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Home for Horny Monsters Ch. 052


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"—and I suppose you will probably go there through the portal in your backyard." Death set the paper down on the desk and picked up the pen. "Ah, yes. If I draw the gate right here, then I have participated in map making, too!"

"Wait, what?" Mike leaned forward in his chair as Death drew an arched gateway with iron bars. "Death, that's just the gate in the backyard, it doesn't go anywhere."

"You are wrong, Mike Radley. I may not be knowledgeable in many things, but I certainly recognize a portal to the Underworld when I see it." He drew a cartoon skull over the bars. "I assumed you knew this already, which is why I said getting there was easy. If not for that gate, I would have called your task impossible."

Stunned, Mike sat with his mouth open. Could Death be right? Was the unassuming gate in the backyard really the answer to his problems?

"It is very rude to stare, Mike Radley." When Death scowled, the temperature in the room dropped dangerously and the twin fireballs in his sockets went from blue to red.

"I'm not staring, I' this a joke? You're absolutely serious, the gate in the backyard is a portal?"

"Mike Radley, if there's one thing you should know about me, it's that I'm always dead serious." Death picked up his tea and sipped it with a smug grin. "Now that is a proper joke."


I hope you all really liked that scene, because it was one of the more difficult scenes to write. Sofia scenes require a certain amount of respect in their approach, and I appreciate any good feedback you can offer me (for next time).

Thanks to all my beta readers for helping me through this chapter, I am gearing up to start writing the next one in the days ahead. I'm hoping the world calms down a bit in the near future, but my good buddy Death assures me that his sibling is quite the cunt and finds the whole thing very amusing.

As always, don't forget to rate, review or comment. I love reading them, especially when the struggle is real. I appreciate the Lit community and all that it has done for me and would like to reiterate that, at some point, the story of Mike Radley will come to an end.

And when it does, that chapter and all those in between will see these pages.

Take care of yourselves, be kind to each other, and wash your damn hands. Annabelle out.

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YourNeighbourYourNeighbourabout 2 months ago

Death's joke are on point. He's a master of deadpan humor

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Love these!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Yeah. A good rule of thumb is don’t take out stitches until they are “floating”, meaning loose enough they freely move. That means they aren’t keeping the edges of the wound together at all. Scabbing only hides the true condition of the wound and has to be removed before the stitches come out.

Also, if the wound is sufficiently deep, internal dissolvable sutures are used to bring the deep edges together and eliminate the lumen (internal gap. Otherwise you have to use a larger needle to take bigger “bites” when closing the wound, but that often doesn’t close the superficial edges snugly together, creating a worse scar.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Absolutely 100 percent for sure thought that the reason Death spoke so loudly, looked so excited, and was eager to speak with Mike when he got back from the Library was because he was so excited to sit down and ask Mike exactly how much consent was present in the experience he shared with Sofia lol, the tea was absolutely to butter him up, and Kisa was peeking and ran off because Death was all "ah ha! Finally, we can now test our theory of asking whether an action was consensual, by asking Mike now that he has returned" and she was going all "there's no way Death is actually gunna do that omg" and got flustered and scampered

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

It’s so strange, reading the story now in 2023, and hearing your notes about just beginning of the pandemic. It’s like walking through an erotic museum. Very cool, and as always, great tag lines. -AT

Rhino77PIlotRhino77PIlot4 months ago

I have taken to not commenting on most of the chapters. The writing is so good that I don't want to take the time away from my reading of the the HFHM..... So, back to the tale!

JodailyJodaily4 months ago

Sweet cruel cyclopean wench got her much needed and much desrved fucking. Excellent scene. While I'm not into bdsm, that was hot, and rocked both of their worlds.

JSA69JSA697 months ago

Methinks Sophia needs a DP. Which Mike could easily have done using the Librarian's staff and his own. Well, maybe next time....

JohnnyRebBBJohnnyRebBB7 months ago

Your “Death” stands comparison to Terry Pratchett’s and he is one of my heroes.

Thank you again.

Procurator9Procurator97 months ago

🤔I wonder if Kisa had something to do with Bastet🐈

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Is it only coincidence or the war at the isle is the cyclops one? The gare to underworld has been a surprise. I believee the back yard gate will open o remote lands o another pocket world. Annabel's L-space has several cyaracteristics of T Pratcher's one but also it has quite differences, furcer exploration of it is required.

Sofia need to recruit some ofbthe others inhabitans the house as librarians now there is plenty rats and centaurs.

KahunabobKahunabob9 months ago

Death is quickly becoming one of my favourite characters. I feel like he could be a little brother to Sir Terry Pratchett's DEATH. (May Terry's soul forever be at peace. And a satirical thorn in the side of whatever stuffy folk run the show over where his soul is these days, keeping them honest.)

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I love the character death so much

grimygrimyabout 1 year ago

Hahaha oh man..! Death is by far the funniest character. I love it!

KatLadyKatLadyabout 1 year ago

Was wondering what that gate in the backyard lead to. Whadya know!?!

Great chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This last chapter is tying some things together (and characters together) that is making the whole story more interesting and believable, even with normally unbelievable characters. It also makes the whole story more interesting. -- Ozarks Jim.

RDFozzRDFozzabout 1 year ago

As others have commented, several parts of the BDSM scene went outside my personal comfort zone, to the extent that I’d feel like even if they excited the recipient, they’d be painful for the person doling them out. That said, you made it clear in context that both Mike and Sofia were concerned with what would be going too far. I have to assume that, even if what they were doing/saying felt somewhat uncomfortable to them, they’d use the feedback from their partner (and the knowledge that there was a safe word available) to encourage them to proceed for their partner’s sake.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Not a fan of part of the story but over all the story is still high quality material. Thanks for sharing with us readers.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

The sex scene was good, though a few parts swung outside my personal boundaries others were wonderful.

The chapter itself and the world building aspect was grand.

Bad internet smut showing up in the super majestic Library is just hilarious.

PapaTizzelPapaTizzelover 1 year ago

Death is the best character, amazing work

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

that finisher from Death... petite mort :)

Ravey19Ravey19over 1 year ago

Annabelle, how many world's do you inhabit? Your imagination and storytelling are absurdly outstanding. Loved the scene with Sofia and how Mike is becoming more sensitive to the needs of the girls. Still got to resolve Beth and rescue Cecilia.

The discussion about the library saving Internet books was just great, perhaps he'll help Sofia with categorisation to make some sense of all the erotica out there. Must be a whole section somewhere for Literotica.


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