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Hidden Love Ch. 06

Story Info
Casey begins to believe who Slyar is, but a twist ensues.
3.7k words

Part 6 of the 7 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 01/23/2008
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Note: Sorry if it takes me a long time to type these stories up. One, I have so much written in notebooks, its just hard to find the time to type it up. Again I'm sorry for the wait, and I hope you like!



Yesterday I had stayed home. My parents had insisted on it, and I was glad they did, because I was so not ready to go to school and meet every one's gaze since they would know what had happened to me. I had finally finished answering their questions and they felt they should thank Sly for saving me, before they even got through speaking of it.

Today at school, I was supposed to ask him over for dinner tonight. I still did not know if my suspicions were right or not. The way I felt it seemed like I was not going to test them for a long while. I was in lunch when I felt the courage to ask him or at least his sister. "Hey Marie?" She looked over at me as stood by her table. "Do you think . . . umm . . . your brother . . .?"

"What about me?" His calm kind voice asked behind me, making my heart skip a beat.

I gulped and turned to face him. "My parent's would like for you to come over for dinner tonight . . . To thank you for saving me." I said in small-frightened voice.

"No prob . . ." He answered with a bright smile, he then sat down across from his sister to eat. He picked up a slice of his pizza and winked at me as he took a bite. I smiled and nodded then waved at Marie. She smiled nervously and waved back. I then started walking back to my own table with Christina. I then wondered if I should tell Christina and Marie about my suspicions of it. Not until I have proof.

After lunch, I walked to my next class, thinking about Sylar, that I did not noticed that a crowd of boys had formed around and behind me. "Hey Casey . . ." Someone said softly at my side.

I turned to look at them, "Hmm?" It was no one that I recognized. "What?"

"It's me . . . I'm Sylar!" He stated.

"No! I am!" Another said on the other side.

"No! I'm Sylar!" Someone shouted from behind me.

One yelled, "Don't you love me?"

My mind whirled and I wondered why they were even doing this to me. "Don't you recognize me Honey?"

"Casey! It's me!"

Tears started streaming down my face, as I did not know what to do. I started running to get away from him as I started to chant, No!

"Don't you want me anymore?"

"Casey! Don't cry!" One yelled while laughing.

"Please Casey!" One said with a serious hurt face, "Just talk to me!!!"

"No!" I whispered as I ran to get away from them but they seemed to be following me. "No!" I shouted at them and ran blindly in the crowd. A moment later, I was stopped from a strong pair of hands gripping my arms. "NO!" I yelped and kicked at whoever held me.

"Casey! Casey Stop!" They said to me.

I looked up through teary eyes, saw Sly, and immediately leaned into him. Tears ran down my cheeks in rivers as I sobbed against his chest. It felt like someone punched a hole where my heart should be. Sylar should be here and dealing with them. Not me. "What's wrong?" He asked, his hands running soothingly up and down my back.

Without looking, I pointed behind me toward the crowd of boys that were harassing me. "Them! They told me they were all Sylar!" I cried, my whole body shuddering from the force of my sobs.

He embraced me tightly against his lean hard body and I was entirely grateful. I did not know what Sly did or say and did not care, but I knew they were backing off. The sobs slowly began to taper off as I clutched at him. "You okay?" He asked, pulling away slightly to look down at me with concern in his eyes.

I sniffed, wiping tears away and answered, "I think so . . . Thanks Sly . . . I appreciate it." My hands still clutching at his strong arms, wishing he did not have to go. I needed someone. The most important someone, not here. However, I wondered if Sly was Sylar and if he wasn't, am I falling for him too? Oh god, I did not want to think of that possibility.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked, his voice laced with concern. "It looked like you just saw a ghost."

"Yeah . . ." I sighed and took a deep breath to steady myself. "I'm fine . . . I was just thinking."

"Okay . . ." He cleared his throat as he pulled away, looking nervous and awkward now, and a lock of his dirty blonde hair fell across his eyes. His blue green orbs sparkled and I wondered strongly, what the hell he was thinking. "When do you want me to come over tonight?"

"Oh . . . I . . . Uhhh . . ." I did not even think of that. Good think I wasn't crying any more, otherwise I would look more pathetic.

His brow went up questionably and the side of his mouth quirked up to form a lopsided grin. "How 'bout around six o'clock?"

"Perfect!" Then I thought of something, my parent's didn't think of. "What would you like to eat?"

He chuckled softly, "I'll eat anything . . ." He answered simply.


"Mmmmmm . . ." He muttered approvingly. "I haven't had that for a while. Yeah, see ya around six." He then back away, winking with a grin on his face. I then turned away with a smile on my face, the horrid nightmare forgotten thanks to him.

I then felt Sylar's presence, power, and most definitely his gaze. I looked around to see if I could see him but with no luck. Even Sly's back was turned, but kept on sneaking glances back at me from time to time. Moreover, it really made me wonder who the hell was Sylar?

That Night

I decided to cook the meal tonight; after all, he did save me. Not my parents. Porterhouse steaks with homemade French fries, mac 'n' cheese, and corn on the cob, were what I was making. And I knew Sly would love it. It was my specialty. Busy cooking, I did not hear the knock on the door. Murmured voices followed after, but I only thought it was my parents speaking amongst themselves. A moment later, someone came inside the kitchen.

"Hey Dad, can you check the French fries?" I pointed toward the deep fryer. I kneeled down to check and flip the steaks in the broiler, after that I looked up to see Sly checking the fries. "Oh . . . well . . . hello . . ." I said, a little flustered, not expecting him just yet.

He smiled warmly as he spoke, "Hey . . . I think these are about done." I then looked as I stood and saw the fries were not even slightly crispy.

I grinned and admitted, "I like'em a little crispy."

"Ahh . . ." He replied with a grin, his eyes twinkling.

"So yeah . . . You can either stay to help me or wait til I'm done . . ." I said with a small smile, not sure which one he would pick. A deep part of me wanted him to get so I could finish, but another part wanted him stay for different reasons.

"Umm . . ." He paused to think briefly, "I'll help . . . I don't mind."

"Okay . . . Can you grab me a plate?" I asked and pointed to the cabinet that held them. He then stepped over to where they were and handed me one. In no time, the food was done and we sat down to eat in the dining room. During the meal, everyone commented how good it was and my parents thanked Sly for saving me from the ordeal the other day, and made small talk. In the end, I started clearing the table so I could finish up the dishes.

Just then, Sly spoke up at his side of the table, "You need help?"

"No . . . I can get it . . ." But despite what I said, Sly got up and started helping me. As I washed them, he rinsed and dried, I was thinking of Sylar. I was thinking if I should test him and how would I do it? Looking over, I saw Sly concentrating on rinsing and drying dishes, and I had to smile. He looked so serious and ridiculous at the counter doing dishes.

Turning his head, I saw his eyes drift toward me lazily, which caused a chill run down my spine, and a grin appeared on his lips. "You know . . . It's rude to stare . . ." He said simply. I blushed slightly and returned my eyes and hands into the soapy water. "What were you thinking?" He asked lightly.

"Oh . . . nothing . . . Just . . . Stuff . . ." I answered, blushing harder now.

"Sylar?" I did not have to say anything. My cheeks were a bright pinkish red now. He chuckled and continued. "What about?"

"Umm . . ." I laughed nervously. "Are you sure you want to know?"

He chuckled heartily at that. "Sure . . . Why not?"

I giggled and started giving him the mushy stuff that no one really likes to hear. "Ummm . . . His kisses, his touch . . ."

"Hmm . . . He that good of a lover?" He asked curiously.

Getting over my recent blush, I blushed again. "Umm . . ." Another nervous laugh sounded from my lips. "Most definitely. It seemed like . . . I don't know . . ." My eyes were cast down in embarrassment and I knew I was in over my head.

He chuckled at my failure to describe. "How good was his kiss?"

"Amazing . . . wonderful . . ." I said dreamily and looked over at him with a smile, remembering how good Sylar's kisses were.

"As good as this?" He whispered and leaned over and down to touch my lips with his. His kiss felt like a butterfly racing over my lips and somehow I ached for more. I wanted to see and experience more. I sighed and leaned into him, his tongue gliding past my lips to dip into my sweetness. His hands rested onto my waist so he could pull me closer, my own arms wrung about his neck.

Now I really wasn't sure who the hell Sylar was. Because Sylar kissed me hungrily and with such passion. Sly's kisses were so different; they were experimental and teasing, and so sweet. I didn't understand at all. My mind was reeling from it all.

His lips slipped away from mine and traveled down to my neck where he licked a nibbled at me. I gasped and a light moan escaped my lips. God, did I want to taste him. I peeled his shirt back from his shoulder and down below I saw a faint healing hickey. And I knew it was he that I accidently made love to at Marie's house. Tracing it with the tip of my finger, her looked down at me and asked slightly huskily, "What?"

"That night . . . It was you who carried me up the stairs at your place." It was more a statement than a question. "Marie was really pissed at that. She thought some stranger had waltzed in her house to have its way with me."

He chuckled softly, "Yeah it was me. I tried to tell you, but you wouldn't listen."

"And I kissed you and you lost it." I said simply, finishing his thought.

"Yeah . . ." He agreed with a small blush creeping up on his cheeks.

I then giggled at the sight. "How good was I?" I had to ask, I could not help it.

He blinked and wondered if he heard me right. "Umm . . ." It was his turn to be flustered. "You really want to know?"

Unease trickled through me but curiosity got the better of me. "Yes?" I gulped with a shy smile.

He then sighed at my answer, "The best I've ever had, even though you fell asleep on me." He grinned and I blushed some more.

"Sorry . . ." I looked down at the mark I left and decided to leave another one. I looked up at him with a grin and licked across his skin. He shuddered in response and watched me with fascination. I then locked lips with his skin, sucked, and bit at him, and I could hear his gentle groan. After I knew it was going to be a good one, I raised my head to gaze into his bluish green eyes and found they were filled with passion and desire. "Sorry, I couldn't help myself . . ." I said innocently, but with a grin.

He rolled his eyes and I heard my parents coming closer. "Shit . . ." I murmured not wanting to stop this flirting with him. I then turned back to the sink, so I could finish the dishes, with Sly at my side, helping me.

Later That Night

I tossed and turned on my big lonely bed, thinking about him. No, both of them. Sylar and Sly. They're so different and yet the same. Who the hell is Sylar? If he does not show me who he is soon, I might be falling for Sly, and it might be already too late. "Ugh!" I cried in frustration, closing my eyes tightly in the process. I threw the covers over my head and I slowly dozed off seething.

When I awoke, it was still night, even though I did not know what time it was, but I thought I was dreaming. I wasn't sure and didn't really care at the moment. What i saw was a shadowed figure standing over me with gleaming bluish green eyes. The person pulled the covered up and slid in beside me.

"Hmm . . ." I sighed as his body warmth enveloped me, along with his familiar scent. His finely toned arms embracing me and I knew who it was instantly. Sylar . . .

It felt like I should have been mad at him, but I wasn't. Merely curious. Calmly I asked, "Who are you? And when are you going to tell me?"

He sighed and his chest rumbled as he said, "Casey . . ." He paused to think. "I'll reveal myself to you on prom night. That, i will promise you. And if you deny me, I will understand . . ."

Shaking my head in annoyment, I understood. Now I could not wait til prom. He nearly split my mind in two and made my life a wonderful living hell. And I still wasn't sure who he was. God, how I hated and loved him. "Fine . . ." I whispered and cuddled with him, wishing he would not leave in the night. But I knew he would and I couldn't stop him. Therefore, I merely clutched him, as if I would never let go.

He sighed and I felt his hot breath race across my neck, making me shiver in response. "I love you . . ." He breathed softly in my hair.

"I love you too, Sylar . . ." I replied and dozed off into a deep sleep, with his warm body pressed close to mine.


At school, I picked at my lunch, not hungry and not caring. Sylar and Sly was still in my mind, bouncing around, trying to figure the two out, and annoying me greatly. "Hey! Who's the new kid?" In front of me, my friend Chris asked. He tossed the rest of his demolished nutty bar inside his mouth and watched someone on his left, my right.

I glanced over, seeing groups of teens sitting together and such, and wondered who the hell he was talking about. "Who?" I asked curiously, trying to search them out.

"Oh! That is Christian Louis. He is in my math class. He said he moved here about 3 weeks ago." Shawn muttered. "He just didn't get enough time to get in with the school I guess." He then ate some more of his creamy mashed potatoes, muttering, "Lucky Bastard . . ."

"Oh . . ." Now I was starting to care less again. I then went back to my wandering mind til the bell rang. I sighed and grabbed my books in one arm and the other hand my cold forgotten lunch. I dropped the uneaten lunch in the trash and moved down the hallway to my next class. Suddenly somebody bumped into my shoulder, sending my books flying. "Damn . . ." Dropping down, I started picking up my books from the floor. Someone was right in front of me, helping me, probably the person who knocked me down. "Thanks . . ." I said meekly and glanced over at my helper.

His hair was dark with blond highlights and with bluish green eyes and my heart started to pound like a crazed drum. "I'm sorry I bumped into you . . . I didn't mean too . . ." He smiled and I swore it look like Sylar's.

My eyes were probably hard and staring at him like a deer in the headlights. "It's . . . It's . . . okay . . ." I stuttered, my breath nearly stolen.

"Again . . . I'm sorry. I'm new here." He smiled and my heart skipped a beat. "I'm Christian Louis." He offered his hand and I shook it after I had my books in my hold again.

I smiled and stood. "I'm . . . Casey . . ." I said breathlessly.

His brow furrowed as he took a closer look at me. "I've seen you before." He paused to think. "You live on Robin Lane, don't you?"

Now my own brow furrowed. "How . . . How do you know where I live?"

He chuckled easily and there was a hint of that bad boy chuckle I've heard so many times before. "Sorry . . . I'll explain. I live down the street from you. I moved here about three weeks ago."

"Oh . . ." I paused to take it all in. "Why didn't you get into school earlier?" I asked curiously.

"Well . . ." He laughed nervously. "First my dad didn't know if he was able to keep the house, then my Aunt Sandy passed away. We packed then unpacked, and now I'm finally here." He said with a small grin, then with a small chuckle as he finished with, "On a Friday . . ."

I giggled with a smile. "I'm sorry to hear about your Aunt." Then I thought for a moment on where he would live. "The old Sanderson's place right?"

"Yeah . . . And it's okay . . . I was never really close to her. " He then shuffled his feet from side to side. "But hey, my parents are throwing a party to get to know the neighbor's. And well . . . You and your parent's are invited to come." A slight blush crept up his cheeks then.

I smiled, thinking it was cute. "Okay . . . "The hallway was almost deserted and just then the last bell rang for class. " Oh god! I got to go! Later Christian!" I then ran for Chemistry 2.

"Later!" He called back.

Later that Day

At home finally, I sat down to do my homework. Just when I was about finished up with it, the doorbell rang. I sighed, and got up to answer it, when my mother reached it before me. Hearing the creak in the door, I wondered who it was. "Hello . . ." A low male voice sounded, and it sounded vaguely familiar to me.

"My name is Christian Louis. I moved into town with my parents a few weeks ago. And my parents wanted me to invite your family to their small get to know party." His voice echoed into the living room where I stood.

"Oh well . . . when is it?" My mom inquired. "And where is it?"

I smiled and figured I'd save him the time. "Hey Christian." I said to him as I rounded the corner and into the entryway.

"Hey!" He greeted me with a blush starting to grow on his cheeks.

"He lives in the old Sanderson place. . . "I answered for him with a grin.

"Hmm . . . We might just have to go! I've wanted to see the inside of that old place!" My mom replied with a smile.

"So . . . We'll see you there then?" He asked tentatively with a grin.

"Yes . . . But on one condition." I teased and I noticed his eyes dropped in disappointment. "When?" I giggled out.

He sighed in relief and answered with a blush growing again on his high cheeks. "Sunday. At seven pm." He grinned at my mother and me and it made me think of Sylar.

"We'll be there!" I smiled back.

"Okay! See you then! Bye Casey, bye Mrs. Landon." He retreated down the porch steps, never taking is eyes off me when I closed the door softly.

I giggled and shook my head. I then noticed my mother staring at me. "What?" I asked innocently.

She replied with a smile in return. "He likes you. And you like him. But what about Sly? I thought you liked him?"

Her questions about Sly threw me off guard. "Umm . . . I don't know! He's just a friend!" My cheeks burned with embarrassment, I fled to my room, and I wondered what I was going to do.

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subtndncssubtndncsabout 14 years ago

Oh man! I'm going to have to start these ongoing stories from the end to make sure they're done before I start reading them, lol

canndcanndover 14 years ago

Man is this girl confused! You have managed to make it possible it's either of them. I still think she'd recognize kisses and voices and stuff and have an idea which guy it was. I wonder about a few things...if Sylar is Sly then wouldn't he be a bit upset she was sleeping with both of them? I do think she'd be a bit more reserved sexually after almost being raped. I hope she doesn't go and sleep with Christian now too! How far off is prom? I am sure we all can't wait to see who it is already!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
thank you! *****

thanks for coming back!


cpm09cpm09over 14 years ago
great update!

Now I am so curious...don't leave us hanging for so long!!

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