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High Price for a Threesome

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A husband's ultimate fantasy comes with a steep pricetag.
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"Bill, I want to ask you something, but I want you to keep an open mind about it before you answer yes or no." Julia, Bill's beautiful wife asked casually while they were watching TV in their den.

Now, as every man knows, when their wife asks them a question like this, get ready, something dreadful is about to be suggested. Bracing himself for a planned trip to the craft store, or a fantastic fun filled evening at the ballet, or even better getting up at the crack of dawn this weekend to go "antiquing" he grimaced as he prepared for the worst.

"Mona needs our help. She is getting kicked out of her apartment tomorrow and she needs a place to stay for awhile. I know it is a big imposition, but please honey, I really think we need to help her out."

When he heard her actual suggestion he thought his ears had finally given out as it seemed too good to be true. What she actually was suggesting was way better than the macramé class she drug him to last summer, way way WAY better. Listening carefully and saying little, he purposefully kept cool on the subject as he did not want to seem overly enthusiastic and scuttle the whole thing. With his cock already tingling at the idea, the last thing on earth he wanted to do was potentially blow a situation that, hope upon hope, might develop into something with great erotic possibility down the road.

Julia's suggestion that fateful evening was as welcome as it was unexpected. To think his wife would beg him to have her best friend Mona, a beautiful, sexy and quite wild and uninhibited blonde she had known since college, move in for a while was like thinking you were about to get kneed in the balls, but suddenly getting a blowjob instead. This was definitely NOT what he was expecting and that was a good thing.

Mona's life was a complete mess. Having just gone through an extremely bad breakup with her boyfriend a few months earlier she had gotten kicked out of his apartment and had to move into a very expensive sublet at the last minute. Then last week she lost her job and ended up with her car repossessed because she was already behind two months with the payments, so had no safety net. Obviously she was having an extremely bad stretch of luck.

She made things even worse by being completely irresponsible with money and had run up tens of thousands of dollars of credit card debt which made her three months behind on her rent. The shitstorm she was caught in only got worse so to add to her troubles she was about to become homeless. She was in real and serious financial trouble so she needed their help badly.

Giving her a place to stay for a few months, just until she could get back on her feet, would really help her out. Julia begged her husband to open his heart, and their home, to a true friend in need and like a skilled poker player and masterful actor, Bill feigned annoyance but "reluctantly" agreed to her suggestion. When his wife kissed him deeply and said he was a real "sweetie" for being so understanding he could barely contain his glee. Grinning secretly to himself. Bill could hardly believe his luck as he had played his hand perfectly and now got to enjoy the glorious sights of Mona around the house while also being a hero in his wife's eyes. When his wife "rewarded" his generous nature with an actual unexpected blowjob in the shower the next morning, he thought he should go to Vegas immediately as obviously his luck was on a roll!

Bill was not a bad guy, nor would he ever cheat on his gorgeous wife, but if he were ever to stray, it would have definitely been with Mona. Julia and she had been friends since college, and Mona was constantly over at their house before her troubles. Frankly, her moving in "officially" wasn't going to be that huge of difference over the current situation, but having her around all the time had big erotic potential.

Mona was beyond hot, and every inch of her body, from her long golden blonde hair to her deliciously pink painted toenails pushed every button on his horn-o-meter. Notoriously always underdressed, being around her was very difficult for him as he could not help but leer as she naturally dressed very seductively and always liked to show lots of skin.

So many lazy hot summer afternoons over the past few years she and Julia had lounged for hours around their backyard pool. Bill had to work hard to hold back the drool flooding out of his mouth and tamp down the huge tent forming in his shorts as he kept stealing glances of both of their beautiful forms. Tall, curvy and with long legs that he would have killed to feel wrapped around his ears, she just radiated sex. With a naturally flirty nature, he could never be quite sure whether she was purposefully trying to drive him wild, or it was just her nature but he was always tongue tied when she was around. Either way, he knew that it was clear that just being in her presence gave him instant perpetual wood.

He also knew that his wife was aware just how much Mona drove him wild, as it was hard to hide, but she seemed remarkably unbothered by it, thinking it oddly cute. He definitely doubted whether she would keep thinking that if she knew how many times he had jacked off in the shower, lost in his vivid imaginary thoughts of ramming his hard cock into her friend's gorgeous and perfectly formed heart shaped ass.

He thought this knowledge may have caused her to have had second thoughts on having her sexy BFF move in, but of course she did not know everything that went on in his fertile imagination. In fact, rather than be bothered by her husband's obvious arousal, for some reason or another it amused her greatly to see him get all flummoxed by her sexy friend and she encouraged it. She trusted Bill and despite knowing he was very turned on by Mona, she also knew he would never act upon these urges. He, like many men, can enjoy the beauty of a woman from afar and never take it to the next level. She also knew that he, like every other man on earth, dreamed of making love to two women at once and Mona definitely would be the supporting actress in that imaginary porn movie playing in his head.

With summer approaching, and a big delicious pool in the back yard of their house, Bill had many many opportunities to watch them both reveal quite a bit of skin after Mona moved in. Both she and his wife loved nothing better than lounging poolside at every opportunity to work on their tans, and given the high privacy fence around their yard, their choice of swimwear was spectacularly revealing as both hated prominent tan lines. The girls were very close and would spend almost every afternoon laying out on the deck until the last rays of the sun faded in the western sky of their gorgeous San Diego home. Wearing suits that would make even the most daring beach goer in Rio blush, Julia seemed to increasingly enjoy how nervous their display made her husband. In a weird way his increasingly obvious arousal at their erotic presentation of barely covered female flesh only provoked them both to get more outrageous and see how hot they could make him.

Each afternoon the girl's bathing suits got skimpier and skimpier and presented quite a sight to Bill when he got home from work. As the weeks progressed, Julia smirked when she remarked that "suddenly he did not have to work as late as he used to". Now he rushed home, never being later than 5:30 when before he often would not arrive until well after 7 PM. Seeing her husband grow increasingly turned on like a hormonally challenged teenager around she and her best friend lit a spark in Julia and she loved playing in his erotic sandbox. She had an ulterior motive since the hotter they got him, the more adventurous and compliant he became in their bedroom.

Before Mona had moved in, she and Bill had had a better than average sex life, especially when compared to their other thirty-something married friends and she felt very fortunate. Having been married for thirteen years, and still relatively young, they were both still attractive enough to each other to get the other's motor running. Julia was scorching hot in her own right, with her long dark hair and exotic olive complexion coming from her Italian roots always turning male heads. The effects of her body on Bill was obvious, as all she had to do was give a little wink, and he was at her feet worshipping her body.

She too was turned on by him, as he kept himself in exceptional shape. All of her other friend's husbands had long ago let themselves go, but Julia was especially proud of Bill's physique. Despite being a well paid tax accountant, he was built like a football player and hit the weights everyday . It turned her on to no end knowing that all of her friends were envious and this made her almost as wet as his six foot three 185 lb gym sculpted body. Ironically, before Mona came into their lives he always hit the gym on the way home from work but after they started their afternoon sunbathing show, he decided to set his weight bench up around the pool.

This was so pitifully obvious she kidded him quite ferociously often enjoying watching his discomfort at getting caught panting at Mona, or sporting an erection. Waking up very early on that fateful Saturday, she lay at the foot of their bed and stared up at Bill sleeping deeply. Since they always slept naked, his morning wood was spectacularly tall and prominent this morning and even was throbbing as he obviously was having quite an enjoyable dream. Knowing that last night she and Mona had given him a lot to fantasize about, she giggled as she snaked her toes up his body towards his face.

They had both pretended to not know that he was home early, and decided to give him quite the pre-weekend treat by sunbathing topless. Knowing they were being watched, they definitely upped their game and Bill's presence came crashing into prominence when they started to put suntan oil on each other's bodies. The horrific crash of breaking glass and the stream of curses coming from the family room as he now was hopping over shards of glass told them both that their special presentation had been well received. Laughing hysterically, Julia thought it was definitely worth the death of several of her dishes knowing he was so completely distracted by their antics.

Embarrassed to be "caught" by his wife and her best friend, she and Mona had given him a very hard time about it all night. They even upped the ante when they discussed how they used to experiment with each other back in College as they all polished off several pitchers of Margaritas swapping old college stories. Hearing this, Julia knew Bill would be transfixed and get even hornier. Now that it was morning, she was going to continue her tease of her husband as it was obvious that little Bill was still on high alert from the seed they planted in his head the night before and she was going to put all of that stopped up erotic energy to good use.

"So Bill, are you going to spend all weekend perving on Mona and I again like you did last night?" she teased as she woke him up by tickling the side of his face with her bare foot.

She loved this time of the week more than any other since before they had their permanent houseguest, early Saturday Mornings were always set aside as their special adult "fun time". Seeing her handsome husband, looking even sexier than normal as he slowly woke up with his hair all messed and his chiseled face nicely unshaven, she smoldered. When he began kissing up the side of her foot lovingly and then began running his tongue gently up her ticklish sole she definitely knew they would be changing the sheets today.

Grinning as their eyes met, he denied it, but his stronger than usual morning wood told her all she wanted to know. Pushing him back with her foot she growled, as she was even hornier than normal today.

"Get your ass into position my horny little slave-boy! You need to be PUNISHED for your wickedness!" she winked as Bill dutifully flipped on his back and grinned. They both had a more than average inventive sex life and quite enjoyed her taking the dominant role every once in a while. Seeing his strong erection and shit eating grin on his face, she launched herself fully onto his mouth, grabbing his neck and holding his head hard on her warm wet dripping cave.

"Yea baby!" she whispered as she writhed over his lips, feeling his velvety talented tongue begin to worship her body. She loved riding his face as he was definitely talented in this area and reaching back behind her she grabbed his even harder cock in her fist.

"I may have to PUNISH you quite severely today for being such a pervy and dirty little boy last night!" she joked as she heard him gurgle between her legs. Moans erupting from her mouth as she continued to stroke him lightly, she just barely ran the tips of her fingers up and down his shaft as he slurped away. "Ooooh, so hard!" she smirked as she struggled to speak as her first orgasm was coaxed from her body. She grinned as she felt herself spew onto his face and coat him with fresh honey from her hive. He loved it when she squirted, and this morning, she was definitely entering Niagara Falls territory. Unable to resist teasing him more about his little crush on her friend, she gripped his balls before she continued to speak, continuously writhing as he kept right on licking.

"So... BILL! I bet you wish this was Mona's pussy you were chewing on so masterfully right now DON'T YOU?" Her grip on his balls were tight but not too tight and she knew she had him literally by the balls.

Bill groaned although he did not stop licking. This was definitely dirty pool as his dangling manhood was his own little built in lie-detector, conveniently hanging off of his body for his wife's use whenever she needed to interrogate him. He said nothing of course, as no sane man would admit THIS to his wife, especially if she was writhing naked on his face and had his balls in her hand. Grunting and gurgling as her nectar coated his tongue, she laughed and gripped his package harder. Bill was packing serious sausage but as she mentioned Mona she definitely felt him throb harder and move up to the front of the meat drawer. Even more incriminating to revealing his true feelings and a sure fire dead giveaway of the real level of his lust was the fact that his balls now began to vibrate.

"Your jewels are ratting you out again Bill!!"

As she kept riding his face her eyes glanced over to their nightstand and she smirked as she now knew exactly what she was going to do now. Knowing that he was turned on by another woman, and embarrassed to admit it, made her even wetter. Releasing his balls and cock, she leaned forward, not letting her slit leave his lips as she slowly opened the drawer. There beside her romance novel, the KY and the TV remote was what she was looking for. HANDCUFFS.

They had both played around with them before, and nothing got her motor roiling better than having him bound and helpless as she teased him unmercifully. She knew he loved it (his balls never lie) as did she. Despite his protests and being they had been married for a long time, she knew his body better than he did. She would take hours before getting him off, her whole body fully sated from the dozens of toe curling explosions that rocked her pussy from his tongue. Taking them from the drawer, she wrapped them between the brass bars of their bed and covered them with a pillow. Bill, quite occupied underneath, was not aware of this as he kept right on feasting on her delicious pre-breakfast buffet.

Lifting her dripping snatch from his face, she slid down his body and felt his firm erection rub up against her full womanly ass as she lay on his chest. Kissing him lightly on the nose, she smiled as his desperate eyes and dripping face (freshly glazed from her juices) stared up at her longingly.

With a mischievous grin on her face, she playfully ran circles over his chest as she wiggled her butt cheeks and felt his strong fully erect cock smack against her crack.

"You are a lucky boy slave!" She winked.

"I am, no doubt!"

"Most wives would not be so understanding of knowing that their husband was attracted to their best friend. But oddly, you LYING so poorly about it makes me wet. I know you want to fuck her." Reaching back and feeling his cock with her hands she continued. "But I also know that THIS belongs to me and me alone and that makes me very horny."

Sitting up in bed, Bill took her left nipple into his mouth and began sucking. He was so horny his hair hurt, and when Julia took control like this it made him even harder. As he worshipped her breast, she lazily stroked his hair between her fingers and giggled as she felt his dick throbbing helplessly against her ass crack. As he licked she also felt another flood of her own juices release and roll down his stomach.

As he brought his hands to her hips and started to prepare to flip her back and mount her, she stopped him and placed her hand on his chest, pushing him away. Confused he looked up into her face and saw a familiar glint in her eye.

"We are not ready for that yet. You have not earned it! You still have some penance to do."

Looking into her face with his puppy dog eyes, he made a mock sad face that always got her charged up as his desperate need only made her hotter. She could feel his cock throbbing between her legs and knew he wanted nothing more than to flip her over and slam that monster between her legs all morning, but she had other plans. Stroking his unshaven face, all dripping and coated with her juices, she spoke.

"I say we both take a long hot shower with lots of suds! I want you squeaky clean before I get you absolutely filthy again."

Bill did not have to be told twice and as she saw his tight ass bound across the room towards their bathroom she laughed. He was so hopeful, little realizing what she had planned for him yet.

They often roleplayed on lazy Saturday Mornings, sometimes having sex well into the early afternoon. They were lucky and she knew it. After all these years of marriage she still liked the sight of his ass crossing a room and the feel of his cock in her cooch or the sensation of his tongue worshiping her clit. But more than anything else, she loved the sound of him begging, that little whimper he makes when she has gotten him so wound up he couldn't stand another second and he moans and pleads for her to finish him. That whimper got her wetter than anything in the world, and she wanted to hear that whimper come from his lips today.

Watching him shave naked, she got out of bed and joined him in the bathroom. He was still rock hard and she smiled, knowing that she had done that, and she giggled to herself as she wondered what it would look like later that night. Playfully smacking his ass while reaching around and gripping his erection she winked.

"I am going to have to join you in the shower to supervise. I will NOT allow any wanking in there ANY MORE!" she whispered breathily into his ear.

His face growing red, he moaned as she stroked him and continued her verbal teasing. "I see the evidence of your dirty crimes on the tiles every morning. You think I don't notice these things? So, is it Mona you think about when you stroke your cock in there, stroking and wanking, stroking and wanking..." As she taunted him he gripped the side of the sink as she was rubbing him fast and hard. Shuddering he thought for sure he was going to shoot into the sink when she stopped.

Reaching into the shower she turned on the water. "No dear husband, your wanking days are OVER!" Reaching back with her foot as she bent down to adjust the water, she laughed as she drug her toes up his aching throbbing shaft and gripped the head. "This baby is mine and I alone will say when or if he can release." Now stepping inside she turned back to look at Bill throbbing so desperately as he leaned against the sink.

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