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His Daughter's Wedding Ch. 01


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She looked at him staring at her and she looked concerned and said, "I know this may look funny, but it's not because I'm expecting us to live together, or even to date. I really do appreciate how you made love to me last night. It really was good. You made me feel very good, and that's the only reason I'm doing this."

His first thought was that she wasn't being completely honest. This probably was just a thank you, and she didn't expect their relationship to be more than it was, but at the same time he couldn't see her doing this for a one night stand, no matter how good he was, or even a short term boyfriend.

His second thought was to say, "You made me feel just as good. I think my screams, when I came, showed that, but that wasn't what I was thinking about."

"Oh, what were you thinking of?" she asked as she turned back to the stove. H e walked to her until he was right behind her then said, "This," as he reached around her waist. He slipped one hand into the robe and between her legs. He quickly found the crotch of her panties and squeezed it. He was gratified when he felt something squelch between his fingers.

She went, "Oh" as he felt his fingers brush her slit.

He said, "I'm not sure why it turns me on so much now, when I didn't think about it that much when we were married, but you're so filled with my stuff you're dripping. I was picturing it dripping down your naked thighs."

He pressed his fingers together again, again reveling in the feeling of his sperm squelching. This time he couldn't help himself from humping against her.

She said, "Oh, you are horny... so soon too."

She sounded like she didn't mind at all. He backed off from her though.

He said, "Hold that thought. Let's eat first and then we can discuss about us both being horny this morning."

She turned to him and smiled before going back to her cooking. A minute later she sighed, but finished the meal without saying anything.

When she was done she found that John had set two places. She served them, and they ate. While eating they chatted some more about people and places they knew or had been to.

At one point she said, "I'm glad you never hated me... I never wanted to stop being married to you. Part way through my affair, I decided that if you were to discover it and wanted a divorce I was going to fight it. And after you did discover it, I was going to keep that promise to myself. I would beg you, make any promise I had to, to see a marriage counselor, or even a psychiatrist. If that didn't work I was planning to hire a lawyer and have him make all kinds of demands."

He interrupted at that point, "Would you have kept the affair going?"

"No! I knew you wouldn't stand for it, and I would never ask you to. That was one of the conditions I imagined you laying down."

"Would you have really stopped it?"

"Yes! I knew I would never have another chance if I kept up the affair. I have thought about it many times in the last five years and I believe I could have and would have stopped it if that was one of your conditions - it would have been one, I know."

She paused then said, "If those things didn't work, I would have tried something else, but then those awful notes started showing up and those stupid sex manuals. I knew you didn't need any of that. At one point I got so angry at the people sending them that I lashed out at them when some reporter interviewed me. I told him people needed to stop being so childish. I knew from personal experience you knew how to please a woman. My affair had been for other reasons... Of course it didn't do any good."

She sighed, then said, "It was before that point that I saw the pain it was causing you. You tried to be stoic, but I could tell it hurt. It was when I saw that pain compounded by the pain I caused by cheating..."

He added, "and lying to me." S he looked sad, then nodded, "And my lying to you. I decided I couldn't fight the divorce. I had hurt you too much and I didn't deserve to be married to you. I told that to my lawyer. The only reason I hired one was that friends insisted that I should so you wouldn't take me to the cleaners, including making me stay away from our children. That would hurt too much.

"He warned me that you would try to leave me with nothing. I told him you wouldn't do that, and at the end he was surprised that you didn't. He thought the settlement was more than fair under the circumstances. He thought it was a good idea that you decided to let Darlinia and George decide for themselves if they wanted to see me. Of course Darlania made her feelings known real fast; so did George, but even though he didn't want to live with me, even in the summer, he still let me drive him places and he likes me coming to his meets."

When John was done and Mary had eaten as much as she was going to, John cleared the table, then sat back down.

He asked, "What was bothering you throughout breakfast?"

"I remembered something from last night. If I told you, you may not want to have sex with me anymore."

"What's that... a boyfriend?"

"No, I told you I haven't been dating. I... I never finished explaining to you why."

He looked puzzled for a moment before a light went on and he said, "Oh."

After a moment he said, "Well, we can have sex first if you think we won't afterward... if you are still in the mood."

"Part of me is and part of me isn't. My body is ready, part of me wants to, but I might start thinking about what I lost. That would ruin the mood."

"Well, I can try to keep you distracted, but if you don't want to we don't have to."

She nodded then thought about it a moment while examining her feelings.

She stood and said, "I'm horny and I want you. I don't want to use a vibrator with a real man ready for me. And as I said I want you."

After another moment she turned to him and with a sexy smile said, "Come here, distract me... feel your stuff leaking out of me."

He did. After a few minutes of sucking her breast and fingering her slit, they had sex in the kitchen. When they were done, they went into the living room. After a short rest on the couch and some necking and petting, they did it again.

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GuyfromShadesGuyfromShadesabout 1 month ago

Thanks for your writing.

NoBullAlNoBullAl7 months ago

The MC is plainly a major step below average intelligence! This fact is easily shown by the way he deliberately hijacked his daughter on her wedding day!! Even though he was paying the bill he had no right to do that!! If this was such a major problem for him it should have been well and truly sorted out well before that time!! What kind of a low life sets out to further his personal agenda on his daughter’s hugely important day??

To take that another step we have to wonder if maybe he likes being a cuckold when he has to have all the details of her seduction especially when he is only getting the cheating bitch’s version??? He is very obviously a very weak minded conniving individual who did not deserve to have this story written about him!! One can only hope that his daughter has enough personal fortitude to forgive her cheating mother and her asshole father!!

nixroxnixroxalmost 2 years ago

3 stars - there is no real reason for this bit of sexual activity after their daughters marriage. Five years is a very long time, but as far as I am concerned what she did to him was way beyond any possible RAAC. Sorry, but this sort of reconciliation is just NOT believable. The TRUST is gone forever and she has done nothing to regain that TRUST.

sneakoneoutsneakoneoutabout 2 years ago

She would have stopped the affair if she was discovered. Why didn’t he ask why she didn’t stop it before she was discovered.

Xzy89c1Xzy89c1about 2 years ago

She got a job because she needed one as alimony was not enough but her affair started at her existing job. No proof reading and no editor.

The bride would have blown up at the mother sitting in front. Do not mess with plans of bride

iammweaseliammweaselover 2 years ago

Nope. Bigly nope. Daddy being a dick to an adult daughter who has every right to be pissed at her mother?

Stupid fucking story, to the point that I didnt even get through page 1.

Now THAT'S bad.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Nice story. Examining the raw emotions after five years. Good Writing. Thanks.


Dlh143Dlh143almost 3 years ago

His daughter should have told him that if he didn't respect her wishes on HER wedding day, then he could take her mother and leave with her and someone else can walk her down the aisle. And someone else can take care of the grandkids he and her mother will never see. 1 star for this shitty story!

nixroxnixroxalmost 4 years ago

once again - not a very good story, even though it is FICTION - there is no plausible justification for him to include the ex-wife in the daughter's wedding. The mother burned every bridge tying that family together. She should have been shunned forever.

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago

Should have left the cheating wife out of their lives. She cheated them all, not just him.

Ocker51Ocker51over 6 years ago
I Agree With Previous Comment

What so call father would pull the stunt he pulled at his own daughters wedding? He deliberately minimise his daughters pain by saying she did not do it to you but only to me. What a load of bullshit! When someone cheats on a partner they also cheat on the children in that relationship, when they betray a partner they betray the children. It has been proven that children can and do suffer more from a marriage breaking up then the adults involved. Shame on this father, in my book he has shown himself to be just as selfish as his wife was when she betrayed her family years before.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

He controls the purse strings, so he purposefully and deliberately acts against the expressed wishes of his daughter on the most important day of her life.

Cool. Nice guy.

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