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Helping My Little Sister


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Lisa nodded her head, reached between her thighs and grasped my hard erection. Then she placed it at the entrance to her vagina and lowered her body onto me. She was wet, she was warm, it was wonderful! She sank down slowly until she had engulfed my entire manhood. I was totally embedded within her welcoming body!

She began to move, tentatively at first, but soon with more confidence. She scooted forward and back, causing my cock to move within her. She moved up and down, causing my cock to retreat then reenter her. I raised my hands and began to caress her breasts and nipples. Soon my little sister was no longer thinking about WHAT she was doing, she was letting her body do what came naturally.

Her motion was exquisite! A little front to back, more up and down! The pace and intensity of her movements were increasing moment by moment. She was grinding her clitoris against my pubic bone as a flush climbed over her chest and neck. Then her hips lurched and flailed against me. I held her hips firmly and pumped my cock into her. She was shaking and spasming, unable to control her own movements.

I held her firmly as I rolled her backwards, following her body with mine so that I was on top. I lifted my little sister's legs onto my shoulders and began pumping deeper into her spasming pussy. I was entering her deeper than ever before. I was rubbing my cock along her G-spot and filling her with my manhood.

Lisa was spasming with orgasm after orgasm rocking through her body. I drove faster and harder into my little sister's nearly virgin pussy! My passion was roaring like a runaway freight train, building speed and force with every passing moment.

Lisa's orgasms ricocheted through her, shaking her to her core, while the pressure inside of me increased and increased. As I pumped faster and faster, it was like a steam engine with no relief valve! In moments I was going to explode!

Then IT HAPPENED! Hot semen exploded from deep within me and shot deep into my little sister's core. My body jerked as blast after blast spewed from within me and poured into Lisa! I bathed her cervix with my boiling seed. I jerked and thrust into her as more and more of my semen flooded her most intimate recesses. I could not get enough of this beautiful woman, and I could not give her enough of myself!

I was spent! I collapsed onto Lisa's breasts. I could feel her body quiver periodically as aftershocks rippled through her body. My cock was embedded deep within her body and I would be happy for it to remain there forever!

I knew that I must be getting heavy, but I didn't want to move. Finally I 'log rolled' us over so that she was on top and my cock remained deep inside her.

It was several minutes until Lisa raised her head and kissed me. "How can it be? Everything we do is better than the last! I think that I have experienced the ultimate sexual pleasure, and then you show me something that surpasses even that! I'm sure that I died and went to Heaven! And YOU WERE THERE WITH ME!!"

Soon we drifted back to sleep with Lisa resting on my chest and my cock still entombed in her warm body.

The sun was streaming into the room when we next awoke. Lisa looked at me and said, "This is a perfect way to wake up!" My cock had softened but remained inside her pussy. She kissed me, then humped her hips against me.

"Do you think that our parents would mind if we just stayed in my bed all day?"

"I expect that Mom might notice and come looking."

"And what would you say, when she found us both in my bed and naked?" I asked.

"I had a bad dream, and you were comforting me?"

"In my bed and naked at 1 PM?"

"I needed a lot of comforting!?" Then she continued, "I guess that you are right! We should make an appearance downstairs. Will you make love to me later?"

"Let me think about this.... Would I like to have the sexiest, most beautiful woman I have ever met in my bed and making love with me? Let me think about this for a while... What should I do??"

About then my little sister bopped me with a pillow. "You know that there is only one right answer! You dork!"

"Of course I will make love with you! I will make love with you any time and any place that we are not LIKELY to get in trouble!"

Lisa's eyes got big. "ANY PLACE? ANY TIME?"

"As long as we are not likely to get in trouble!" I added to reinforce that part.

We took showers separately since the parents were home and it was already getting late. Lisa went first, and then went downstairs when she was dressed. When I arrived in the kitchen, she and Mom were talking about the ballet. Lisa was gushing about the performance and how beautiful Concert Hall was.

I fixed a little bit of brunch for Lisa and me while she continued to talk with our mom. Dad had gotten tickets to the baseball game and we all headed out to the stadium. It was a fun outing for the entire family. The home team actually won, so there was a fireworks display after the game.

Dad and I grilled burgers while Mom and Lisa made salad and beans. We sat together and enjoyed our meal and the time together. Mom suggested a movie on Netflix that she thought everyone would like, so after cleaning up, we retired to the den to watch.

As always, Mom and Dad sat in the two big lounge chairs and Lisa and I sat together on the love seat. As normal, Dad was asleep in about 15 minutes. The love seat was mostly behind Mom's chair and out of her view. We played and teased a little bit, but not enough to raise Mom's attention. When the movie was over, Mom awakened Dad and they headed off to their bedroom.

Lisa immediately whispered in my ear, "Will you make love to me?" as she pulled my hand under her shirt to press it against her bare breast.

"When did you do that?" I asked with a smile as I caressed her full breast in my hand.

"When I went to the bathroom, of course!" Then she continued, "Will you MAKE LOVE to me? NOW!"

I set her on my lap where she could feel my rigid manhood pressing against her bottom. "Ooooh, I like THAT!" she said as she wiggled her bottom against my hard erection.

"Would you like to retire to my bedroom?" I asked suggestively.

"I don't know if I can wait! Maybe we could do it RIGHT HERE?!?"

"Right next to Mom and Dad's bedroom? What about the 'not likely to get in trouble'?" I asked.

Lisa jumped up and tugged on my hands, "Well, hurry up then!"

When we were in my room, Lisa began tugging at my clothes and unfastening the waistband. "I want you on the bed and naked!" She exclaimed.

Moments later, Lisa was also naked and climbing on top of me. She didn't hesitate as she straddled my hips and pressed my erection to her opening. As she settled down onto me, it was clear that she had been thinking about this and was truly excited, her vagina was very well lubricated and I entered her tight canal easily!

I suggested that she lean forward and rest her hands on my shoulders. This increased the contact of her clitoris with my penis. It also allowed me to lift one of her breasts into my mouth while I could caress and play with the other. Lisa found this position to be very pleasurable.

She was pumping on my cock and moaning while I sucked on one nipple and played with the other one. It seemed like no time at all until my little sister was flailing uncontrollably against my cock. I sucked and tugged on her nipples and her orgasm rolled on and on. She was having a tremendous orgasm and I was barely started. But it was delicious to watch her riding through peak after peak of orgasmic bliss as she rode on my cock!

I released her breasts and eventually she collapsed onto my chest. Her breasts were heaving as she struggled to find enough oxygen. I held her gently and kissed the top of her head. When she looked up at me, she had tears in her eyes. "That was so wonderful! I keep being amazed at how you keep finding better and better ways for us to do it!"

She nestled down on my chest and rested a few minutes. When she looked at me again she asked, "You didn't ....?"

"No, I didn't climax. This was for YOU. After you have rested a little bit, if you're up for it, we could try something else."

"I think that I will ALWAYS be up for trying something else with you!"

While she rested, I shifted her body a little bit to the side so that we could talk more easily. "I was thinking about us doing a weekend hiking trip next week. How does that sound?" I asked.

"I'm probably not in very good shape for that, but I'd like to give it a try!"

"Good! It won't need to be too long or strenuous, but just the two of us, alone in the middle of nowhere sounds interesting to me."

"When you put it THAT WAY, I'm all in!!" She exclaimed.

I was still embedded deep within her tight vagina. I pulled her left leg up along my side and allowed her other hip to rest on mine. My one arm was supported her neck and she was nestled into my body. I flexed my hips and pumped my engorged cock into her wet pussy.

"OH!" She exclaimed, "that's nice."

"It will be slow and gentle. Neither of us will be able to thrust forcefully, but I can touch and caress you."

"But what can I do for you?" she asked.

"You can let me touch you. You can let me feel my hungry cock shuttling in and out of your tight little pussy. You can let me watch you climax again and again and again! You can let me fill you with all the love I possess as I fill you with my essence. You can let me make love to you!"

"I am yours. Fill me with YOU!"

I began to gently pump myself into her. She responded by matching my motions. I kissed my little sister gently on her lips as I pumped myself into her. I caressed her breasts and nipples as I continued to pump my manhood into her. We continued on and on.

Lisa's passion rose with every passing moment. Soon she was mewing and begging, "Please? Make me climax?"

I continued on, keeping her on the verge of her orgasm. It was looming over her but just out of reach. "I need to CUM! PLEASE!?!"

A few minutes later I removed my right hand from a breast and dampened it with the moisture glistening at our joining. Then I began to gently massage her clitoris. Lisa had been holding on the verge of her orgasm for many minutes, now she plunged over the precipice! Orgasmic contractions ripped through her body as I stroked her clitoris and pumped my cock into her.

I held my little sister, caressing her nipple, stroking her clitoris, and pumping my engorged manhood into her spasming pussy. Wave after wave of orgasmic contractions rippled through her. I continued to thrust into her, all the while stroking her clit and playing with her nipple.

Orgasm after orgasm washed over her. I continued to hold her as I thrust into her recently virgin pussy and rubbed her clitoris and nipple. She gasped and pumped against me as her climax rolled on and on.

I could feel my own climax building within me, and I knew that I wanted to drive myself deep into my little sister again and again! I rolled on top of her and lifted her legs onto my shoulders, exposing her completely to my invading manhood.

I could see and feel her orgasms crashing through her as I pumped myself deep into her spasming pussy. I was thrusting harder and deeper with every thrust. I knew that my cock was rubbing firmly against her G-spot and her orgasms were unceasing! My passion was roaring like a rocket, and I was going to explode any moment!

Then it happened! My hips were flailing, pumping into my little sister's virgin vagina with uncontrollable passion. Spray after spray of my semen shot into her depths and coated her cervix. My body jerked and pumped my semen into her core again and again and again! I wanted to fill her completely with me! I wanted to pour myself completely into her. I wanted to give her my essence, everything! I wanted to join us completely, body and soul!

I pumped and pumped, pouring ever more of myself into my precious little sister until I was an empty shell. I had poured everything I had into my Lisa. Then I relaxed onto her heaving breasts and quivering body. I held her; I kissed her. I started to move to remove my weight, but she held me and whispered, "Stay. Please."

So I did. I stayed where I was, trying to support a little bit of my weight. My cock was still embedded within her, although it was softening. I gently kissed her again and again. Her arms were wrapped around me, holding me firmly in place.

We lay together like that for a very long time. Finally, she let me move to her side. "That was amazing! It was like the ocean, wave after wave of orgasms flowing into me! They continued on and on and on! Then the waves became more and more powerful, crashing into me again and again until I was totally consumed by the rushing torrent! It was like I was so inundated in orgasms that 'I' no longer existed! All that existed was our joining! There was no 'I', only 'WE'!"

"I know what you mean. That was so beautiful! I felt like I was pouring everything within me into you! You know that I have given you my love, my body, my heart, and my soul! I don't know how we are going to manage this, but I want to be with you forever!"

Lisa squeezed me harder and kissed me passionately. The sweet moment was disrupted. As she moved and squeezed me, my deflated cock plopped out of her, followed by a flood of our combined juices. We didn't care! Sleeping on the wet spot was a small price to pay!

The week unfolded normally. We told our parents that we were planning on going backpacking for the weekend. The question of sleeping arrangements didn't come up, for which I was grateful. I gathered my backpack and supplies, and borrowed a smaller pack for Lisa.

Saturday morning we headed to the trailhead. Then we loaded up and started up the trail. Lisa was wearing the same wide legged hiking shorts that she had worn on our previous outing. It provided a fantastic view of her beautiful round bottom!

When we stopped for lunch, we kissed and fondled a little bit to keep us both horny. We arrived at the campsite about 3PM. I had made certain that the hike wouldn't take too long. We set up our tent and spread out the sleeping bags. They were mummy bags that would zip together. It was a beautiful, clear afternoon and a clear night with a full moon was predicted. Therefore, I did not put on the rain fly.

"Is THIS all there is? Just a frame of mosquito netting? You can SEE RIGHT THROUGH IT!"

"Yes, we will be protected from insects and we will be able to look at the moon while we are making love!" I said. Then I continued, "When we are at home, you have to be fairly quiet. You know, no screams or shouts of passion. But here, you can let yourself go!"

"What if other hikers are here?"

"There will probably be some other people. People who we do not know! This is a place where we would be very UNLIKELY to get in trouble for almost anything we might do!"


"We don't know them! It doesn't matter! We are a young couple out to enjoy erotic experiences in nature. We are a boyfriend and girlfriend out to enjoy nature and each other. If they hear our joyous coupling, they will be happy for us! If they choose to look, let them!"

"Really? Let them? Let them watch us making love?"

"Is there anything illegal or immoral about a boyfriend and girlfriend making love in the privacy of their own tent?"


"I will certainly introduce you as my girlfriend! And aren't I your boyfriend?"

Lisa threw her arms around my neck, kissed me passionately, and declared, "YES, you definitely are!" When she pulled back, she looked into my eyes and said, "You're RIGHT! We're not hurting anyone! We can do what we want! They don't have to look, they don't have to listen! I love you and I'm sure going to show you just how much!"

As we sat on a log talking, another couple entered the clearing. They appeared to be in their early 20's. They introduced themselves and I introduced myself and my girlfriend, Lisa. They set up their tent a fair distance from ours. Before long a group of 3 guys entered, then another couple who appeared to be in their late 30's. As we were eating dinner, another couple of guys came in and set up camp. Everyone had set up a discreet distance from the others, but it wasn't really a very large clearing.

I noticed that several of the guys were looking over Lisa's body. I smiled to myself; they might look, but she would be in my arms tonight!

Everyone talked together for a while, sharing tidbits of personal history and such. It had gotten dark very quickly after the sun set and people began heading to their individual tents, except for the last two guys who were sleeping under the stars.

When we got to the tent, Lisa said, "I need to go pee!"

I pulled out the hiking toilet paper and a plastic zip-bag. She said, "Now what?"

"We will go out in the woods a little ways where you can have a little privacy. You will put the used paper into the bag and we will take it home."


"Yes, really. Pack it in, pack it out! We won't leave anything here except for the crumpled grass where we pitched our tent."

"OK. Leave no trace, and all of that, right?"


When we returned to our tent, we opened up the sleeping bag and got things organized. Then we got undressed. It was sensuous and erotic being essentially outside and naked. We could hear quiet conversations coming from the various nearby tents.

I took Lisa into my arms. The air was slightly chilly and her nipples were erect and hard. We kissed and kissed, we caressed and fondled. Soon our passion had us both truly warmed up. I kissed her breasts and nipples until she was squirming with need. Then she rolled on top of me and began working her way down. I guided her to a 69 position and guided her to straddle my head with her legs.

I drew her hips down toward my face as she approached my cock with her mouth. I lapped at her delicious pussy lips and she squealed before wrapping her lips around my cock. I pulled her hips toward me gently and drew my tongue through her slit again and again. Her hips were pumping against my face while her mouth and tongue were attacking my cock.

My little sister's hips were pumping forcefully against my face as my tongue delved deeply into her pussy. My own arousal was climbing higher and higher. But I wanted to be INSIDE HER! I wanted us to be JOINED!

I lifted her hips enough that I could speak. "I want to be INSIDE YOU! Come here. I want to make love to you!"

Lisa scrambled around to straddle my hips. She immediately grasped my hard erection and guided me into her welcoming wetness. She sat up straight and rode me like a cowgirl, pumping her hips forward and back. Her head was nearly touching the top of our small tent. She rode my cock harder and faster.

Then she leaned forward onto my shoulders, swinging her breasts right in front of my mouth. I sucked a nipple into my mouth as she began to move on me.

My little sister pumped her hips forward and back, up and down. I knew that her clitoris was rubbing firmly against my hard cock as she moved faster against me. Her passion was soaring higher and higher, until she suddenly shouted, "OH! YES!" as her climax gripped her. I grasped her hips and guided her movements as I thrust powerfully into her spasming vagina. Again and again I thrust into my little sister as she moaned and flailed against me. Then she collapsed.

I held Lisa firmly against my body; my hard erection was still embedded deep inside her. When she was able to speak, she said, "I was sitting up on you, riding your hard erection. I could see and feel nature all around us. Then I saw the two guys, watching me. Actually, not just watching me, but staring at me. Staring at me, seeing me making love with you! As they stared, they looked at me with a hungry stare!

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