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Honor Thy Mother & Thy Father Ch. 23


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"How soon will she be here, and what is her name?"

"She will be there in less than three hours, with her new husband. Her name is Patricia Parent Valentino."

"Is Harold Chase coming with her?"

"Is there nothing secret in this world?"

"Celeste, when one of the premier programmers in the world comes out of retirement, and NSA tries to kill another premier programmer, the entire computer industry wonders what they're working on."

"I'll give you one hint Frank, 'Blue Skies.'"

"No shit! I have to see this."

"Be a good boy Frank; or your ass is mine."

"I promise Celeste, nothing will ever leave this building."


Harold, Patty, and Stephano left for Colorado Springs immediately after the arrangements were made. This left his house available for Callie, Suzette and the seamstresses, to do the alterations to the gowns without having to move them from place to place. As soon as they arrived at the facility, Harold was brought to one terminal and Patty to another. Harold connected his laptop, to the high-security Cray, and it gobbled up the information like jellybeans. Zeroes and One's turned into science. Work that took Harold three years to perfect was downloaded in two hours. When they ran the simulation, the pollutants that were emitted from coal fired energy plants were turned into inner matter that could be spread around the land without any harmful effects to crops, wildlife, or groundwater. Harold stood by as Frank Ungaro and the scientists around him applauded his success.

Frank said, "If this is not Nobel Prize winning science, I don't know what is."

None of these people had ever watched Patty in action on a computer. As she worked, she gathered a crowd. Technicians were replaced by senior technicians; programmers were replaced by senior programmers, who were replaced by the PhD's who ran departments. The only time she stopped typing was when her fingers hurt.

Stephano knew better than to ask her to stop. He went to their commissary and made her favorite ice cream drink: a chocolate milkshake, made with vanilla ice cream.

Patty finished inputting her program in 26 hours.

Frank Ungaro had everyone leaves the room except Harold and Stephano. He asked Patricia if she wanted to run a simulation on her program to make sure she was right.

She said, "We can, but it will come out exactly as I laid it out."

He was surprised by her hubris, but asked her to run it anyhow. There was not one glitch in the program. It took carbon dioxide, which is emitted by motor vehicles, trains, ships, and newer gas power plants, and through a complex chain of events turned them into long line carbon filaments. They could be turned into everything from textiles, cell phone covers, and plastic furniture. The list of items this new discovery could be used for seemed endless.

Frank looked at Howard and Patty and said, "It may take years for these items to work its way into the mainstream. It may take longer to work them through Congress. When they do, the two of you will have changed the world. I am happy to say that our computers will have taken a small part in it."


Four lead lined steel cases were delivered to the aircraft for their trip back to Sedona. Patty slept the entire way to Cottonwood in Stephano's arms. Harold was jealous; he was suffering from withdrawal from Callie.

There were only two people at the airport to meet them. It was 2 o'clock in the morning when the aircraft touched down, so it was no big surprise to anyone. William took Patty and put her in the back seat of his car. Surprisingly, he took Harold and put him in the front seat.

"Harold, you are staying at the Hilton. Your clothes are already in the Bridal Suite."

"Is the bride there?"

"Son, I'm afraid not."

Stephano looked at Alan and said, "Why don't I like this?"

"Because you're a very bright fellow, and some people have arrived in town that would like nothing more than to get what is in these boxes. So we are going to hide them."

"I guess I don't have to ask where."

"See, I told you that you were a very bright fellow."

Alan remembered this trip only too well. He made sure no one was behind him, turned on the GPS tracker, and waited for it to come alive. When it did, he waited for that final warning. Stephano tightened his seatbelt as Alan slowed to nearly zero miles per hour.

"Right turn 100 feet." Stephano could see nothing outside his window. It was black and the roadway seemed to end.

"Turn right now." Stephano closed his eyes as Alan did a 90° right turn into what seemed like an abyss. When the front wheels found purchase on the dirt road, Stephano opened his eyes and breathe for the first time in what felt like forever.

Alan laughed. "You were asleep in the back when I did this the first time. If you think you were frightened now, you should have seen me then. It doesn't get much easier, but at least you know there's a road there when we make that turn."

In the dark, 35 minutes later, Alan backed into the cave. He handed a light to Stephano and reminded him only to point it into the cave.

Stephano saw the hastily discarded chain laying against the wall and evidence of some wildlife having been in the cave since he departed.

"You've come a long way since then Stephano, how does it feel?"

"I am a completely different person than I was then. I can't believe what I was like, and I don't know why people even like me."

"I can answer that if you want me to Stephano."

"Go ahead Alan, make my day."

"The women in your life always knew it was short-term. You were tall, tanned, and handsome. You were also very rich. You were not marriage material, and they knew it. They used you, just like you use them."

"When did you turn into Patricia?"

"The truth shall set you free."

"My life was idyllic until my father threw me the party where I met Patricia. We are married less than a week and she tells me that I should have no problems forgetting all of those women because I was not in love with them. At least I had the memories that they threw themselves at me because I had this charisma they could not resist. Now you come along, and tell me they were using me. Is there any other part of me you want to cut out?"

"No, I think that will about do it for tonight. If I can think of anything else, I'll let you know. Just remember, you are talking to a two-time loser. Until I met Susan, women used to chew me up and spit me out. Believe me, Patricia is the best thing that ever happened to you."

They stored the boxes in the back reaches of the cave, and covered them with a tarpaulin, which resembled the inside of the cave itself. If the animals left it alone, and humans did not have bright light to work by, the cave would look empty. They attached a brush to the rear bumper. Alan drove slowly out of the cave, as Stephano sat on the bumper making sure the brush made contact with the earth destroying any evidence that a vehicle had been anywhere near that cave.


Thursday afternoon was a flurry of activity in different portions of Cottonwood.

Once the three lawyers were in town, and Celeste told them what she needed done Ted Nugent asked, "Do we have secure communications?"

Dycke said, "Yes, it's on board my aircraft."

"Perfect, that gives us privacy and communications in the same spot. Do we have the items locally?"

"They will be here by early tomorrow morning."

Ted looked at Tom and Jim. Okay, schools open let's go to work. Mr. Schneider, show us to your aircraft. We are going to need a lot of paper."

Celeste said to Ted, "I say this to all my new hires. This is a trial run. If you do this well, I will make you richer than your wildest dreams. If you fuck this up, you won't have the penny left to your name."

Ted smiled. "Mrs. Castronova, I don't care how much money you have, or who you think you are. When I take on a job, I do it for me. I make sure from the first letter I put on the page to the last period, it is perfect. I do not take threats very well, as Thomas will tell you. I have told the City of New York to go fuck itself and won.

I have had Mafioso threaten me, and I am still here. I do my job perfectly for those who need my services. If you keep that attitude I will go to Phoenix and fly home."

Celeste smiled at him. "Holy Shit, a man with balls. I never thought I would meet one, until I met Frank. Then I meet another one, and his name is Ted. Welcome to the family Mr. Nugent. The pleasure is mine."

James Hearst and Tom Shackleford nearly had heart attacks, when they heard Ted talking back to Celeste. What came next surprise them even more. Celeste had backed down.

As Ted was leaving the room, he looked at the two litigators, and said, "Come children, we have work to do."

They followed at his heels, as if he were a god.


Callie finished her last day at work, and turned in her notice. She would no longer work full-time. There were tears every as she left the building. Her brother-in-law Dr. Ted Vincennes and her sister Claire were waiting outside the building for her.

"You two have nothing better to do than to look at an unemployed pregnant woman?"

"No," said Claire. "We decided to give you your wedding present early. We got rid of rattletrap you called a car, and brought you a new one."

"If you bought me a minivan, I'll drive it over a cliff."

"I don't think that car behind you is a minivan."

She didn't even hear it pull up behind her. She turned around and jaw popped open. Ted and Claire were just like her. They would not buy a car that was not made in the United States. Why put somebody else in some other country to work, when we had high unemployment here. She looked at the dark blue four-door Chevrolet SS, and drooled. It was the first rear wheel muscle car General Motors had put out in almost 20 years, and it was gorgeous. She stood there and took it all in, until her sister whispered in her ear, "Thank you, Callie, thank you for everything you have done for me, mama, and the entire community."

Callie began to cry. She held on to her sister, because her sister was the reason they had made it through the very lean times.

Callie asked, "Is it safe to come over for dinner?"

"Look at Ted; he has put on 5 pounds."

"You could be eating out more?"

"You keep talking like that, and you'll never get to drive your car. Dinner is at seven, we are having Coq au Vin."

"Why couldn't you just say chicken?"

"Callie, someone has to spank you."

"How do you think I got pregnant?"

"I've never heard of this happening that way; have you Ted?"

"I guess it all depends what the spanking her with?"

"Leave it to a man to come up with a logical answer. The Registration is in the glove box, don't get a ticket on your first day, and please wear your seatbelt, because that car moves."

Callie thanked Ted for the car. She depressed the clutch shifted into first gear and slowly left the hospital grounds.

Claire said to Ted, "I think she is going to drive responsibly."

Seconds later, Callie turned south on 89A, shifted into second, and floor the accelerator. She left 200 feet of rubber before she shifted into third, fourth, and fifth. She saw the radar trap on the other side of the road and the officer shaking his head as she flew by. A mile down the road she did a U-turn, came back to him, and stopped. She got out of the car, walked up to him, and asked, "How fast was I going, Steve?"

"Callie, they are going to take that car away from you."

"Tell me Steve, how fast was I going?"

"132 mph, in a 45 miles an hour zone. That's loss of license for three years, possible jail time, and $12,000 in fines."

"Gee Steve, all that on the day I lost my job."

"You got fired?"

"No, I turned in my resignation. I'll work part-time when they need me. I'm pregnant, and Harold is going to be traveling a lot. I want to be able to go with him. It would not be fair to the hospital, and it would be good for them to have a full-time employee they can count on."

"Forgetting the other stuff Callie, you're pregnant. Congratulations. I don't want to have to write up that a mother and child were wrapped around a pole or in a ravine because of excess speed. Please slow down."

"This was a one-time thing, I promise. I'm going home now to get ready for my wedding. I will see you Saturday."

Patty woke up at 1 PM feeling rested and rejuvenated from tedious work on the computer. She turned over to see if Stephano was still in bed with her; but he wasn't. She was about to get out of bed when he walked into the room with a tray filled with goodies for breakfast. He knelt down beside her, and asked, "What shall it be, madam; sex before breakfast, or after?"

"Steph, I need to shower. I can even smell me."

"So can I, and it's delicious. I could eat you all day."

"Give me my juice and toast, then I will shower, and you can eat me for the rest of the day. What day is it?"

"A certifiable genius and she doesn't know it is Friday."

"You must admit it has been a weird few days."

"Eat, and take your shower, wife, I'm hungry, and it's not for food."

"In that case, I'll skip the toast."

She didn't realize it had been two days since they had sex, but it was probably for the best because it gave Stephano's back a chance to heal. She decided to go easy on him, and let him take the lead today."

She took a long, hot shower, and when she exited the bathroom her body was pink. She went into the bedroom and found Stephano naked and waiting for her on the bed.

She smiled, "Is your back ready for this?"

"Do your worst woman; I would rather be in pain, than be without you."

"Okay, but we are back to pages one through nine." She lay down beside him, and he attacked her neck and ears with his mouth, has his hands roamed around her breasts.

Her hands wrapped around his head, trying to get him to kiss her. He was obstinate, and he would not give in. Her neck was his target and he was not to be denied.

His right hand was another matter. He pulled her nipples, squeezed her breasts, toyed with her belly button, and plucked at the hairs above her pussy. He was playing like a virtuoso, and her vagina was leaking like a fountain.

"Not fair, Stephano, you're not being fair."

Stephano nipped her neck, and said, "You are always fair with me? I don't think so. What would you like me to do, Patricia?"

"Kiss me you bastard."

"I have been kissing you. Haven't you been listening to your body?"

"If you don't kiss me properly, I'm going to call Todd, and make him your personal trainer."

Stephano's mouth covered Patricia's in a passionate kiss that lasted for moments. "You wouldn't do that to me. He could break any bone in my body with his bare hands."

"I love you too much to do that to you Stephano, except when you torment me like this."

"Patricia, you are thinking again, when you are supposed to the feeling. You only capable of doing that when you are working from your book?"

"That's part of my problem, Stephano. While we are making love, I am thinking about the moves I make from the book. I am always thinking. I am never free."

"It's okay, Patty. From today on, there is no book; no pages to think about, no positions, just you and me. Do what you are comfortable with, nothing else. If you don't want to have sex, we won't. If you do, and I don't, we will compromise. However, you have to promise me, you will stop thinking about sex, and start thinking about making love. Is that okay with you?"

"Steph, when did you become smarter than I am?"

"I have been having sex a lot longer than you have. That is the only area I am smarter than you are. I have learned to listen to my body. That's why I chased you for a year and a half. My body told me that you were the only woman I could ever love."

"Was it the upper half of your body, Steph, or the lower half?"

"Patty, when you get out of bed in the morning, which part of you gets out of bed the top half of the bottom half? When you work on your computer, where is the lower half of your body, laying down in bed?"

"Stephano, you are getting too good at this. I give up. You win. I will try to stop thinking and listen only to what my body is telling me."

"Good girl, now, where was I?"

Stephano went after her neck, and then slipped his mouth down to cover the nipple on her left breast. His hand slipped into her slit to play with the hood covering her clit.

Patricia moaned, as she caressed his head with one hand, and held his other hand to her pussy. Her honey was flowing rapidly again when she heard a baby cry. She knew it was Junior, but expected Jemma to take care of him.

Stephano said, "Dammit, he was supposed to sleep for two hours, not 45 minutes."

"Steph, what are you talking about?"

"I am babysitting William. Your dad and Jemma went out food shopping. She fed him, and changed him before she left. Jemma said he would sleep for two hours. She was wrong."

"Bring him in here, you idiot, and bring his carrier with him."

Patty propped herself up with three pillows behind her back. When Stephano returned to the room, he was befuddled.

"Give him to me please."

Stephano did as he was told, and watched as Patty put William to her breast. He watched as the baby took her nipple into his mouth and started suckling on what was supposed to be his alone.

Stephano said quietly, "You little bastard, that's mine."

Patty couldn't help but laugh at Stephano's face, as Junior continued to suckle. She also found she was getting quite aroused.

After several minutes of seeking nourishment and getting none, William Junior fell back to sleep.

"Stephano carefully put him into his carrier, and cover him with his blanket. He should sleep now."

After completing his task, Stephano climbed into bed and said, "You just committed adultery. You had sex with another man."

Patty kissed him. "If you are jealous of a seven month old baby, I can't wait to see what happens when I am in the business world and working with adults."

"He had your tit in his mouth."

"Yes he did, and I found it quite arousing."

"You found it, what?"

She took his hand and placed it at the opening to her vagina. He's eyes opened wide, "You Pervert; a baby did this to you?"

"You must remember, husband, until 12 days ago, no one had ever done that to me before. Are you going to stop talking and start listening to your body now, or are we going to waste more time, while you're thinking it over?"

"Okay wise ass, I'm going with what my body says. Turn over, and let's make use of those pillows."

Patty turned onto her stomach, and put one pillow under her head. Stephano reached for the other two pillows, and said "On your knees, woman."

Patty complied, and he stuffed the pillows under her stomach.

"Are you comfortable, babe?"

She said yes, just as he smacked her ass.

She screeched and he said, "Be quiet, you will wake up the baby."

He slid up behind her and stuck his tongue into her slit.

Patty buried her head in the pillow and screamed. He continued torturing her with his tongue, entering her weeping hole, toying with her extended clit and nibbling on her inner and outer folds. His hands were torturing her nipples and breasts. She was not thinking, or she thought she wasn't. She was just concentrating on what he was doing to her, and she was enjoying it immensely. When his right hand left her breast she shuddered.

"He's going to do it to me again, I just know it. What should I do?

Her mind said, "Patty, stop it.' Now you're thinking again, and not listening to your body. Stop thinking; just feel what your body is saying to you."

His hand reached her pussy and something she never expected happened. He inserted two fingers into her vagina, and found the rough spot on the top wall; her G spot. She had read about it, but had never experienced what it could do to her body. Now she was about to find out.

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