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Helping My Little Sister


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We were both completely sated as Lisa crawled up beside me and we both settled down in my bed. I wrapped my arms around her and we shared several gentle kisses before we drifted off to sleep in one another's arms.

[Sunday 1]

When we awoke the next morning, I was slightly disoriented. Then I was appalled that I had in some way taken advantage of Lisa. However, as Lisa stretched her arms around my neck and pulled me into a deep, warm kiss I knew that everything was OK. That is everything except for the dried crusty mess smeared all over both of our bodies.

"Good morning, big guy!" Then she pouted, "I intended to taste of dollop of your cream last night after you climaxed, but then I was too spent to think about anything except getting into your arms. I loved sleeping with you!" She said with a smile. "I think that I would like to make a habit of that!"

Then she continued, "What would my oh-so-worldly friends say if I told them that I was sleeping with my BIG brother? And you did look BIG, really big!"

I stammered, "You CAN'T tell them that!" I was somewhat panicked by that thought.

"Oh, I won't tell them that! But I would like to sleep with you again and again. Actually, I would like to sleep with you every night!"

I looked at Lisa, my little sister. The covers were down near her waist and her breasts were clearly displayed and pointing right at me. In the clear morning light she was still the most beautiful woman I had ever seen! And she was naked and in my bed. And she wanted to be in my bed again and again ... every night! As I looked at her delicious breasts and thought about what she had said, my cock grew and grew until it was nudging her leg.

"I think somebody likes that idea," she said with a knowing smile. "But before we continue this, I need to pee." With that she climbed out of my bed and walked naked across the room and into the hallway towards the bathroom we shared. I was again astounded by her beautiful body. Then I was amazed that she was comfortable walking around naked in front of me. (I knew that our parents would be out at the club for Sunday brunch, but still....) Of course, all of this only further inflamed my arousal; at this rate, my cock would never be soft again!

"I also need to use the toilet," I said, "then I need a shower!"

"Goodie! That sounds like FUN!"

What was I to say? We both did need a shower, and it DID sound like fun!

True to her word, Lisa made my shower extremely enjoyable. I enjoyed rubbing my soapy, slick hands over her body; caressing her strong, sculpted legs and her perfect bottom, touching and caressing her at the juncture of her thighs, moving my slippery hands over her back, then around to her firm abdomen, and finally holding and caressing her magnificent breasts. I never wanted to let them go.

Lisa was just as thorough as she washed my body. Of course she paid special attention to my cock and balls, so I was hard and throbbing by the time we stepped out of the shower. "What have we here," she joked, hanging a towel on my rigid cock, "is this a towel rack for me?" She laughed.

"Very funny," I replied, smiling. "With you around, who knows when that will ever go down?"

"Go down?" Lisa pouted, "I don't think that I EVER want it to go down!"

And as sexy as she was, she might just get her wish!

We got dressed, although Lisa's attire barely qualified. She pulled on another spaghetti strap crop top that showed a wide swath of firm, bare abdomen and hung off of her full breasts with her nipples clearly visible pointing through the thin fabric. She wore a nearly skin tight pair of bootie shorts that were stretched tight over her perfect body. About half of her beautiful buttocks were exposed as was a prominent 'camel-toe'. I was doomed.

We sat and talked about things we had never discussed before as brother and sister, things we liked or didn't like, favorite movies and books, things we liked to do, favorite foods, and so on. As part of the same family, we knew some of this, of course. But many things were surprising and some were just plain wrong. As in any family we each occasionally suppressed their personal desires for the harmony of the family. While I knew that Lisa was an avid reader, II learned that she enjoys science fiction as I do, and we had both read several of the classic sci-fi authors like Asimov and Heinlein. The whole family frequently took short hikes together and she had seemed to enjoy that, but I didn't know that she aspired to more strenuous day hikes and multi-day backpacking trips like I occasionally took with my buddies.

We decided to take a short hike together later in the afternoon. "Unfortunately, I don't think you should wear that for the hike." I said.

"I know, but it's so much fun watching you looking at me now! It's as if you want to devour me! You have such a hungry look!"

"Yes, you definitely look good enough to eat!" I said. Then I added with a lecherous smile, "And I definite am looking forward to eating you."

Lisa paused a minute, finally comprehending what I was saying. Then she blushed bright red.

"I don't know how to do any of that," she said shyly.

"You lie back and let me make you feel very good," I said.

"I mean, when it's my turn to do you...", she said, blushing again.

"Everything in a relationship does not have to be perfectly reciprocal. Just because I 'do you' doesn't mean that you must immediately 'do me'." I paused, "Over the long run, the relationship must be equitable, but it should never be a rigid tit-for-tat scenario."

"But last night ..."

"Last night was somewhat different. We were watching each other. Would it have been embarrassing for me to just be watching you? Would it have been nearly as exciting if we had not been watching each other?"

"I see what you mean about last night. But if you do something good for me, I want to be able to do something for you too!"

"And THAT is the key! You WANT to do something for me, not you feel obligated to do so. And you can do that at a time of your own choosing, not 'now' just because I did something for you. It is mutual giving, not some sort of transaction where I have to do something for you because you did something for me."

"So the relationship is based more on caring and respect and a desire to give to your partner, not on what do I get out of this and what do I have to do to get it."

"Well said!" I replied enthusiastically.

"This is SO different from what I experienced with Tommy!"

"I think that we both can agree that Tommy was a worthless piece of shit that wouldn't recognize a good relationship if it bit him in the ass!"

Lisa laughed at that.

I changed into a pair of cargo shorts and t-shirt and put on my walking shoes. I pulled out my fanny pack and checked to verify that the compass, first aid kit, and other basic things were in place. Then I went down to the kitchen and grabbed some energy bars and set out some water bottles. I was just finishing up when Lisa came into the kitchen.

She looked great! (Of course, she always looked great.) She was wearing a scoop neck t-shirt that showed a nice amount of cleavage, fairly short, wide leg shorts, and sturdy shoes. She was carrying her fanny pack as well. She gave me a big smile when she saw me. I gave her a couple energy bars and two bottles of water which she stowed in the pack. Then we headed to the car.

As we drove to the trail head we chatted about this and that but nothing of significance. As we drove along Lisa put her feet up against the dash, which was somewhat unlike her. But then I noticed what this did to her short, wide flared shorts! I could see bare skin exposed WAY up her leg. In fact most of her butt was exposed and there were no panties in sight!

Then she asked, "How does a girl do oral on her boyfriend?"

I nearly choked! My hot little sister was sitting there exposing massive amounts of bare skin and asking how to do oral! I had promised to help her, but I am only human. "First, understand that you won't be able to take his entire penis into your mouth. That is mostly a porn video trick. But you really don't need to anyhow. Wrap your hand around the shaft about half way up, you will use it to pump the shaft and also to control how much of his penis enters your mouth."


"Then you can begin with kissing the head or licking it or a combination of both. The very tip, around the edge of the mushroom, and the puckered skin just below the tip called the frenulum are the most sensitive areas, so extra attention to those are always good. After a period of kissing and licking it is time for you to suck it into your mouth. Tighten your lips and suck him through your lips making sure that your teeth don't scrape against his penis.

"While it is sometimes called a blow-job, there is no blowing involved. You are sucking on the head of his penis while moving your lips up and down over the head and upper part of his shaft. At the same time you will move your hand up and down his shaft. You can control the pace and intensity, bringing him to higher and higher levels of arousal until he is nearly insane with lust.

"While some women do not like to take a man's semen into their mouth, it is a fantastic finish for the man. I have tested the taste of mine and I don't think it tastes so bad. It is often described as being somewhat salty, but it is largely protein."

"It sounds like there is a lot to learn!"

"You start with the basics and adjust as you read your partner's responses."

"Mmmmm," she said.

We had just arrived at the trail head, although I was thinking about another head that was severely swollen. Looking at Lisa's exposed leg and butt, while talking about sex had a definite effect on me.

We arranged our packs and started up the trail. It was only wide enough for one person at a time so Lisa led the way. I quickly realized this was an advantageous arrangement. The trail rose up hill and, combined with Lisa's wide flared shorts, provided a spectacular view of bare smooth buttocks. Was she really out here without panties? The thought made my already hard cock twitch.

After a couple hours of steady hiking we reached Overlook Point and the fantastic view it provides. The uphill hike had left us both damp with perspiration, and the elevation and the breeze on the point quickly chilled us down. I wrapped my arms around Lisa as we took in the view, her breasts resting on my arms. Her breasts were lifted slightly with the support from below allowing her scoop neck t-shirt to gap open at the top. This provided me an unobstructed view of her breasts down to where her tiny bra barely covered her nipples.

I could feel her pressing her butt firmly against my hard erection and wiggling it slightly as she said, "Isn't this a beautiful place?

"I love this view; I could stay just like this, soaking in this view for hours!" I said, wiggling my pelvis slightly against her bottom. We stayed there like that for quite a while, enjoying that beautiful place and the closeness we were sharing.

Eventually we sat down to eat our snack and drink some water. Lisa asked, "Could I become your girlfriend?"

"That's a complicated question. First, would I like for you to be my girlfriend? You are the most beautiful woman I've ever known. You're amazing and awesome. We enjoy many of the same things and you are easy going enough that I'm certain that we could work out any differences. While you are sexually inexperienced you seem to have a healthy libido and are eager to learn and experiment. You are two years younger than me, but that is not a big deal at this age and it will become less of an issue as years pass. In more ways than I can possibly explain, I would love for you to be my girlfriend.

"Of course there is one not so little complication. You are ALREADY my sister. Society frowns on such relationships with good reason. Often such relationships are based on coercion, with the girl being forced into it explicitly or implicitly. Then there is the issue of children. Babies born from the joining of close relatives have an higher likelihood of birth defects, and we are about as close relatives as possible. In the short term, dating is fun; but in the long term dating is about finding a compatible person who you might want to raise a family with."

"I know all of that, at least on one level. But you are just so PERFECT! You are kind and considerate, and I'm sure that you will be a wonderful lover! I have learned more about a loving and passionate relationship in two dates with you than in months with that jerk! I understand that we can't have babies together, and probably our parents would not be totally thrilled about us dating, but I'm not sure that I care about any of that right now. I really just want to be with you!"

What was I going to say to that? I really felt the same way. Lisa really was my perfect girlfriend. She is beautiful, we get along better than any couple I know, and she is enthusiastic about sex. Granted, she has nearly no experience, but she wants to learn and explore. What more could a guy ask for?

"Could you become my girlfriend? I think it's too late for that." She looked nearly heartbroken. "Because you already ARE my girlfriend!" Lisa launched herself at me, nearly knocking me off my feet. She wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist as she covered me with kisses.

"You'll never regret this! I will be the best girlfriend any guy ever had! I will make sure that you are the happiest guy around!" My cock began to grow and harden as I thought about that!

We kissed and caressed for a little while. Then it was time to head down the mountain. Lisa was nearly skipping down the trail, she was so happy.

While hiking down-hill is hard in its own way, it was still much less strenuous than the uphill climb. We made good time on our descent and were soon at the car. I called the parents and suggested that they order carry out pizza and we could pick it up on the way home. It was agreed and we were on our way.

We all sat around eating pizza and talking. Mom commented that it was so sweet that Lisa and I were spending time together. We had been very close when we were small, but not so much as we entered our teen years. Lisa commented that she had some problems with her boyfriend, or ex-boyfriend, and that I had been a very helpful sounding board and advisor. We all watched a movie on HBO that Mom had wanted a see.

Mom and Dad sat in the two big lounge chairs like usual. Normally, I would stretch out on the love seat and Lisa would grab a pillow and lie on the floor. However, tonight she sat next to me on the love seat.

When the movie was over, I feigned exhaustion following the hiking. Lisa said goodnight a few minutes later. She immediately came to my room. I said, "I think that you need to be in your own room for a while."

"Why? Don't you want me here?"

"I want you here very much, but I expect that Mom will come up to see you in a few minutes to see how you are doing."


"Yes. She knows that you have had a bad time with Tommy, and that you are closer to me than ever before. She will come up to check on you. She will probably ask about your breakup with Tommy, and she will probably ask about what I have done to help you though that. You can tell him that Tommy was a jerk, even tell her what you told me about your dates with him. You can tell her that I have tried to give you a better idea of what a good dating relationship would be like. Don't lie to her. But you don't have to go into detail about what ALL I have done for you either."

"OK, I see your point. Can I come back later?"

"Of course. Once the probability of the parents coming up to talk has passed I would be happy to have you come back."

"OK!" she said as she nearly skipped out of my room.

Less than five minutes later I heard the knock on Lisa's door. However, I was surprised when there was a knock on my door shortly after. When I answered I was a little surprised that my Dad came in.

"You have time for a quick chat?"

"Sure, I was just doing a little reading before I settled down for the night." I answered.

"I wanted to talk to you about you and Lisa." My insides turned cold! What did he know, what did he suspect? He went on, "It appears that Lisa is at a very vulnerable stage. She broke up with Tommy and she is leaning on you. Is she OK?"

I think that she will come through this better than before. You know that she was late to develop physically." Dad nodded. "That put her out of sync with other girls her age; they were dating and having their first kiss and so forth while Lisa was at home reading." Dad looked like he wanted to say something, but I continued. "She doesn't resent that, but it put her behind her peers in that aspect of her social development. Now she is a beautiful young woman and she has no experience in the dating area."

Dad nodded his understanding. "What I'm going to say next, she told me in confidence so I hope that you can keep it that way, but it will help you understand. She described a typical date with Tommy as a movie that HE liked, followed by a couple minutes of uninspired kissing, then he would forcefully grope her breasts, then he would ask her for sex. When she would refuse, he would end the date and leave. Finally, he told her that he thought that she was frigid and he thought he should break up with her.

"I have been trying to help her understand that a dating relationship is a two way street. Each person must be considerate of the other's needs and wants, not just their own. I have also discussed that much of dating is about identifying a mate, what do you like or dislike about different people and would that person be a good long term partner? I also talked about what a normal progression of intimacy would be like. I tried to give her a reasonable framework for her expectations of what a healthy relationship would be like."

Dad nodded again, then he said, "It sounds like you have been trying to help Lisa in the difficult transition from juvenile fantasies about dating to a more mature view of relationships. From what you have said, you have certainly been a good big brother for her. She obviously adores you."

"Well, I think that she is the sweetest girl I have ever known."

"Do you think that she will become sexually active?"

"Obviously, at some point she will. She is 18 years old and most of her contemporaries have been active for quite a while, so I would expect it to occur sooner than later."

Then my father threw me for a curve. "Do you have a supply of condoms? It would be very bad if she became pregnant."

My father recognized that I would likely be the one she would choose to introduce Lisa to sex. He was not condemning that, just urging prudent precautions.

"Have a good night. And take good care of Lisa." With that my father left the room and headed down the stairs.

About a half hour later, Lisa slipped into my room. She didn't knock; she just opened the door and came in. She was wearing a spaghetti strap top and panties, but she pulled them off and slid under the covers with me. She wrapped her arms around me and held on fiercely. When she had relaxed a little I asked, "How did it go with Mom?"

She gave a tentative smile as she said, "It could have been a lot worse!" Then she went on, "Mom asked a lot about my dates with Tommy, and why I would tolerate such behavior. I said that I had nothing to compare it to, and I thought maybe that's how it normally works. But I was never sexually excited when I was with him and never really wanted to have sex with him. After talking with Matt I know that Tommy is really just a self a centered jerk, and what I experienced with him was a poor shadow of what a good dating relationship should be. She asked if we were close and I told her that we were closer than we had been since we were little kids. She asked if you had 'tried anything' with me, and I told her no! I didn't think she needed to know what I have tried with you! She circled back to the 'sexually excited' comment and asked if I had any experience with sexualized excitement. I told her that I have a small vibrator and that I used it regularly. I think that she was surprised by that. She asked if I plan to become sexually active, and I said that I expected to at some point. I suggested that I should be getting a prescription for the pill. She didn't have a coronary, but she was clearly surprised, but she said that she would schedule an appointment.


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