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Helping My Little Sister


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"The good news is that she didn't ask much about you or our relationship. But the whole thing was exhausting!"

I told her a little about Dad's visit, but didn't mention his comments about condoms. I did repeat his last line. He said, "Take good care of Lisa," which I certainly intend to do.

She said, "I'm beat. Can I just sleep here with you and have you hold me?"

"Of course you can! I am happy to have you beside me whenever you want. A relationship is not about always giving, or getting, it is also about contented time together."

I kissed Lisa good night with a warm and loving kiss. She rolled over and I wrapped my arm over her body and cupped a breast in my hand. She sighed contentedly and was soon breathing deeply and rhythmically. I drifted to sleep sometime after, reflecting on my great good fortune to have the most beautiful young woman in the world lying naked beside me!

[Monday 1]

I awoke when the alarm went off in the middle of an erotic dream. When I was fully awake I realized that my rampant erection was firmly nestled between Lisa's beautifully sculpted butt cheeks. I slipped out of bed and went to the bathroom to relieve myself and brush my teeth. When I returned to my room Lisa was sitting up in bed, her fantastic, full breasts on full display.

"I was having the sexiest dream," she said. "I was dreaming that you were fucking me in the ass and I was loving it!"

"I will never fuck you in the ass or anywhere else." I said. Lisa looked confused and a little hurt. I continued, "When two people meet in a bar and go someplace to have meaningless sex. When they wake up the next morning and don't even remember their partner's name, that is fucking. Sex for sex sake, no emotional connection, no love, just a physical release, that is fucking.

"When we engage in any sexual activity, it is a part of the emotional connection, the bond between us, the love we share. It is not fucking, it is SO much more than that!"

I was sitting on the bed beside Lisa. She threw herself onto me, kissing me, she exclaimed, "Not fucking, making love! I love you so much!" and she kissed me again.

We both had jobs for the summer and it was time for us to get ready for work. I was working at a sporting goods store and Lisa was working at an ice cream shop. Neither was terrible, but they were not very exciting either. I dropped her off at the shop and headed on to work. At eight, I reversed the process, stopping at a pharmacy, and picking Lisa up to head on home. We fixed ourselves a light supper and joined the parents in the den.

When we were all settled, Mom cleared her throat and said, "I made an appointment with Dr. Lamar for you tomorrow morning at ten. That will give you time to get to work afterwards, won't it?"

Lisa was surprised but responded, "Yes, that will work just fine."

Dr. Lamar was Mom's gynecologist and the message was clear, Lisa would be going on the pill!

The conversation turned to more mundane topics, and about an hour later we all headed to our respective bedrooms. As we walked up the stairs I told Lisa that she should stay in her room for a while, I expected that Mom would come to talk with her.

As predicted I heard the knock on Lisa's door about15 minutes later. It was nearly another 20 minutes before I heard her leave. Five minutes later Lisa was in my room.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and held on tight. I held her firmly in return. When she finally relaxed she said, "Mom wanted to make sure that I was going to be responsible with any sexual activity I might choose to engage in. She wanted to impress on me the point that sex was too precious to engage in frivolously. She told me some things about the early days with her and Dad, maybe some things I wish I didn't know; it's like things that you can't un-see. And she ended with the cow and milk analogy."

"The cow and milk?" I asked, not following.

"You know," she said. "If a man can get the milk for free, why buy the cow?"

I paused, then it clicked. "Why get married if you can get the sex without?"

"Right. But as you have helped me understand, a relationship is so much more than just the sex ... no matter how GOOD the sex may be!" she added. Then she pulled off her tiny top and panties and slipped into my bed beside me. I took her in my arms and kissed her passionately.

Our kiss continued on and on. Our tongues dueled and danced. My tongue fucked her mouth, then she fucked mine. I sucked her tongue deep into my mouth, and she reciprocated. We shared one another's breath. Then I began to kiss her neck, her ears, her throat. She threw her head back and moaned, giving me full access. I kissed down along her sides and the full swell of the sides of her breasts. I kissed all over her bountiful breasts, kissing everywhere except the nipples. Finally, I kissed her nipples, first one then the other. She had arched her back, raising her breasts higher, begging for greater attention.

As I kissed and sucked on her breasts, I began to caress her inner thighs, slowly working my caressing hand higher and higher. Lisa was in a frenzy of sexual arousal. I continued to love her breasts as my hand caressed her pubic mound. Then I traced a finger along her inflamed slit. Lisa was WET and more than ready. She was moaning and panting, and when I first traced her sex her hips lurched upwards.

I stroked her slit and sucked on her breasts again and again as Lisa's passion rose and rose. When I allowed my hand to extend up to her clitoris, Lisa moaned loudly. With every stroke along her inflamed slit I caressed her clitoris. Her arousal was climbing higher and higher. I intended to take her to heights she had never experienced before, never imagined even existed!

Lisa's hips were pumping up and down in time to my strokes. She was moaning and panting, with little exclamations of "Oh!" and "Yes!" Then I slid one finger into her tight, virgin vagina and began to pump it in and out of her pussy. Her exclamations increased, matching the tempo of my strokes. When I thought that she was as totally inflamed with desire as possible, I searched for the little rough area that indicated her G-spot. I caressed her clitoris with my thumb and stroked her G-spot with my finger.

Lisa's body clenched into a rigid arch. Her vaginal muscles gripped my finger so tightly I could barely move it within her. I continued to caress her clitoris as her climax gripped her with what I hoped was the most powerful orgasm of her life. I wanted her to cum and cum and cum!

Lisa's hips pumped and lurched; I could feel the contractions of her vaginal muscles gripped my finger. Again and again, wave after wave of orgasmic contractions engulfed Lisa's body. Then I began to reduce the intensity of my caresses. I stopped sucking on her nipples and moved up to kiss her face and cheeks. When I finally removed my finger from inside her, Lisa collapsed against me. I kissed her and held her as powerful after-shocks of her massive orgasm continued to shake her. I kissed and held Lisa until the effects of her orgasm subsided.

"MY GOD! Is that what sex is supposed to be like? I thought I was going to explode, or die, or something!"

"Well, sex is supposed to be spontaneous and loving and whatever you want it to be at the moment. Sometimes it may be the Fourth of July fireworks, other times it may be kittens and puppies and gently falling snow. It can be gentle and relaxed, it can be hot and tempestuous, it can be wild and exotic, but I hope that it will always be caring and loving. Tonight I wanted to take you to places you have never been before."

"You certainly did THAT! I have given myself some orgasms, but nothing like that! I think you have wrung every ounce of sexual need out of my body. I'm like a limp dish cloth, I'm not sure that I could stand up if I wanted to. But all I want to do is lie here next to you. Is that alright?"

"Yes, my little Lisa, that would be just about perfect. Let me hold you as you sleep."

I had adjusted the alarm to allow for her doctor's appointment, so I turned out the light and curled up around my little sister.

[Tuesday 1]

The alarm went off much too soon, but Lisa had an appointment. We kissed then rushed through our morning rituals. I drove Lisa to her appointment and waited in the car. I didn't want to be sitting in the waiting room and have anyone question why her brother was bringing her to the gynecologist.

When she finally returned she waved the prescription in the air, a sign of victory. She said that she shouldn't start them until after her next period, which should be soon. We drove to the pharmacy and she had the prescription filled. I kissed her warmly. Then it was on to work.

I kissed her as I dropped her off. The day was uneventful and soon it was time to go home. I picked her up at the ice cream shop and we headed home. As always, we fixed ourselves a bite to eat and chatted with our parents for a little while. Mom asked Lisa how her appointment had gone. Lisa blushed and said 'fine'.

Then we headed up stairs. I kissed Lisa and said that Mom would probably come to talk with her again tonight, so we went to our separate rooms.

As predicted, Mom knocked on Lisa's door a few minutes later. After Mom had gone down the stairs Lisa slipped into my room. She said that Mom had repeated the cow and milk story, and she emphasized that pregnancy was not the only problem a girl might have when sexually active. There were horrible diseases that could be transmitted, and there were emotional pitfalls as well. Lisa had assured Mom that she had no intention of engaging in indiscriminate sex. But that sex was a part of a healthy developing relationship and she wanted to be prepared for when the time was right. Lisa said that Mom seemed somewhat reassured.

Then Lisa stood up and pulled off her tiny top and panties. She danced around a little, making her breasts bounce and sway. Then she pulled a small bottle of baby lotion out of her pile of clothes and poured a little onto her chest, allowing the lotion to run down over her bountiful breasts. Then she began rubbing the lotion all over her chest and breasts, lifting those beauties toward me, then caressing her own nipples. She danced over to me and I reached out to her but Lisa told me to fold my hands behind my head and just enjoy the show. Then she pulled the covers off of my body, exposing my rigid erection.

Lisa danced and rubbed the lotion over her beautiful breasts, caressing her nipples, and obviously becoming somewhat excited. Then she began rubbing the lotion over her flat abdomen, then lower. She took her lotion slick hand and rubbed it through her pubic bush and down to her pussy slit. Again and again she slid her hand up and down through her pubic hair and down through her pussy slit. Her pussy hair glistened with a sheen of oil, her nipples were rigidly erect and she was panting slightly.

She danced over to me and slid one oil slick hand down the length of my hard manhood. I moaned. She settled on the bed beside me, but told me to keep my hands behind my head. She put a little more lotion on her hands, wrapped both hands firmly around my cock, then began to pump them up and down. With each stroke she swirled one lotion covered hand around the head of my hard cock. Then she focused just on the sensitive head, spinning one hand around the head one way while the other hand twisted just below the head going the other way. The sensation was exquisite!

She pumped up and down, around and around until my pre-cum was flowing freely. She kept it up, on and on, as my hips pumped involuntarily, seeking release. She began to pump my cock faster and faster, caressing the head with every stroke. Lisa placed one hand below my balls and began to stroke my perineum as she pumped me even faster. I was SO CLOSE to cumming. Then she slipped a lotion slick finger into my anus and pumped it in and out with the same rapid pace and she was stroking my cock.

I exploded! My cum flew high into the air as blast after blast spewed from my cock. Lisa kept pumping until nothing was coming out, and then she pumped some more. Then she scooped up a big glob of my cum with her fingers and popped it into her mouth, making a big show of swallowing it. "Not bad! I think that I could develop a taste for this!" Then she went on, "Just stay where you are, I'll be right back."

I heard water running in the bathroom and she returned with a wash cloth and towel. She wiped up the semen I had sprayed everywhere, and then dried me off with the towel. Then she crawled into my bed next to me and curled her body around mine. Her warm body and her soft breasts engulfing me until sleep carried me away.

[Wednesday 1]

When the alarm sounded the next morning, I don't think I have ever felt so relaxed. Lisa was curled up next to me and beaming with happiness. "I did good, didn't I?"

"Yes, my sweet, you did good. You did far better than just good, you were great! That show really got me going, and then you nearly blew my mind! You are spectacular!"

We dressed and headed out to work. That day Lisa's period arrived. On the way home I could tell that she was bummed. "What's wrong," I asked.

"I have my period," she said sadly. "Now we won't be able to play."

"Well, it may affect the things we choose to do, but it certainly doesn't eliminate all options."

"Really? You would want to play even if I have my period?"

"Of course! Menstrual blood may be a bit messy but it isn't really nasty. We could do anything that we have done this far. We could have intercourse, although I would prefer to save that for a time when it would be more special. Some people will engage in cunnilingus, although I would only choose to do so if you really wanted it."

"Cunnilingus? What is that?"

"I believe 'Lingus' comes from the Latin lingua for tongue, it is the same base as language. I don't know what language 'cunni' originates from, but cunny is sometimes used in the vernacular for a woman's vagina."

"I have heard that word sometimes. So it means tongue in vagina? ARE YOU KIDDING ME??"

"Not kidding. Cunilingus is the word for oral sex performed on a woman."

"And what is the word when it is performed on a man?"

"That is called 'fellatio', although I am not quite as sure where that comes from."

Well, I won't ask you for cunilingus during my period, but I think that I would like to try experiencing THAT! "!"

"I am certain that you would, and you WILL. I promise!" I paused, and then continued. "One other thing for you to consider, if you are having painful cramps, you may not want to add orgasmic contractions on top of that. I don't have any first-hand knowledge, of course, but that's what I have heard." I said with a smile.

Lisa laughed, "That makes sense to me. ... So we can play around?"

"Yes, we can play. We will just need to put down some extra towels. If Mom would find your menstrual blood on my sheets, she might suspect something!"

"You think?"

By this time we were almost home. As always, we had a little supper and went in to chat with our parents. We watched the last part of the movie that they had been watching, and we headed up to bed. As usual, Lisa went to her room for a few minutes, and as was becoming a habit, Mom came to check on her.

When Lisa came to my room a few minutes later she was carrying some extra towels. "I told Mom that I was starting my period. I think that she was relieved to hear that. I will leave them in my room in the morning."

"Good idea! Have you been mussing up your bed each night?"

"I get into bed before Mom arrives, so I have messed it up a little. I think that it is enough to relieve any suspicions from that. I don't like to sneak around behind Mom's back, but I don't think that she would understand."

"Even if she suspected, it is better to NOT slap her in the face with unequivocal proof."

"You are certainly right about that," Lisa responded. Then she continued, "You said that sex can be wild or gentle, fireworks or kittens ... I think tonight needs to be kittens. I'm having some cramps and I think gentle is right for me now."

"You know that a no sex night is also an option. We don't to engage in sex every night. In most dating relationships a couple will see each other only once or twice a week, sometimes not even every week. I don't want you to have unreasonable expectations or feel pressured to do something sexual every night."

"Oh, I WANT to do something, just something gentle."

"OK, spread out the towels. I will lie down, then you lie back against me."

When her perfect round bottom was nestled securely between my legs and against my groin she leaned back against my chest. "Now what?" she asked.

"Just lie back and relax. I will take care of you." I replied.

"I like the sound of that."

I reached around her body, wrapping my arms under her breasts and holding her securely against my body. I nuzzled and kissed her neck and ears, and down onto her throat as far as I could reach.

I cupped her breasts in my hands, avoiding any specific attention to her nipples, massaging the entirety of each breast. Lisa's breathing was regular and relaxed, but she moaned quietly. "That feels so nice," she murmured.

After several relaxing minutes, I moved one hand down her body and cupped her pelvis while the other reached over her chest to cup a breast. Neither was overtly sexual, but it was warm and mildly sensual. I began to gently massage her vulva and breast. "Mmmmmm." Lisa whispered.

I pressed one finger slightly into her moist slit as I continued to massage her breast and pussy lips. Gently, I massaged her breast and pussy, never making direct contact with her nipple or clitoris, but constantly massaging those sensitive areas. I could feel Lisa's breathing becoming deeper as her body responded to the sensuous massage.

On and on I continued, Lisa absorbing the gentle warmth and love my massage was attempting to convey. I continued to massage her pussy lips with a slight pressure on her clitoral hood. She was moaning and humping her hips against my hand. As we continued, I felt Lisa's body shudder in my arms as a gentle orgasm enveloped her body. I continued to hold her securely until her spasms ended. I relaxed my hold and she turned towards me, her face beaming, and she kissed me.

We shifted our positions to lie side by side. Lisa wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me, "That was so warm and wonderful! It was just what I needed!" She kissed me again before snuggling down to sleep.


The next night, when Lisa came to my room, she said, "I want to try something!" as she pulled off her tiny top. "You just lie back and let me try this! Tell me if I should do it differently, but I want to try!"

I was lying naked on my bed and Lisa pulled back the covers. I was more than half hard before she crawled between my legs, her breasts swaying with her movements. She took my cock in her hand and kissed the crown. Then she licked my cock like an ice cream cone again and again. When she sucked my cockhead between her lips, I moaned with pleasure.

She swirled her tongue around the crown of my cock. She pumped her hand up and down on the shaft. She placed her lips on the tip of my cock and slipped about a third of the head in and out of her pursed lips.

Lisa squeezed her lips together tightly, then sucked the head of my cock through the narrow opening. She bobbed her head up and down keeping her lips tight around my cock, and she pumped her hand on my shaft at the same time.

My little sister was driving me crazy with lust! She swirled her tongue around and around the sensitive head of my cock. She tongued the frenulum and meatus. She pinched her lips together and sucked my cock through them again and again.

I was pumping my cock up into Lisa's mouth. She was sucking and pumping on my cock. I could feel the impending explosion building within me. "Lisa! I'm going to...."


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