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Her Queen


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The next to enter the hall was a well-dressed young man who moved to stand at the entrance of the royal hall a minute after the queen was seated.

"To Her Majesty, I do present the Princess Luciana of the Kingdom of Delphine."

Two members of the Royal Guard then entered the hall, flanking what Adira could only describe as the most gorgeous young creature she had ever laid eyes upon. And no less, her innocent eyes seemed to regard Adira with the same amount of fascination. The men pushed the lass down onto her knees by her shoulders. The dress of Adira's the girl wore splayed on the marble floors around her as she bowed her head in submission. The princess was stunningly beautiful, and much more so than any slave in the wicked queen's custody. Her long hair fell in natural curls about her head, and her long eyelashes fluttered in anticipation. Her golden skin glistened in the sunlight entering the royal hall through the large windows adorning the high walls. Princess Luciana was visibly disquieted and trembling. Adira leaned forward, lifting a pale finger to trace across the young girl's smooth collarbone. The girl shivered at the contact. Adira grinned a wicked grin.


With chin lifted royally, the Queen Adira opened her mouth to ask simply:

"Wherefore are you here?"

The girl's head of curls remained down, refusing to meet the eyes of the wicked queen. She took a moment to gather her bearings before speaking. However, before the queen could encourage the girl to hasten her response, a sweet and soft voice began to echo off of the ceilings. Adira felt as if a dove had flown into her hall and graced her with its song. Shivers coursed through Adira's body as the princess began to speak.

"I've run away, Your Majesty," sang the little bird.

"And from whence did you come?"

"Delphine, Your Majesty. My parents are King Lionel and Queen Wilhelmina," the fair maiden continued, sweetly. "I was not aware I had entered your lands and I humbly ask your kindness."

"The princess," the older woman murmured. It was truly her, Luciana, in the flesh. Even Adira had heard of the young princess's beauty, and now face-to-face with it, she was moved.

The queen struggled to regain her composure before continuing. "My kindness?" she scoffed. "Do you know not where you are?"

"I do not," the young girl stated shyly. Adira cocked her head at the beauty knelt before her.

"This is Valencia, and I am the Queen Adira."

The astonished young girl gasped dramatically. Her eyebrows lifted in surprise and her pink lips parted. Adira could have almost sworn that she saw the princess's lip tremble.

"You are Queen Adira?" came Luciana's incredulous next words.

"I am," remarked the queen. "Does that surprise you?"

"Every one only says how ruthless and wicked you are. That you are a sorceress! Not that you should be so..,"

Luciana hesitated. The girl looked too flustered to speak coherently. "So exquisite."

Adira smiled a wicked smile. "Exquisite," she mused.

"Your words have a certain effect on me, and thus I'm feeling quite generous today," the queen announced. "Your punishment for trespassing is to be my personal guest, here in my palace. I do hope that this will agree with you, Princess Luciana."

Luciana lifted her head to meet the queen's eyes, an act if committed by one of her slaves would be punished with a number of lashes. Adira narrowed her eyes at the girl--perhaps her rare display of mercy was not the wisest choice.

"If I may, Your Majesty?"

Luciana sat back onto the heels of her feet which Adira was certain were soft and unblemished. How the queen wished to caress that skin with her nails. In due time, the queen reminded herself. Adira refocused her attentions on the girl's words. She adjusted her sitting position in her throne and gestured with her hand for the young maiden to speak.

"I may be young, but I am not naïve. I know the implications of the term 'guest.' Have you not servants to wait upon you? Why should you imprison me here to do the same?"

The face of each servant and slave grew pale with fear. For they knew their queen to not take lightly such insolent and insubordinate comments as the one spoken by Luciana. Notwithstanding the girl's less than malevolent intentions, the lack of respect was clear to anyone. It mattered not that she be a princess, this was Adira's kingdom, and her reign would be respected. Adira sat upright in her seat as every eye raised to watch what her reaction might be to the innocent girl's unfortunate words. Luciana still looked the queen in her eyes, hopeful and interested to learn what her response might be. Adira, after a moment's contemplation, again regarded the girl at her feet. To every person in the room's surprise, a wide smile came to grace the queen's handsome façade.

"I suppose you are right, my Dear," Adira stated with a small chuckle. Her posture relaxed. "You'll not wait upon me in that sense, Darling. I shall task you with more personal services...such as companionship."


"Yes, Dear. You've gained my favor. Stand to your feet, would you?"

Princess Luciana stood before the queen, her long legs emerging with the gracefulness of a swan from beneath her taut form. Queen Adira inhaled sharply, watching intently as the girl's skirts fell to cover her body.

"Excellent. I shall find someone to show you to your room...."

Adira gestured to a nearby slave girl. "Marianne. You will place the princess in the chambers across from mine," she ordered.

The girl along with another slave went to prepare the room for the guest.

"Tonight, you will dine with me, and we shall become better acquainted. Until then, I have business to attend to."

Adira approached the young girl and placed a kiss upon her forehead. She spoke quietly, "Until dinner."

The princess's mouth fell agape. She watched as the statuesque royal sauntered away, flanked by guards. She watched the sway of her womanly hips with a feverish desire. What for, she could not know. Never had anyone kissed her aside from her mother and father. This bewitching woman's embrace was entirely unexpected, but strangely not unwelcome. Luciana shuddered, craving to feel the woman's touch again. With a wistful stare over her shoulder, Luciana allowed Adira's servants to lead her to her bedchamber where she would sit with her thoughts until dinner.


In three hours' time, Princess Luciana was seated at the end of a long, extravagant dining table. It was clearly handcrafted from the finest of woods and skillfully made. Upon the table were dishes and dishes of meats and cheeses and breads that could easily have fed an army as large as the Queen Adira's own. Any person sitting across from the queen would feel honored, and Luciana was no different. She sat tall under the queen's quiet, intense scrutiny, taking small sips of soup from her spoon. Luciana distracted herself from the butterflies forming within her stomach by tucking a curl behind her ear. The queen followed her every movement, unhelpful to the girl's sudden timidity.

The queen cleared her throat.

"Are you enjoying your meal? This is my favorite dish. 'Tis chicken in a Romanesco sauce."

Luciana started at the deep echoing voice, gifting a nearly undetectable grin to the queen's ruby red lips.

"Yes, I am," the Princess began. "Your chefs are extraordinary."

Adira hummed her agreement. The room fell silent as she leaned back in her chair.

"So," Adira began. "Wherefore has the little princess strayed so far from her castle?"

Luciana blushed.

"I was betrothed," she stated sadly. "To a lad I have never once met."

Adira frowned. "I see."

"And to be completely forthright," the girl continued. "I have absolutely no inclination to marry someone I've never met. Let alone..."

"A prince?" the queen finished.

The younger girl's expression resembled that of a doe.

"Why, yes," she began, her tone tainted with confusion. "How did you know that?"

Queen Adira smiled an emotionless smile. "I, too, was once betrothed. I suppose that is the fate of a princess."

Luciana's features softened.

"What became of him?" she inflected. "Your fiancé, I mean."

"Let us say...he is no longer of concern," Adira dismissed with an eerie smile.

"Besides, I've much more interesting things to focus my attention upon now, do I not?" the queen smirked.

By this point, Luciana had forgotten what she had asked the queen. A heated exchange of glances passed between the women, the queen seemingly devouring every inch of Luciana's body without laying a finger on her. Adira was taken by the young maiden across from herself. She took in the defined clavicle, peeking out from above the princess's dress. What the queen wouldn't give to take it betwixt her teeth and leave red marks upon the girl's soft skin. The princess could feel herself start to perspire under Adira's sweltering royal gaze and was the first to look away. Despite her suspicion, Luciana refused to believe that the woman shared her sinful, feminine fantasies. That would be impossible.

The queen snapped her fingers, causing a number of young servants to appear to clear the table. Something about this control unsettled Luciana. So unsettled was she, that she failed to hear the queen clear her throat.


"I'm sorry," Luciana stuttered.

"I should not have to raise my voice to earn your attention, little girl," came Adira's deep voice across the table.

"Yes, Ma'am. I-- I'm sorry."

"I know. You'll come tomorrow morning to my chambers so I can acquaint you with your responsibilities. Goodnight, Luciana."

"Goodnight, Your Majesty."


Once Luciana had returned to her bedchamber, she allowed the queen's servants to dress her in nightclothes before retiring to the large bed Adira designated for her. Her mind was swimming with impure thoughts that she couldn't expel.

Luciana lay upon the expensive silk sheets of the room Adira assigned to her. However, no matter how she tossed and turned herself on the large bed, she could not become comfortable. Something was eating at her, a something deep in her abdomen that pressed upon her loins. A deep, burning desire for something she couldn't quite distinguish. Only once had she felt this way before, whilst she watched her mother's companions in various stages of disrobe. She remembered their exposed chests, the curvature of their calves, the hardness of their ankle...and then Luciana remembered Adira. Beautiful, wicked Adira. The aquilinity of her bridge, the omniscience of her pale green eyes, and every speck of gold therein. The sharp scowl of her mouth, and the arch of her sculpted brow. And as Luciana remembered, her burning grew in intensity. With every thought of the woman, the woman who held her captive, she grew hotter and more restless.

Luciana remembered the way Adira looked at her, with the lustful stare of the prisoners in the royal prison when she would visit. Somehow, that gaze was more suited to the queen, more becoming, more desirable. The princess had heard Adira's servants gossiping about how the queen treated them, and despite herself, had become jealous. She wanted nothing more than to be on the receiving end of Adira's affections...or her animosity. Luciana saw it in her head. Stately and imposing Adira, seated on her throne. Her milky white legs spread wide under her skirt and a scowl upon her chiseled features.

Then, the queen would speak to her.

"Luciana," she would call. "Kneel before me."

And Luciana would, of course...for she would do anything that the terrible woman asked of her. She was positively smitten. The princess would rest her head upon the woman's knee, kiss her feet, her lovely ankles, her calves. Luciana almost moaned from the thought. As she imagined, Luciana found her slender fingers descending her stomach to an uncertain destination. Luciana let them travel until they found the place where she ached the most...the sacred area where fingers never had wandered before. With her fingers, Luciana felt the smooth folds of her sex. she ran her fingertips through them languidly, causing a shudder to course through her innocent frame.

Something was calling the princess, calling her to reach lower. Luciana ran her hand along the slit of her treasure, feeling a warm moisture collect upon her fingers. She continued this for a short while, allowing her fingers to ascend and descend the moist flesh. Short gasps of pleasure escaped her lips at the feeling. A feeling of something building, growing stronger with every passing moment in her center. The princess decided then to reach her fingers higher. As Luciana came to the apex of her netherlands, she felt the sensation of one thousand angels pressing their lips to her sensitive skin. With a sharp gasp and a resounding yelp of pleasure, the princess brought herself to climax.

Luciana jerked, she writhed, the moisture spreading from her virginal sex to the silk sheets beneath her in a torrent. Heaving deep breaths, the princess came down from her high, realizing at once the implications of her actions. What had she done? What would happen when Adira's servants came to collect the sheets from her bed? How embarrassed she would be if the queen's servants were to gossip about the princess wetting her bed at a marriageable age.

For that was what happened, was it not?

How absurd! That one could feel such desire as to cause her to wet herself.

Good heavens! She had touched her most sacred area! Was she still even able to be considered a virgin?

So overwhelmed by the troubling thoughts clouding her mind, the lovely princess began to weep. Now she could never marry, were she ever given the chance after Adira learned of her incontinence and exiled her from her kingdom. Trembling violently in the puddle from her indiscretions, the princess choked out sob after sob, trying unsuccessfully to mute the pathetic noise with her pillow.

Unbeknownst to the princess, however. a presence had entered her bedchamber and now stood at her side. A young girl of about Luciana's age reached out to comfort her.

Luciana started with a gasp. Then she began to plead, "Oh! Oh please, I beg of you, please help me."

"I can help you, but you must keep your voice low."

Luciana wiped the remaining tears from her eyes and nodded her head in agreement. She recognized the girl as Marianne, the servant that Adira told to show her to her chambers.

"Now, tell me, what is the matter?" the girl whispered.

Luciana sat on the edge of her bed, arms crossed in timidity. "I'm terribly embarrassed," she mumbled, long eyelashes fluttering. "I seem to have suffered an incontinence."

Marianne had a glance at the puddle and had to stifle her laughter. "Your Highness," the girl smiled. "I think you may be mistaken."

Luciana looked up from her lap in befuddlement. "Pardon?"

"What were you doing whilst this took place?" came the soothing voice.

Luciana's face flushed and tears once again filled her brown eyes. A sole sob escaped her mouth as she hurried to muffle it with her hand.

"Oh, you mustn't cry, Your Highness," the girl's voice soothed. She placed a hand upon the princess's shoulder. "What you did, 'tis only natural."

"'Tis natural for a maiden to...take her own virtue?" the princess asked bemusedly.

Another glance by Marianne showed immaculate sheets. No blood tainted the silk, only the holy water from the virgin's climax. "You haven't lost your virtue, princess. You've merely given yourself pleasure."

"Pleasure?" came Luciana's incredulous response.

"Yes, Your Highness. You've brought yourself to an enjoyment...of sorts. But you needn't worry, I'll change your bedclothes myself. The queen will never know."

Luciana stared blankly at the girl. This was far too much for her to process.

Marianne sighed, "You must stand so that I may gather the bedclothes. Do you wish that I should do this for you? Or do you not?"

Luciana sprang to her feet. "Yes, please," she hurried out.

Working quickly, the servant girl now stood at the door.

"I will bring them back before morning. You needn't worry."

Luciana nodded frantically. "Wait!" she called. "I wanted to thank you...for your kindness, Marianne."

Marianne's features contorted in confusion before softening almost into a smile. Luciana had a fleeting thought that perhaps this was the first thank you the maiden had received.

"You are very welcome," Marianne spoke softly before hastily exiting the room.


After a restless night, Luciana was awoken by a handful of docile servants, and a tray of tea and biscuits. She was informed that after her breakfast and bath, she was to be brought to the queen's chambers to begin her royally assigned duties.

Dressed in a beautiful lavender dress, Luciana was brought to the queen's chambers. Adira was seated on a comfortable looking love seat, enjoying a cup of tea. Her ample bosom spilled over the top of her corset, and Luciana couldn't help but admire the queen's appearance. And beyond her beauty, the queen seemed to be in good humor.

With a delighted smile, Adira called to the girl, "Luciana. Come here, my Dear."

Timidly, the princess approached the queen, arms linked behind her back.

"Why, you needn't be shy, Darling!" Adira laughed femininely. "I won't hurt you, princess," she cooed, beckoning the girl closer. She had much in store for the girl before she could even consider hurting her.

"Have a seat, and I'll begin to instruct you as to how you can best accompany me."

Luciana sat in a chaise across from the queen, crossing her arms in her lap demurely. She had a lingering feeling that Adira had to know what she had done the night before in her chambers. Why else would she be in such good humor? She trusted Marianne, but she knew that not all of the stories about the queen's wickedness could be untrue. She was hesitant to give the woman her complete trust.

Adira frowned when the girl sat in the furthest possible seat from her. She had a good feeling about Luciana, but her excessive fear of her had to be least to an extent.

"Were you able to sleep last night, Luciana?" Adira asked the girl.

"Oh, Your Majesty, I was very comfortable. Thank you for your kindness."

"Luciana. I asked how you slept, not if you were comfortable," Adira responded, raising an eyebrow. "I only ask as you appear so exhausted."

It was true, Luciana could not hide the dark circles under her eyes. If only the queen knew the ordeal she went through the night before. Her lip quivered. "I'm sorry, but I wasn't able to sleep very well, Your Majesty. I hope that I've not offended you."

Adira had to resist her smile, the girl was adorable. "It was only your first night, Dear," she mused. "Tonight will be better."

"How many nights will I spend here, Your Majesty?" the maiden spoke softly.

"As many as I see fit," Adira huffed. "I intend to enjoy your company," she dismissed.

"And when my parents come to look after me? I'm sure that the search dogs have found the horse I stole."

"We will address that when it happens. For now, you will focus on your debt to me. I am sure that you understand that I could have had you killed or tortured for my pleasure."

"Yes, Your Majesty," the maiden spoke hurriedly. "I'm terribly sorry."

Luciana's demeanor had visibly changed. She shivered despite the fire, and her doe eyes were wide. Adira refrained from shuddering at the sight. The princess's fear was seductive; it lit a fire in Adira's core.

In an attempt to hide her appreciative gazes, the queen cleared her throat. "Well, let's begin our training, shall we?

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