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A clear cut case of cuckoldry?
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A tale of introducing a little variety into a loving couples married life. He wasn't keen, but she was insistent. Could have turned nasty, but my regular readers know that I don't like unhappy endings.


It was the speed that it all happened that stunned me. My wife, Jules, had only broached the possibility at breakfast that morning, and here we were, me perched nervously on the edge of bed, holding her hand like any loving husband might, while she lay there naked, panting, breasts thrusting out, and legs wide apart, with Henry, bloody Henry, about to plunge his eight inches inside her.

How on earth did I get myself into this situation?

Who's Henry?

Who am I?

Maybe I'd better go back a few hours.

Well, I'm Malcolm Letters, Malc to my friends, thirty-six years old, two more than my beautiful wife Jules, who I'd been married to for the last nine years. They'd been good years both financially and socially, and yes our sex life was pretty good as well. Got a bit stale perhaps over the last year or so I would have to admit, and that's where our, or maybe my problems started.

"We've got to be a bit more adventurous with our sex life Malc," Jules surprised me with at breakfast that morning as I was buttering my toast. "It's always been good. It still is good. But we need to spice things up a bit."

"Sounds fine to me Jules," I responded with enthusiasm, as I added a thick layer of Yummy marmalade, imagining the things that we could get up to, that till now she had drawn the line at. Sex in the park came to mind, as did some more adventurous role-playing. Visions of me with my hand up Jules's skirt in a crowded restaurant slipped through my brain, and even my favourite fantasy, for the pair of us to go ..... No hang on ---- No, even I wouldn't really do that one. Damn it though, I'd even try anal if that's what she wanted, though it'd never particularly appealed to me personally.

Then Jules announced what she actually had in mind, and I .... I .... Well I gulped. Not exactly what I had expected. Not at all. Damn it ---- Fair put me off my toast, it did.

"Jenny does it," my wife informed me, referring to her best friend. "And David doesn't seem to mind at all. Claims it's made their sex life so much better."

"I'm not David!" I reminded her. "I'm really not at all sure about this."

"Oh come on Malc," she chastised me with a giggle. "Any number of my friends are into it. It's no big thing these days."

SHIT! What was this bloody world coming to?

And that's how I found myself later that afternoon, sat there at home on tenterhooks, my stomach queasy, wondering how the hell she talked me round, while Jules, all dolled up, mini skirt and high heels and all, was down at the shopping centre on the prowl.

The shopping centre? Yes that's what I queried. But Jules assured me that that's where her friends went on a Saturday afternoon when they went looking for what they needed. I rang my pal Dave, that's Jenny's husband of course, and he must have thought I'd gone round the bend as I tried desperately to bring up the subject. For Christ's sake, how do you start a conversation like that? What do you say? How do you phrase it? How do you ask a guy if he can't fully satisfy his missus and she has to resort to ... Well to ...... Oh shit ---- I can't even put the right words down in writing! Fortunately my embarrassment was saved as he cottoned on to what I was on about.

"Oh," he laughed when he realised what I was trying not to talk about. "You mean Leroy!"

"Leroy?" I cried out in astonishment.

"Yes Leroy," he confirmed, apparently totally unconcerned. "At least that's what she calls him."

Well, the name Leroy conjured up only one possibility, and to be blunt, only one colour.

"This Leroy," I mumbled my words as confused as my mind by then. "This Leroy is ..... Well, sort of ....."

"Black!" Dave helped me out with. "Yup ---black as the ace of spades."

"And you're OK with that?" I queried.

"Why not?" he answered me nonchalantly. "Black, white, what's the difference?"

"Big I suppose?" I queried cautiously. Dave seemed to be incredibly relaxed about the whole thing, but even so, I didn't want to risk upsetting him.

"Bleeding huge," he grinned back. "Twice the size of my cock."

"Bloody hell," I muttered, more to myself than aloud, recalling from our showers after rugby together, that Dave didn't seem to be any slouch himself in that department.

"Don't you get jealous?" I went on. "Doesn't it give your male ego a bit of a bashing?"

"Did a bit at first," he admitted thoughtfully, no doubt thinking back a little. "But Leroy wasn't the first. Her first was called Tony. Jenny picked him up last year when we were in Italy on holiday and I have to admit I was a bit peeved when she bought Tony back to our hotel room without warning me first."

"That must have been difficult," I consoled him.

"It was," Dave sighed. "But she let me watch the first time and I quite got off on it. Hasn't worried me so much since then."

"How often?" I asked somewhat nervously, aware that once my Jules did it once, then by the sound of it, that wouldn't be the end of it. "Like, Jenny and this Leroy --- How often?"

"Not sure Malc," he responded, cleverly covering any jealously that he surely must still harbour somewhere. "Once a week or so maybe. I quite like to watch from time to time, but who knows what she gets up to when I'm not around."

"But Dave," I almost pleaded with him, desperately wanting to him think like a real man. "Doesn't that make you, like, well, like a cuckold?"

"I don't see it that way," he responded. "To be honest Malc, my Jenny seems to need sex more often than me, so Leroy sort of lets me off the hook from time to time."

Bloody Hell!


My telephone call finished, I sat there, my insides turning, wondering how long she'd be before she came back, hoping that nothing would catch her eye, and she'd come back alone, empty handed as it were.

My hopes were dashed!

Not more than forty minutes after she'd left the house, her car pulled back into her parking slot and in she came, all smiles and giggles, her lovely blue eyes shining with anticipation.

Then she introduced me to Henry, though I can't say as I was overly impressed to be honest.

Introductions made, somewhat more formally than were necessary as far as I was concerned. Jules made me say hello to Henry, which made me feel damn stupid. She then grabbed Henry with one hand and me with the other, and dragged the pair of us up to our bedroom, hardly giving me time to get used to the idea. Perhaps just as well?

Without so much as a 'by your leave', Jules stripped off completely, giggling away happily, bare tits swaying, assuring me that I was really going to enjoy it.

What? Enjoy watching her with that damn Henry? I ask you.

Henry was just sat there on the chair by the bed, looking like the prick that he was. That was it! A prick. Nothing more than a prick! I already hated him.

At least Jules had the decency to ask if I wanted to have first dibs as it were. You know, a quick fuck before the real show began. I refused. I wasn't happy. I'd let her have her bit of fun and then we'd see what we'd see.

Then it started!

Henry was all over her, tits, pussy, the lot. But it wasn't long before he was exploring inside her, and with a gasp from my Jules, he was in her. In her right up to the hilt Henry was. All damn eight inches of him.


Jules kept tight hold of my hand, her other hand desperately clutching at Henry and urging him into her. Jules was squirming around, her legs thrashing about wildly, her mouth wide open in clear ecstasy. If that wasn't bad enough, then bloody Henry started humming. Yes humming! I ask you ---- humming ---- who would ..... Who could ...... What could I ......! Humming, I tell you. Fucking humming!

Still, by then, Jules was squealing. Squealing and screaming like I'd never heard before.

At least I'd never noticed before!

Then again, my Jules always had been a bit of a noisy sex partner. She woke her parents up one night before we were married when she should have been in her own bed.

Different time --- different story!

She did look good though. Sort of beautiful and erotic all at the same time. It was quite a new experience to sit there and watch my loving wife have a hard cock being thrust in and out of her, that wasn't mine. Watching Henry's wide girth as he plunged in between her hot, wet pussy lips. Watching Jules go rigid, her eyes bulging, fighting for breath as Henry bottomed out inside her, unfortunately somewhat deeper than I'd ever reach.

I can't truly say that I was happy with what was going on, but had to confess that the voyeur in me was having a whale of a time. And I was hard. Or rather it was? Not eight inches of course, but what I had was betraying any last claims to the moral high ground.

Then Jules grip on my hand tightened, and her squeal became a long drawn out wail, which echoed round the walls of the room. Beads of perspiration formed on her forehead, she arched her back making her lovely tits stick out and she drummed her heels hard into the bed as she lost all control. She orgasmed! It was beautiful! I watched in awe as my wife's whole body shook in passion from the pounding that she was getting from Henry. If I got to watch this from time to time, then maybe I could be sold on the idea.


Jules took some time to come down from on high, her breathing slowly slowing down to near normal, the rise and fall of her firm breasts reducing. With a shiver, she reopened her eyes and smiled up at me.

"I love you Malc," Jules whispered up to me. "Are you OK? Was it OK for you honey?"

"Fantastic Jules," I replied huskily. "I'm surprised, but it was just as good as you said it would be."

"Your turn now lover," she urged me, tugging at my trousers which somehow or other had mysteriously become undone, and within moments I found myself astride her, licking at her tits while my dangly fella slipped up and down her wet slit, threatening to follow where Henry had just been.

"What's that damn humming?" Jules demanded just as I was about to do the dastardly act, nigh on putting me off my stroke.

"That's Henry," I reminded her.

"Oh of course," my wife giggled. "Where is he?"

"On the floor I guess," I answered, not having noticed where she'd dropped the bloody thing.

"Turn the damn thing off Malc, will you," Jules demanded. "I can't concentrate with that thing still running.

"How do you turn it off," I asked, feeling around blindly under the bed to find Henry.

"There's a switch on the side," she informed me as I located it, and silence, at last, reigned once more.

"Why Henry?" I queried as I lined myself up again.

"My first boyfriend at school when I was seven," Jules chuckled. "He kissed me once at a birthday party and it frightened him so much that he never talked to me again."

"What about Leroy then?"

"Oh God," Jules burst out. "You know about Leroy?"

"Dave told me," I admitted, a little warily.

"Well Leroy was a guy that Jenny and I knew when we were teenagers, a long time before I met you. We both fancied him like mad and all the girls said he had a ........ Oh .. Ah .. Oh God that feels so wonderful Malc."

One way of cutting off a conversation that you weren't too keen on hearing.

"Oh my God Malc," she cried out a few moments later, her fingers gripping at my back. "The real thing is so much better than that lump of plastic plastic."

Now that's a conversation that I would be keen on having.

Not just at the moment though ---- I'm a bit busy right now!


I'm sure I didn't fool all of you, but I hope you went along with the ride anyway.

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AnonymousAnonymous12 days ago
And there was I

Expecting some weird kinky shit involving a famous red vacuum cleaner. Disappointed ☹️

ibuguseribuguser9 months ago

Nice one. You did fool me until the humming part at the end.


AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

I'm lost as a reader.... Not my cup of tea.... Hate cuckoldry in any shape and form or implied...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

You write like a horny hormonal teenager !!

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