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Her Queen


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"Hush, girl. 'Tis over now," Adira whispered, wiping the girl's matted curls from her forehead. She placed a kiss upon Luciana's lips, which the princess returned. She seemed relieved that her punishment was over and unaware of the pleasures that would follow.

"Lay back," the queen ordered softly after soothing her princess. "I shall reward you for taking your punishment well."

Nodding softly, Luciana willed herself to relax and lower her head to the soft pillows under the headboard. She caught her breath, regarding the sadistic woman above her with lip trembling.

"You mustn't cry, dear," Adira cooed, placing warm hands on the girl's thighs and willing them to spread. "You have accepted your punishment. This next portion, you will enjoy."

Usually, Adira would never be caught dead with her head between the legs of another. But, per usual, something about Luciana drew her in deeper. Something made her want to please her, to taste the princess's virginal nectar from its source. The queen, in a rare act of selflessness, placed kisses down the girl's torso. She was certain to pause at the princess's pert little breasts, making Luciana jolt when her teeth grazed the nipples. Coaxing the girl's thighs even further apart, Adira adjusted her position to begin feasting upon her prey.

Starting at the knee, the older woman placed delicate kiss after kiss up Luciana's delicate thighs. Each press of her lips was rewarded with a violent shudder from the girl. She was clearly overstimulated from her punishment. This thought brought a smile to the queen's face. Slowly, she trailed her tongue and lips up the tender skin, approaching slowly the girl's dripping center. On the right and left side of the princess's nirvana, Adira nipped and suckled, sending the girl into a flailing frenzy.

Luciana started to beg, then. Her sweet 'Oh!'s and 'Please!'s excited the queen to no end, though she wondered if the princess even knew what she was begging for. Soon, she would. Digging her nails into the girl's thighs, Adira released a cool stream of air into the heat before her. She moved down to the bottom of the girl's rear, preparing to begin her attack. With flattened tongue, the queen licked the princess from her wanton little rosebud to her hairless mound. A shiver coursed through Luciana at this first movement, encouraging Adira's movements.

"Divine. Simply divine," the queen muttered, before redoubling her efforts. The queen hastened her strokes, endeavoring to swallow every drop of moisture from the virgin's hot sex.

Moans and yelps escaped Luciana's pink lips as Adira drank of her flowing fountain. Her little fingers clasped fruitlessly at the headboard, desperate for something to hold onto as she felt pleasures she had never dreamt of. Timid, questioning eyes regarded the queen, as they searched for meaning. It was sinful, what the woman was doing to her. She had to know where she was placing her lips. Or perhaps Marianne had been correct.

"Your Majesty," the princess uttered between her animalistic groaning. The woman failed to respond, intensifying her efforts instead. Adira's eyes caught Luciana's own. She was inhuman, flicking and thrusting her tongue rapidly into the princess's center. Luciana's legs started to shake then. It was impossible that Adira's mouth could bring her so much pleasure.

"Adira," the girl tried again. "What are you-- Oh!" Teeth on the princess's delicate lips interrupted her question. She pulled quite hard on the ribbon binding her wrists because in the next moment, they were free. Lifting her head from the pillow, the girl subconsciously let her hands rest in her captor's dark hair. The princess could feel the pressure building in her abdomen, the same pressure she had felt in the nights before, but with an exponential intensity. She pulled Adira's face into her center, now, desperate for her impending climax.

Adira was unhinged. She nothing short of devoured the princess's cunt. No effort was spared as she licked and sucked every crevice she could find. Ravenous, she bit at Luciana's lower lips until the hands in her hair moved in a desperate effort to push her away. Adira took the girl's wrists into her hands then, pinning them down to the bed to keep them from interfering. Unable to control her pleasure now, the princess started screaming in a piercing tone that grew higher by the second.

"Sing for me, little dove," the older woman ordered, finally entrapping the girl's throbbing virginal clitoris with her red lips.

And sing, Luciana did. Eyebrows knitted in pleasure, the girl clasped her thighs tightly against the older woman's ears. Her scream was beautiful. Adira was sure that Luciana's birdsong could be heard from the castle gates. Adoringly, the queen watched the princess's youthful face contort every time a wave overcame her. Never ceasing the movement of her mouth, Adira let go of Luciana's wrists to force the princess's legs apart as she tried in vain to close them. The older woman swallowed every droplet of nectar she could find betwixt the princess's thighs. The taste was delectable, sweeter than any delicacy Adira had tried, and more flavorful than any wine the queen had tasted of. There was no question now, Luciana would be hers in every way imaginable. Adira didn't stop. She wouldn't until the princess had climaxed a hundred times.

"Oh, Adira! Please stop!" the princess cried, with tears streaming down her youthful visage. Her delicate hands were yanking on the queen's locks now, willing her to cease her attack. Panting her arousal, Adira pulled away. Her ample chest was heaving, and a mixture of Luciana's essence and sweat coated her face. Pulling herself up to a seated position, Adira took in the sight before her. The girl was cowering from her against the headboard, still shaking with aftershocks.

"Come here, Luciana," the wicked queen called. The princess looked conflicted. Whether she was too scared to approach or disobey Adira, she knew not.

"Give me a kiss," the woman clarified. At this, the princess visibly relaxed. On her knees, she approached the foot of the bed, where Adira was seated. The queen pulled her princess into her lap, as she had done many times before. Burying her fingers in the moist curls, Adira pulled Luciana's mouth to her own. When Luciana realized why the woman's lips were so slick, it was too late. A pale, slender hand held her fast against the queen's lips, the other firmly grasping at her rear. Her taste wasn't terrible, she noticed. It was rather enjoyable, even.

Letting herself become lost in her queen's lips, Luciana relaxed in Adira's arms. She wrapped her own around the woman's neck, becoming increasingly aware of their bare breasts pressing together. This was something the girl had never experienced. The queen's much larger breasts felt heavenly against her own. Suddenly, the princess was overcome with a desire to taste them.

"Adira," Luciana whispered softly onto the woman's lips. An innocent hand came to rest on the side of the queen's ample chest.

Adira understood the silent request. "Taste me," she coaxed the girl, taking her right breast into her hand and offering it to the girl's mouth.

Leaning down, Luciana took the hard nipple into her mouth. She moaned at the taste of the woman's skin. How she did prefer this over the feel of the marble statues in her garden. With a new fervor, the girl started to nurse at the queen's breasts. Having not been touched until this moment, Adira struggled to hold back her cries of ecstasy. She buried her hands into the young maiden's hair, placing kisses onto the top of her head as she suckled.

Massaging the other large breast with her right hand, Luciana continued her appreciation of the powerful woman. This was a pleasure forbidden to her until this moment she shared with her betrothed. If a thrashing was the price of tender moments like this one, Luciana would endure until her rear was striped red. Kissing her way over to Adira's other breast, Luciana enveloped the other nipple into her mouth, sucking rhythmically, and relishing in the sound of Adira's labored breath.

"Good girl," the woman sighed. A wanton chill ran up the princess's spine at these words.

Placing gentle kiss after kiss down Adira's chest, Luciana kissed her way to the woman's stomach. Teasing her tongue from her lips, Luciana licked at the woman's belly button. Adira's shiver was almost imperceptible. Smiling shyly, Luciana kissed lower. Along the lithe curves of Adira's body, she trailed her lips. This moment was one she would savor for ever.

Luciana paused just above Adira's sex. Unlike her own, Adira's center was crowned with a triangle of trimmed dark curls. Everywhere below this patch was bare. It suited her, Luciana thought. A crown for her queen.

The queen addressed the girl, for she looked in need of guidance. "Now you will do as I have done unto you," she commanded.

Fear shone briefly in the girl's eyes. It was quickly replaced with an emotion Adira had to strain to identify. At once it came to her; the expression was one of excitement.

Adira paused for a moment, watching as the girl's lips twitched into what was almost a smile. She furrowed her brow. "Does that please you, princess?"

"Yes, Your Majesty," Luciana grinned, unable to hide her excitement. Adira met her smile, unable to resist the curve of the princess's pretty, pink lips. How fortunate was Queen Adira on this day, that this girl, this girl who was so thrilled to be in her presence, would soon be her wife.

Adjusting herself so that she rested on a pillow at the headboard, the queen placed a sweet kiss to the princess's lips. She closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling of Luciana's full lips upon her own. With a smile, she granted the girl permission to taste her.

Zealous, Luciana kissed her way back down the queen's body. Skipping any pretense of suspense, Luciana latched her mouth to Adira's sex. She kissed at Adira's cunt as if she were only kissing her lips. Though, charming as that was, the queen figured that now was as good a time as any to train her betrothed in how to best attend to Her Majesty.

Adira wrenched the girl's head back from her center. She was so incredibly eager that the sensation was hard to enjoy.

"Slower, Luciana," Adira whispered to her prize. "We have all the time in the world, my dear."


The next morning, Luciana awoke with the finest of silks surrounding her. Above her cascaded a canopy of black tulle. Dark woods and gold accents filled her sight as she adjusted to the faint light in the room. The flowing curtains in front of the large window almost blocked any light from penetrating the darkness. The princess's delicate brow furrowed, unsure of where she was. Reaching out into the darkness, the princess encountered what could only be...flesh. Clutching her hand to her chest, Luciana looked closer, allowing her eyes to adjust to the dim light. Her eyes noted pale skin and blue veins. Thick locks of dark hair, and beautiful long eyelashes. Her cruel green eyes were closed, but Luciana knew... Adira.

Slowly, the images from the night before returned to Luciana's mind. The humiliation she endured undressing for the woman, and Adira's relentless dominance. It was...no less than everything Luciana had ever imagined. Her craving to be utterly helpless and used by a wicked woman was finally satisfied. With every passing moment, the princess became ever giddier and more nervous for the queen's return to consciousness. She studied the rise and fall of the woman's ample bosom, tracing her curves with her fingertips. She could not fathom that this perfect woman would soon take her as her wife.

"Adira," the girl whispered. There was no meaning behind it, merely an affirmation of the present. A reassurance that this moment was real.

The queen opened her eyes.

There, opposite her, lay her princess. Her curls were tousled and soft, her youthful skin even softer. Her perfect pink lips were parted as soft breaths escaped her lungs. Adira reached forward to capture them with her own. Softly, she kissed her. The girl was hers, at last.

For every morsel of Luciana's excitement, the queen harbored ten. Never before had she encountered such a willing partner...someone who enjoyed submitting to her will as the princess did. Someone so beautiful and graceful who enjoyed being so controlled. Though Adira could not deny that she enjoyed the helplessness of her slaves, something about Luciana's character tantalized her. Whether it be her youth, or beauty, or willingness, or innocence, it did not matter. Adira was addicted as a peasant is to his filth. Never before had the queen known love until this moment. She wanted to spend every waking moment with the young girl before her. She loved her.

Silently, Adira pulled the girl up onto her hips so that she was straddling her. With slender fingers, she caressed the back of Luciana's neck, pulling her down to meet her lips. Her kisses had greatly increased in quality, and Adira congratulated herself silently on this fact. Contentedly, Adira lay back against the pillows, allowing the feeling of the younger girl's lips on her own to wash over her. She focused on nothing else, only her princess. Running smooth fingers up Luciana's naked body, Adira groaned her approval.

Luciana smiled, dipping her head to the woman's neck and placing feather-light kisses against the delicate skin. She kissed Adira's jaw with the weakest of intensities, forcing her to want for more. Adira narrowed her eyes, what with her feathers being ruffled. The little devil thought she was in control.

"Do not tease me," the woman admonished, grasping the girl's hips tightly. She dug her nails painfully into the soft flesh, hoping to send a message. "Or I shall have to take control."

Luciana moaned out, struggling to hold herself up atop the woman's hips. It was difficult, with Adira's fingers digging into her thighs and her hot breaths against her ear, her words even hotter with intensity.

"Take control," the princess whispered, an echo to Adira's words. The woman grinned with an evident lust.

Flipping the girl over abruptly, the queen reversed their roles, kissing Luciana's smooth skin repeatedly. Adira moved a hand between the girl's thighs, caressing her ever so nearly to where she needed her. The princess's jerking was terribly delightful as the queen softly brushed her lower lips. It wasn't enough, however, and Luciana's frustrated, desperate moans proved this. Adira's grin grew wider at this thought.

Whispering into the girl's skin, Adira continued, "I shall have to possess you." Suddenly, she sank her teeth into the princess's neck. Adira moaned at the sweet taste of the youthful flesh.

The girl yelped. Her thin fingers clasped and scratched at her queen's back. She was enveloped in the pleasure of the moment. She wanted her, again.

"Possess me," the girl gasped. Her voice was strained and she was full with desire. "I am yours to possess, Adira."

Adira's eyes softened as she listened to the beautiful voice. Her fingers danced between Luciana's thighs. She swiped gently in between the girl's pretty lips and found an abundance of moisture therein. She was aroused, her wetness seeping into the sheets.

"You are," the queen affirmed.

"I am yours, Your Majesty."

At this, the queen seized the girl's mouth roughly. Two of her fingers plunged into the princess's sex, gifting her a pleasure she had never felt. Luciana's moan resounded, and Adira's eyes fell closed at the sound. How lovely was her little dove? Lovely to behold, lovely to be held. Adira kissed her cheek deeply, as her moans continued. Her lashes tickled the girl's own, as her tongue licked softly and insistently at her cheek. Writhing and pretty, Luciana lay beneath her.

Swiftly, the queen moved her kisses down the girl's body. A kiss to her neck, her collarbone, her beautiful taut stomach, and finally, her fountain. Her sighs of pleasure rang sonorously from the high ceiling. Like wedding bells, Adira thought. Joining her fingers, Adira's experienced tongue snaked from her lips, broad strokes covering Luciana's button deftly. The queen's years of practice were only useful in this moment, in pleasuring the woman she would marry. Adira looked adoringly up into the girl's deep brown eyes. Her eyebrows were creased, her lips were rosy and quivering, her fingers were clasped around Adira's wrist as she knelt between her legs.

Pressing deeper into the princess's sex, Adira encountered her thin membrane. With a start, the queen realized that even with all of her indulgences the night before, Luciana's maidenhood remained intact. She still clasped loosely to her virtue, and Adira wished for nothing more than to claim it once and for all for herself. That would have to wait, however. A virginity was lost as a bride.

Luciana savored the moment she shared with her betrothed. Adira's tongue was heavenly, the sensation was like none the princess could ever have imagined. Her long, deft fingers exploring her center, careful not to harm her maidenhood. Luciana wondered if she had plans for it...if there were a reason she avoided taking her now. Luciana wanted Adira to possess her, possess her as she promised. Naught could steal her focus from the woman consuming her, from her dark hair that fell messily from her shoulders, from her deadly green eyes that shone with a new warmth. Luciana smiled down at her, her captor, her lover. When she had dreamt of this moment, her imagination had failed to capture the extent of its ethereality.

The girl gasped out as she came closer, closer to her release. Adira sucked her deeper into her mouth, forming an airtight seal around her small nub. The girl's climax finally came when the queen flexed her fingers, touching a place inside her that must have been gifted by the gods. Whatever thoughts she had were swiftly overtaken by the pleasure she felt in the next moment. It overtook her with a vigorous force. Adira swiftly removed her fingers from the princess's sopping sex and replaced them with her hungry lips and tongue. Clasping tightly onto the queen's wrist, Luciana screamed the woman's name in unbridled ecstasy, surely waking the castle.

"Adira!" the princess cried. And then she chanted it, like a prayer. Over and over again, she said her queen's name. And each time, the corners of the queen's eyes upturned further. Her tongue still painted swirling shapes on Luciana's center, as she lapped up all of the nectar therein. The girl's thighs tried to close despite the hands forcing them apart. Her moaning had quieted but persisted in soft mewls. Luciana's dainty hands came to rest upon Adira's hair, in a fruitless attempt to push her away. The queen grinned wickedly, as best she could with her mouth so occupied.

Finally, the princess spoke. "Oh, do stop, Adira," Luciana supplicated breathlessly. "I fear I can endure no longer."

Finally pulling away from her goblet, Adira met Luciana's eyes with a waggish smile. Gracefully, she glided up the bed to kiss her princess. Luciana sighed into the embrace, holding Adira fast to herself.

"Are you hungry for breakfast, dear?" the queen implored. She regarded the girl fondly, brushing her hair from her eyes with delicate fingers.

Still panting, Luciana nodded her assent, "Yes please, Adira. I'm famished."

"I will have some tea brought up for you," the woman smiled, removing herself from the large bed. "I've quenched my thirst for the morning," she finished with a cheeky grin.

Luciana flushed pink with embarrassment.


Later in the day, Adira and Luciana shared their supper in Adira's tearoom. Most of the day had been spent quietly, with small smiles passed from one woman to the other. The change in Queen Adira's demeanor was clear. She had not once raised her voice at a slave or even taken her eyes from her betrothed.

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