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The Practice Pt. 01: Hannah 01

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The beginning of a strange journey to an unknown destination.
5.2k words

Part 1 of the 21 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 04/01/2016
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Hannah was angry and nervous, but mostly angry. She had expected to be out from under her parents' thumbs when she moved away for college, but here she was, waiting to see some "therapist" named Dr. Wilcox. As if she needed therapy... Her parents were so over protective!

"You can go on in," the receptionist finally told her, and she huffed up from the couch and opened the door to the inner office; a burst of warm, moist air brushed her face. She passed through an odd foyer immediately beyond the door. There was a small bathroom and shower, towels, toiletries, and a few empty shelves. Weird.

She opened another door and stepped into a large corner room with wood paneling on two walls lined with built-in bookshelves; the other two walls were huge windows overlooking the college campus from 20 stories up. The floor was covered with thick, soft carpet, and a raised platform like a stage filled the corner against the windows.

"Do you like the view?" a man asked in a deep voice that startled Hannah, distracted as she was. Before she could answer, the man continued speaking, staring straight at her, "I do not."

He was wearing a dark red plush robe and sitting in a large, pillowed, armless chair made of dark wood. He was of average height and build and had a short beard; Hannah thought him moderately handsome, if twice her age. His deep brown eyes bored into her, and she stammered. "You don't? It's beautiful. You can see everything!"

"In fact, I was referring to you," the man said, and glanced at a clipboard in his hand. "Hannah. I am Dr. Wilcox. You are beautiful, but I can't see anything. Leave your clothes in the foyer, care for yourself as necessary, and return immediately. I do have other appointments today."

Hannah stared at him. Why would she need to remove her clothes for therapy? "What, all my clothes? Why?" She glanced down at her sweatshirt and jeans and suddenly felt vulnerable and exposed.

Dr. Wilcox returned her gaze without wavering, peering into her innermost parts. "Yes, everything. Groom and wash yourself as well. Since this is your first session we have a lot to cover. I will answer many of your questions when you return."

"I'm not getting naked for therapy," Hannah declared and set her feet, with her arms crossed.

Dr. Wilcox made a notation on his clipboard and stood up. He was barefoot on the thick carpet. "I can see why your parents sent you to me. College can be a trying time for such a headstrong young lady, but I will set you on the right path. As you know, your participation here is a condition set on your tuition, and I will be making monthly reports to your parents and your school... In generalities, of course."

Hannah blushed furiously, in anger and embarrassment. What choice did she have? No man had ever seen her naked before, but he was a doctor after all. Her fists and jaw were clenched, but she nodded her head very slightly.

"Good girl," said Dr. Wilcox. "From this point on, I never want to see you in clothes again. No jewelry, nothing. Run along." And with that he sat and returned to his notes.

Hannah turned and stomped back to the foyer bathroom, understanding now its purpose. She attempted to slam the door, but the soft-close hinges thwarted her and made her even madder. She kicked off her shoes, then removed her sweatshirt and jeans and threw them onto a shelf. Taking a deep breath to calm herself, she unhooked her bra and considered herself in the full-length mirror. Hannah was a slim brunette, blue eyes, breasts a solid C, and a flat stomach. She wished her boobs were larger - who didn't? - and she squeezed them together with her arms as she always did in the mirror. Well, they're firm and symmetrical anyway, even if boys always want them bigger, she assumed.

With another breath to push out her breasts and gather her courage she slipped out of her panties and kicked them onto a middle shelf with a flick of her ankle. Ninja! She grinned. Noticing her socks, she pulled each off with the opposite foot and looked back up to the mirror. Everything, huh? She left in the diamond stud earrings her father had given her for graduation

She had just shaved her pussy yesterday for the first time, hearing that girls did that in college. It looked funny to her, and her legs crossed involuntarily. She wanted to lose her virginity at the right time, to the right guy, and she wanted to be ready. Thinking about it made her wet as she stood there. She turned to see her butt and smiled. She had slender hips, but her ass was rounded perfectly to match her boobs.

She unconsciously slipped a finger down to her pussy to feel her wetness - her fingers felt great on her smooth lips, and she was glad she shaved. She stopped herself. This is a doctor's office! She can wait to get off till she gets back to her dorm.

Her toes curled in the soft carpet. Care for herself? She sat and peed, rinsed herself with the bidet and dried off with a towel. As she explored the luxurious bathroom she had forgotten to stay angry, but it welled up inside her again as she reached for the doorknob. She was an adult, and she could take care of herself. She didn't need her parents or some doctor telling her what to do. Hopefully she could check off this box and get her parents to leave her alone for a while.

Hannah stepped back out into the main room and blushed furiously from head to toe. Dr. Wilcox was still in his chair scribbling in her file, probably about how "headstrong" she was. Bah. He didn't look up as she approached, until she she cleared her throat and was standing in front of his chair.

Dr. Wilcox looked up from his notes. "Good girl, Hannah," he said. He set his clipboard down and stood up. He walked a slow circle around Hannah inspecting her body, drawing his face very close to her as he moved up and down. Hannah blushed even more deeply, if that were possible.

"What's this about?" Hannah asked, holding still defiantly, refusing to squirm under his gaze.

"Spread your legs," Dr. Wilcox ordered and stood up straight in front of her.

Hannah hesitated. What the hell? She looked up at the ceiling and separated her thighs. As she looked up, she felt Dr. Wilcox slip his fingers between her legs and gently spread her pussy lips. His fingers were warm and smooth, and she felt a flush of moisture as he touched her. His middle finger pushed a little further up and found her clit, and Hannah let out a surprised gasp and clenched her fists. Then the finger moved down and softly circled the opening of her vagina, as if testing the resistance. After a few moments Dr. Wilcox straightened up.

Hannah opened her eyes, which she hadn't realized were closed. She tilted her head down and met the doctor's eyes, and immediately her skin warmed again.

Dr. Wilcox spoke, "You're a virgin?"

Hannah nodded, biting her lip.

"I only accept virgins as patients, and I had to make sure," he said.

Hannah nodded again, as if she understood, but her mind was racing. What had her parents gotten her into?

Dr. Wilcox took a step back and appraised Hannah again with his piercing gaze. Then he pointed to a spot on the floor. "Kneel here, and I will explain the rules we'll be working under."

"Kneel on the floor? What the hell is going on here?" Hannah asked, crossing her arms again and attempting to recover her dignity. Her nipples were rock hard, but her arms hid them. No way he noticed.

In a sudden flash of movement Dr. Wilcox's wrist flicked towards her and Hannah yelped as a bright flash of pain erupted on her butt cheek. Hannah grabbed her ass with her hand and stared at Dr. Wilcox, gasping in pain and surprise.

Dr. Wilcox waved a short black switch in front of her, with a small square bit of leather on the tip. "This is a crop," he said. "I use it for correction. It's very helpful for breaking young ladies of their bad habits." The crop swished as he swung it through the air. "When it fails, I have other options that are less pleasant."

Hannah rubbed her ass and shook her head, at a loss for words.

"Kneel here," Dr. Wilcox repeated, and Hannah obeyed. Dr. Wilcox stretched out the crop and pushed it against her knees, spreading her legs. "Our goal is to raise you into a marriageable young lady: cheerful, enthusiastic, curious, and submissive."

"Marriageable?!" Hannah said. "I thought this was about school, or something...?" she trailed off.

Dr. Wilcox reached down to press her back forward into an arch and pull her shoulders back, pushing out her breasts. Then he turned her head forward and tilted her chin slightly upward. "Place your hands behind your back and grasp your elbows. Keep your butt cheeks on your heels, and straighten up. Good girl," he said and considered her form. "School, hrmph," he hrmphed. "Your parents just want the brat out of you, but my interests go further. It's my practice to identify promising young wives for the richest, most powerful men in the world. I believe that you have that potential."

Hannah's eyes widened at the thought, and Dr. Wilcox sat down in his chair in front of her. "You mean, like an arranged marriage...?" and she trailed off again.

"Something like that," Dr. Wilcox said. "Now, a few rules -" he began.

Hannah interrupted, rolling her eyes, "Rules for what? Ugh. There's no way I'm marrying anyone."

The crop snapped out like lightning against her thigh and Hannah squealed. She started to rise, but thought better of it when she met Dr. Wilcox's eyes and settled back. Other options, he had said.

Dr. Wilcox continued speaking as if nothing had happened. "What you are in now is called your patience position. This is the position you are to assume at my feet unless I tell you otherwise. Your form is sloppy, but it will improve."

Hannah's fingers clenched on her elbows and she bit her lip. "I don't want -" she began, but was cut off with another strike from the crop, this time to her other thigh. She yelped and moved her hands to rub the reddened skin.

"Maintain patience position," Dr. Wilcox said. "The pain will help you learn. Do not comfort yourself by massaging the welts."

Hannah scowled and returned her hands to behind her back, grasping her elbows. "I don't want -" she started again, and the crop darted out against her thigh. Her mouth snapped shut.

Dr. Wilcox paused for a second, as if expecting her to continue talking. "Good girl," he said into her silence. "What you want is of no concern." With that, Dr. Wilcox pulled open the front of his robe and revealed his cock to Hannah for the first time.

Time stopped in Hannah's mind. She had seen penises before of course, in porn, but never in real life. Dr. Wilcox's cock looked huge as she kneeled in front of it. Perhaps not monstrous like the cocks she'd seen on the internet, but the back of her mind lurched as she wondered if a cock like that would ever fit inside her. Dr. Wilcox was fully erect, and Hannah's eyes fixed on a single drop of pre-cum that glistened on the tip. She gulped.

Dr. Wilcox returned his hands to his lap while his cock jutted forward. "When we begin each session, you will assume patience position and then begin sucking my cock. Do it now."

Involuntarily, Hannah's lips parted and she leaned forward slightly. Suck his cock? Her eyes darted between it and the crop uncertainly. Should she get up and leave? Could she? His balls hung loose beneath his cock in the warm, humid air. Was she really going to do this? He looked and smelled very masculine, and she realized that his skin was as bare as hers. Dr. Wilcox waited patiently while Hannah's mind whirred. She hated how this was going, but a growing part of her wanted to keep going. She leaned forward more, unsure of how to begin, and extended her tongue to ever-so-slightly rest against the bottom of Dr. Wilcox's head. Was that right?

"Good girl," Dr. Wilcox said. "Don't worry about technique, there will be plenty of time for that later. For now, just take the head of my cock into your mouth, move your tongue around, and maintain eye contact."

Hannah scooted forward a bit and obeyed. His pre-cum trickled into her mouth with a salty flavor that surprised her, and his cock didn't taste half-bad. Not what she expected. It was as hard as rock in her mouth, but the surface was soft. She slowly lowered her head to take more in, and she sighed in pleasure as the warm thickness fill her mouth. She turned her eyes up to meet the doctor's, and he nodded in approval, which caused Hannah's pussy to begin throbbing.

"When your jaw stars to hurt, you may take a break by leaning under to lick my balls," Dr. Wilcox said, and remained silent.

Now what? Hannah's jaw did begin to hurt after a few minutes, and Dr. Wilcox wasn't saying anything. He alternated between meeting her eyes and writing notes on his clipboard. Hannah decided it was time to rest her jaw, and lifted her mouth from his cock, sliding her tongue across the under-surface. Dr. Wilcox focused on her as she strained to balance and keep eye contact while bending forward to reach his balls with her tongue. They hung beneath his cock like two wrecking balls, and his skin yielded to her face as she pushed into them. His cock, now wet from her mouth, pressed against her left eye and cheek, as her tongue reached out for his balls. She found each one, firm in its soft cocoon, and lapped at them softly. The scent of Dr. Wilcox enveloped her as her nose and lips explored beneath his cock, and Hannah could feel her pussy craving for his fingers to return.

Hannah turned her head to rub the right side of her face against his cock while she stretched for another angle on his balls. His skin tasted like man, and she couldn't get enough. His cock pulsed against her face in time with his heartbeat, and her lips and tongue reached out to suckle as much of his balls as she could take.

Finally Hannah gasped and leaned back. She must have forgotten to breathe! She took a few deep drinks of air and met Dr. Wilcox's eyes - they watched her patiently. She stretched her fingers against her elbows behind her back and rotated her shoulders. Dr. Wilcox raised an eyebrow and Hannah took the hint. Leaning forward again she received his cock into her mouth and turned her eyes up to his face.

"You should be proud of yourself, Hannah," Dr. Wilcox said. "You're already learning." He leaned forward and grasped her left nipple with his fingers, and Hannah squeaked. She attempted to pull off of his cock, but his grip didn't loosen and her movement pulled her own nipple even harder. She moaned around his cock and struggled slightly against his pinch. As she settled, his fingers loosened and released. Dr. Wilcox then reached over to her right nipple and pinched it hard. Hannah gasped and squirmed briefly, but then held still and held her breath, his cock buried in her mouth.

"We've already started on rule number one: respect. You must always be completely naked in my presence," Dr. Wilcox said, letting go of her nipple and leaning back. Hannah's nipples were flushed and erect. "You will be respectful when you talk to me. You will refer to me as 'Dr. Wilcox' or 'sir' each time you speak to me. Do not nod or shake your head. Do not interrupt. Do not tell me what you want. Obey me immediately and never resist me. Do you understand?"

Hannah didn't know where this was going, but in truth she was proud of herself, and she was horny as hell. Hannah held eye contact and pulled her head off his cock. "Yes," she said. "Yes, sir." Her nipples were on fire, but she longed to feel his fingers on her again. She wasn't expecting the strike from the crop that burst onto the side of her breast, and she struggled to suck in air around the cock as she gasped in surprise.

"There is no need to remove my cock from your mouth just to answer a simple yes or no question," Dr. Wilcox said, and held up the crop between them, waiting.

"Yes, sir," Hannah mumbled, her lips wrapped around Dr. Wilcox's thickness and her tongue muffled.

"Which brings us to rule number two: discipline. Do you know the difference between correction and punishment, Hannah?" Dr. Wilcox asked. He lowered the tip of the crop to her face and traced it down her cheek. Hannah was surprised to feel that her cheek was wet. Was she crying?

"No, sir," Hannah said around the cock. Her jaw was aching again. Was she still allowed to take a break and lick his balls? She wasn't sure. She didn't want the crop again. Her eyes teared as she stared up at Dr. Wilcox past the crop against her face. If she moved quickly to his balls he couldn't object. Her eyes widened, watching for a sign of displeasure as she removed her mouth from the cock and turned her head sideways and forward. Dr. Wilcox watched impassively as her tongue slipped out to caress his balls. Hannah used the flat of her tongue to absorb as much of his taste as she could get.

Dr. Wilcox smiled with reassurance. "You're a good girl, despite your stubbornness and arrogance. Do you want to please me, Hannah?"

Did she want to please him? Her pussy was aching for a touch, any touch, and her mouth was hungrily devouring the manhood in front of her. Where had her anger gone? "I don't know," she said between licks. The crop was swift against her thigh, and she grunted. "Sir!"

"Put your mouth back on my cock, and don't remove it again."

Hannah obeyed, but her jaw still ached. She began to bob her head up and down instead of working her jaw so hard, and it helped relieve the pain.

"Correction is what you receive when you're trying your best but don't quite hit the mark," Dr. Wilcox said. "The crop, today, has been used to correct you. Even the best young ladies require correction occasionally." He put the crop aside and stared into Hannah's eyes. "Punishment is what you earn for willful disobedience." Dr. Wilcox began writing again on his clipboard.

Dr. Wilcox was quiet for several minutes while Hannah continued to bob. Her neck gradually grew stiff and she began working his cock with her jaw and tongue again. What he said made sense - Hannah did require some correction in life. She lowered her head and took his cock to the back of her mouth. She knew she was arrogant and stubborn, and she got worse in high school when she got popular. She used her tongue to massage the underside of his cock and tasted the saltiness of his pre-cum. Her parents must have been glad to see a brat like her leave home. Her vision blurred as her eyes filled with tears, and she sucked in breath past Dr. Wilcox's heavy manhood.

"Hannah, I'm proud of you," Dr. Wilcox said, meeting her streaming eyes. Tears rolled down her cheeks and around his cock as she worked it through her sobs. "Wanting to grow is the first step, and we'll do it together."

"Thank you, sir," Hannah struggled to say.

"You may continue with my cock for as long as you like," Dr. Wilcox said. "It's a very primal comfort."

Hannah found that he was right: sucking his cock was incredibly soothing. It was thick and warm, intimate, intensely human. Masculine. As her tears dried on her face she continued with renewed vigor. The ache in her pussy grew until she began squirming.

Sensing the change in her, Dr. Wilcox said, "Rule three: enthusiasm. Which it seems you're developing on your own."

"Thank you, sir," she said in gasps.

Dr. Wilcox reached down and gently touched her hair, causing Hannah to stop and reach for breath. "We've done good work for today," he said. "The flip-side of correction is reward, and I think you've earned one."

Hannah caught her breath. Reward? Just the touch of his fingers on her hair made her heart race. Her virgin pussy felt like a gaping emptiness, needing to be filled. As her consciousness expanded beyond the cock in her mouth for the first time in an hour, she realized that she was incredibly close to orgasm. Could a girl come just from sucking cock?


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