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Home for Horny Monsters Ch. 052


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"—and I suppose you will probably go there through the portal in your backyard." Death set the paper down on the desk and picked up the pen. "Ah, yes. If I draw the gate right here, then I have participated in map making, too!"

"Wait, what?" Mike leaned forward in his chair as Death drew an arched gateway with iron bars. "Death, that's just the gate in the backyard, it doesn't go anywhere."

"You are wrong, Mike Radley. I may not be knowledgeable in many things, but I certainly recognize a portal to the Underworld when I see it." He drew a cartoon skull over the bars. "I assumed you knew this already, which is why I said getting there was easy. If not for that gate, I would have called your task impossible."

Stunned, Mike sat with his mouth open. Could Death be right? Was the unassuming gate in the backyard really the answer to his problems?

"It is very rude to stare, Mike Radley." When Death scowled, the temperature in the room dropped dangerously and the twin fireballs in his sockets went from blue to red.

"I'm not staring, I' this a joke? You're absolutely serious, the gate in the backyard is a portal?"

"Mike Radley, if there's one thing you should know about me, it's that I'm always dead serious." Death picked up his tea and sipped it with a smug grin. "Now that is a proper joke."


I hope you all really liked that scene, because it was one of the more difficult scenes to write. Sofia scenes require a certain amount of respect in their approach, and I appreciate any good feedback you can offer me (for next time).

Thanks to all my beta readers for helping me through this chapter, I am gearing up to start writing the next one in the days ahead. I'm hoping the world calms down a bit in the near future, but my good buddy Death assures me that his sibling is quite the cunt and finds the whole thing very amusing.

As always, don't forget to rate, review or comment. I love reading them, especially when the struggle is real. I appreciate the Lit community and all that it has done for me and would like to reiterate that, at some point, the story of Mike Radley will come to an end.

And when it does, that chapter and all those in between will see these pages.

Take care of yourselves, be kind to each other, and wash your damn hands. Annabelle out.

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CruzX531CruzX531about 2 months ago

This was fabulous!! I thoroughly love Sofia's sex scenes.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

I hear death's voice as Teal'c from Stargate!

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Thanks for this story. I love that the characters are multidimensional. Death is awesome!

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I'm loving the comedy you're able to weave through the story. Brilliant. Thanks for sharing

Ghostreaper99Ghostreaper995 months ago

never thought i would say these words, ever, but, i'm really starting to love Death.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I’ve been waiting for a Sofia chapter - I’m so glad you did not forget her.

DefinitelyNotANameDefinitelyNotAName7 months ago

Death is a clown it always make me laugh he's a great character in this amazing novel.

sennodensennoden8 months ago

Maybe this makes me an asshole too, but I just don't see why Sofia expected that Mike would have any reason or want to... hang out with her and talk to her? When nearly everytime she speaks to him, she is abrasive, belittling and pretty much just radiates that she does not like him at all. I know this act is not how she actually feels, but that does not change the fact that she has been extremely unpleasant to him at any chance, ever since they first met. And I really dislike her for it

tall_and_wobblytall_and_wobbly9 months ago

You’re simply amazing! ❤️❤️❤️

StephenZ75StephenZ759 months ago

The encounter with Sophia reminded me of one thought I've had while re-reading from the beginning. It's not about having a "new girl" that's exciting, it's about how Mike's relationship with them evolves.

I'd be perfectly happy to have more encounters with "underrepresented" members of the house instead of new characters, since they all have their own, special connection with him.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

As good as the scene with Sofia is, Death steals the show again!

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

So glad to see Sophia finally getting some more loving... You did a great job of hunting at the buildup and mild jealousy in the last two or three chapters. She's clearly super into him and I'm hoping for more of them in the upcoming chapters.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

It doesn't matter if Mike is a slut. He is the main character of the story. Or was. It's going the route of the Witcher or the mandelorian . Start with a male lead then transition the entire thing to a female lead and refocus the story. Sure it may really be about a house for horny monsters but it all started with Mike and took many chapters focused on Mike and his way through it. Now it's not. His scenes are lame. Their scenes go on and on and on. Saying Beth fucjs anything isn't calling her a slut. It's what she is doing without any type of real connection. Just fake connections. Mike actually really does care about some of these connections. They are as real to him as they are with who he is doing it with. Hers are to get her rocks of and is treated as such by the characters that have been with her. Just there to fuck too. Just to fuck doesn't create a good story line. Connections do

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I liked the scene with Mike and Sofia. Death is a pretty interesting character.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

I have read many books in my time, and I will read many more before I’m done, but I can say without a shadow of a doubt that this is one of the best books I’ve read in this genre. The characters are immaculate, the story is lively and always turning and turning keeping my mind occupied with all of those beautiful threads you keep forming. I savor each chapter and despite me never commenting before and quite possibly never after this, I just wanted to let you know that I fully intend to read every word you have posted on here, for it is just that good.

AndebyAndeby12 months ago

I really like Sofia, but I loooove Death.

YourNeighbourYourNeighbourover 1 year ago

Death's joke are on point. He's a master of deadpan humor

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Love these!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Yeah. A good rule of thumb is don’t take out stitches until they are “floating”, meaning loose enough they freely move. That means they aren’t keeping the edges of the wound together at all. Scabbing only hides the true condition of the wound and has to be removed before the stitches come out.

Also, if the wound is sufficiently deep, internal dissolvable sutures are used to bring the deep edges together and eliminate the lumen (internal gap. Otherwise you have to use a larger needle to take bigger “bites” when closing the wound, but that often doesn’t close the superficial edges snugly together, creating a worse scar.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Absolutely 100 percent for sure thought that the reason Death spoke so loudly, looked so excited, and was eager to speak with Mike when he got back from the Library was because he was so excited to sit down and ask Mike exactly how much consent was present in the experience he shared with Sofia lol, the tea was absolutely to butter him up, and Kisa was peeking and ran off because Death was all "ah ha! Finally, we can now test our theory of asking whether an action was consensual, by asking Mike now that he has returned" and she was going all "there's no way Death is actually gunna do that omg" and got flustered and scampered

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

It’s so strange, reading the story now in 2023, and hearing your notes about just beginning of the pandemic. It’s like walking through an erotic museum. Very cool, and as always, great tag lines. -AT

Rhino77PIlotRhino77PIlotover 1 year ago

I have taken to not commenting on most of the chapters. The writing is so good that I don't want to take the time away from my reading of the the HFHM..... So, back to the tale!

JodailyJodailyover 1 year ago

Sweet cruel cyclopean wench got her much needed and much desrved fucking. Excellent scene. While I'm not into bdsm, that was hot, and rocked both of their worlds.

JSA69JSA69almost 2 years ago

Methinks Sophia needs a DP. Which Mike could easily have done using the Librarian's staff and his own. Well, maybe next time....

JohnnyRebBBJohnnyRebBBalmost 2 years ago

Your “Death” stands comparison to Terry Pratchett’s and he is one of my heroes.

Thank you again.

Procurator9Procurator9almost 2 years ago

🤔I wonder if Kisa had something to do with Bastet🐈

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Is it only coincidence or the war at the isle is the cyclops one? The gare to underworld has been a surprise. I believee the back yard gate will open o remote lands o another pocket world. Annabel's L-space has several cyaracteristics of T Pratcher's one but also it has quite differences, furcer exploration of it is required.

Sofia need to recruit some ofbthe others inhabitans the house as librarians now there is plenty rats and centaurs.

KahunabobKahunabobalmost 2 years ago

Death is quickly becoming one of my favourite characters. I feel like he could be a little brother to Sir Terry Pratchett's DEATH. (May Terry's soul forever be at peace. And a satirical thorn in the side of whatever stuffy folk run the show over where his soul is these days, keeping them honest.)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I love the character death so much

grimygrimyabout 2 years ago

Hahaha oh man..! Death is by far the funniest character. I love it!

KatLadyKatLadyabout 2 years ago

Was wondering what that gate in the backyard lead to. Whadya know!?!

Great chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This last chapter is tying some things together (and characters together) that is making the whole story more interesting and believable, even with normally unbelievable characters. It also makes the whole story more interesting. -- Ozarks Jim.

RDFozzRDFozzover 2 years ago

As others have commented, several parts of the BDSM scene went outside my personal comfort zone, to the extent that I’d feel like even if they excited the recipient, they’d be painful for the person doling them out. That said, you made it clear in context that both Mike and Sofia were concerned with what would be going too far. I have to assume that, even if what they were doing/saying felt somewhat uncomfortable to them, they’d use the feedback from their partner (and the knowledge that there was a safe word available) to encourage them to proceed for their partner’s sake.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Not a fan of part of the story but over all the story is still high quality material. Thanks for sharing with us readers.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The sex scene was good, though a few parts swung outside my personal boundaries others were wonderful.

The chapter itself and the world building aspect was grand.

Bad internet smut showing up in the super majestic Library is just hilarious.

PapaTizzelPapaTizzelover 2 years ago

Death is the best character, amazing work

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

that finisher from Death... petite mort :)

Ravey19Ravey19over 2 years ago

Annabelle, how many world's do you inhabit? Your imagination and storytelling are absurdly outstanding. Loved the scene with Sofia and how Mike is becoming more sensitive to the needs of the girls. Still got to resolve Beth and rescue Cecilia.

The discussion about the library saving Internet books was just great, perhaps he'll help Sofia with categorisation to make some sense of all the erotica out there. Must be a whole section somewhere for Literotica.


Hearthfire223Hearthfire223over 2 years ago

Great moment when we transition from the meta explanation of library mechanics to pulling out the obviously sword from The Order, knowing full well we're in for a "bad things happened" story. Great switch, and a seamless play on existing worldbuilding.

Once again, I don't think I'll ever get tired of the independent characters with their own defined and distinct feelings and agency.

Without adoubt, the best part of reading this series, especially knowing effort nad serious thought want into it.

oldmanbill69oldmanbill69over 2 years ago

52 chapter and loving it still !

Dima_SynDima_Synover 2 years ago

Death is the best.

Well that was weird to type.

4275727065657342757270656573over 2 years ago

Loved the scene with Sofia for my part. I agree with Anonymous that Naia's magic could guide him into the dom he needs to be with Sofia, both by action and words (that cum dumpster line for example). That way, you could push things even further without any disrespect, since it's what Sofia wants.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Loved it. 100stars

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Death got jokes! ☠️🤣

LevindlLevindlalmost 3 years ago

The scene with Sophia was marvelous! You definitely “kept the eye on the prize.“ you showed that Mike is a “strapping Young lad.“ “Spare the rod, spoils the cyclops!.“

Sorry, too many puns came to mine when I read that scene. Lol

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

You have managed to write the only lite roti a series that I actually read for the story.. And the sex. Not going to be proud about it: the sex is great.

The discussion of what constitutes publishing for the magic library had me in stitches.

please give Asterion some time. I think he's the only character that hasn't really had much personality.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I love Mike and Sofia scenes, my only recommendation is to give Mike better dialogue during his encountera with her, he is always willing to Dom Sofia but his dialogue as a sub isn't natural and I feel like with naias magic she should be able to guide him in ways to enhance his partners experience feeding him words to say at the right moments

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Spell binding imagination. Well written

naughtyandy4unaughtyandy4uabout 3 years ago

Sophie getting fucked by her own Staff, lots of minions would like that chance. Both your sex scenes and humour are brilliant

alp2vaalp2vaabout 3 years ago

Not usually a fan of the Sophia chapters (just not into what she's into is all), but Death getting the last laugh was the perfect ending. Also, I assume that somewhere out there, there's a Library with all this very story in it

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Sex scene with Sofia was absolutely wild. I liked the way Mike turned the tables on her only for her to turn the tables on him. Brilliant.

I really like the way you describe Death, he is both interesting and amusing. I like the way he interacts with those that can see and hear him. The clumsy way he tries to understand the human world is quite endearing.

In case you missed it. ANNABELLE YOU ROCK!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I love your writing, and Death is my favorite character! Stunningly funny.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Death's pun at the end killed me Xp

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Sophia's sex scenes are the best!

CheerfulVoidCheerfulVoidover 3 years ago

Hmm, more on the subject of jealousy... Fascinating. I do like Sophia's scenes, you write her very well. I especially like the dirty talk, even if it weren't in a D/s context. A+ on this chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I've read up to this point in the story in a matter of days and Sophia's sex scenes are my favourite. I'd love to see them take another trip to the vines. I very much enjoyed Sophia being dominant and I was happy when she took control back right at the end.

lostandnevertobefoundlostandnevertobefoundover 3 years ago

I am loving your portrayal or Death. I am almost feeling like there is a little of him from Bill and Ted's.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

At last, a hot librarian scene. Great humor and gotta love death.

AddressUnknownAddressUnknownover 3 years ago

God I love Death here, kinda reminds me of Death from Discworld but with a different flavour. (Not saying you're copying him, I love the flavour you've given him).

GrantLeeStoneGrantLeeStoneover 3 years ago

I really like Sofia. She is a fun, sexy, complex character. I am hoping she is the first of the Monster-Girls that Mike impregnates! I know, you’ve said that’s impossible. Mike does a lot of impossible things.

Handheld_OctopusHandheld_Octopusover 3 years ago

That scene has been my favorite so far! I like getting a good look at Death as a Character but I've been hoping for more interaction between Mike and Sophia ever since the Labyrinth. The interplay between her proud nature and the sub/dom desires she feels, so good!

t6greent6greenover 3 years ago

That was one of the sexiest parts you have written so far. It was Delicious!

The_Sheppards_CorrectionThe_Sheppards_Correctionover 3 years ago

I laughed so much when you poked fun at online stories! Sophia got quite the surprise this time. Well done! Finn

notStanleynotStanleyover 3 years ago

Death really likes maps!

iseeyoufly1964iseeyoufly1964over 3 years ago

This is probably one of my favorite chapters; other then all the other ones...ha ha ha. You are so eloquent with your writings about characters and their abilities that it is so hard not to wish for something like that to be so real. I really appreciate what you do, thank you...5 stars

Asenath_MarshAsenath_Marshover 3 years ago

Oh gods, that Sofia scene. That hit just about all my kinks. I was sweating by the end of that.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

This is the best series I've read on literotica!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Thank you for your excellent story and I hope that it continues on for a long time. Death has to be one of my favorite characters due to his child like innocence. Literally laughed out loud at the last line of the chapter. Always been a sucker for a good pun.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

I thought the scene with Sofia was very very hot, the way control bounced back and forth between them to finish with Sofia lost in lust was very well done

Call_Me_RomeoCall_Me_Romeoalmost 4 years ago

I guess I will pick this chapter as any to start my comment of thanking you. Although I was late to this stories creation I was captivated by it I have had to stop myself (to many times to count) from reading it end to end every chapter till im caught up because I will be so sad its over. I can't understate how much I have enjoyed your character development, seeing each change and become more of what you envisioned and I have to say how proud I am of your work here. I also must admit although I have read from this site over the years I have never once considered the need to register and comment as most of the stories I find the writer has long abandoned but yours was the first I found that is still being written and as such I decided that it was time to give love back to one of my favorite writers of the site. (You) I hope to leave as many insightful and feedback filled comments from this story onward even if I had plenty of things to say before I felt they would get lost in old chapters you may have missed reading and although this is far from current I want to start here in case I'm wrong. I will miss when this series ends but I hope you are only getting started on your carrier of writing either here or anywhere else because I will be happy to follow you wherever. I created my name themed off of your character Lily and I am so happy to have found your writing works of awe inspiring life gripping fantasy and I can't wait to read more everyday I return from work which I feel saps my life away only to have it returned by your books. You are truly amazing and I hope you are still able to see this comment and its not to old to see. Signed one of your newest biggest frans -Romeo

kalaliciouskalaliciousabout 4 years ago

I can't tell you how much I love the conversations with Death! His utter excitement at seeing a map, no matter how rudimentary, created before his very eyes was, like, the best thing I've laughed at in a while! Keep this magical ride going!!

And, as always, thanks for sharing this story with us!

Radmatt0352Radmatt0352about 4 years ago

I have been following your story for awhile. There are some very good plot lines. I like your developments, and how they are solved. Of course there are some low points, but that is in every story.

You have good descriptions that make it easy for me to envision the action. Well done, I look forward to seeing more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Your amazing

Every thing you write is perfect, I can’t stop reading your stories. Please don’t stop.

MrCharonSrMrCharonSrabout 4 years ago

You handled it well.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

You often speak of details, and this saga has plenty of them. It's not just a strong skeleton, but it also has meat, fat, guts and brains. Thanks annabelle!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
The Shadow

I thought that the shadow had previously said that he was like Mike, that he was a previous caretaker. Having Lily tell him and being surprised confused me. I thought he knew this information already

stoshbstoshbover 4 years ago

Five stars isn’t enough. The story just keeps getting better and better. Thank you writing them (and continuing to write them). The only downside to these books is that the story will end. Until then, I’ll keep on reading.

jpz007ahrenjpz007ahrenover 4 years ago
Death is just

So awesome. Been meaning to say that for a while yet, but he's just so cool. "I _am_ very angry. Now I will have to drink tea one cup at a time." He's just... so wonderful. Really comes at thing from an alien perspective. Quite nice.

BiigbambooBiigbambooover 4 years ago

Bar none, best scene you have ever wrote congrats.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
The Head Librarian

I love love 💘 love Sopia....IMHO the hottest of them all

DivwayDivwayalmost 5 years ago
Look clean hands

I love the character death. The dry humour is a good feature about him. Now I am wondering if Mike will ever get the lovely Beth.. When Dana lost her magic powered fly drone over the gate. You left it at that with a hint it was a lot more. Love how you interact these through out this magnificent story Annabella.

Regards from an avid fan


AvidReader47AvidReader47almost 5 years ago
Thanks again

for taking us along on this magic carpet ride...with kudos to Steppenwolf...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Missing you

It’s been so long since you’ve posted, I’m worried about you. Please let us know that you’re alright. I’ve loved this story since the beginning.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Great and waiting for more

This is beyond a doubt the most interesting serial story on literotica. My opinion ! I look forward to each chapter and where you take the reader is really a great journey. I hope you continue with this story till there are no more twists and turns to spark my imagination.

Nocturne_VulpesNocturne_Vulpesalmost 5 years ago

Normally, when I catch all the way up in a story like this I find out a project was never finished. I am so, so excited to see where this goes. My excited babbling about the speculative mythology already has my fiance reading next to me, and I suspect at least one more good friend will be starting on this adventure soon.

P.S. I think I want Cecelia back almost as much as Mike

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Loving how the story is growing

You show a real creativity is world building, or at least care and detail.

I love how Mike seems to be able to tell how to please whatever partner he has at the time. Makes me look forward what coupling he’s bound to have in the near future.

MadMacs2010MadMacs2010almost 5 years ago
Oof! Now that's a spicy meataball eh?

Hiya Annabelle. First off, I want to thank you for creating this epic tale. I couldn't put it down, it was such a wild ride with so much diversity and excitement and drama. If they ever get a chance to make a big budget erotic drama for TV, yours should be in the top 2, I love it 😊 The world that you have crafted is such a beautifully dangerous and sexy world that I can't resist it, like a moth to the flame, I'm smitten.

I have now fully caught up with you, whilst in quarantine, and cannot wait for you to publish another chapter, it's such a cool story, please don't finish it soon, there are so many loose ends to tie up, like will Beth get to meet Bigfoot and will Dana ever get made human again or meet Alex, will we ever find out who the architect is or will it be some weird time loop thing where it turns out to be Mike who creates the house? So many unanswered questions it's like a sexy version of that TV series Lost, but I'm actually enjoying this one 😁

I can now say that my days are to be spent waiting patiently for the next exciting instalment of TWO of my favourite Lit stories, Three Square Meals and Home for Horny Monsters! Both truly, expertly crafted and beautifully written by Artists that care for their craft.

Thank you for writing this.

Thank you for sharing this


UneklensaneUneklensanealmost 5 years ago

Hello my dearest author. You have crafted a phe-NOM-INAL story. I have been riveted for days from mid morning to early the next morning engrossed in the adventures of Mike and his monster home. Wishing I too had such a home. Looking forward too the next Chapter!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
I love your Death jokes☠💀😂🆒️

I love your Death jokes☠💀😂🆒️

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Very, very good.

The addition of some BDSM spices this story up perfectly, im so happy to see ypuve included it, for the most part i thing you did the power play aspect quite well, perhaps just a bit of work on the physical side of the bondage though? A rough wooden chair doesn't seem particularly sexy, but nontheless it was a great scene, keep up the great writing!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Happy to see more sofia XD

Hadn't realized till now i can post without making an account but I just wanted to say I'm so happy to see a sofia scene again after all this time, I loved how you wrote it, and I loved the how the staff can be used no matter what part of the body is touching it. It made for a exciting and interesting turn. Also I am a bit of an M so i liked how she was in charge like she was. Personally any foot stuff definitely is an interesting thing read for me.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Great stuff!

By far my favorite series on the site. This was the best adult content in it for long time. The story has been amazing but hasn't felt very adult in a while. Keep it up, love your work!

ArcTalyxArcTalyxalmost 5 years ago

This chapter had me bound and determined to finish, dead serious :-) Joking aside, this chapter had some of the hottest sex to date. Absolutely loved this chapter and the ending with Death, although I should have seen it coming, had me in stitches.

KyoSpiceKyoSpicealmost 5 years ago
Yeah for Sofia!

He should have kept the Librarian's Staff farther from her... more's the pity. But Alas, I have reached the current end and must wait, most impatiently, for the next chapter.

writerannabelle, you are my favorite writer here!


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

i always find myself hoping and wishing there is another chapter updated.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Please hurry!

I spent the last 3 days re-reading chapters, and I cannot wait for the next one!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

I love every single character through and through but Death has me cracking up! Keep up your amazing work. You certainly make my days brighter with your story

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
What makes HFHM great.

This is my first time commenting on this site, and I have to say that the plot and character development in these stories is what makes them so great. Many of the stories on this site have hot sex, few have this good of a plot or as interesting characters. I particularly like death, who I can picture as being similar to a precursor to Terry Pratchet's death character from his discworld series.

bhojobhojoalmost 5 years ago
Lignum ass!

Wow ! superb. My only wish would be a Sofia double penetration with Mike and the head librarian staff. that wold have been really pulling an upset out of your back pocket :).

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
A great piece of work

Just love it.

You could say that Mike is very obsessed with getting Cecilia back and we love that you deviated from it.

I would say that we have many characters and the coming characters are a variable to the equation. You should settle down a little and if possible let the characters develop a little.

The scene with Sofia was great and if it is okay with you I request for another one of Sofia's scene as they are too good.

The one in the Labrynith and now the Library next maybe he could fuck her in a new place like a room in Ratu's Pagoda or maybe a kind of a place which looks like a medivial dungeon which Mike uses to finally trap the previous Caretaker's soul and gain information from it by soul searching and that eases his situation a little.

I feel that the story is kind of stressing Mike out and we would like a peaceful interlude and obviously after which I request that should prevent all Hell from Breaking Loose and it seems as if Mike is caught in a plot by the Faerie Queen and the trouble slowly develops so we can build in on what is going to happen.

We readers are waiting for the next chapter as soon as we get a new one even though you don't leave us hanging too much so yeah,


Lenny20Lenny20almost 5 years ago

Another great chapter! I love the variety of sex scenes between all the characters in the home.

Only ... the mentioning of the end of Mike's story makes me feel sad :( I hope his story continues for a while. At least let the chapter count get to 3 digits ;) There surely is enough story to tell here, still.

testdrivertestdriveralmost 5 years ago
Just brilliant

You should approach HBO or similar with examples of your work

TJSkywindTJSkywindalmost 5 years ago

Reading from the horizontal still. Awesome treat.

Thank you for sharing. 5* Slainté

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Superb As Usual

Annabelle, your writing style and storyline not only captures my attention and draws me in fully submerged, I feel like a voyeur myself looking in from some hidden place in the House! Thank you for writing such a rich, complex and compelling series. While your own life is topsy turvey for now, what you give us the reader is so desperately needed in these unprecedented times we’re living in - a beautiful distraction. May you and your family stay healthy.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
The great dichotomy of your talent!

You've done it again. As I finished this latest submission I'm overwhelmed with a feeling of intense satisfaction due to absorbing another dip into such a masterfully portrayed fantasy.... And at the same time a burning and unquenchable desire to read more!

It's like an addiction for which I hope there is no cure! Except of course maybe another chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Love this

im only on ch 6. however i wanted to say this is an amazing story so far. reminds me of monsterous ranch series by gigiling goblin. that one is finished however and im glad to have found a new story to read. keep up the amazing work

MetgarMetgaralmost 5 years ago

Would love to see another scene with our lovable gargoyle voyeur. I think it's possible she's been peeping long enough to need some actual attention soon.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
As always

I loved the read, its enjoyable to be able to read a story on this site with a really good plot. And it's really nice to have something to read every now and again when everybody is isolating themselves right now thank you

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Death's sibling

I'm guessing you're referring to the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse. War, death, famine and pestilence( I think, someone correct me please). Love all you're stories and with the damn quarantine, it's a good read.

YshomatsuYshomatsuabout 5 years ago

End!?!? This story can not end!! It must go on forever!! Hehe finally caught up and oh boy did I enjoy binge reading. My only complaint is that there were only 4 chapters to binge =P

Always a pleasure reading your fantastic writing

Justbeingmecb1Justbeingmecb1about 5 years ago
Fantasy is cool

First time commenting , love the entire story it has some many open paths to take, I do like Easter egg you mentioned with Sofia in the library about how she arrived by portal an her people if alive were cut off, maybe eventually Mike could use the rats to find them to help with defense upgrades. I would also enjoy some longer chapters that could tie in other loose ends . It would be really cool if the rats could open a portal to a place where Mike could get training from legendary figures or some like that. Your doing an awesome job !!!!!!

baileytommybaileytommyabout 5 years ago
Monster girls

When will you get to the dragon and cat girl,I can't wait untill you get to them

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Cum find what you need in the Library

Very good read

Quite enjoyable

And it sets us up for the next month.

I do look forward to each installment

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Wow. Diff turn of events

So mine can be a switch. The spittingin the mouth sub stuff I would have thought was too close to his mother. But other than that another great chapter

Oh and love dart imitating life, the online publishing was genius.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Ever A Fan

I had been absent for a bit, came back to find 3 chapters waiting. Devoured them all today and enjoyed every bit. I hope you are staying healthy and well during these troubled times, and I look forward patiently (though it’s difficult) to reading more of this story.

Eternally A Fan,

John C

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