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Hidden Haven Ch. 03: The Contract

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Going through the devastating, signed contract.
2.3k words

Part 3 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 07/05/2022
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Notes: This is my first story ever! A lot of sexual, cruel, extreme things will come! Please read chapters 1 and 2 before proceeding with this one.

The story is my lifelong fantasy that I now make into a story. You have no idea what's coming. But it's amazingly brutal and something I haven't found in any story yet. English is not my first language, so bear with me!


I looked out the window as the gate opened, and we entered the property. The women didn't lie about the size of the garden. The gate closed behind us. It felt safe and private to have a gate like that. No one could come in.

At first, I couldn't see the house, but then we made a turn, and there it was. Hidden Haven. It was beautiful and got grander the closer we came. The rest of the cars were parked to the side of the house. In total, they owned 3. The big gray one we sat in, a black pickup truck, and a red smaller one. We parked next to the red car. It was a bit colder here than back in town. It felt like I could breathe as soon as I got out. A feeling of freedom flooded me when I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Fresh air.

Suddenly the gray front door opened, and a tall, dark-tanned, and very fit woman jumped out and down the stairs to the ground with much energy. She attacked me with a hug, and my zen mode got interrupted. She smelled amazing...

"You are here! Welcome! Finally, right?"

"Yeah, finally! I didn't think we would be driving for so long!"

She took a half step back, grabbed my upper arms, and looked at me with curious eyes. "Guess who I am?"

"You should be Flora?"

"Correct! And you are our own little Jessa!" Her face was stunning, with dark brown, thick hair and bangs framing it.

She wasn't really dressed like a tomboy, more sporty feminine. An athleisure kinda vibe. Sporty but not in an "I'm going to the gym now"-way. No, more stylish, everyday wear. It fit her perfectly anyways. She had a fantastic body, great ass, probably B-cup breasts, and long legs. I looked like a goblin next to her.

Next came June, dressed in muted colors that blended beautifully against her tanned skin. She wore a classy boho summer dress. A petite body but still taller than me, a flat chest, and the most vibrant green eyes I've ever seen. Her light brown hair blew in the wind; it was long but not as long as Angelicas.

"I'm June," she said calmly and confidently before giving me a hug. "Welcome to Hidden Haven, your new home; how does it feel?"

"Good, good. Just tired from the journey here but glad to finally arrive. It's beautiful here. You did such a good job with the garden!"

"Thank you, it's my lifework, and I will probably never be completely done with it."

Right after her came Eliza, the last one out. I was now standing amongst 5 beautiful tall women. Eliza was actually the shortest of them all but still taller than me. I've never felt short in my entire life, but there I was, the shortest out of six.

She had a medium-frame body with natural muscles, slightly tanned with olive undertones, and D-cup boobs that her minimalistic clothes tried to hide tastefully. The dark brunette walked toward me, and I felt a bit scared again. Everyone had given me a hug, but I didn't know how to greet her. However, I didn't need to think for too long because she raised her arms and hugged me. She seemed happy to see me, which made me relax. She ended the hug and grabbed both of my hands. While still holding them, she turned to Angelica. "I assume she signed it since I'm standing in front of her?"

"She sure did!"

Eliza turned her head back to me. "Good. Then let's go inside. Take a bag with you; I hope you didn't bring too much crap like you promised?"

I didn't promise anything, and I suddenly got nervous. Maybe I brought too much?

I was right. Eliza obviously didn't like what she saw. "Flora, can you please look through them like we discussed? Take anything out that's unnecessary and against our safety protocol. This is too much; she can't possibly need all of this."

"Should I go with her to help?" I asked Eliza.

"No, you are coming with me; we need to go through the contract."

"Yes, that might be a good idea. Haha, I just skimmed it, actually, but it looked good."

"You... skimmed it? And signed?" Eliza raised one of her eyebrows like she couldn't comprehend what I had just said.


Naomi went into the kitchen to start making dinner, Flora began working on my bags, and June followed us into the second room in the hallway on the right and closed the door behind us. I didn't know what had happened to Angelica; she had suddenly disappeared.

"Please, sit down." June was still calm but serious.

Eliza grabbed Angelica's bag, took the contract out, and laid it on the table.

"Since you -skimmed- we need to go through everything in detail. A signed contract is a signed contract."

"Jessa, you obviously have no idea what you signed today."

I felt a cold sensation traveling down my spine. But... How bad could it be?

June opened to page one. It clearly said "Declaration of incapacity" I just had no idea what that meant, so when my eyes looked up from the contract and onto Eliza and June, looking like a question mark, they raised their eyebrows.

"You have no idea about the meaning of this, do you?" Confused. My eyes switched between the gorgeous women on the other side of the table.

"You are legally not a grown-up anymore" June sounded dead serious, and I couldn't breathe. "Of course, I'm a grown-up! I've been a grown-up for years." How could they do this to me?

"That's true, clever girl. But we all signed these papers stating that we don't think you can handle being an adult. So with Angelica's signature and her license, we had a doctor, 4 people, and even yourself agreeing to it all." I couldn't say another word.

"This means you have no right over money, can't get a driving license, can't live on your own, and can't make adult decisions anymore." Stunned.

"Flora has taken the keys, all documents, and your passport from the bags."

I was about to faint; this was... catastrophical. I was horrified. The room felt small, too small, in fact. The light blue and white-striped wallpaper suddenly felt like they were turning into an unescapable metal prison bars.

"When will I ever get to be an adult again?" But, of course, I already knew the answer.

"Oh honey, probably never. If we one day agree to make you a grown-up, as stated in the contract, you are still owned by us. But then all 5 of us have to agree. You live here with us now. We are your guardians, a form of... parents."

"Which leads us to the next page. The adoption papers" June smiled.

They have got to be kidding me... I freaked out and stood up.

"I want to go now."

"The door is locked with a key; you can't come out. Sit." Eliza said with a stern voice.

"You are our daughter now, Jessa." June tried to look kind, but I just saw them both as monsters.

"Here, have some soda" Eliza handed me a glass filled with coca-cola.

"You have signed all of this. We see that you are freaking out, but I'm afraid we aren't even close to being done." June said while flipping to the next page. It said:

"This contract forms a legally binding agreement between all parties named below:

Jessica Koritsi is hereafter referred to as Daughter.

Naomi Austen, Flora Wilson, June Reyes, Eliza Manning, and Angelica Jenkins, hereafter referred to as Parents or Guardians.


Table of contents





Areas of control








The list seemed to go on forever. There must have been at least 100 pages.

June read the first part out loud:

"I, Daughter, understand that this contract, when signed, is eternal. This contract will absolutely govern me as long as I'm alive. Once signed, this contract shall act as a legal document ensuring the agreement between all parties is respected and enforceable by law.

I hereby surrender to my Guardians powers over me, as well as any and all others, without any limit. I waive all rights, personal control, privacy, decisions, and actions regarding all aspects of my Parent's demands. "

I have waived any and all possible resources at any time regarding any action related to the agreement. I understand and agree that all aspects of daily life, routines, preferences, lifestyle, etc., related to the contract may be controlled, dictated, terminated, and altered by my Guardians at any time."

"This means that you will always live with us; there's no way out," Eliza explained.

They continued talking about the purpose of the contract, that once signed, there's no going back, no changing of mind, and no confusion. And how it's 100 % secured. I was permanently my "roommate's" daughter by law, completely stripped of any rights, independence, and privileges. My guardians shall make all decisions, and they will be final. Their words would be my law. Whatever it was.

June continued by saying that a big part of the purpose of the contract was to ensure maximum sexual pleasure for my guardians, which would be performed every day, ending with them cumming. This all confused me. What did she just say?

We went through pages after pages. It was never-ending.

I had agreed to their rights to my body and the right to modify and control it as they see fit. The right to transform my mind and the right to restrain me and induce sensory deprivation. To discipline me, torture me, and punish me. They had the right to surgically modify my body in any manner, for any purpose or use, and without limitation.

I understood they wanted to include everything to make the contract as tight as possible, but surely they wouldn't perform surgery on me? Then I remembered what Angelica had said, that she had a small part in the contract. Was this what she meant?

They read about horniness, how being horny would be very important in my life, and that daily training would teach me that being obedient and giving my guardians pleasure would become my own pleasure. My clit would constantly stay erect without any possibility of orgasm for the rest of my life. I would have no right to hide any parts of my body and no right to a free sexual life.

Rules were saying that I had to wear what my "guardians" told me to wear, that I had to come to the one calling my name without hesitation, and always ask for permission even to go and pee, but they might also order me to go and pee. I would have to use my tongue as toilet paper when they peed. I would have to ask to leave the table. And every night, I would have to wear a diaper to bed so my guardians would have a whole night's rest without me asking in the middle of the night for permission to go to the toilet. I would learn to be inferior to my Parents but see them as my protectors and goddesses.

I would not be allowed in the kitchen, only the dining room, because the kitchen was full of knives and hot surfaces. I would constantly be monitored.

Those bastards. I would give them hell. I was not gonna be a little sex slave to them. Being their toilet paper after pissing? They were all mad. And the thing about wearing diapers?? Don't think so!! If I wanna go and pee, I will. Easy.

They brought up "care," meaning that the women would also have to take care of me and maintain my health and safety. That I got food and a safe place to sleep. And that I would never have to be afraid for my own life. How kind of them to include that...

There were a lot of difficult words and things I didn't understand. How could I possibly have thought it was just a typical roommate contract? Of over 100 pages!?

There would be no way out the gate. And if I somehow escaped, they would be able to find me and bring me back. I didn't know how yet.

Eliza read out loud:

"By my signature below, I become the property of my Parents, subject to, but not limited by, all of the above terms, all of which I understand and accept as indicated by my initial. I know this contract surrenders me without limits, is irrevocable and without recourse, and is not subject to any laws other than the total and complete satisfaction of any and all desires of my Parents. I will exist solely for my Parents' pleasure and for no other reason.

I acknowledge that I have read, understand, and agree to be bound by the terms of this contract in the last act of my own free will.

I hereby surrender and pledge my life to my Parents as security under this contract."

The last page. This was the end of the entire contract.

"And here you signed it." June pointed at my signature.

I sat there quietly, not knowing what to say.

"Now, don't think your life is over, honey. We will make sure you live the best life you could live under these conditions" "Right... under the conditions."

That's like saying to a pig screaming in the truck to the slaughterhouse that "At least you didn't have to walk all the way there!"

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Ellienora35Ellienora35about 2 years ago

I would love to see her become their baby, but they make sure she services their needs every time. Also, I would love it if they put her in diapers and made her nurse from Angela's breaststroke. This could be amazing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Yeah, that contract is very illegal, but I can see them convincing the poor confused girl that she's somehow bound by it. It's getting interesting, but let's get on with the action.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Well, an amazing well thought out beginning. Like another, I do hope that they will not go for outrageous body modifications. Making her into a bimbo zombie is not much good in my book as it is too easy for a story. A very good start to hopefully an amazing adventure for Jessa! The options for humiliation and sexual degradations are almost endless.

BiggaluteBiggaluteabout 2 years ago

The pace and readability of your stories is amazing, even more so as English isn't your first language. I'm not enjoying what's happening to Jessa but I'm enjoying your story x

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Wow just wow! Even the reading of the contract was hot. I can't wait to see what's next. I do hope that there won't be a lot of outrages body modifications. I am not into bimbo boobs or tats or a lot of piercings I am enjoying this so far. Pappasleaze!

lisasubtglisasubtgabout 2 years ago

Love the story sofar, curious to see what is to happen

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