chest, until her entire front was painted with my semen. She made a big show of licking around her lips to capture another larger dollop of cum and swallowed it. Then she stood up beside me.

Now it was my turn for some fun! I turned her front toward the shower spray to rinse off my semen. I took her shampoo and lathered and massaged her scalp and hair. She turned around to lean back and let the water run through her hair and rinse it clean. As she did that, I cupped her breasts in my hands, enjoying the soft fullness and heft of her breasts.

I turned her back to me and took soap onto my hands. I began to wash her back and shoulders. When I reached her beautiful round bottom, I caressed and massaged her there for quite a while. Then I reached around her body to wash Lisa's abdomen, down into her pubic bush, and on down her legs.

When I stood back up, I ran my soap slick hands over my little sister's beautiful breasts, toying with her breasts and nipples. Then I ran one hand down across her flat abdomen and to her pussy slit. I continued to toy with one breast while I stroked her pussy slit.

I insinuated my finger into her tight little slit deeper and deeper. I stroked her clitoris with every stroke. Her nipples were hard points in my fingers and her hips were pumping forward and back as my finger dipped into her pussy and rubbed her clitoris. Suddenly Lisa's hips lurched and flailed as her legs turned to jello. I continued to stroke her clit as I supported her weight with the arm around her chest.

When she had regained her composure enough to support her own weight, she turned to face me and wrapped her arms around my neck, kissing me passionately. "You are the best lover any woman could ever hope to have!" Then she kissed me again.

After we had dried each other off, I said, "I would like for you to get really dressed up for tonight. I have reservations at a nice restaurant and then I have a surprise for you."

Lisa was overwhelmed with curiosity. She asked again and again where we were going. My only answer was that I thought that she would really enjoy it, and she would want to be really dressed up. I told her that we would leave for dinner at 5:30.

I was waiting in the living room a little before 5:30. I had told our Mom where we were going, but also told her that it was a surprise for Lisa. She thought that Lisa would be ecstatic.

When Lisa walked into the living room I could hardly believe that it was my little sister! The bosom of the dress showed a substantial amount of breast and a beautiful cleavage! The skirt had a slit running up her left leg to the middle of her thigh. Her makeup and hair were perfect and she looked like she was at least 25! I stared and stared and stared. Finally I said, "You look ravishing! You will be the most beautiful woman in the restaurant!"

Lisa blushed but said, "Thank you, kind sir."

I led her to the passenger side and opened the door for her. As she moved into her seat, it was clear that she intentionally flashed me a view nearly to Nirvana!

We started driving and I turned toward downtown. "WHERE are we going?" She asked.

"To dinner." I replied cryptically. I added, "You look absolutely stunning tonight! Where did you get that dress?"

"It was my prom dress. But I had made a few adjustments so that Tommy wouldn't think that I was giving him a green light!"

With that, she reached down to the slit in her skirt and pulled a hidden zipper that opened her skirt up much higher!

"How FAR DOES THAT GO?" I asked.

"I guess that you will just have to wait and see!" She said, making on obvious reference to my earlier comments about the surprise.

I valet parked the car and he took a moment to absorb the view as Lisa walked into the restaurant. Our table was near the back so numerous people were treated to the sight of my beautiful companion as we followed the maître'd.

After we were seated and began looking at the menu, Lisa quietly exclaimed, "The menu doesn't have any PRICES on it!"

"Really? Is that a problem?"

"How will I know what to order?"

"Order what you would like. This is my special treat for you!"


"Yes, really."

We had a delicious meal and shared a piece of key lime pie for dessert. When we stood to leave, the slit in Lisa's skirt extended several inches higher!

I drove to the Concert Hall and valet parked there. "We're going in HERE? We went here once on a school trip, but I've never been here for real!"

"Yes, we are going here. A famous ballet company is touring the country and is performing here. I thought that we might enjoy it. We have talked about seeing plays and such, so I thought that it would be fun."

"You're taking me to the ballet?"

"Yes, my princess, we are going to the ballet."

The usher showed us to our seats and we looked at the program, and read the synopsis of the story. Soon the orchestra began tuning, and they began the overture. The dancing was exquisite with the dancers moving in fluid movements that few people could duplicate. We had read the synopsis, so we were able to follow the story.

Intermission arrived and the house lights came on. We stepped out into the hallway. Lisa said that she wanted to go to the ladies room. I picked up two glasses of wine while she was gone. When she returned I gave her a glass. She raised one eye brow but didn't comment.

Lisa said, "I didn't expect the costumes to be SO REVEALING! I mean, on the male dancers you can see EVERYTHING! It's made me a little bit horny! I hope that you are planning to attend to that later!"

I smiled. I also noticed that the slit of her skirt reached nearly to the junction with her body. I was liking this dress more and more!

We finished our wine and got back to our seats just before the intermission ended. As the curtain lifted, she placed something in my hand. When I looked, I realized that she had given me her panties! And they were moist from her arousal! I surreptitiously lifted them to my nose and inhaled her scent.

"What are you doing?"

"Enjoying the aroma of your arousal!" I said.


"Yes, really."

She took my right hand and placed it on her thigh. Then she pulled it upward. I caressed her warm thigh as my hand moved higher and higher. Finally, I felt Lisa's pubic bush brushing against my hand.

While the second half of the ballet unfolded, I brushed my hand across her pubic hair. Eventually, Lisa spread her legs enough that I could just barely trace my fingers along her inflamed pussy slit. By the end of the ballet, Lisa was very highly aroused.

As we drove home, Lisa pulled her skirt up higher to completely expose her pussy to me. "Please? I'm SO HORNY!"

"I WANT you to be SO horny!" I said as I traced my fingers along her wet slit. It was a challenge to keep my attention on my driving, but I kept at least one eye on the road.

I parked in the driveway, and helped Lisa out of the car. She made certain that I had an unobstructed view of her wet pussy as she turned to get out. Then she wrapped her arms around my neck, lifting herself up against me, and kissed me passionately. Her tongue was deep in my mouth, pumping in and out with a clear suggestion of what she had in mind.

Fortunately, the parents had already gone to bed as my little sister pulled down my zipper, pulled out my hard cock, and pulled me through the house and into my bedroom. She reached behind her and pulled down a small zipper in back. She wriggled a bit and her dress was a puddle of fabric on the floor. AND LISA WAS STANDING NAKED IN FRONT OF ME!! " I want to be naked in your arms!"

It took me a little longer for me to get out of my clothing. But it was only moments until I was also naked. "I'M SO HORNY! PLEASE!" she exclaimed as she lay on my bed. I immediately joined her.

I took her into my arms and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and tried to suck my tongue out of my mouth. Her hips were pumping against my body. When our kisses broke she again said, "PLEASE!"

I sucked on her nipples and stroked my fingers through her dripping wet pussy slit. She was moaning and pumping against my hand. Then I shifted my position.

I was above her with my engorged manhood at the entrance to her vagina. She looked into my eyes and said, "Will you make love to me? Will you make me a woman? Will you make me YOUR woman?"

"Is that what you want?"

She bit her lip and nodded. "Yes! I want this! I want to feel you inside me! I want you to fill me! Please? Yes! Make me YOURS!"

I pressed forward, my rigid erection slipping the first little way into my little sister's virgin vagina. I pulled back slightly and pressed forward again; Lisa pumped her hips up and I slipped about halfway in. Two more thrusts had me balls deep in my sister's pussy!

"I feel so full! You're SO BIG! I just want to savor this moment!" After a short while, Lisa pumped her hips up to me. I kissed her gently and began to thrust into her a little bit. "Mmmmm! This feels so good! Make love to me!"

I increased the power of my thrusts slightly, filling her completely with every stroke. "God! This feels so good! We are truly JOINED! I love you!"

"I love you, too!

"Make love to me. Please!"

I thrust my rigid erection into my little sister's virgin pussy! I lifted her legs onto my arms, allowing greater penetration and greater contact with her G-spot. She was Oh-ing and moaning as I filled her completely. I caressed her breasts and nipples and she seemed to be nearly vibrating with need.

I increased the power and speed of my thrusts and Lisa's hips began to flail under me. I pumped my engorged cock into her again and again. Harder, faster, deeper. I wanted to give my little sister everything that I had.

Her orgasms crashed through her, one after another, as I pumped myself deep into her core. I was building up to the most powerful climax of my life as I gave my little sister all of my love! She was mine! I was hers! We were ONE!

Then the dam within me broke! I was spewing my lava hot semen into Lisa's depths! I was pouring my essence, my heart, and my love, into my little sister!

Blast after blast of my semen rocketed into Lisa's depths, bathing the door to her womb with a flood of my semen. Again and again my hips jerked and I shot more and more of my semen into her core.

Eventually I was spent. I had poured myself into my beloved little sister's womb. We were bound together in ways that were deep and spiritual. I relaxed onto her heaving breasts, my cock still entombed within her. I kissed her face, her cheeks, her nose, and finally her lips. She looked into my eyes; her eyes were filled with love and tears.

"That was beautiful!" She whispered. "It was everything that I had hoped for and more! Thank you! It was just SO BEAUTIFUL! And I climaxed over and over again! Some of the girls said that they didn't climax their first time; some of the girls say that they rarely climax with intercourse. But I was nearly beside myself with orgasm after orgasm after orgasm! You are the BEST LOVER any woman could ever hope to have! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

Lisa pulled me tighter and kissed me passionately. I held her firmly as I rolled us both over, keeping my cock buried in her tight vagina. "I weigh a lot more than you. I didn't want to crush you!"

"You're so considerate, too. You had me so excited that I was sure that I would melt or explode! I needed to cum so much! And you continued to fan the flames of my need until I was literally begging for you to put your big brother cock in my pussy! I needed you so much! I wanted you so much! I am so happy that you are my lover!"

"Are you OK? I mean really OK? I need to know that I did not take advantage of you in any way. I need to know that I didn't hurt you."

"If you had waited any longer, I would have thrown you down and impaled myself on your beautiful hard cock! You did NOT take advantage of me. Your cock is SO BIG! I had never imagined that anything that big would fit inside me! You filled me so completely! You're still inside me, and I love it! I want you to be inside me all the time!

"And when you started to spray your cum against my cervix, I was beyond myself with joy! Feeling your essence filling me was fantastic! I want to do this again and again and again!"

"My princess, we will do this again and again, and so much more! But I will need just a little recovery time."

"That's OK. I really need to go pee."

I grabbed a handful of tissues and handed them to her. She looked at me with a question on her face. "You will want those to stem the flood when I remove my plug."

Realization dawned on her face. As I removed my deflating penis, she placed the tissues on her opening as she walked to the bathroom.

When she finally returned she said, "How much stuff did you pump into me? When I removed the tissues, there was a waterfall of white goo. I coughed and another huge gob came out! Then every time I wiped there was still more and more! I finally got a tampon so that I wouldn't be dripping everywhere!" She said with a smile. Then she continued, "But I wouldn't trade it for anything! I think that I know how the girl in that show felt! I want this to go on all night!"

"Unfortunately, I need a little recovery time. But," I paused, "Soon!"

We settled down in my bed. I wrapped my arm around my little sister protectively, cupped a breast in my hand, and soon we were both asleep.

I awoke as the birds were beginning to sing. Lisa was sucking and pumping on my cock! "I wanted to see how long it would take until you were awake!"

I pulled her towards me and onto my chest. I kissed her and she kissed me. Then she said, "It looks like you have recovered! Can we do it again? "

I said, "Stay right where you are." She looked a little disappointed. "Now, sit up and straddle my hips. OK, now, put me in my place!"

At first Lisa looked confused, but then she understood. "You want me on top? Will I know what to do?"

"Yes, I want you on top! I want to watch you; I want your breasts bouncing right in front of me! I want you to be in control and be able to adjust your position to give you the greatest pleasure! Giving, receiving, varying positions and varying activities!"


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