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Holly and (What's Left of) the City Pt. 04

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Holly and Maria go on a first date.
4.9k words

Part 6 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 04/23/2020
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"Where are we going?" Maria curiously asked.

They've been walking for the better part of an hour, but the cool night air made it totally manageable. Every now and then a cool and cheerful breeze would rush past the two women and play with their hair. It wasn't too cold or too hot, the weather was just perfect. Maria toyed with the thought the futa might even have control over the weather.

"A place called Greenfair Park, you know it?" Holly asked, "I was told it's a quiet place just perfect for a romantic date."

"Of course I know Greenfair Park, Holly, anyone growing up in Titania knows it. There's this hill there, all the teens use it as a makeout spot."

"Cool, I hope you'll like what I've arranged for us," Holly said as they turned a corner and the park entrance came into view. It looked massive, stretching away into endless fields of green trees. Leading into the park, was a trail that swiveled between trees and invited the two in.

"Just a little bit further in," Holly said as the two followed the trail and found themselves going into the woods. Greenfair Park wasn't a scary place, the city and police took good care of it to ensure night time posed no threats to visitors. The trail led out of the woods and into a small lake, "Here we are," said Holly, "come with me, Maria," she pointed to a lady that stood by the lake.

As they walked over to her, Maria noticed the details. The woman seemed in her early twenties, with long blonde hair and a fuck-me dress, Maria was tempted to call her a bimbo. Next to her was a table and two chairs. On the table was what looked like a picnic basket.

"Great evening, Jane," Holly greeted the woman who nodded her head, "thank you so much," Holly said with a wide smile, "I want you to meet Maria, my date for tonight."

Maria leaned in and offered her hand, "Nice to meet you, Jane."

Jane didn't say a word, she shook Maria's hand gently and lifted a single finger against her lips to signal quiet.

"Jane is here to help with our date," Holly started explaining as she walked over to one of the chairs and pulled it out, offering Maria the seat, "we are going to have a romantic picnic, Jane is here to babysit Baby for us."

"Are you sure this will work?" Maria questioned the idea.

"Yeah, sure." Holly sounded extremely confident, as if she had experience with dates like this before, "as you know, Baby can be very long. Jane here will keep at least 6 feet away from us... This way she won't bother our date, but will still be able to do her job."

"Ahm... Okay," Maria agreed and sat in the chair Holly offered her. Holly pushed the chair in and pulled the other chair closer so she could sit next to Maria.

"Almost ready." Holly announced, "just give us a moment to get everything ready and we'll start."

Holly lifted the front of her blue dress and exposed Baby to the night air. Her cock seemed to rest between her legs. Still strapped to her right leg, it was limp. She patiently undid the straps and gave Baby some breathing space.

What happened next forced a giggle out of Maria. Holly grabbed her cock and started sliding her hands along its length, away from her body. One hand quickly followed another as they tagged off the thick dormant monster. Baby's started to wake up and grow outwards. To Maria, it looked like Holly was a magician, pulling an endless string out of thin air. Each tag made Baby grow and grow farther away from her.

When Baby's tip was a good 15 feet away from them Holly stopped," I think that's far enough, right?"

It took Maria a moment to realize the question was addressed to her, "Ahh, yeah, sure, good distance."

"Okay Jane, you can start," Holly called to Jane. The bimbo walked to where Holly's cock ended and grabbed the massive head. Baby's head was about as big as Jane's head and she examined it for a few moments, assessing its weight and flexibility. "While Jane is setting up, I want you to do a little something too, Maria," Holly turned to her date.

"I'm listening."

"Inside the beg you'll find everything we need for our picnic. Can you please set up our table?" Holly politely asked.

At Holly's tip, Jane lifted her leg over Baby, turning her back to the two. Maria wasn't surprised when she noticed that under the skimpy dress the woman was going commando. She directed the bulbous head to her exposed slick slit.

As Maria opened the basket and took out a checkered red tablecloth she couldn't help but wonder how do girls manage to take such a huge cock with such a tiny slit. Had she not seen Holly take Anna she wouldn't have believed it was possible. The basket also contained two candles and a lighter, two plates and a tray filled with all manners of delicacies.

Jane was awfully good at her job, she popped Baby into her like it was nothing, not even a single moan escaped her lips. Her body started to quiver, Maria assumed it was an orgasm that wracked her core. Jane took a couple of steps back before the shaking stopped, and lowered her body to the ground, lying flat on her belly.

"I think we're good to go," Maria said as she finished setting the table.

"Wonderful, I think Jane is also finished," Holly turned to look at Maria, "please don't feel offended because I'm not sitting in front of you. We agreed we won't have sex this time and I am a woman of my word."

"Anything else I need to know?" Maria asked.

"Not really. As we go along with our date Baby will use Jane. You don't need to worry about her, she willingly volunteered to make sure our date goes perfectly."

"Okay, well, what do we have here?" Maria pointed to the tray.

"Only the best for us girl. I'll have a slice of bread with butter for starters." Holly took a slice of bread and a knife and went to work. Maria targeted the ham and made herself a little sandwich. Both girls were quiet while they ate, the only noise was moans of delight. Maria noticed Holly was eating much more than her, she knew most of what was on that tray will soon become Holly's cum.

"You have to try the sun-dried tomato paste," Holly offered Maria a bit of her bread covered with a red paste. Maria took it and enjoyed the slightly sour tomato taste that filled her mouth. Both girls munched on, trying to get a taste of everything.

Once things settled down and Maria felt she had her share, she leaned back in her chair and looked at Baby and Jane. Even though her date was with Holly, she wanted to look at Jane and see what she was going through. The girl simply rested on the ground, motionless.

"Holly, can I ask something?"

Holly stopped eating, "Yes, anything."

"I know we said no sex. I just want to ask how is it that girls manage to take you inside them? I mean you're cock is huge and a vagina is so tiny."

"I'll tell you, Maria, but I want us to make something clear first. We can still talk about sex, right? Just not have it tonight," Maria nodded in agreement and smiled, letting Holly know she was okay with it. Holly went on, "Did you notice that when I go inside a girl she quickly orgasms?"

"Yeah," Maria remembered, "I saw Jane do it just now, and I think I remember Anna doing it too."

"Well done, not everyone is attentive enough to notice it," a huge smile filled Holly's face, "when Baby goes into a pussy, both Baby and the girl's body go through an amazing reaction. Baby lets out a little bit of precum first-"

"Let me guess," Maria interrupted to tease her date, "about a hundred gallons?"

"No, Maria, I said a little. About half a cup of precum." Holly protested.

"What's so special about that?" Maria wondered.

"My precum is loaded with chemicals my body naturally creates. One of those is ibuprofen,"

"Oh, I know that one, we have it in painkillers," Maria jumped.

"Right, I have over a hundred chemical compounds in my precum that help women deal with me," Holly explained, "that way, I don't have to worry. Baby can help the girls make it through. Next, the girl squirts... That's for lubrication."

"I see... I hope you won't take it the wrong way, your body is a perfect sex machine..."

"You can say that," Holly agreed as she nibbled on the remains of their feast, "but let me tell you, being a 'perfect sex machine' has its issues..."

Maria noticed Jane's body, Baby was at work on it already. It was pumping her full of Holly's goo. The once flat-tummied bimbo now looked nine months pregnant, her body rested on the inflated belly. Baby's length showed no signs of pumping, as if it was capable of much more but was only using a fraction of what it could.

"For example this," Holly caught her date's attention once more, "people tend to forget about me when they see Baby, especially when we fuck."

"I'm so sorry, Holly," Maria quickly apologized, "it happens to me too with my boobs, I apologize"

A loud whooshing sound suddenly reached her ears, she turned her head to look at the source of the noise, Jane. The woman doubled in size and it was clear what Maria said was the cause for that outlet.

"It's okay Maria," Holly assured her, "Baby and I actually like it when that happens. It's just a little distracting to have a conversation when everything keeps shifting back to Baby."

"I'll do my best to stay focused on you," Maria promised, "can I ask a question that might feel a little awkward?"

"Go right ahead."

"How do you piss?"

Holly giggled, "I have control over it, I usually piss like you do, only it rarely happens."

"Related to you being efficient?"

Holly smiled, letting Maria know she was correct, "I usually use the toilet once a day, sometimes even less. According to my doctors, about 3 percent of what I eat doesn't turn into cum. Out of that, only 0.5% turns to waste products."

"Talk about efficient..." Maria said as she struggled with her curiosity for Jane's size.

"How is our date so far, Maria? Are you enjoying it?" Holly wondered.

"I like it so far," Maria admitted, "not that I'm saying I'm ready to take you, I'm not sure I'll ever be able to take Baby..."

Holly allowed a little giggle to escape her ruby lips, "Take it easy, girl, I'm not going to force you. If, and when, you feel ready to deal with Baby we'll be ready..." she tried to sound as relaxed as possible.

"Thank you for being so understanding," Maria said. Another whoosh reached her, making her look at Jane. The woman was huge now, as big as a car. Her whole body rested on her inflated belly. It was clear that, if things were only up to Baby Maria would have been as big as Anna was by now.

"I know the feeling of helplessness... I felt it when I orgasmed years ago, remember what I told you about my first big orgasm?" Holly wanted to see if Maria was paying attention.

"When you came in your room?"

"Right, I was so scared back then..." Holly recalled, "I just wanted a little pleasure, but Baby just got bigger and bigger, and the orgasm dragged on. It was so hard, I had no control over it. I don't want to put people I care about through that."

"That's actually really considerate."

"Thank you, Maria," Holly was blushing. Another whoosh sounded and Jane grew big enough to hold a truck inside her, "Can I ask you a few questions? I want to get to know you too..."

"Yea, sure, fire away, Holly."

"What about your family?"

"I live alone, I'm an only child. My parents live in the states," Maria explained, "there's not much to say about them..."

"What do you do for a living?"

"Don't the witty glasses give it away?" Maria wondered. Her glasses had a black slender frame that gave little to no clues regarding her occupation. Holly remained silent as she tried to figure it out.

"I'm a bookworm..." Maria added.

"OMG," Holly gasped as a roar originated in her balls. Jane was growing at a steady pace, reaching the waterline and still going, "Are you a librarian?"

Maria nodded yes, "Correct."

"I love books, Maria, you're my hero..." Holly seemed star-struck while Baby made Jane grow into the lake, now almost as big as a house. It was a good thing the poor woman rested on top of her belly, this way, she was safe from going underwater.

"I think you're giving us librarians too much credit..." Maria averted the attention.

"Listen, lady," Holly said, "After I finished with my hometown I went on a fucking spree every now and then. Let me tell you, there is nothing better than reading a good book while Baby does its thing with girls..."

"Wait, you're telling me you can read while you orgasm? How?"

"It's not so hard, Maria, I can have a date with you while I orgasm," Holly casually dismissed her date's claim by pointing to Jane, "I never go all out, my orgasms are nice and all, but they're only half baked... When you have a two-day orgasm you have time to read..."

"Okay, I believe you, Holly, you sure are something..."

"You're something too, girl, I'm amazed by you..." Holly spoke from her heart.

"I'm just another librarian..."

"Not to me, you're not..." the futa looked deep into Maria's eyes, "I think Jane deserves a rest... Can you please help me?"

Holly was right, she grew a lot over the course of their date. The once skinny girl was now a giant cum container, holding Holly's load within her overstretched womb. She was much bigger than a house, holding thousands of gallons in her. Around Baby's giant circumference was a tight red ring that was once Jane's tight pussy.

Holly got on her feet and moved the chair aside. She looked at Maria, "Can you give me your hand? It's easy to lose my balance with Baby this big."

Maria shuffled to Holly's side and helped her maintain her balance. They needed to take eight steps back for Baby to pop out of Jane. Her pussy was still gaping as a constant stream of cum cascaded out of her and down her deformed belly to form a puddle on the ground. Jane's body invaded the lake and rested halfway inside. 'Another wonder created by Holly,' Maria thought to herself as holly moved her cock into the lake and returned to her seat.

"How about dessert? There should be something in the basket" Holly offered as Maria returned to the table.

"I'd love dessert," Maria smiled. She opened the picnic basket and took out a bowl of fruit and a bottle of sweet dessert wine. The girls nibbled and drunk as the talk went on.

"I have to say, Jane did an amazing job," Holly complimented the blimp of cum that was once Jane's flat abdomen.

"I can't believe I'm saying this but you're right, Holly, she was so effective... But you know what strikes me most about her? Through it all, she was so quiet. She didn't even make a sound, it was so stoic..."

Hearing the words, Holly broke out with laughter. She grabbed her belly and laughed her heart out. Maria felt a little offended by her date's reaction.

"What's the deal here, Holly?"

Holly tried to calm down, "I'm sorry, I just realized I never told you something... Jane, she's an Ex-Trappistine..."

"Wait, what?"

"I've known her for years, she was born a Trappist," Holly noticed Maria was confused, "she was a silent nun, didn't speak until she was 20 years old. No wonder she was quiet, old habits die hard..."

"Wow," was all Maria said as she started to giggle herself, now that she realized the irony. She gave Holly's body a look, still covered by her hypnotizing blue dress, the redhead was shimmering with delight. Her cock slithered on the ground, a huge organ that Maria had a hard time understanding. It seemed its circumference was about the same as Maria's hips, probably a little bigger. Its tip rested near the center of the lake, floating at the surface and moving about as the waves came and went. A constant flow of cum was coming out of the gapping slit, Baby was still going strong. The clear water soon became murky with thick white goo.

Maria went for a slice of mango when a question came to her, "Holly, you talked about permanent pregnancies... Can I ask you about that?"

"I am an open book before you Maria," Holly approved.

"How does it work?"

"Basically, there are two parts to how it works," Holly explained, "first there's the cum, I make girls so big because I want cum to reach the right places."

"The womb, that's why you fill them..." Maria tried filling in the pieces of the puzzle.

"No, the womb holds the pregnancy, you are right about that. But it's not what I need for permanent pregnancy. I actually need my cum to fill their ovaries. That's where your body creates the egg cells."

Maria was too confused to talk, so Holly continued, "If I just fill the womb I'll get one pregnancy as there's only one egg cell there. But if I fill the ovaries, the eggs that reach the womb are already fertile when they get there."

"But how long does your cum last in there?"

"My sperm lives for a long time girl, a very long time..."

"How long?" Maria wondered.

"Liza's body still uses the cum I gave her 7 years ago to make babies today..."

"So what about Jane here?" Maria asked.

"Perma-pregnant..." Holly confirmed without thinking twice.

"But she's nowhere near as big as Anna was."

"She'll probably give birth less frequently, we'll know in a few days when she goes to see her gynecologist," Holly said.

Maria and Holly went on talking as the night lingered on, both didn't care for time. Maria was enjoying Holly's company. Even though the futa was a sex goddess, she talked with Maria as if they were equals.

When they finished the wine, Maria noticed something wet at her feet. Looking down, she saw that Baby made the lake overflow, creating a sort of high tide as unimaginable amounts of spunk colored the whole lake pearly white.

"Wow, Holly, what are we going to do? Should we move?" Maria asked.

"I don't mind it. As long as it doesn't touch your pussy you should be okay."

The lake was not deep enough to cover her feet, so Maria assumed they had a little more time to chat. "One last question each and we call it a night?" she asked Holly.

Holly nodded in agreement and gave Maria the first shot.

"Say we keep dating and I'll be your girlfriend, will I be the only girl you'll see?"

"I'll be as honest as possible with you Maria..." Holly looked at her date and focused on her eyes, "one girl is not enough for me, you saw what I did to Anna and Jane, you don't want me to do that to you all the time, right?"

"So, you'll have other girls?"

"No, I'll only have you, but Baby will need a couple of girls every now and then... But those girls will never take your place, you'll still be my girlfriend." Holly explained.

Maria blushed, "I think I can live with that... Your turn..."

Holly leaned towards her, a lively smile decorated her face, "Would you consider another date with me?"

"Yes, please," Maria didn't hesitate, she enjoyed Holly's company tonight.

"On our next date, would you consider letting sex be an option?"

"I... Well..." Maria stuttered, it seemed the question caught her off guard.

"You don't have to say yes, Maria. I mean, Baby is a lot to take on the first go. We can go slowly and you can call it off if you want..."

"It's not that, I..." the sexy vixen froze again, she seemed stressed by the situation.

"I don't want to pressure you, Maria, I'm not that kind of girl," Holly tried to calm things down, "you know what, how about I drop it? When you feel you're ready for sex let me know?"

"Holly," Maria whispered finally, "you've been super honest with me, I think I should repay you with the same honesty. I don't know if I'll ever be ready for sex... The idea is so exciting... But at the same time, I'm afraid of it..."

"I know," Holly sympathized with her lover, "Baby can be scary at times..."

"Not just Baby, Holly, I mean any sex... I'm afraid of what might happen after I'll take that first leap of faith."

Holly's eyes opened wide. She was shocked by what she picked up from the vixen's word, "What are you actually telling me, Maria?"


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