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Here Puppy

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My girlfriend says I am a good boy when I go down on her.
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My girlfriend in college liked me to down on her. She liked it a lot. I didn't mind. It turned me on, and we did it often.

She liked to pat her lap and say, "Here, Puppy!" I would kneel in front of her while she pulled down her jeans and licked her.

Sometimes, after we went out, she would sit in the passenger seat of my car and pat her lap. She would slide her seat back, and I would kneel in front of her, wedged under the dashboard. There wasn't much room. She would press down on my head until she climaxed.

It was fun to do it when there was a chance of getting caught. Sometime it would be someplace private. Sometimes it would just be in a remote part of a busy parking lot.

One time we drove Pam, a friend of ours, out to a park for a hike. It was fun hiking with the two women. We stopped at the store on the way back to pick up some supplies. I loaded the groceries in the trunk while my girlfriend and Pam waited in the car.

My girlfriend had her window down and patted her lap. "Here, Puppy!"

I was surprised that she would want to play with our friend in the back. I hesitated.

She opened the door and patted her lap again. "Here, Puppy!" She repeated. She slid her seat way back to give me room.

Out of habit, I crawled into the space in front of her seat.

"That is so cute!" Pam played along from the back seat. "Such a good boy! So well behaved!"

"He is a good boy!" My girlfriend said as she unbuttoned her jeans and scooted them under her butt and down to her ankles so she could spread her knees apart and give me room.

She pulled my head down to her muff, and I started licking her.

"That feels so good!" She sighed as I licked her.

"That looks like fun!" Pam commented. "I love how enthusiastic he is. He gets into it! I wish my boyfriend would do that for me! He likes it when I go down on him, but he never wants to return the favor."

"He has never gone down on you?" My girlfriend asked, shocked

"Not once! But he loves it when he can nut off in my mouth. He likes to shove it down my throat and cum"

"You are SO missing out!" My girlfriend agreed

It didn't take long for my girlfriend to reach her climax. I think having an audience got her there even quicker than usual. She moaned loudly, squeezed my head with her thighs, and pulled my head hard as she clinched up and climaxed.

She collapsed back into her seat, exhausted. I sat back and looked up at her, my face covered with her juices.

"That was hot!" Pam commented from the back seat. "I wouldn't mind going next!"

"Yes! You have to try it! You are going to love it! Take my seat."

My girlfriend told me to stay where I was while she pulled her pants back up and crawled into the driver's seat while Pam climbed into the passenger seat. In the cramped space, they had to scramble over the center console.

Even before she pulled her jeans down, I could smell her arousal.

I sat at her feet and watched Pam unbutton her jeans and scoot them down, along with her underwear. I could see her light brown pubic hair and her wet pussy below.

Pam scooted forward, and her pussy lips opened up. I knelt and tasted her. She was soaking wet. She tasted differently than my girlfriend, not better, just different.

"Oh!" Pam exclaimed. "That is nice!" Pam said as I started to lick her

I used my tongue to find her clit, then went lower and tried to get deeper into her. I licked around both the inside and outside of her lips, then flicked her clit and put my whole mouth around it, and sucked it down.

"Oh my god!" Pam said as I tonged her

Pam started convulsing. After a while, she relaxed.

"On my god! I never came that fast before! That was amazing! Thank you so much!"

"Do you want to cum again?" My girlfriend offered her

"Oh my god! You don't mind? Ok. Maybe just a little."

I kept licking her while the girls talked, and Pam complained about her boyfriend's refusal to go down on her. Before long, I felt Pam clinch up in another orgasm. Then Pam finally pushed me away and pulled up her jeans.

"Thank you so much! He is amazing with his tongue! He is such a good boy!" Pam thanked us

A few weeks later, we went on a double date with Pam and her boyfriend, Mark. We drove out to a local overlook and brought some beer. We drank and talked and watched the stars and the city's lights.

My girlfriend started to get frisky, and we started kissing and making out, and Pam and Mark started making out in the back seat.

I kissed her and felt my girlfriend up under her shirt. She groaned and told me to climb over the console and get on the floor, moving the seat back to make room for me.

Sitting on the floor, between my girlfriend's legs, I could see Pam and Mark in the backseat, watching us. Pam had a huge smile on her face. Mark watched closely as my girlfriend unbuttoned her pants and pulled them off. I was very aware that they could see my girlfriend's shaved pussy.

"Here, puppy," she said quietly, and I leaned in and started to click her. She was soaking wet, as always when I go down on her, but I think putting on a show for Mark and Pam made her extra aroused.

As I licked her, I looked up at my girlfriend's smiling eyes and the rapt attention of Mark and Pam while they watched us. They kissed and had their hands all over each other, but they never took their eyes from my tongue working on my girlfriend's clit and pussy.

"That feels so good!" My girlfriend purred. "Maybe Mark can do that for you?" she suggested.

Pam laughed. "Not likely. He doesn't like the taste of lady parts! He loves to get a BJ, though" She rubbed the front of his pants. "Would you like one?" She offered Mark

"Sure! I can't turn that down!" Mark had a big smile in anticipation of his first public blow job.

My girlfriend's eyes opened wide, and she smiled. She turned to Mark and Pam in the back. "I have an idea! What if the puppy gave him one?"

"Oh my god! That would be so hot! Yes!" Pam agreed. "I would love to see that!"

Mark protested, and I didn't think he would agree, but both girls pointed out that he just said he couldn't refuse, and they begged him. No one asked me if I was willing. Pam teased him by pressing her hand against the front of his pants. My girlfriend pressed my head harder against her pussy.

"This is going to be awesome!" My girlfriend said.

She looked down at me and told me to "Stay!" Then she opened the door, got out, and Mark climbed into the front seat. My girlfriend got in the driver's seat.

"Puppy! Unbutton him!" My girlfriend commanded

My hands shook as I unbuttoned his pants and unzipped them. Mark lifted his butt off the seat and pulled down his pants and underwear, leaving me inches from his erect penis.

This close, I could smell him. He smelled very different than the women, musky and male.

He lifted his penis by the base. From this angle, it looked huge. I didn't see how I could get more than the tip in my mouth.

He batted my face with it. It was degrading. I could see Pam leering in the back seat with a big smile.

"Lick him, puppy!" My girlfriend ordered

"Open up, puppy!" My girlfriend commanded.

I opened my mouth to suck on him as she wanted. Mark teased me, pulling it away at the last second as I tried to suck him. It was very degrading.

Finally, he put the head in my open mouth, filling it. It was firm but soft and slippery texture of pre-cum around the tip that tasted slightly salty.

Mark moaned.

"That is so sexy!" Pam said from the back seat.

"I know! Right?" My girlfriend agreed. "You are doing great, puppy. You are a good boy. You are a natural at this"

I sucked on the end, then tried to get it deep, but I could only get about halfway before it lodged against the back of my throat. I didn't gag but couldn't get it any further. Mark moaned when I did this, signaling his pleasure.

"He is good at this!" Pam observed from the back. "Don't forget to suck his balls," Pam suggested

I pulled out and licked his balls. Mark shaved, so he didn't have pubic hair anywhere. His balls were smooth and hair free. I licked, then, with a bit of suction, I popped both in my mouth. Mark slowly jerked off while I sucked his balls.

I moved back up and licked along the base of his dick while he stroked the tip, then pulled back so he could put it back in my mouth. I went down as far as I could and applied a slight suction as I did on his balls. This time, I felt the tip enter my throat.

"Oh my god! He is deep-throating me!" Mark exclaimed.

I gagged a little and pulled back. I could feel precum secreting from the tip. Then I pressed down deeper. My lips briefly touched his stomach before I gagged again. This time I held it.

"That feels so good."

I had to pull away to breathe. Mark stroked himself while I caught my breath.

"Dang! I could never do that!" Pam commented. "He IS a natural at this"

I went back to sucking his balls while he jerked off. Mark slouched down to give me better access.

"I think his pants are getting in the way. Why don't you put them in the back seat" My girlfriend suggested.

It wasn't easy, but I worked his pants legs off both feet while Mark jerked off in front of me. I could still taste and feel him at the back of my throat. I finally worked the jeans free and handed them to Pam.

"Lick his taint below his balls," Pam suggested. "He loves that."

Mark slouched down even lower, and I saw Pam kiss him, turning so she could reach him. I lifted his balls and reached down to lick him. Mark moaned and lifted his feet. I licked down between his ass and his balls, coming up to suck his balls in his mouth. Each time I licked lower to his ass, Mark moaned and scooted down further. Soon, he had his knees up and his feet on the dash.

I tentatively licked down to his asshole, and he moaned loudly.

"Yes! Right there!" He said.

My girlfriend likes when I lick her asshole, but she is not into butt play very much, so we don't do it very often. Mark seemed to be really into it. I licked around his asshole and pressed my tongue in, and Mark went crazy.

"Holly cow! I think he likes it!" Pam commented it was unclear whether she was talking about Mark or me.

"Oh my god, I am almost there!"

"Cum on his face," Pam begged him.

"Yes!" My girlfriend agreed

Mark dropped his legs, and I watched from inches away as he pointed his dick right at my face and furiously jerked off. I opened my mouth as girls do in porn.

I could see the first rope shoot out and strike me right on the forehead. Another rope hit my cheek; the third went into my mouth. It was salty and slippery.

I saw another small spurt dribble down the head of his dick. I leaned forward and sucked on the tip, running my tongue over the head. I heard Mark moan and felt his dick contract and twitch a few more drops of slippery fluid emerged on my tongue.

Mark squirmed from the intensity of the post-orgasm blowjob, but I kept sucking gently.

"That was intense!" Mark commented

Finally, he relaxed. His dick was half erect and much softer now, much easier to fit in my mouth. I could take all of it in my mouth, so I slid forward until my mouth was up against his stomach. The soft tip lodged in my throat. I focused on relaxing and trying not to gag.

"That was so sexy," Pam told him while they kissed. "Thank you for letting us watch. I think he might be better at that than I am!"

I started to choke, pulled his dick out of his mouth, and licked it as it lay on his stomach. Then slid it back down to the root and held it. It was getting easier now, with a bit of practice, but he was getting hard again.

"I think he has a gift," My girlfriend agreed. "I don't think he is finished yet." She observed, "He likes to play after you reach climax and try for another"

"Look at that! He can swallow the whole thing now! I bet Mark can go again if we give him a few minutes to recover." Pam said from the back seat.

"That would be cool! This time I want to see him nut off without touching himself," My girlfriend begged

I felt Mark lengthen a little as the women talked. He seemed to go deeper down my throat.

"Me too! Do you think you can do that, Mark? Please? For me?" Pam begged

"Sure, but I think I need a few minutes."

"While Mark recovers, do you mind if I take a turn?" Pam asked my girlfriend. "It might help him get ready."

"Good idea." My girlfriend agreed. "Please help yourself," She offered causally

Mark climbed out, still bottomless, and Pam got in the front seat, unbuttoned her pants, pulled them off, and tossed them in the back. Mark watched in the back. He didn't bother putting his pants back on.

She spread her legs and rubbed her pussy inches from my face. The smell of her arousal hit me.

"He looks so cute with his face covered with cum!" She swiped a bit of cum off my chin and put it in her mouth. "It's all over his face!" She played with the messy cum, spreading it around. "Here, puppy," She whispered and pulled my face down to her warm, moist pussy

She made me lick her clit, then stuck my tongue deep into her pussy while she rubbed herself, then scooted down and had me lick her asshole as I did for Mark.

"Holly cow! Keep doing that!" Pam said.

As I worked, I saw that she was lost in pleasure. I could see Mark in the backseat behind her. They kissed, and in the gap between the seats, I could see he was erect again as he watched me drill my tongue into his girlfriend's asshole with my nose buried in her pussy.

My girlfriend sat in the driver's seat and leered as she watched us. She looked happy.

I went up and licked her pussy and clit. Pam told me to use my fingers, so I slid my fingers into her soaking wet vagina. I added a second finger and rubbed her g-spot inside her while I licked her. In less than a minute, I felt her vagina convulse and squeeze my finger as she climaxed.

"That was so intense. I could get used to that!"

"I know! Right?" My girlfriend agreed. "I think Mark is ready." She observed. "Mark, do you think you can get off without touching yourself?" She asked him

Pam climbed out of the front seat, and I stayed crouched under the dashboard while Mark, already nude, took her seat, his heavy dick swaying as he moved. I captured his swaying dick head with my mouth and tried to slide down it like I was able to before after he came, but his dick was thick again and lodged in the back of my throat.

"You can use your hands," My girlfriend suggested.

Even after sucking him, I felt weird about touching his penis with my hand. I stroked him while I sucked the tip.

"Do that thing with your tongue," Pam said. "That was wild!"

Mark scooted forward and spread his legs far apart to give me access. I licked his balls and started to rim him.

"Use your fingers to fuck him!" Pam suggested breathlessly.

Looking up, I could see she was lying back in the back seat with her legs spread apart and two fingers inserted into her pussy.

I licked the middle finger of my left hand and pressed it against Mark's ass, then pushed it in. At first, it didn't go in. Then with a little more spit, I was able to insert it and a second one.

Mark moaned at once. I sucked, and finger fucked him for several minutes. I finally worked his dick down my throat when he tensed up. I pulled him partway out and felt him spurt into my mouth. I could feel him clinch my fingers in his ass in time with the throbbing of his cock in my mouth. I was glad he didn't shoot as much as the first time. But it still dribbled out of my mouth.

"I can see him cumming in his mouth!" my girlfriend exclaimed.

I finally sat back and whipped my chin.

"Who's next?" I asked.

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