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Hired Succubus Domme

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Succubi are real and you can pay them to use you.
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Elliot, sitting in a cozy soft chair in his warmly lit living room, sent the message on his phone, bringing the time of his lovely evening even closer. Thinking about that six foot three succubus, not counting the horns or wings, sent him into a lustful haze; at only five feet tall, Elliot was pretty sure her height would be even more imposing in person; just what he wanted. Her long, dark purple hair, her hefty chest, her exceedingly long tail with a heart-shaped tip... The perfect woman to submit to.

"Yes please!" he replied. "You can do real brainwashing, just please undo it after you're finished."

It felt weird talking to her, even if it was just on an app, and even if he was just buying her services for an hour or two. He was only twenty-seven, and how many centuries old was this succubus? At least two, given how she was supposedly around for quite a few historical events.

He got a swift reply from Marie.

"I'll undo everything once we're finished. I will add though, if there's any aspect of the brainwashing you want to keep, I can put it in the contract. It's free of charge. And personally, I like leaving guys with a little something cute."

He thought about it, then left another reply.

"Maybe leave something harmless that nobody else will see, something I'll find fun. Surprise me a little."

"And I happily will," she replied. "Next, about the tailjob you requested, do note that my tail can wrap around your erection, but the heart tip at the end can also open up into a tail pussy. It's very good at semen extraction. Which one would you like?"

"First the wrapping, then tail pussy."

"And that's almost everything about the roleplay experience taken care of. Duration, scenario, price, magic used, force used, sexual acts performed... Anything else?"

"Nothing else to say... Thank you for doing this!"

"No, thank you. After sending the payment and agreeing to the contract, you'll get the ritual circle instructions. If there's nothing else you wish to add, farewell; the next time we meet will be in person, and I will be in character."

"Thanks :)"

She ended the conversation, and after hitting the "I agree" button below the wall of text and sending the sixty bucks through the app, he received an image of a ritual circle diagram. In reality, these were pointless--demons could just show up wherever they pleased--but everyone loved the theatrics and buildup they offered, so when people and demons started interacting with each other, they found it a good way to kick off their interactions.

~~~~~ ~~~~~

As he assembled the chalk circle on the concrete floor of his windowless, mostly empty concrete-floored basement, he thought about Marie. Unlike some demons, Succubi offered their services for fairly cheap, since they needed semen both to live and to keep their magic in good shape, and they were fairly horny anyways. Marie stood out on account of being fifteen inches taller than him, which bulldozed any hesitation he had about hiring one.

He finished the basic chalk circle, and he started drawing the numbers containing the one-time summoning code. Two, seven, one...

How badly would he melt seeing her in person? He paid her to make him into her pet for an hour. Of course, he'd put up some token resistance, as part of the roleplay, and then she'd overcome it through her sexiness, magic, and a little bit of happy physical force. There was a small amount of nervousness as he drew the remaining numbers; he hoped he could adequately play the role of helpless victim.

Candles were the final part of the circle. Seven of them, arranged at the corners of the messy seven-pointed star that stretched all across the chalk circle. He used small red ones that weren't meant to burn for long. As he struck a match, he felt a shiver down his spine, as though Marie were getting closer. The first candle was lit. Then the next. Then the next. He hesitated before lighting the seventh; she was almost here.

He lit it, and the chalk glowed red. He stepped back. The corners of the room grew darker as a sinister black fog enveloped the basement, just barely thin enough for him to still see the glowing circle. The candles flared up, emboldening the glow with orange flame.

The lights on the ceiling suddenly went out, leaving only the ritual as a source of light. The black fog thickened around the site of the circle, obscuring the space above it... then he saw the wings stretch out of the fog. It started to clear, revealing the lingerie-clad succubus that was going to use him. She snapped her fingers, and purple orbs of light lit the room, floating around the ceiling, letting him see her fully.

Her tail waved behind her, its heart-shaped tip teasing him with a playful flick in the air. All she wore aside from her black underwear was a set of black boots.

For now, he stopped gawking and got into character.

"Wait, I didn't think that would actually summon a demon! I was just messing around with chalk and candles..."

Marie spoke in a gentle yet domineering voice. "Oh, sweetie. Don't you know not to play with these things?"

"It was an accident! I swear! I won't bother you, please leave me alone," Elliot said as he backed up. "It's not like I wanted to summon you or anything..."

She smiled, maybe in recognition of his little joke, or maybe just in delight at seeing her prey. Marie stepped forward, her long strides taking her closer to him faster than his slow backpedaling could bring him away. Not that he wanted to leave, anyway...

Marie giggled. "Oh, I think you'll do perfectly..."

He faked ignorance. "Perfectly for what?"

"I like playing with people who foolishly summon me. I never let an opportunity waste itself, after all."

She came closer to him, coming within two feet of his face. He stopped backing up, hoping he could give off a convincingly pathetic last stand.

"Hey," he said, raising his voice just a little. "If you come any closer, I..."

"You'll what? As far as humans go, you're in no state to resist. And I can sense certain feelings in people... something's stirring in you, isn't it?"

She leaned forward, and he stepped back one more step, gently bumping into the wall as he had planned. He froze in place, looking at her body, letting her continue.

She planted her hands on the wall next to his head, and even though he didn't plan on being forced up against a wall, the way this was all working out was unexpectedly lovely...

Leaning forward, she brought her face within inches of his.

"Come on now. Try and escape if you're so brave as to resist a demon. You can make a break for those stairs, and I want to see you try it so badly..."

He looked at her breasts for a moment, and then decided to run. He didn't put much effort into it; the short dash to the stairs was more of a low jog. She didn't react to his inevitably doomed escape attempt at first, but after a few steps from him, she surged forward with lightning speed. Air rushed past him as she stopped behind him, wrapping her arms around his chest and locking him in place. He put up a fake struggle, flailing his arms ineffectively. She pulled him back, and his head and shoulders pressed against her hefty chest...

"Aww, you little cutie... Come on, you can go for a better escape attempt than this. How about you really run for it? Maybe try and attack me? I don't mind it when boys like you get a little rough... It's honestly cute. There's literally nothing you can do to hurt me, so try all you like."

Recognizing these as both an in-character tease and a real reminder of her strength and the things that it was acceptable for him to try, he tried formulating another escape attempt as he stepped back, dragging him with her towards the center of the room once more.

"Is my chest too comfy? Aww..."

He pulled himself away, missing the warm embrace of her body already, and as he tried to thrust aside her arms, she very obviously allowed it to happen. With his newfound freedom, he decided to try the stairs again. Why not? And maybe she'd get rougher with him this time...

She followed him at a brisk pace as he ran, and he was surprised when he managed to step onto the lowermost step of his carpeted stairs. Doomed as his fake escape attempt was, he carried on, taking the steps one at a time as fast as he could. He made it to the halfway point, then almost to the door at the top...

Then she uttered some kind of magical phrase, and on the final step, a wall of solid pink force blocked the door. He bumped into it; at least it was soft.

Marie slowly and seductively walked up the stairs, truly cornering him. Her advance was slow, and all Elliot could do was push on the solid wall. Maybe it would break if he pushed hard enough... his hands made indentations in the soft magical barrier, yet they showed no sign of breaking. He faced her, frozen in pretend fear and real arousal. She came three steps away, then two, and then lingered a while before she took the step right below his... even with a whole step, he was still shorter than she was by a lot.

"Aww. Can't break through a little magical wall? Looks like you truly can't escape... Although, I almost want to see you try to fight back instead of running."

It was covered in the contract; they did agree that it was acceptable. So, Elliot thrust his hands forward, hoping to shove her. Instead, her own hands intercepted his with lightning speed, and she clutched both of his hands as if they were passionately together... No matter how much force he pushed with, she wouldn't budge an inch. He tried letting go, but she refused, strengthening her grip; his hands were in his control.

She started backing up down the stairs, pulling him along, and he stumbled forward with her, locked in his own clumsy role in their dance.

"You should honestly just give up and submit now," Marie said as she dragged him back down the stairs. "Simply give up and let me use you..."

"Agh, never," Elliot muttered as she dragged him to the bottom of the stairs. She abruptly pulled him forward, making him fall face-first into her chest. At least she was busty enough for it to not hurt in the slightest. She held him tight, making sure to completely smother his face.

"Mhphmh," was all he could say with his face between her boobs.

"I didn't quite hear that."

"Mmmhmphm! Mhmhh!"

"You want a little tail action? Oh, exactly how I wanted to tease you..."

He felt her tail slither towards his pants, rubbing against the outside. The tip of her tail pressed against his groin, not opening up or doing anything yet, but it simply teased him with light presses and strokes...

"And perhaps I'll take you someplace more comfortable. This basement has an awfully hard floor, doesn't it?"

With what little vision he had, he was able to see a flash of pink light, and the ground changed abruptly from hard floor to soft carpet. His bedroom. Exactly where they agreed they would end up... at least, he assumed it was his bedroom, since he couldn't see much. Her tail still rubbed and prodded at his erection.

"Completely given up?"

"Ymmph..." he said with fake dejectedness.

"You really give up?"


"Oh, let me take you off my chest for a moment..."

Her pulling his face off her boobs was like having to get out of bed; unpleasant, but it had to be done. He could see that they were standing right in front of his large, cozy bed; he never quite figured out how to decorate his bedroom, so it was mostly plain and comfortable. She also took her tail off.

"I give up," he said, still being loosely hugged. "I can't beat you... just please don't hurt me..."

"Oh, who said anything about hurting you... But do say goodbye to your free will."

She tilted his head up with a gentle hand, and her eyes faintly glowed purple. Although her eyes were low on the list of things captivating him before, they were suddenly much lovelier... He recognized what was happening, and it was exactly what he wanted. Arousal was filling his body, making him tingle all over, and his head started to get fuzzy...

The feeling settled in his mind, and his head gently wobbled in hypnotic dizziness.

"Good boy... I'll finish the rest later. But keep this in your head for now..."

Her eyes stopped glowing, but the sensation remained. He could think, but not as well. And it felt more like Marie owned him...

"And I'll get rid of those clothes for you," she said. She snapped her fingers, and all of his clothing vanished in a harmless burst of pink light, reappearing in the corner of the bedroom. The sudden feeling of vulnerability made him feel like she was about to pounce on him.

"Now, be a good boy and sit on the edge of this bed, okay?"

He obeyed, walking in a light stupor. He sat down on the cool bed sheets and looked up at her; for a moment, he wondered if she had gotten taller, and then remembered that it just looked that way because he was sitting down. The hypnosis really did get to him...

She climbed onto the bed, and he stayed still, waiting excitedly for whatever it was she was about to do. As she sat behind him, her legs planted to the left and right of his own, he shivered.

"Good boy. Lean back," she said, and he obeyed, leaning back. The back of his head returned to her lovely chest... Obeying was nice. He wanted to do more of it. Maybe she'd call him a good boy more if he did...

She snapped her fingers, and light filled the corners of his vision as he felt her bra vanish. What other clothes of hers vanished? He could only imagine... For now, he enjoyed her pillowy breasts.

Her tail came into view again, curling around in front of him. The tip came closer to his erection; its ever so slightly rounded point, with only the tiniest hole giving away the possibility that it might open up and envelop his cock at any moment, grazed against his erection, moving around from the base, swirling up to his tip, and moving unpredictably as his erection twitched from the teasing...

Part of her thin tail loosely wrapped around his erection, far away enough from the tip to still let it do its thing flexibly. Then another loop followed, and another... Half his erection was taken up by the looping length of her thin tail. It was warm... was that faint pulsing down there her heartbeat or his? He couldn't logic it out in his half-hypnotized state... but there was another one in his ears, still of unknown origin. Her boobs were right up against his ears, but his own heart was definitely pounding too.

Her tail tightened, making him think she was about to jerk him off with it... then it loosened, unwrapped itself, and then moved away from his erection.

"I know exactly what you want," Marie said. Even with her boobs partly covering his ears, he could still hear her just fine.

Her tail moved up towards his face, and he looked at it as the tip gently grazed his forehead. Somehow, it was soothing in a way he didn't expect at all. The flat side of the heart-shaped tip rubbed against his forehead, then the rounded tip poked against his right cheek, rubbing a gentle circle...

Marie giggled. "Now, if you want me to fully use you... I want you to beg for it."

"I... I want it..."

"A bit better. Perhaps you could call me something..."

"Ah, mistress, I'm just your pet, use me however you like, it's all I want..."

"Just a little more."

"I'm so horny, I just want to serve... I want you to hypnotize and brainwash me and make me cum and whatever else you want..."

"That's better. Isn't obeying so fun? Now to reward my new pet..."

Her tail gave him a parting touch to the lips, and he couldn't help but kiss it. He watched as it moved towards his erection, moving right in front of his leaking tip and holding still. Then, the almost imperceptible hole at the very tip of her tail slowly widened, revealing a moist, tight opening inside...

It plunged down on him, enveloping the tip of his cock in tight, wet ecstasy.

"Ah..." Elliot moaned. His body shivered. Her tail slid down, enveloping more of his erection.

"And of course," Marie said, "The juices inside will just make you want to cum so quickly, and you'll be able to do it again and again... don't you want that? I know you do. Constantly being used, constantly being forced to give me everything inside you... it's all you want."

Her tail started sliding up and down his erection, and the drug-like fluids inside began to have their effects on him; everything became more sensitive, especially his dick. The touch of her skin, her overwhelming tail, and even the sound of his own heartbeat became more enthralling and energizing; at the same time, it got harder and harder to think about anything.

As Marie's tail kept stroking him, orgasm came closer and closer...

"Good boy..."

Thinking about this as any kind of roleplay was a distant thing now; all Elliot could do was enjoy himself and what she was doing to him.

"About to come? Please do... Come for me."

He let out a soft moan as she ran her fingers through his hair, and her tail finally brought him to orgasm. His body buzzed with hazy enjoyment, with his orgasm cutting through the fog. Pure pleasure erupted through him as his twitching cock convulsed inside her tail, spurting inside her again and again. She kept stroking him, seemingly trying to squeeze out as much as she could. As he let out load after load, her tail swallowed all of it, with bulges of semen traveling inside her tail and moving into Marie's body...

"Delicious," Marie said as his orgasm came to an end. Yet calm didn't take him; he was still horny. "Would you like me to squeeze more out of you?"

"Please, mistress," Elliot said.

She happily kept moving her tail, her wet opening more powerfully arousing than ever. Even more sensitive than before, Elliot's erection obediently started climbing towards orgasm once again.

"And, my little pet... I'll squeeze another one out of you, and then I'll let you experience my actual pussy. It's just like the tail, except the magic inside is so much stronger. Being softened up by my tail will just make you so, so much easier to milk."

He was almost there again; a few more strokes of her tail...

Another moan escaped his mouth as he erupted again.

"You have so much still inside you... I'll take the rest out very soon. For now, this will do..."

Her tail sucked up everything that shot out of him, siphoning it off into Marie's body. His orgasm went on longer than the last, and even more fluid shot out of him; he didn't feel emptied out in the slightest, at least not yet. Eventually, his orgasm came to a stop, and he was still horny; his impaired mind was very, very excited for what was to come.

Finally, her tail pulled off his erection, which still remained upright, covered in her juices. She started to stand up, and she pulled him by the arms so that he could stand up as well. Finally, she turned him to face her, and he got a look at her naked body; he needed no convincing to let Marie use him, but the sight still strengthened those feelings.

"Now, look into my eyes again," Marie said as they glowed once more. Drugged and half-hypnotized already, Elliot couldn't have resisted even if he wanted to. As he stared, he became more and more of a toy to be used. Her gaze melted away everything but the immediate situation; as far as he was concerned, he was her pet, her meal, her toy, doing whatever she wanted for as long as she wanted. Everything but simple thoughts of pleasure and obedience vanished.

"And please don't let your body just collapse," she said, and his limbs obeyed and started bothering to keep him upright.

She dragged his obedient body back onto the bed, laying him face up, his head resting on a pillow. Almost immediately, she climbed on top of him, her pussy hovering just above his erection...

Wordlessly, she plunged down on him, and her tight depths would have melted his mind if he had any free will left. Pure pleasure shot through him. He was already about to come just from that, and he couldn't help but constantly moan from the pleasure...


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